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Protesters tell US ambassador to "go home"


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Oh no need for the US Ambassador to <deleted> himself...much more entertaining for him to watch Thailand get <deleted> by China!

Oh the poetry & prose of todays Thai protesters! Whatever happened to the good old days of 'Death to America' and a good bit of flag burning? Happy Days....

Very good. 10 out of 10.

But you forgot GO HOME YANKEE

Have I got it spelt right ? So long since I've seen it. Ah, memories of the yesteryear.

Edited by Mot Dang
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Regardless of how ones feels about this protest, and the insistence on the American to keep needling Thailand in public, this monk Luang Pu Buddha Issara should be removed from the monkshood immediately. He is serving no construction purpose, as he has completely forgotten his role as a monk, and a representative of Buddhism. The man has more than likely not spent a single minute in meditation in the past decade. He is a troublemaker. He is a instigator. He is a freak. He should be arrested, jailed, and sent to prison. If protests are illegal, then an instigator of protests must be a criminal, correct? Send the man away. Or better yet, revoke his passport and deport him to Bahrain.

Who do you think you are?

I am myself. That is who I am. What kind of a question is that? Specificity is a wonderful thing. Vague and remote questions add nothing to this forum.

I am not entitled to question this heathen monk? This man who has amply demonstrated his lack of spiritual understanding? It is obvious the Abbott of his temple is not questioning him. Someone has to question him for his outrageous and inappropriate behavior. Don't you think?

You behave like a judge, over someone you obviously don't know at all.

Why should this monk be sent to Bahrain?

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This protest was so OBVIOUSLY approved by the junta if not outright instigated by them.

200 people...what a joke. It wouldn't be difficult at all to arrange for 200 people to stage a fake protest.

Yeah, I agree, the US needs to give up on Thailand. There will not be a Democratic government here for some time. We are wasting our time and money on this country.

There were more but due to a mix up by the organisers they ended up 7KM away from the actual protest site...

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So... is he going home?

They tend not to

Usually the 'yankee go home' mantra needs to be augmented with a good few thousand dead US military

then, indeed they do

Yup! And what a memorial scene it was when the US went home from Vietnam...

Not correct. If you think the Army gave up in Vietnam because of casualties, you should read some history before attempting to make comments on it.

They usually go back home when the media concentrate on the stray bombs which killed some civilians and it gets plastered all over the news.

Then the people who they were fighting go back to slaughtering their political or religious enemies by the thousand in the most barbaric manner with nobody to stop them - but those same liberals don't feel any guilt about that for some reason and the media don't report it because they caused it.

I have been in HCM City and to Detroit. The former was idillic, the other a disaster zone and therefore agree the war ended too soon. The Viet should have crossed the Pacific and kicked their butt there too after booting them from asia.

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These idiots have no idea how much aid money US gave Thailand and continues to do so, not only that they help protect Thailand from threats and stability of the country.

I didn't realise US gave aid, do you know how much and compared to other countries?

Also what threats is the US protecting Thailand from?

Always remember the line from Life of Brian "what did the Romans ever do for us". The joke being the list just went on and on. So is the US similar in that they are unappreciated?

Quite a few comments about how great the US is for Thailand, so I'm just curious, how is it so beneficial, aside from gifting Pattaya nightlife of course.

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That's exactly right get out but leave our all mighty dollars behind and all our free weapons and military aircraft and cruisers and destroyers that we give this country every single year.

Yeah that would be real good move for Thailand

If the US did EXACTLY that, not only from Thailand, but all over the world and tend their own home fires - this world definitely would be a paradise to live on.

All the 'trash' strewn about globally is from the US and it's blind followers.

Edited by ravip
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Regardless of how ones feels about this protest, and the insistence on the American to keep needling Thailand in public, this monk Luang Pu Buddha Issara should be removed from the monkshood immediately. He is serving no construction purpose, as he has completely forgotten his role as a monk, and a representative of Buddhism. The man has more than likely not spent a single minute in meditation in the past decade. He is a troublemaker. He is a instigator. He is a freak. He should be arrested, jailed, and sent to prison. If protests are illegal, then an instigator of protests must be a criminal, correct? Send the man away. Or better yet, revoke his passport and deport him to Bahrain.

Who do you think you are?

