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PM Prayut orders immediate improvements of aviation industry


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PM orders immediate improvements of aviation industry


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha said today he has ordered immediate improvements of the country's aviation industry after the industry was downgraded by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Upon his arrival at Suvarnabhumi airport before dawn today from the Paris global warming summit, Gen Prayut said he was aware of the FAA’s downgrade two days ago and has ordered immediate improvements in the industry.

They were ordered to look into which points that needed to be resolved, he said and asked that the media stopped to expand the issue further.

He also blamed the present dispute in the country in which many people were quarrelling each other and wasting time on useless issues that do no good to the country and economy.

He asked all to stop and let relevant agencies to resolve the problems.

In a statement posted on the FAA website on Tuesday, the US regulator said that a reassessment in July 2015 found Thailand did not meet international standards.

“Today’s announcement follows ongoing discussions with the government of Thailand which concluded on October 28,“ the statement added.

According to Bangkok Post, Thailand had been rated on Category One since 1997. This status allowed Thai-registered airlines to fly to the US and launch new services.

The FAA’s decision means Thailand has dropped to Category Two which means Thai carriers will be subjected to service curtailments or outright ban not only in the US, but also Europe and Asia.

FAA said with the Category Two rating, Thai airliners can continue existing service to the US but will not be allowed to establish new service to the US.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-orders-immediate-improvements-of-aviation-industry

-- Thai PBS 2015-12-02

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"Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha said today he has ordered immediate improvements of the country's aviation industry after the industry was downgraded by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)."

I don't think the FAA considers the ordering of immediate improvements as being sufficient. I believe they are expecting Thailand to hire and train qualified professionals to make the necessary changes in order for the industry to meet international operating and safety standards.

Outside of Thailand, making a grand gesture of strong orders for the purpose of saving face, while failing to make any adequate changes, doesn't hold much value..

Edited by jaltsc
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So it take a stern reprimand from the US federal aviation admin. to get
the glorious leaders of this country to get up and do something urgently

about the state of the civil aviation condition in Thailand,

I guess we have to thank uncle Sam for making Thai aviation safe to fly,

otherwise, if we wait for the local authorities that suppose to that, who

knows, some planes will have to fall out of the sky before they will the idea

that something have to be done now....

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Why doesn't he order the person in charge of the Disaster Mitigation and Prevention Department to deal with this? Or they can't find the seeing eye dog to get the head of the department to the office.....

This man amazes me more and more each day. If the draught taps were left wide open in a pub, I doubt he could arrange a drunk fest.

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"He also blamed the present dispute in the country in which many people were quarrelling each other and wasting time on useless issues that do no good to the country and economy."

Always blame someone else for your own failures.

Wasting time on useless issues such as no elections, no freedom of speech etc?

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What an epic fail...they were forewarned to act, failed to act and are now on a slippery slope. The flow on effect will be a further degradation of Thai Airways as passengers opt not to pay premium category 1 prices to fly with a category 2 airline. Thai airways will struggle to prosper and succeed unless the government gets it's act together.

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What the general hasn't realized yet is that he's not in the Army anymore, where his word was law, he could issue orders at will, and they had to be carried out immediately and without delay.

The civil administration sector doesn't work like that - particularly not in a country like Thailand where every other official is corrupt to the bone, inept and stone-lazy.

To improve things, effective mechanisms have to be implemented, constantly monitored and supervised. Otherwise nothing gets done.

Why has no action been taken although "a reassessment in July 2015 found Thailand did not meet international standards"?

Oh, and the next bummer is probably just around the corner when the EU is going to reassess Thailand's (potential non-) progress in mid-December with regards to IUU fishing.

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The Nation says not true..

THAI unaffected by US downgrade
The Nation December 1, 2015 8:50 pm
Thai Airways International said it is spared from negative impacts to derive from the US aviation regulator's decision.
The US Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) decided to downgrade Civil Aviation Administration of Thailand (CAAT) status from Category I to Category II. The new status means that all airlines certified by the Thai aviation authorities are unable to increase flights or operate to new destinations in the United States.

THAI President Charamporn Jotikasthira said in a statement that THAI has operated no flight to the US, after the termination of its Bangkok-Los Angeles route on October 25.

"THAI confirms its commitment to aviation safety standards, and assures all that THAI operates with the highest international aviation safety standards," he said.

The FAA's move is a blow to the Thai aviation authorities which have been criticised of lax safety standards. It was believed that its decision would encourage the authorities in other countries to impose strict rules on Thai airlines.

- See more at: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/THAI-unaffected-by-US-downgrade-30274148.html#sthash.SICZbabz.dpuf

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Gen Prayut said he was aware of the FAA’s downgrade two days ago and has ordered immediate improvements in the industry.

