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Security tightened in capital


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Security tightened in capital


BANGKOK: Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-ocha yesterday told the people not to panic if they see more security personnel in the streets of Bangkok during the festive month.

The tightened security came as security officials smashed a so-called “Khon Kaen Model” movement and arrested two of its members. Seven others are being hunted on charge of attempt to incite civil unrest during the festive month when several activities will be held.

He said two of the arrested members are members of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship.

But the UDD leaders denied having any involvement, he said.

Following the arrest, he said security was ordered tightened.

Gen Prayut asked the people to stay calm if they happen to see more security personnel out on the streets these days.

He also ordered special watch on high-rise locations and send intelligence personnel to watch on the movements of various risk groups. More surveillance cameras were also ordered to be installed.

Meanwhile Royal Thai Police’s Police Strategy Office commander Pol Maj-Gen Chayapol Chatchaidej said that the police have alerted all immigration checkpoints across the country to watch out for the seven suspects with link to the Khon Kaen Model movement after obtaining more information from local police.

The seven escapees are wanted for lese majeste and for attempt to incite civil unrest.

He also said that the police have questioned two members of the Khon Kaen Model movement after both were handed over by the military to the police for questioning. The two suspects have given information implicating a group of persons who posted lese majeste messages on the social network.

They said some of these people have fled the country.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/security-tightened-in-capital

-- Thai PBS 2015-11-28

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The phrase “The Khon Kaen Model “was nicknamed by the Junta in October 2014. It applied to 26 defendants accused by the Junta who were allegedly planning a rebellion in the NE that would start in the Khon Kaen province. The case was heard in the Khon Kaen Military Court wherein bail was denied despite the lack of any evidence.

The Junta alleged that the Model had four stages:

  1. Mobilize as many people as possible
  2. Negotiate with the authorities to have them disarmed
  3. Negotiate with the military
  4. Overthrow the financial institutions and break the banks to give money to the poor. The final stage is codenamed “Zero Debt All over the Land.”

Now the Junta is at it again.

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Zero evidence made public. Zero confessions - as yet. But lots of junta orchestrated loudmouth bluster to keep the people reminded of who's in absolute power and control.

Heightened security in Bangkok - no surprises there - yet no mention of this in other provinces. Why?

A transparent false flag. Again.

Edited by arthurboy
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On the other side of the coin, the junta may not want repeat of the rioting in BKK streets that we saw a couple of years ago, by the red shits.

Because if an Unscrupulous leader of the red shirts and other spliter groups, who wants the junta to fail may be wanting to get the rioting in BKK and other places, hoping that some of the rioters get killed or seriously injured, which then allows simpathetic people to rally to their cause and severe criticisim by western leaders.

Just an un- prejudice view from a different angle.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post

Edited by Rocceao
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On the other side of the coin, the junta may not want repeat of the rioting in BKK streets that we saw a couple of years ago, by the red shits.

Because if an Unscrupulous leader of the red shirts and other spliter groups, who wants the junta to fail may be wanting to get the rioting in BKK and other places, hoping that some of the rioters get killed or seriously injured, which then allows simpathetic people to rally to their cause and severe criticisim by western leaders.

Just an un- prejudice view from a different angle.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post

Point the last protests were NOT by "the red shirts" it WAS SUTHEP and his band of hoodlums.

Please get your story straight and do not post non factual statements.

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a nice divertion from military corruption.

thailand is on an 8th place in the world for risk of terrorism (thats for many years now), sort out terrorism in the south (with an associated people smugling, contraband of petrol and other through the malaysian border perfomed by the local military), and the country will be much more safer.

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Great news, that security officials have smashed the “Khon Kaen Model” plot to incite civil unrest. Even better news that they have arrested two of its members, and are currently hunting seven more escapees.

Unfortunately, that’s about as good as the news gets. We once again have a situation where police apprehend two bad guys, while the bulk of their gang escape (and some manage to flee the country)! Sound familiar, only difference this time around there is no reward on top of the normal salary the cops get for doing their job.

