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Police: 3 killed, 9 wounded in attack at Planned Parenthood


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Police: 3 killed, 9 wounded in attack at Planned Parenthood

SADIE GURMAN, Associated Press

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado (AP) — A gunman who opened fire inside a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic was arrested Friday after engaging in gun battles with authorities during an hours-long standoff that killed three people and wounded nine others, officials said.

Two people and a police officer with the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs were killed in the rampage, law enforcement officials said.

Nine other people, including five police officers, were shot and are in good condition, police said. Police say the gunman is in custody. His name was not immediately released.

Authorities said they haven't determined a motive or whether the shooter had any connection to Planned Parenthood, a national women's health care provider that offers abortions at some clinics.

"We don't have any information on this individual's mentality, or his ideas or ideology," Buckley said.

Planned Parenthood released a statement that said it did not know the full circumstances or motives behind the attack, or whether the organization was the target.

A number of people were evacuated during the standoff — some wrapped in blankets in the blowing snow — to a nearby Veterans Administration clinic.

For several hours, the firing of a long gun was the only indication police had that the shooter was in the building, Lt. Catherine Buckley said. Officers finally made voice contact by shouting to him and convinced him to surrender, she said.

Video from The Denver Post showed a tall man in a white T-shirt being led away by police as snow fell on the frigid evening.

With the immediate threat over, authorities turned their attention to inspecting unspecified items the gunman left outside the building and carried inside in bags.

Three officers were shot while responding just before noon to the initial report of shots fired. More than two hours later, the gunman shot another officer in an exchange with police inside the clinic, Buckley said.

The suspect surrendered about five hours after entering the building.

The shots sent people inside the clinic racing for cover. Jennifer Motolinia hid behind a table inside the clinic and called her brother, Joan, who said he heard multiple gunshots in the background.

"She was telling me to take care of her babies because she could get killed," Joan Motolinia said of his sister, the mother of three.

He rushed to the clinic but was frustrated because a police barricade kept him from getting close.

"People were shooting for sure. I heard someone shooting. There was a lot of gunfire. She was calm, she was trying to hide from those people," he said.

Police inside the building ushered staff and patients to the second floor without saying why, employee Cynthia Garcia told her mother-in-law, Tina Garcia.

Then Cynthia Garcia heard gunshots, but she couldn't tell where they were coming from, Tina Garcia told The Associated Press.

Police cordoned off the clinic, nearby medical offices and a shopping center. Authorities ordered everyone in the area to take shelter where they were.

Denise Speller, manager of a nearby hair salon, said she heard as many as 20 gunshots in less than five minutes.

She told The Gazette newspaper that she saw two officers near a bank branch, not far from the Planned Parenthood facility.

One of the officers appeared to fall to the ground and the other officer knelt down to help and then tried to get the officer to safety behind a patrol car, she said. Another officer told Speller to seek shelter inside the building.

"We're still pretty freaked out," Speller said by phone while still trapped inside the salon. "We can't stop shaking."

Shelley Satulla said she saw five or six people put on stretchers and placed in ambulances lined up next to King Soopers shopping center near the clinic.

The location of the shooting is less than 6 miles (10 kilometers) from the street where a man shot and killed two of three people before dying in a gun battle with police on Halloween day.


AP writers Kristen Wyatt in Colorado Springs and Colleen Slevin, Dan Elliott and Thomas Peipert in Denver contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-28

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Seastallion, on 28 Nov 2015 - 10:40, said:

From the report, it seems as if the gunman was quite adept.

First impression is of a Christian fundamentalist. So of course this is not terrorism.

Hopefully, the gunman will be a Muslim, so that terrorism and Islam can be blamed.

You managed to make a first impression from this.

"We don't have any information on this individual's mentality, or his ideas or ideology," Buckley said.

Your talents are clearly wasted.

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Another terrorist attack! The kind they don't like to talk about in Wingnuttia. America is at war with these crazy people or as we refer to them, the Republican base.

You've got the imbecile Cruz advocating this sort of thing. They all hate Planned Parenthood. It's all part of the war on women.

Expect another of these terrorists attacks in 3...2...

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Seastallion, on 28 Nov 2015 - 10:40, said:

From the report, it seems as if the gunman was quite adept.

First impression is of a Christian fundamentalist. So of course this is not terrorism.

Hopefully, the gunman will be a Muslim, so that terrorism and Islam can be blamed.

You managed to make a first impression from this.

"We don't have any information on this individual's mentality, or his ideas or ideology," Buckley said.