I am myself. That is who I am. What kind of a question is that? Specificity is a wonderful thing. Vague and remote questions add nothing to this forum.

I am not entitled to question this heathen monk? This man who has amply demonstrated his lack of spiritual understanding? It is obvious the Abbott of his temple is not questioning him. Someone has to question him for his outrageous and inappropriate behavior. Don't you think?

You behave like a judge, over someone you obviously don't know at all.

Why should this monk be sent to Bahrain?

I am stating my opinion is all. That is what this forum is all about. Granted, I do not know this man personally. But, everyone knows a lot about him. That is the way he wants it. We can certainly judge his acts based on the high profile life he has chosen, and his outrageous behavior. He seems to crave celebrity more than Paris Hilton who he has a lot in common with.

I find people who are committed to religion, should stay out of politics. And the government has stated that protests are not allowed, and trouble makers will be dealt with. Personally, I find deportation to be a wonderful solution. There have been many attempts to reign in this firebrand monk. None have worked. His behavior is so far over the line. Thais love their country so much. Deportation would be the ultimate statement, and humiliation. Why not? What the hell. Bahrain would probably give him some perspective on his life.

Edited by spidermike007
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Regardless of how ones feels about this protest, and the insistence on the American to keep needling Thailand in public, this monk Luang Pu Buddha Issara should be removed from the monkshood immediately. He is serving no construction purpose, as he has completely forgotten his role as a monk, and a representative of Buddhism. The man has more than likely not spent a single minute in meditation in the past decade. He is a troublemaker. He is a instigator. He is a freak. He should be arrested, jailed, and sent to prison. If protests are illegal, then an instigator of protests must be a criminal, correct? Send the man away. Or better yet, revoke his passport and deport him to Bahrain.
Who do you think you are?

I am myself. That is who I am. What kind of a question is that? Specificity is a wonderful thing. Vague and remote questions add nothing to this forum.

I am not entitled to question this heathen monk? This man who has amply demonstrated his lack of spiritual understanding? It is obvious the Abbott of his temple is not questioning him. Someone has to question him for his outrageous and inappropriate behavior. Don't you think?

You behave like a judge, over someone you obviously don't know at all.

Why should this monk be sent to Bahrain?

I am stating my opinion is all. That is what this forum is all about. Granted, I do not know this man personally. But, everyone knows a lot about him. That is the way he wants it. We can certainly judge his acts based on the high profile life he has chosen, and his outrageous behavior. He seems to crave celebrity more than Paris Hilton who he has a lot in common with.

I find people who are committed to religion, should stay out of politics. And the government has stated that protests are not allowed, and trouble makers will be dealt with. Personally, I find deportation to be a wonderful solution. There have been many attempts to reign in this firebrand monk. None have worked. His behavior is so far over the line. Thais love their country so much. Deportation would be the ultimate statement, and humiliation. Why not? What the hell. Bahrain would probably give him some perspective on his life.

You need to rethink the Bahrain bit.

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These idiots have no idea how much aid money US gave Thailand and continues to do so, not only that they help protect Thailand from threats and stability of the country.

Clearly neither do you. How much money do you think the US is giving to a government that overthrew a democratically elected one?

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When the new ambassador told the PM that people should have the right to speak their opinion then the shit hit the fan. Immediately a big mob was organized to go demonstrate in front of the US Embassy. Notice how the law no more than 5 in a mod does not apply to the US Embassy. Have you ever seen a demonstration at at the Chinese Embassy.

Recently the US gave Thailand a GSP (Generalized System Of Preference) for import of 3400 goods with very low import tax through the end of 2017. In addition they allow 11 agricultural goods to enter the US duty free. What do they give us in return. In Jan. of these year they banned the import of all turkeys. In addition US beef in not allowed to be imported unless it has no bones, sliver of bones and the importer has to pay the government for x ray of all shipments. This means no US beef in Thailand unless you want to pay 400% over the value of it. The trade imbalance with the US is 2:1. Thailand has one of the highest import taxes in the world averaging 27% plus loads of non tariff barriers to drive the price up. The US Trade Representative is a fool for taking this kind of shit. He should embargo all Thai seafood and see how flexible they get. Then you would really see a big state sponsored mob at the embassy.

That being the case and the truth of the matter then more people need to vote for Donald Trump as President.

