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PM Prayut attends climate change meeting in Paris


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PM attends climate change meeting in Paris

BANGKOK, 1 December 2015 (NNT) - The Thai premier has attended the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris, where member nations have expressed strong indication to cooperate in solving global warming.

Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha and 150 leaders from other nations received a warm welcome by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and French President Francois Hollande.

The COP21, or 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties, which also serves as the 11th meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP11), is being held at Parc des Expositions Paris du Bourget.

The convention provides a platform for world leaders to negotiation over actions to keep global warming under control.

A new agreement is also expected to be reached during the three-day event. World leaders have also shown their support for France, following the terrorist attack in Paris last month.

-- NNT 2015-12-01 footer_n.gif

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What a waste of tax-payer's money.

What will he bring from it? What will he take to it?

Nada. Zip. MAI MEE ARAI.

He will get a free trip for himself and his mates. He will get some sight seeing in, some french food and wine down the hole, a nice stay in a decent hotel, meet some foreign diplomats. Climate change? Yes, cold season, hot season and rain season.

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What a waste of tax-payer's money.

What will he bring from it? What will he take to it?

Nada. Zip. MAI MEE ARAI.

I think his attendance is more to do with shoring up his legitimacy at home, showing that he is rubbing shoulders with elected world leaders, than anything to do with the actual conference of which he will probably have little to no interest in, given that he likely has far more pressing matters to worry about than climate change...

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"A new agreement is also expected to be reached during the three-day event. "

I wonder if that agreement includes the cessation of the burning in the north of Thailand One can be sure that Prayut won't bring up the subject.

Edited by jaltsc
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So will Thailand accept any binding targets this time?

Not that it really matters as China, India, and the United States have all signaled previously that they will not ratify any treaty that will commit them legally to reduce CO2 emissions. But one can only hope this time as there is no plan(et) B.

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What could Thailand possibly contribute towards the Climate meeting in Paris, sweet Fanny Adams.gigglem.gifgigglem.gif

The PM should concentrate on all the polution going on in his own country. For example, every year in the North of Thailand from Feb-April the air quality is hazardous/cancerous due to farmers burning their fields, and what does the govt. do, you guessed it, SFA..bah.gifbah.gif

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In the US right now & just caught the CBS Evening News.

The television anchor said, in a SERIOUS tone "President Obama said that cutting carbon emissions would be a strike against ISIS".

I was boiling spaghetti noodles in a pot when I heard that. I almost killed myself with boiling water....I almost fell into the pot laughing.

Obama went on to say that the world would end or something by 2050 (not sure on that date - I was laughing too hard), if we didn't hurry up and tax the shit out everything even more.

I CANNOT BELIEVE people fall for this malarkey.

Save the bees! Save the trees!

Save the whales! Save those snails!

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In the US right now & just caught the CBS Evening News.

The television anchor said, in a SERIOUS tone "President Obama said that cutting carbon emissions would be a strike against ISIS".

I was boiling spaghetti noodles in a pot when I heard that. I almost killed myself with boiling water....I almost fell into the pot laughing.

Obama went on to say that the world would end or something by 2050 (not sure on that date - I was laughing too hard), if we didn't hurry up and tax the shit out everything even more.

I CANNOT BELIEVE people fall for this malarkey.

Save the bees! Save the trees!

Save the whales! Save those snails!

Yep, except for the fact global warming is real, it's effects devastating, the consequences for not acting now catastrophic for humans and other life forms, and denying this is just hiding from reality.

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Didn't Thailand announce last week that two more coal fired power plants are to be built? "Thailand will enhance food output by providing plant nutrients as by product of recycling ancient trees and plant life through rapid oxidation".

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Would it not make sense to do all these important meetings via video conferencing then there will not be all those aircraft emissions from the few hundred elected, self appointed,heads of gov flying around the world every few weeks?

The wives and hangers on could do their shopping online!

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Yep, except for the fact global warming is real, it's effects devastating, the consequences for not acting now catastrophic for humans and other life forms, and denying this is just hiding from reality.

The real question is if it's caused by humans or just a natural phenomenon. Would thoroughly suck if we go back to stone age, only to find out the temp rises anyway.

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In the US right now & just caught the CBS Evening News.

The television anchor said, in a SERIOUS tone "President Obama said that cutting carbon emissions would be a strike against ISIS".

I was boiling spaghetti noodles in a pot when I heard that. I almost killed myself with boiling water....I almost fell into the pot laughing.

Obama went on to say that the world would end or something by 2050 (not sure on that date - I was laughing too hard), if we didn't hurry up and tax the shit out everything even more.

I CANNOT BELIEVE people fall for this malarkey.

Save the bees! Save the trees!

Save the whales! Save those snails!

Yep, except for the fact global warming is real, it's effects devastating, the consequences for not acting now catastrophic for humans and other life forms, and denying this is just hiding from reality.

REALITY is that species on this planet go extinct. Ice Ages happen, volcanoes explode. I'm GLAD there are no more dinosaurs around.