As for the ‘larger’ security presence on the streets, well it may actually bring happiness to the people!


Hold the presses - there’s an interesting emerging story being reported elsewhere that one of the seven escapees being sought by the RTP is actually in jail (and, has been for the last 18 months). Could be embarrassing if this proves to be true – just Google “khon kaen accused”!

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On the other side of the coin, the junta may not want repeat of the rioting in BKK streets that we saw a couple of years ago, by the red shits.

Because if an Unscrupulous leader of the red shirts and other spliter groups, who wants the junta to fail may be wanting to get the rioting in BKK and other places, hoping that some of the rioters get killed or seriously injured, which then allows simpathetic people to rally to their cause and severe criticisim by western leaders.

Just an un- prejudice view from a different angle.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post

Point the last protests were NOT by "the red shirts" it WAS SUTHEP and his band of hoodlums.

Please get your story straight and do not post non factual statements.

He didn't say "protests" he said rioting. And it was the red shits rioting and burning Central World. Please get your reading glasses out and think before you post your drivel.

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Zero evidence made public. Zero confessions - as yet. But lots of junta orchestrated loudmouth bluster to keep the people reminded of who's in absolute power and control.

Heightened security in Bangkok - no surprises there - yet no mention of this in other provinces. Why?

A transparent false flag. Again.

Because Bangkok is the only thing what counts in the eyes of the ruling elite...they don't even consider the rest as Thailand just as a land where the cheap labourers come from...

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There remains a far deal more to worry about in the south of Thailand than in Khon Kaen, Bangkok or anywhere else north of the far south of the country where people are shot at, bombed or hacked to death on a weekly basis.

Don't know if you noticed, but a quiet influx of head scarves are taking up residence in KK and with a disenfranchised local population witnessing betrayal by those they have been indoctrinated to revere, Bangkok elitists may find themselves book-ended by south-north resistance.

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^...... the inevitable escalation in order to cling to power and control.

Anthropologist Desmond Morris decades ago documented how apes in the wild exhibited traits similar to humans, viz., the alpha ape periodically flips a stone into the brush, causes a perception of alarm, huddles his tribe to safety and marches into the brush thumping his chest only to return to the tribe explaining that he has chased away all danger.

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On the other side of the coin, the junta may not want repeat of the rioting in BKK streets that we saw a couple of years ago, by the red shits.

Because if an Unscrupulous leader of the red shirts and other spliter groups, who wants the junta to fail may be wanting to get the rioting in BKK and other places, hoping that some of the rioters get killed or seriously injured, which then allows simpathetic people to rally to their cause and severe criticisim by western leaders.

Just an un- prejudice view from a different angle.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post

Point the last protests were NOT by "the red shirts" it WAS SUTHEP and his band of hoodlums.

Please get your story straight and do not post non factual statements.

And who stared the riots before that, when Abisit was PM. was it Mr Magoo? or Larry, Curly and Moe?

Edited by Rocceao
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The phrase “The Khon Kaen Model “was nicknamed by the Junta in October 2014. It applied to 26 defendants accused by the Junta who were allegedly planning a rebellion in the NE that would start in the Khon Kaen province. The case was heard in the Khon Kaen Military Court wherein bail was denied despite the lack of any evidence.

The Junta alleged that the Model had four stages:

  1. Mobilize as many people as possible
  2. Negotiate with the authorities to have them disarmed
  3. Negotiate with the military
  4. Overthrow the financial institutions and break the banks to give money to the poor. The final stage is codenamed “Zero Debt All over the Land.”

Now the Junta is at it again.

The case was heard in the Khon Kaen Military Court

did that trial finish? I didn't see any news about the convictions.

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Increased security in the capital, tourist locations, areas of severe traffic congestion and ' risky ' locations and a major plot including the word assassination yet everything here is supposed to be going swimmingly and happiness has been returned to the people.

There may be thinly disguised excuses to get troops on the streets to increase control but it's in direct contradiction of all the other propaganda coming from the govt.