What you point out is exactly what Donald Trump claims he will reverse while he says, and rightly so: "Our government trade negotiators really suck and need to be replaced with much better negotiators that drive a fair but hard bargain"........ and reverse all that you speak of.

I do not think Trump would make a good president in many ways...but , concerning such matters as the trade imbalances he may be the one...the chosen one..... that will take a stand and change the landscape in favor of the USA.

However, having said that there may be a lot of reasons that you and I will never know about or understand as to why the Government officials allow such unbalanced situations to evolve in the first place.


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I just love the "if you don't agree with everything about us go home" brigade. Hardly original and mature. These are the anti western everything, except for their western mobile phones, western cars and designer western clothes. Hypocrisy at the highest level.

Western phones made in China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, infact anywhere except the West.

Western cars, made in Thailand, Vietnam, China, in fact everywhere in the world. According to Forbes the world's largest auto company is Toyota. They're not western.

I see your point but it's a bit out-dated.

Take a computer: not a bit comes from the west.

Apple is produced in China

Samsung is not at all Western (and the biggest one).

A western produced car has half the parts manufactured in China.

I think if Asia vanish from the map the west would need 15 years till they re-learn how to produce some things.

Which is actually very sad.

And actually changing very rapidly, people are very fed up with the lack of quality of Chinese product's and are statring to expand manufacturing in the west. Lead by the ease of production afforded by 3D printing.

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So... is he going home?

They tend not to

Usually the 'yankee go home' mantra needs to be augmented with a good few thousand dead US military

then, indeed they do

Yup! And what a memorial scene it was when the US went home from Vietnam...

Let's not go there.They've had their fingers in the dyke for far too long so that the rest of us don't get wet!

Edited by evadgib
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Ah yes, Thais, God's chosen people. Meanwhile down south in Malaysia, throngs of Chinese and some Malays were furious because Obama didn't browbeat their PM into democratizing their country. They had all kinds of curses for him. So...those of you engaging in anti-U.S. polemics, WHICH WAY DO YOU WANT IT? Apparently you childish whiners want it both ways (and apparently I have to spell it out). BTW, Obama did say something to that effect in private to Malaysia's PM, and pressed him to release their star political prisoner, Anwar, who has been imprisoned twice on trumped-up sodomy charges, all because 20 years ago he was too pro-Western. It's just that he didn't say it for the press. Some of what went on behind closed doors was divulged by a former US ambassador to M'sia.

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That's exactly right get out but leave our all mighty dollars behind and all our free weapons and military aircraft and cruisers and destroyers that we give this country every single year.

Yeah that would be real good move for Thailand

".........all our free weapons and military aircraft and cruisers and destroyers that we give this country every single year."

I think the Generals, ACMs and Admirals would disagree with your statement. Thailand's RTN has no U.S. cruisers or destroyers. The RTAF does have some F5 and F16 units.


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That's exactly right get out but leave our all mighty dollars behind and all our free weapons and military aircraft and cruisers and destroyers that we give this country every single year.

Yeah that would be real good move for Thailand

It would be interesting to see exactly how much money you claim that the US is giving Thailand right now.

How about listing the specific aircraft, cruisers and destroyers you ignorantly suggest the US gives Thailand every year?

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This looks like a good place to repeat my Post Bag letter in todays' Bangkok Post:

Hypocrisy over freedom of speech
I can't think of anything more hypocritical that the United States Ambassador having anything to say about freedom of speech in Thailand as the BK Post reported on Friday in "US envoy rips freedom of speech curbs."
Lets talk about censorship. Another significant issue affecting Thai economy is sex trafficking. When President Bush declared War on Trafficking in front of the UN General Assembly in 2002 the tap was turned on to a seemingly unlimited supply of funds to attack not only trafficking but all prostitution even in the many countries where it is legal. In order to receive US funding for either humanitarian work or research recipients must sign a pledge as part of funding paperwork that they "do not promote, support, or advocate the legalization or practice of prostitution." Failure to "have a policy explicitly opposing prostitution and sex trafficking" will result in summary rejection of the funds. This censorship has resulted in deliberate skewing of all understanding of both trafficking and prostitution. Nevertheless there is significant research showing that legalizing or decriminalizing sex work can have very positive results.
As a token of cooperation with Thailand, maybe Ambassador Davies can join in opposition to this blatant US Government censorship which drives and controls only one understanding of this international issue.

none of the above makes any sense...at all.

missed the point where human trafficking has anything at all to do with legal prostitution, which can be controlled. Human trafficking is something altogether different. Without recognition of what human trafficking is, there is no talking.