Man is a part of nature, just like a cute bunny rabbit, whale or snail.

To say that we have had an effect on the planet is ludicrous.

I DO absolutely HATE litter though. Waste can be managed (with some competence...sadly lacking in Thailand).

Ah well, wringing our hands about it will do nothing, except make the bleeding hearts feel better about themselves for some perverse reason I will never understand.

Clean up you own corner of the world as best you can for sure, but to worry, regulate and burn a billion gallons of jet fuel to have a "Summit on Carbon Emissions", and to say it is the key to defeating ISIS???????????

I rest my case. They are idiots savant, like most every politician is. Harvard degree but cannot change a spark plug on a lawn mower.

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In the US right now & just caught the CBS Evening News.

The television anchor said, in a SERIOUS tone "President Obama said that cutting carbon emissions would be a strike against ISIS".

I was boiling spaghetti noodles in a pot when I heard that. I almost killed myself with boiling water....I almost fell into the pot laughing.

Obama went on to say that the world would end or something by 2050 (not sure on that date - I was laughing too hard), if we didn't hurry up and tax the shit out everything even more.

I CANNOT BELIEVE people fall for this malarkey.

Save the bees! Save the trees!

Save the whales! Save those snails!

Yep, except for the fact global warming is real, it's effects devastating, the consequences for not acting now catastrophic for humans and other life forms, and denying this is just hiding from reality.

REALITY is that species on this planet go extinct. Ice Ages happen, volcanoes explode. I'm GLAD there are no more dinosaurs around.

Man is a part of nature, just like a cute bunny rabbit, whale or snail.

To say that we have had an effect on the planet is ludicrous.

I DO absolutely HATE litter though. Waste can be managed (with some competence...sadly lacking in Thailand).

Ah well, wringing our hands about it will do nothing, except make the bleeding hearts feel better about themselves for some perverse reason I will never understand.

Clean up you own corner of the world as best you can for sure, but to worry, regulate and burn a billion gallons of jet fuel to have a "Summit on Carbon Emissions", and to say it is the key to defeating ISIS???????????

I rest my case. They are idiots savant, like most every politician is. Harvard degree but cannot change a spark plug on a lawn mower.

Man as a species will go extinct, I am fully aware that probably will happen. It's almost happened before. In this case however we are the architects of our own downfall due to our rapacious exploitation and destructive abuse of our environment.

Litter is a problem but so is plastic, greenhouse gasses proliferating beyond the natural levels the planet would produce, unnecessary and overuse of cars/vehicles, the lunacy of fashion driven consumerism, an ability to reduce personal energy use due to indifference to switching off what we are not using, factories consuming energy and polluting all around them to produce goods we neither need or want beyond the moment, destructive farming/food production, waste of water and deforestation. Don't even get me started on coal and nuclear energy.

We are destroying the only planet we have.

Don't get me wrong, I like life's creature comforts but see the need to reduce, reuse, recycle.

It's not hand wringing or liberalism, but rather a realisation that unless every person takes steps to modify their use of energy/resources and how they treat what they do have we will hasten our own extinction.

Governments have a responsibility to do the same on a larger stage but we as individuals cannot absolve ourselves of responsibility for our actions and the detrimental impact they have upon the environment.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Don't get me wrong, I like life's creature comforts but see the need to reduce, reuse, recycle.

More practical to cull the population and get more resources per capita. Ain't like there aren't enough humans on the planet, the population density in say Bangkok is already far too high. In the past plagues and wars have taken care of this, I suppose it'll be the same with new antibiotic resistant bacterial strains in the pipeline and world already being in WW3.

A general pop of around 1B ought to suffice. Currently everything is based on a Ponzi scheme of continuous economical growth, which requires fresh meat to turn the wheels. Instead the human kind would be more wise in winding it down, but that wouldn't line the pockets of the power brokers deciding on these things. So forward we go like lemmings off a cliff. Eventually that'll work, too. Unless we get to space first and find new places to rape and pillage.

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In the US right now & just caught the CBS Evening News.

The television anchor said, in a SERIOUS tone "President Obama said that cutting carbon emissions would be a strike against ISIS".

I was boiling spaghetti noodles in a pot when I heard that. I almost killed myself with boiling water....I almost fell into the pot laughing.

Obama went on to say that the world would end or something by 2050 (not sure on that date - I was laughing too hard), if we didn't hurry up and tax the shit out everything even more.

I CANNOT BELIEVE people fall for this malarkey.

Save the bees! Save the trees!

Save the whales! Save those snails!

Yep, except for the fact global warming is real, it's effects devastating, the consequences for not acting now catastrophic for humans and other life forms, and denying this is just hiding from reality.

REALITY is that species on this planet go extinct. Ice Ages happen, volcanoes explode. I'm GLAD there are no more dinosaurs around.

Man is a part of nature, just like a cute bunny rabbit, whale or snail.