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The phrase “The Khon Kaen Model “was nicknamed by the Junta in October 2014. It applied to 26 defendants accused by the Junta who were allegedly planning a rebellion in the NE that would start in the Khon Kaen province. The case was heard in the Khon Kaen Military Court wherein bail was denied despite the lack of any evidence.

The Junta alleged that the Model had four stages:

  1. Mobilize as many people as possible
  2. Negotiate with the authorities to have them disarmed
  3. Negotiate with the military
  4. Overthrow the financial institutions and break the banks to give money to the poor. The final stage is codenamed “Zero Debt All over the Land.”

Now the Junta is at it again.

The case was heard in the Khon Kaen Military Court

did that trial finish? I didn't see any news about the convictions.

the trial is planned for the next year.

out of 26 on bail (health reasons) are 19.

one of the bailed is Thanakrit Thongngernperm, however, he was sentensed to 2 years for forgery (his ex accused him for selling her car).

he is also one of those 7, for whom the arrest warrant in put for assasination of Prayuth. He was jailed since may 2014, so today he is planning to sue police for defamation. From yesterdays article from bangkok post.

the government is freaking, becasue the erewan bombing was just a day after bike for mam. If anything similar happens now, it would mean internal job and not international terrorism

Edited by londonthai
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On the other side of the coin, the junta may not want repeat of the rioting in BKK streets that we saw a couple of years ago, by the red shits.

Because if an Unscrupulous leader of the red shirts and other spliter groups, who wants the junta to fail may be wanting to get the rioting in BKK and other places, hoping that some of the rioters get killed or seriously injured, which then allows simpathetic people to rally to their cause and severe criticisim by western leaders.

Just an un- prejudice view from a different angle.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post

Point the last protests were NOT by "the red shirts" it WAS SUTHEP and his band of hoodlums.

The Suthep protestors were peaceful !!! the Red shits were not !!! they burned buidings in Bangkok, killed people, and tried to incite Civil War !!! All involved should be either locked up for life or kicked out of Thailand !!!! thumbsup.gif

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Great news, that security officials have smashed the Khon Kaen Model plot to incite civil unrest. Even better news that they have arrested two of its members, and are currently hunting seven more escapees.

Unfortunately, thats about as good as the news gets. We once again have a situation where police apprehend two bad guys, while the bulk of their gang escape (and some manage to flee the country)! Sound familiar, only difference this time around there is no reward on top of the normal salary the cops get for doing their job.

As for the larger security presence on the streets, well it may actually bring happiness to the people!

attachicon.gifPolice Dolls.jpg

Hold the presses - theres an interesting emerging story being reported elsewhere that one of the seven escapees being sought by the RTP is actually in jail (and, has been for the last 18 months). Could be embarrassing if this proves to be true just Google khon kaen accused!

I knew it this mastermind has been organising tha whole operation from his prison cell using carrier pigeons.
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On the other side of the coin, the junta may not want repeat of the rioting in BKK streets that we saw a couple of years ago, by the red shits.

Because if an Unscrupulous leader of the red shirts and other spliter groups, who wants the junta to fail may be wanting to get the rioting in BKK and other places, hoping that some of the rioters get killed or seriously injured, which then allows simpathetic people to rally to their cause and severe criticisim by western leaders.

Just an un- prejudice view from a different angle.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post

Point the last protests were NOT by "the red shirts" it WAS SUTHEP and his band of hoodlums.

The Suthep protestors were peaceful !!! the Red shits were not !!! they burned buidings in Bangkok, killed people, and tried to incite Civil War !!! All involved should be either locked up for life or kicked out of Thailand !!!! thumbsup.gif

The Suthep protestors were peaceful !!!

yeah, uh, not really...

peaceful protesters don't use grenades... and don't kill police, right?


or have gun fights on the streets of BKK, right?


or need to have their attacks on others defended publicly by their crazy monk-leader, right?


or violently attack people who want to vote... right?


Are you catching on to just how "peaceful" the PDRC protests were??


Edited by tbthailand
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