Many countries (Amsterdam, Germany, Australia..etc)...have legal prostitution without human trafficking.

Yes, Mr Slippery Lobster, you did miss the point. The point is that the US Gov is deliberately conflating (confusing, combining) the two issues as if they are the same thing. As part of the process to do so they censor any NGO work or research that may provide positive information about prostitution or sex trafficking regardless of legality of prostitution. This is under attack as part of the US War on Trafficking which is not over yet. Any NGO or academic research with any US funding dare not say anything positive about or help any sex workers under threat of loosing their US funding, AKA their pay check. As I read this "Pledge" began with the 2003 President's Plan for AIDS Relief, AKA the Global AIDS Act. In 2007 the ban was extended to research. This is on pg 64 of Robert Weitzer's book "Legalizing Prostitution, From illicit vice to lawful business". Also in Melissa Ditmore's "Trafficking and prostitution reconsidered," article edited by Kempadoo in "Trafficking and Prostitution" 2012, pages 107-155. This censorship in the USA has been challenged in court but not internationally. My second quote is directly from the act as passed by Congress. Yes, sex trafficking and adult consenting prostitution are NOT the same thing but try telling that to GW Bush and his friends. We are living with his legacy. Thanks for giving me the excuse to explain further - -

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The land of xenophobia? A big word if you know the meaning

Dictionary definitions of xenophobia include: "deep-rooted, fear towards foreigners" (Oxford English Dictionary; OED), and "fear of the unfamiliar" (Webster's).[4] The word comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning "strange", "foreigner", and φόβος (phobos), meaning "fear".5]

The dyslexic might assume you have a fear of these:)


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" Next time don't send someone to talk trade with me then. "

Very diplomatic but who needs whom the most ?

Trade? Oh you mean weapons and ammo?

US president Obama visiting Malaysia last week: support in the fight against Muslim extremism....bla bla bla.....freedom.....bla bla bla...democracy.....bla bla bla.....human rights.....bla bla bla.

You want all that? Sign here please - TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership). The only one who benefits is the Empire of Chaos ( USA).

China Premier Li Keqiang visiting Malaysia last week: China will offer $10 billion in infrastructure loans to Southeast Asian countries along with aid to the region's underdeveloped states,

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Wonderful and then they talk about freedom of speech and wanting to have closer ties with th USA. This is the way to do it. However, it is typical Thai attitude of we know everything, we are right and the world is wrong. You cant argue with the logic

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Many Post Hidden

In using Thai Visa you agree to abide by the following terms:
1) You will not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or any one member of the Thai royal family,
whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution.
By law, the Thai Royal Family are above politics. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a
political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family.*
Discussion of the Lese Majeste law or Lese Majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no
comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family.
To breach these rules may result in immediate ban.

Next one to do this - change May' to 'Will'

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They're right. The US should pack up and close its operations in Thailand. Stop spending US taxpayer in and on this trregular nation.

That is a great idea. Would be curious to see what Thailand would do if the US closed

the embassy, pulled out all their staff, and ceased issuing visas to Thai people.

Why would the US cut off diplomatic relations with Thailand, which is what you are suggesting,

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Oh no need for the US Ambassador to <deleted> himself...much more entertaining for him to watch Thailand get <deleted> by China!

Oh the poetry & prose of todays Thai protesters! Whatever happened to the good old days of 'Death to America' and a good bit of flag burning? Happy Days....

Very good. 10 out of 10.

But you forgot GO HOME YANKEE

Have I got it spelt right ? So long since I've seen it. Ah, memories of the yesteryear.

You are very close, but the correct term was "Yankee go home !" as proved by this picture of the 1961 movie "One Two Three " :


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They're right. The US should pack up and close its operations in Thailand. Stop spending US taxpayer in and on this trregular nation.

That is a great idea. Would be curious to see what Thailand would do if the US closed

the embassy, pulled out all their staff, and ceased issuing visas to Thai people.

You are suggesting that the US cut off diplomatic relations with Thailand, any reason you think it would do that ?

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