Your talents are clearly wasted.

And yet, every time a bomb goes off or there's a shooting in South Thailand, the TVF hate brigade goes off on Muslims...

By their "logic", whatever religion this guy was, they ought to be barred from entry to the USA (and EU) and bombed back to the stone age back home. Doesn't play so well when the terrorist is named Robert Lewis Dear.

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From the report, it seems as if the gunman was quite adept.

First impression is of a Christian fundamentalist. So of course this is not terrorism.

Hopefully, the gunman will be a Muslim, so that terrorism and Islam can be blamed.

I think the regressive left have probably got their exception to the rule here. Breivik was of course labeled a Christianist, though by his own admission his nominal Christianity had nothing to do with his motive.

It is telling to see how the race to make political capital out of this trumps all other considerations. RIP the deceased and condolences to their families.

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impulse, on 28 Nov 2015 - 13:57, said:
SgtRock, on 28 Nov 2015 - 10:57, said:
Seastallion, on 28 Nov 2015 - 10:40, said:Seastallion, on 28 Nov 2015 - 10:40, said:

From the report, it seems as if the gunman was quite adept.

First impression is of a Christian fundamentalist. So of course this is not terrorism.

Hopefully, the gunman will be a Muslim, so that terrorism and Islam can be blamed.

You managed to make a first impression from this.


"We don't have any information on this individual's mentality, or his ideas or ideology," Buckley said.

Your talents are clearly wasted.

And yet, every time a bomb goes off or there's a shooting in South Thailand, the TVF hate brigade goes off on Muslims...

By their "logic", whatever religion this guy was, they ought to be barred from entry to the USA (and EU) and bombed back to the stone age back home. Doesn't play so well when the terrorist is named Robert Lewis Dear.

What a bizarre response.

I hope it made you feel better.

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From the report, it seems as if the gunman was quite adept.

First impression is of a Christian fundamentalist. So of course this is not terrorism.

Hopefully, the gunman will be a Muslim, so that terrorism and Islam can be blamed.

I think the regressive left have probably got their exception to the rule here. Breivik was of course labeled a Christianist, though by his own admission his nominal Christianity had nothing to do with his motive.

It is telling to see how the race to make political capital out of this trumps all other considerations. RIP the deceased and condolences to their families.

The regressive left? Exception to the rule? Political capitol? What are you on about? blink.png

He attacked a Planned Parenthood Clinic, THE favorite target of the wingnut right. It's just another example of a loony toon right wing crazy person going after Planned Parenthood, the thing Republicans absolutely HATE!!!

He's a wingnut, in another in a long line of wingnuts. Another tragedy that can laid squarely on the shoulders of the Republican party who preach fear and hate on a daily basis.

Political capitol??? It never ceases to amaze me how the right sees the world.

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What a bizarre response.

I hope it made you feel better.

Yeah, you're probably right. Without the rich (?) context that comes from reading thousands of TVF posts bashing Muslims, the Russians, the Chinese, brown people of all nationalities and most of all, the Thais, my post reads like a lunatic rant. (Maybe it looks that way anyway.)

Give it a few weeks of following some of the hotter topics... We'll see which camp you fall into.

Meantime, my apologies for not looking at your post count before assuming you had already chosen.

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From the report, it seems as if the gunman was quite adept.

First impression is of a Christian fundamentalist. So of course this is not terrorism.

Hopefully, the gunman will be a Muslim, so that terrorism and Islam can be blamed.

I think the regressive left have probably got their exception to the rule here. Breivik was of course labeled a Christianist, though by his own admission his nominal Christianity had nothing to do with his motive.

It is telling to see how the race to make political capital out of this trumps all other considerations. RIP the deceased and condolences to their families.


As you know, those that know the least are the first to claim knowledge.

As of now, the motives of the shooter are unknown, the details of where the shooting began are murky and the type of weapon used is also in dispute.

A long gun is all that seems definite, other than one policeman and two unnamed civilians have lost their lives.

As you say, the race to make political capital trumps common sense.

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From the report, it seems as if the gunman was quite adept.

First impression is of a Christian fundamentalist. So of course this is not terrorism.

Hopefully, the gunman will be a Muslim, so that terrorism and Islam can be blamed.

I think the regressive left have probably got their exception to the rule here. Breivik was of course labeled a Christianist, though by his own admission his nominal Christianity had nothing to do with his motive.

It is telling to see how the race to make political capital out of this trumps all other considerations. RIP the deceased and condolences to their families.