To say that we have had an effect on the planet is ludicrous.

I DO absolutely HATE litter though. Waste can be managed (with some competence...sadly lacking in Thailand).

Ah well, wringing our hands about it will do nothing, except make the bleeding hearts feel better about themselves for some perverse reason I will never understand.

Clean up you own corner of the world as best you can for sure, but to worry, regulate and burn a billion gallons of jet fuel to have a "Summit on Carbon Emissions", and to say it is the key to defeating ISIS???????????

I rest my case. They are idiots savant, like most every politician is. Harvard degree but cannot change a spark plug on a lawn mower.

"To say that we have had an effect on the planet is ludicrous."

Well, the vast majority of scientists disagree with you, but you probably know better.

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In the US right now & just caught the CBS Evening News.

The television anchor said, in a SERIOUS tone "President Obama said that cutting carbon emissions would be a strike against ISIS".

I was boiling spaghetti noodles in a pot when I heard that. I almost killed myself with boiling water....I almost fell into the pot laughing.

Obama went on to say that the world would end or something by 2050 (not sure on that date - I was laughing too hard), if we didn't hurry up and tax the shit out everything even more.

I CANNOT BELIEVE people fall for this malarkey.

Save the bees! Save the trees!

Save the whales! Save those snails!

Yep, except for the fact global warming is real, it's effects devastating, the consequences for not acting now catastrophic for humans and other life forms, and denying this is just hiding from reality.

REALITY is that species on this planet go extinct. Ice Ages happen, volcanoes explode. I'm GLAD there are no more dinosaurs around.

Man is a part of nature, just like a cute bunny rabbit, whale or snail.

To say that we have had an effect on the planet is ludicrous.

I DO absolutely HATE litter though. Waste can be managed (with some competence...sadly lacking in Thailand).

Ah well, wringing our hands about it will do nothing, except make the bleeding hearts feel better about themselves for some perverse reason I will never understand.

Clean up you own corner of the world as best you can for sure, but to worry, regulate and burn a billion gallons of jet fuel to have a "Summit on Carbon Emissions", and to say it is the key to defeating ISIS???????????

I rest my case. They are idiots savant, like most every politician is. Harvard degree but cannot change a spark plug on a lawn mower.

Man as a species will go extinct, I am fully aware that probably will happen. It's almost happened before. In this case however we are the architects of our own downfall due to our rapacious exploitation and destructive abuse of our environment.

Litter is a problem but so is plastic, greenhouse gasses proliferating beyond the natural levels the planet would produce, unnecessary and overuse of cars/vehicles, the lunacy of fashion driven consumerism, an ability to reduce personal energy use due to indifference to switching off what we are not using, factories consuming energy and polluting all around them to produce goods we neither need or want beyond the moment, destructive farming/food production, waste of water and deforestation. Don't even get me started on coal and nuclear energy.

We are destroying the only planet we have.

Don't get me wrong, I like life's creature comforts but see the need to reduce, reuse, recycle.

It's not hand wringing or liberalism, but rather a realisation that unless every person takes steps to modify their use of energy/resources and how they treat what they do have we will hasten our own extinction.

Governments have a responsibility to do the same on a larger stage but we as individuals cannot absolve ourselves of responsibility for our actions and the detrimental impact they have upon the environment.

I 100% agree with what you say.

Obama said it would defeat ISIS though????????

I don't have a Youtube clip of it yet. I just overheard Scott Pelley (CBS news anchor) say it while I was cooking dinner about 12 hours ago.


How "Clean Up Your Own Backyard"/"Reduce Carbon Emissions" got tied into defeating ISIS has me baffled to no end.

That makes the entire idea farcical to no end.

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How "Clean Up Your Own Backyard"/"Reduce Carbon Emissions" got tied into defeating ISIS has me baffled to no end.

Might be some sort of association between the droughts in Syria that decimated the crops and drove young men into ISIS's ranks. Still, if the US would go back to a bunch of hunters and gatherers today, what would that help, if anything at all?

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Hopefully Prayut didn't brag about his rainmaking activities during this summit.

The government's fleet of Cessna 280 Caravans used in 4,042 flights totaling 5,583 hours from March 1 until August 10 this year generated about 190 tons of CO2 emmisions.

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I wish he would get his butt back here and attend a meeting to decide once and for all..................is the 11th of Dec bike for dad day a public holiday or not? a simple statement of yes or no cant be too difficult, or will we have to wait until the middle of next week to get some clarity?

Edited by sapson
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What a waste of tax-payer's money.

What will he bring from it? What will he take to it?

Nada. Zip. MAI MEE ARAI.

He'll take about the same as the 150 other "world leaders" and their 40,000 gofers. Sod all. America and Canada have already said they won't be bound by any agreement. China, India and the other mega polluting countries will never cut back. The whole subject is a joke. But a good excuse for some western governments (Britain) to put taxes up. A good chance for politicians to have a junket and forget about minor problems like terrorists and a billion economic refugees.

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