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'Save our planet' say demonstrators worldwide on eve of UN climate summit


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'Save our planet' say demonstrators worldwide on eve of UN climate summit


PARIS: -- On what may be the biggest day of climate change activism ever seen worldwide, tens of thousands of people marched as far afield as Sydney and Madrid on Sunday to send a message to leaders gathering for a UN summit: ‘Save our planet before it is too late’.

More than 2,000 events were being held in cities including London, Sao Paulo and New York, on the eve of the Paris summit which runs from November 30 – December 11 and will be attended by about 150 heads of government.

Berlin was keen to do its bit, with some 17,000 people taking part in a rally in the German capital, according to organisers.

“A binding aim and clear plan of how we stay under the two degree target, that is what counts,” said one woman who had travelled to the event from Hamburg.

Anti-war campaigners joined a monster climate change march in London, as the UK weighs up whether to start bombing ISIL militants in Syria.

At least 50,000 people spent Sunday pounding the streets, say those behind the rally.

Passions were just as strong in the Spanish capital, with marchers in Madrid determined to take a stand for future generations.

“We are here to defend our planet, to fight for a better place for our children to live in the future,” said Greenpeace activist Jorge Puebla.

“We have caused too much damage to our planet in the last 30 years and I really don’t know if we are going to be able to recover it.”

In debt-burdened Greece, day to day difficulties are still high for many but in Athens thousands turned out to add their voice to calls for a legally-binding accord.

A human chain almost a kilometre long sent a message from climate change protesters in Brussels, with their planned march cancelled because of the terror threat in Belgium.

In Sydney, about 45,000 people are estimated to have marched through the central business district towards the Opera House.

Protesters held placards reading: “There is no Planet B” and “Say no to burning national forests for electricity” ahead of what many believe is a last-chance summit to prevent disaster.

US President Barack Obama and China’s Xi Jinping will be among the leaders attending the start of the summit, which organisers hope will produce a first legally-binding agreement to commit both rich and developing nations to curbing emissions of greenhouse gasses, blamed for warming the planet, beyond 2020.

Hopes are high that the Paris summit will not fail like the previous such meeting six years ago in Copenhagen.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-30

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“A binding aim and clear plan of how we stay under the two degree target, that is what counts,” said one woman who had traveled to the event from Hamburg.

The biggest scam in history.


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There will be a lot more action outside the venue than inside.

It has already been established that no concerted action will be taken to curb man-made global warming.

1 ) China and India have already stated they will not agree to legally binding emissions targets, although they want the West to do so.

2 ) It is already agreed there will be no renegotiation of INDCs (intended nationally determined contributions) which is where every country has decided for itself what it plans to do about CO2 emissions (not enough, according to http://climateactiontracker.org/)

3 ) No action on finance. They're whistling, but the dog's out of range. The $100 billion climate fund started 6 years ago has received about as much money as someone selling Big Issue outside a pub, and Obama is struggling to get even $3 billion out of Congress

There will be very little of substance agreed in Paris. China, India and the rest of the developing world will be free to carry on increasing emissions, while Obama and other western leaders will delude themselves that their sacrifices have made a difference.
There will be some form of wording agreed that allows all parties to go away and claim that some progress has been made. And there will be more meetings next year and after to “build on this progress”.
Meanwhile, Greenpeace will moan that we have all missed a glorious opportunity.
And so, next year, we will start all over again.
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Climate change is a natural phenomenon. You can't change it. Get over it. Focus on the things this is designed to distract you from like. greed (by jailing bankers), illegal invasions, you privacy and rights being dismantled and get rid of religions. Doing those things will make the world a better place.

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George Carlin sums it up:

Ah, climate change. The reason the majority of scientists and human beings think climate change is nonsense is because it is self evident that even if the climate is changing humans are not causing it. Humans are polluting the earth but then so too has everything Carlin mentions above. Human caused climate change is no more than a stalking horse for concentrating political power under the banner of more "for the children" and "save the polar bears" fog of feelings.

Climate Change is a political doctrine; it is not a scientific certainty by any means. Scientists proffering climate change cannot escape the gravitational pull that their primary data is fabricated, or data ignored, fudged, or invented. The latest nonsense circulating this fear of emotion motivating compliance with the political agenda of climate change is the news regarding the activist fabricator/climatologist Hanson linking flying boulders" in the Bahamas to climate change (Notwithstanding that the rocks in reference are likely secondary debris from the Younger Dryas impacts and subsequent fallout from North America, and not some invented phenomena that totally skips the Younger Dryas). This is one more example of outright lying or obfuscating, it must be one or the other because science now knows what old school Hansen probably missed- a comet has caused much of the recent geological and climatic changes in the earth's very recent history.


Save out Planet equals Follow this Political Doctrine. Its not science, its a cult of socialist politics.

Edited by arjunadawn
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Sad to say the UN solution , always will be a monetary one . which will have zero effect in preventing or solving the worlds pollution problem , what it will do is line the pockets of a select few.

Money, corporate profits, is the reason for global polution.

It is also the motive for those who dene climate change.

Making it more costly for poluters to polute and decreasing the profits of the poluting corporations may be the best way to stop the greedy from distroying our planet.

For most " save or planet" is what we want.

Unfortunately for many of the rich and powerful " save my money" is more important.

Edited by willyumiii
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Sad to say the UN solution , always will be a monetary one . which will have zero effect in preventing or solving the worlds pollution problem , what it will do is line the pockets of a select few.

Money, corporate profits, is the reason for global polution.

It is also the motive for those who dene climate change.

Making it more costly for poluters to polute and decreasing the profits of the poluting corporations may be the best way to stop the greedy from distroying our planet.

For most " save or planet" is what we want.

Unfortunately for many of the rich and powerful " save my money" is more important.

Fair enough, I suppose. You think the masses of crying people demanding change that been able to change absolutely nothing to stop the degradation of corporatacracy have suddenly found an issue to finally isolate those bad corporate exploiters and clean up the world? Dreaming. Its happening because the goal is not the climate, the goal is human capital as a resource for exploitation. Corporations want this badly and that should be an additional reason to wonder why.

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Save out Planet equals Follow this Political Doctrine. Its not science, its a cult of socialist politics.

This should be printed on a huge banner over the entrance to the Greenblob Annual Ritual (COP21) in Paris. Most of the people attending would agree with its sentiments, and carry on with a renewed sense of purpose.

The politics of "man-made global warming" is rather like a kidnapper telling his hostages "Do as I say, and you won't get hurt" and about as sincere.

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98% of ALL scientists, relevant to the issue say that climate change is real and it is -most likely- man made!

But sure: they are all paid by Al Gore and Richard Dawkins to say it!coffee1.gif

From the voices of the left.


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