The regressive left? Exception to the rule? Political capitol? What are you on about? blink.png

He attacked a Planned Parenthood Clinic, THE favorite target of the wingnut right. It's just another example of a loony toon right wing crazy person going after Planned Parenthood, the thing Republicans absolutely HATE!!!

He's a wingnut, in another in a long line of wingnuts. Another tragedy that can laid squarely on the shoulders of the Republican party who preach fear and hate on a daily basis.

Political capitol??? It never ceases to amaze me how the right sees the world.

So much frothing and invective before the material facts are fully known, along with offensive generalizations of the 'other', other being Republicans in your case. I can't wait for the pious sermonizing and commands not to rush to judgment on the many threads where the religious extremism comes from elsewhere.
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Wow, this is how the pro life people value human life. I guess only they know when it's ok to take a life. Bet it gets the Fox people salivating.

If the quoted post wasn't so amazingly grotesque,. it would be worth a good laugh.

Since 1993 there have been a total of EIGHT (8) pro-life murders in the US

Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions in fiscal year 2014 alone.

Now that's a killing machine.



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Seastallion, on 28 Nov 2015 - 10:40, said:

From the report, it seems as if the gunman was quite adept.

First impression is of a Christian fundamentalist. So of course this is not terrorism.

Hopefully, the gunman will be a Muslim, so that terrorism and Islam can be blamed.

You managed to make a first impression from this.

"We don't have any information on this individual's mentality, or his ideas or ideology," Buckley said.

Your talents are clearly wasted.

You clearly have no talent for making first impressions.

I did not make a first impression from what you quoted, I made a first impression from a lot of other information.

You would be surprised at my talents. smile.png

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Wow, this is how the pro life people value human life. I guess only they know when it's ok to take a life. Bet it gets the Fox people salivating.

If the quoted post wasn't so amazingly grotesque,. it would be worth a good laugh.

Since 1993 there have been a total of EIGHT (8) pro-life murders in the US

Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions in fiscal year 2014 alone.

Now that's a killing machine.



Oh my Buddha.

Let me try and explain this: abortions are abortions, terminating a fetus, a fertilized egg. Murder is murder, killing a breathing, thinking, feeling human being. See the difference there?

And please don't link the Wingnut Times. Someone who doesn't know better might think that's an actual newspaper.

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Another terrorist attack! The kind they don't like to talk about in Wingnuttia. America is at war with these crazy people or as we refer to them, the Republican base.

You've got the imbecile Cruz advocating this sort of thing. They all hate Planned Parenthood. It's all part of the war on women.

Expect another of these terrorists attacks in 3...2...

Even offering the wording "War on women" should come with the caveat "Bought and Paid for by the DNC." How ridiculous. While murdering people to kill murderers will only legally make the hurdles higher to stop the genocide of black children in America, it is also understandable how the progressive left incubates such whackos in the right, one of the few remaining places in the US with institutional opposition to child murder.

It will always make sense that these people will be from a christian population. The only reasonable outrage over the numbing acceptance of murdering children comes from this corner of alienated America; its thus mathematically predictable that those opposed to eugenics social re engineering would come from this segment. Because christians oppose the murdering of other human beings and the trafficking of their body parts does not mean that the christian right does not cultivate idiots too- clearly they do. Its not that they have a moral fabric, they effectively have the largest only remaining moral opposition to murdering infants and fetuses.

However, it is a gross misrepresentation to characterize Planned Parenthood as just a regular mom and pop run of the mill store. It is a eugenics store front for managing populations, at tax payer expense, and traffickers in human fetuses; in fact, its actual history traces right to eugenics ideology and founding. This singular issue is what places PP finally in the evil category. Christians, abortion, their issues, arguments... I have no use for any of them and belong to none of their concerns or beliefs. But the demonstrably proven fact and admission that PP harvests and sells body parts [for any reasons] makes them no different than those who made offerings to Molech/Baal in the Valley of the Children of Hinnom, the last part of the Judeochristian epic that saw children as offerings. PP makes fetal offerings at the Eugenics Altar of the New Social Order. No wonder whackos are compelled to match them equally with darkness.

What does one suspect a cultural disintegration looks like? Is it presumed to be tranquil, without labor or agony? Is it a surprise that the rupture of an entire cultural fabric will from time to time heave and hoe and offer up its disgruntled? The actions of this man are not excusable, but they can certainly have context applied and be explained.

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abortions are abortions, terminating a fetus, a fertilized egg.

