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Win10 properties Window on top?


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I've noticed since migrating from Win7 to Win10 that whenever I select an item right click properties, that the properties window is always hidden behind another window and impossible to read until I bring it to front. This seems somewhat ludicrous but I can't find out how to stop it.

Can anyone suggest how to have default settings of the properties window on top please?


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In the attached example, I have right click properties of the C:/data folder in File Explorer and the properties window comes up behind the File Explorer window. Had the File Explorer window been bigger still the properties window would have been completely covered and I would not know if it came or not? In Win7 the properties window always came on top of any active window, which of course makes more sense.

Perhaps I am having a brain freeze (happens as the years go by) but I cannot figure out why this is happening? Any ideas welcome.


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I think it's a reg setting related to something like "focus" but I'll have to have a hunt and try and find it.

Added: no luck so far, other than suggestion of running SFC /SCANNOW (with admin permissions).

Edited by Chicog
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Context menus and message boxes don't stay "focused" (on top).

What happens if you select the item and then Alt-Enter?

This is a known issue, usually caused a 'service' hook that captures mouse clicks then returns 'focus'.

Common problem noted by people who run 'synergy' or 'Flash Player'.

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Appreciate the feedback from you all. So it seems there is something wrong with my PC and its not a Win10 general issue. I just got my hands on another Win10 PC and it doesn't happen.

On mine if I run SFC /SCANNOW in elevated command I get message: Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.

If I select item then Alt-Enter same thing happens, properties window behind File Explorer window.

A few other things I notice.

* If I select same item a second time or more times the problem goes away. It only happens the first time every time. Unfortunately this is the time I most need it!

* If I select a file on the desktop right click properties I cannot see any properties window (it is hidden behind desktop?) but I notice a File Explorer icon on task bar appear and if I hover mouse over any part of task bar the properties window for the desktop file I chose appears next to it on desktop. If I repeat a second time or more the properties window always appears.

* If I boot in safe mode the issue goes away, but comes back when I restart in full mode.

It would be nice to solve this but I work around it for time being, had it ever since I upgraded to Win10 from Win7 back in July.

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* If I boot in safe mode the issue goes away, but comes back when I restart in full mode.

So, perhaps a 'service' or other program you've installed is meddling with content clicking.

What are your current regedit values for

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

What happens if you set ForegroundFlashCount from '7' to '3' and reboot?
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* If I boot in safe mode the issue goes away, but comes back when I restart in full mode.

So, perhaps a 'service' or other program you've installed is meddling with content clicking.

What are your current regedit values for

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

What happens if you set ForegroundFlashCount from '7' to '3' and reboot?

Appreciate the troubleshooting ideas. I tried the above (but don't really understand what it does?) and anyway it made no difference for me, so I went back to ForegroundFlashCount value of 7 as it was before.

I've Googled this and cannot seem to find anything at all, so must be a very unique case I have? Very odd.

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My 'sense' is that, as the windows popup functions correctly (has focus) in SafeMode, the issue has to do with some software you've loaded that's adding a 'service' that runs at normal boot.

As I've mentioned, people running Synergy (Share one mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on your desk), and FlashPlayer have complained about this issue, both add an additional 'service' to your computer system at normal boot.

Uninstalling/testing/reinstalling apps may be in your near future.

(A simpler approach may me a full-system backup, then erase each installed app in turn until you find the culprit, then do a system restore)

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Not to change the subject, but I dont want to start a Thread for such a simple question, but I hate Win 10, I cant find anything anymore, a link to a good YouTube tutorial would be appreciated so fat everything I found was not very helpful

again my apologies to the OP.

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Not to change the subject, but I dont want to start a Thread for such a simple question, but I hate Win 10, I cant find anything anymore, a link to a good YouTube tutorial would be appreciated so fat everything I found was not very helpful

again my apologies to the OP.

Never mind, Found a Good tutorial and I am beginning to tolerate Win 10, who knows I might even learn to like it.biggrin.png

I think I am getting a litle too old, and beggining not to like change, Maybe I will go back to Ms Doslaugh.png

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Not to change the subject, but I dont want to start a Thread for such a simple question, but I hate Win 10, I cant find anything anymore, a link to a good YouTube tutorial would be appreciated so fat everything I found was not very helpful

again my apologies to the OP.

Never mind, Found a Good tutorial and I am beginning to tolerate Win 10, who knows I might even learn to like it.biggrin.png

I think I am getting a litle too old, and beggining not to like change, Maybe I will go back to Ms Doslaugh.png

I started to like 10 a lot, then made a huge mistake and lost it. Now I cold get it back in an easy way.

I'm so used to many features now that I prefer Windows 10. It has a lot more options and seems to be faster than Windows 7.

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