They were ordered to look into which points that needed to be resolved.

This won’t achieve anything, investigate why the FAA has downgraded and then ask for a documented list of items that has forced them to downgrade.

Then lay down the law to the airline, telling them they have x amount of days to rectify the issues or face fines.

Saying I ordered this and I’m going to do this and crack down on that, is just a waste of time.

People that carry on like that in Australia are called “Gunna” gunna do this and gunna do that but never actually do.

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"Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha said today he has ordered immediate improvements of the country's aviation industry after the industry was downgraded by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)."

I don't think the FAA considers the ordering of immediate improvements as being sufficient. I believe they are expecting Thailand to hire and train qualified professionals to make the necessary changes in order for the industry to meet international operating and safety standards.

Outside of Thailand, making a grand gesture of strong orders for the purpose of saving face, while failing to make any adequate changes, doesn't hold much value..

Don't forget he also tried to blame the people for the trouble that is brewing of unrest with his hold on power. Shameful to say the least.

He ordered this to be done a lot time ago when all of the other aviation agencies lowered their rating of Thailand. Nothing changed Judy because he demands it. Like all thais, he speaks and they listen but none act on it.

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At leased he`s now doing something lol. Should`ve been done before. He have had all this time to do something about it, but instead of doing something about this serious matter, he have waved hours on hours talking to women how to dress, how to act during sexual intercourse and how to take photographs of women`s breasts (The bottom of the breasts are not good for him. The top of the breasts are ok though). This sexist has absolutely no clue on what he is doing. He clearly cannot distinguish between the importance of all the papers he got in his office. That`s probably why he spend more time on defending himself, shutting people off, locking people up and creating new laws to protect himself, then anything else combined. It`s embarrassing even to himself.

Just saying... he`s incompetent as a leader of a nation, and he knows it.

Edited by HOAX
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Deja vu. Did we not have, or similar pronouncement, 6 months ago, when they initially failed the FAA/EU/UN/(whatever) audit?

He asked all to stop and let relevant agencies to resolve the problems.

The crux of the matter is that relevant agencies have failed epically, to fix this, or any other of Thailand's many many problems.

Also asking (telling?) the press to NOT report on these epic failures, does NOTHING to solve the problems. Just the opposite, in fact.

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The Nation says not true..

THAI unaffected by US downgrade
The Nation December 1, 2015 8:50 pm
Thai Airways International said it is spared from negative impacts to derive from the US aviation regulator's decision.
The US Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) decided to downgrade Civil Aviation Administration of Thailand (CAAT) status from Category I to Category II. The new status means that all airlines certified by the Thai aviation authorities are unable to increase flights or operate to new destinations in the United States.

THAI President Charamporn Jotikasthira said in a statement that THAI has operated no flight to the US, after the termination of its Bangkok-Los Angeles route on October 25.

"THAI confirms its commitment to aviation safety standards, and assures all that THAI operates with the highest international aviation safety standards," he said.

The FAA's move is a blow to the Thai aviation authorities which have been criticised of lax safety standards. It was believed that its decision would encourage the authorities in other countries to impose strict rules on Thai airlines.

- See more at: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/THAI-unaffected-by-US-downgrade-30274148.html#sthash.SICZbabz.dpuf

Yes, I've read that too this morning. However, what Charamporn (conveniently, perhaps?) didn't mention was that the aviation authorities of many countries (including the EU) have adopted the FAA standards and regulations as their own. This effectively means that if a certain country is being hit by an FAA downgrade, it will very likely fan out across the world.

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How more pathetic can this man and his supposed govt get ? Don't answer please it's a rhetorical question.

The air standard problem isn't new yet nothing was done and now the US has slapped a major sanction the so called PM orders IMMEDIATE action. If nothing was done with all the time they had does he really expect it will be fixed overnight simply because he has ordered it ?

Oh, and the media should keep quiet about this, they only make matters worse by reporting the truth. It's just not on !

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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We have a new puppy in the house. She has been drinking a lot of water and peeing on the floor. I told her to stop, but she keeps doing it. I guess I will have to order her to stop immediately. I think I will name her si-sip.

My Thai TOM CAT pisses in the vanity sink in the toilet .Just thought you would like to know that I didnt teach him

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We have a new puppy in the house. She has been drinking a lot of water and peeing on the floor. I told her to stop, but she keeps doing it. I guess I will have to order her to stop immediately. I think I will name her si-sip.

My Thai TOM CAT pisses in the vanity sink in the toilet .Just thought you would like to know that I didnt teach him

I don't want to get in a pissing contest about cats versus dogs. wink.png

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