Arguments against early term abortions are almost exclusively on the basis of religious grounds. A large number of couples wanting children visit PP for advice on that subject. In some states (Florida?) they don't not provide an abortion service at all so 100% though I think it is around 97% nationally..... 3% abortion related. Now these couples often find out that the egg is fertilized but the problem is that it will not attach to the womb. These fertilized eggs are eventually discharged. Should people be killed for that or is it OK for God to kill children.

I find it hard to understand how stuff such as this is believed by any thinking person.

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Wow, this is how the pro life people value human life. I guess only they know when it's ok to take a life. Bet it gets the Fox people salivating.

If the quoted post wasn't so amazingly grotesque,. it would be worth a good laugh.

Since 1993 there have been a total of EIGHT (8) pro-life murders in the US

Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions in fiscal year 2014 alone.

Now that's a killing machine.



Oh my Buddha.

Let me try and explain this: abortions are abortions, terminating a fetus, a fertilized egg. Murder is murder, killing a breathing, thinking, feeling human being. See the difference there?

And please don't link the Wingnut Times. Someone who doesn't know better might think that's an actual newspaper.

Oh, I know the difference. One is killing a very small human and the other is killing a much larger human.

As far as my links are concerned...

I could be really ugly and say if you don't like my links, then stop reading and responding to my posts, but I won't. I could also question your authority to tell me which links are permisible and which are not...but I won't.

I will, instead, provide you with an indisputable link that will prove my number to be correct. i.e. 327,653 abortions in 2014.

Here is the link. The number is in there but you must actually research the article to find it. Not something you do with any regularity. Good luck with your quest to prove me wrong.


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I wonder how many thousands of lives were lost (and how much $$$'jack'$$$ was made via organ/tissue sales) before the gunman arrived. Not condoning what the gunman did, nor condoning what PP doctors do on a daily basis. Both in the wrong as far as I'm concerned, and two wrongs don't make a right.

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From the report, it seems as if the gunman was quite adept.

First impression is of a Christian fundamentalist. So of course this is not terrorism.

Hopefully, the gunman will be a Muslim, so that terrorism and Islam can be blamed.

I think the regressive left have probably got their exception to the rule here. Breivik was of course labeled a Christianist, though by his own admission his nominal Christianity had nothing to do with his motive.

It is telling to see how the race to make political capital out of this trumps all other considerations. RIP the deceased and condolences to their families.

The regressive left? Exception to the rule? Political capitol? What are you on about? blink.png

He attacked a Planned Parenthood Clinic, THE favorite target of the wingnut right. It's just another example of a loony toon right wing crazy person going after Planned Parenthood, the thing Republicans absolutely HATE!!!

He's a wingnut, in another in a long line of wingnuts. Another tragedy that can laid squarely on the shoulders of the Republican party who preach fear and hate on a daily basis.

Political capitol??? It never ceases to amaze me how the right sees the world.

So much frothing and invective before the material facts are fully known, along with offensive generalizations of the 'other', other being Republicans in your case. I can't wait for the pious sermonizing and commands not to rush to judgment on the many threads where the religious extremism comes from elsewhere.

It never stopped you and others jumping in on the other terrorist threads

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Seastallion, on 28 Nov 2015 - 10:40, said:

From the report, it seems as if the gunman was quite adept.

First impression is of a Christian fundamentalist. So of course this is not terrorism.

Hopefully, the gunman will be a Muslim, so that terrorism and Islam can be blamed.

You managed to make a first impression from this.

"We don't have any information on this individual's mentality, or his ideas or ideology," Buckley said.

Your talents are clearly wasted.

You clearly have no talent for making first impressions.

I did not make a first impression from what you quoted, I made a first impression from a lot of other information.

You would be surprised at my talents. smile.png

Yea, first impressions- you are correct. My first impression was a christian finally led into a dark place because of the conflict of his faith and the machinations of Planned Parenthood. We more or less agree on this point. Of course I disagree with the wide brush regarding islam. I think the first thought of those who oppose PP is "I hope this guy is not a christian" rather than "I hope he is muslim." That is a bridge too far, and broad net. There's no history of muslims and PP, yet. Why would anyone reach there? No one would, except you in your effort to link the two. Planned Parenthood is the darkest modern chapter in western cultural history. People killing others is never excusable within an existing, functioning legal environment, but it is easily explained.

But this is the point, isn't it?- 'people killing others.' The standard of killing others is not applied to Planned Parenthood.

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