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Russia: Turkish president benefits from IS oil trade

Jonathan Fairfield

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Russia: Turkish president benefits from IS oil trade



MOSCOW (AP) — Russia's top brass on Wednesday accused the Turkish president and his family of personally benefiting from the illegal oil trade with Islamic State militants.

The accusations follow Turkey's downing of a Russian warplane near the Syrian border last week, which has set off an angry spat between the two nations that had developed close economic ties.

Speaking to dozens of foreign military attaches and hundreds of reporters in Moscow, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said Russia has evidence showing that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family were linked to the IS oil trade.

"President Erdogan and his family are involved in this criminal business," Antonov said. "We know the price of Erdogan's words ... Turkish leaders won't step down and they won't acknowledge anything even if their faces are smeared with the stolen oil."

Antonov claimed that IS militants make $2 billion a year from the illegal oil trade. Lt.-Gen. Sergei Rudskoi of the Russian military's General Staff said Russian airstrikes on the IS oil infrastructure in Syria had halved the militants' profits.

The defense ministry officials showed the journalists what they said were satellite images depicting thousands of trucks carrying oil from IS-occupied areas in Syria and Iraq into Turkey. They did not, however, provide any evidence to back up the claims of personal involvement of Erdogan and his family in the illegal oil trade.

The Turkish president has denied Turkey's involvement in oil trade with the IS, and said repeatedly that he would resign if Russia proves its accusations.

Meanwhile, in Cyprus, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said he would agree to meet with his Turkish counterpart this week to hear Turkey's explanations on the downing of the Russian air force jet. Lavrov said he would meet Mevlut Cavusoglu on the sidelines of an Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe meeting of foreign ministers in Belgrade, the Serbian capital.

"We will meet with the Turkish minister of foreign affairs, we will hear what he has to say," Lavrov said after talks with his Cypriot counterpart in Nicosia.

Lavrov said he spoke to Cavusoglu the day after the Russian aircraft was shot down, but heard only what Turkey had already stated publicly and "just some excuses."

The meeting could offer a way to de-escalate a growing crisis between Russia and Turkey.

Turkey insists the Russian plane violated its airspace despite numerous warnings it issued to the Russian pilots and has said it won't apologize for the downing, which killed a Russian pilot. A Russian marine also died trying to retrieve a second pilot.

Russia claims Turkey shot down its plane to protect what President Vladimir Putin has described as Turkish profiteering from the IS oil trade. Russia has imposed sanctions against Turkish products in retaliation for the downing.

Lavrov said his country's aim is to ensure that the "overflow" of terrorist threats in Turkey don't make their way into Russia.


Hadjicostis reported from Nicosia, Cyprus. Nataliya Vasilyeva contributed to this report from Moscow.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-02

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Speaking to dozens of foreign military attaches and hundreds of reporters in Moscow, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said Russia has evidence showing that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family were linked to the IS oil trade.


The defense ministry officials showed the journalists what they said were satellite images depicting thousands of trucks carrying oil from IS-occupied areas in Syria and Iraq into Turkey. They did not, however, provide any evidence to back up the claims of personal involvement of Erdogan and his family in the illegal oil trade.

Either show the evidence, or don't make the accusations. Very unprofessional. Russia has NO press freedom:


The Democratic Republic of Congo — where 61 newspapers, five radio stations and a television station have been shut down by the government and several journalists have been arbitrarily arrested in recent months — is presently more successful in guaranteeing the freedom of the press than Russia, Reporters Without Borders revealed Thursday.
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Speaking to dozens of foreign military attaches and hundreds of reporters in Moscow, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said Russia has evidence showing that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family were linked to the IS oil trade.


The defense ministry officials showed the journalists what they said were satellite images depicting thousands of trucks carrying oil from IS-occupied areas in Syria and Iraq into Turkey. They did not, however, provide any evidence to back up the claims of personal involvement of Erdogan and his family in the illegal oil trade.

Either show the evidence, or don't make the accusations. Very unprofessional. Russia has NO press freedom:


The Democratic Republic of Congo — where 61 newspapers, five radio stations and a television station have been shut down by the government and several journalists have been arbitrarily arrested in recent months — is presently more successful in guaranteeing the freedom of the press than Russia, Reporters Without Borders revealed Thursday.

Are you saying that ISIS is not selling oil, or not selling it through Turkey or that the Turkey government is not involved ? Don't distract from the issue. The issue is that ISIS is a threat to world peace, they have been able to sell oil into the world market and using those funds to fund their reign of terror. If you look at a map you will see that the ISIS stolen oil can only be exported through Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan or Iraq. Most of the oil fields ISIS control are however in the north of Syria and north west of Iraq and the shortest export route would be through Turkey. My questions to you are (assuming you acknowledge the fact that ISIS is selling oil) to who are they selling their oil, why have the US not targeted these oil tanker convoys and why have the US not followed the money trail like they normally do ? For more than 14 months the US planes have been bombing ISIS without any visible result, yet they have neglected to bomb the money lifeline of ISIS, the oil tankers. These tankers are easy targets yet they have been allowed to generate billions for terrorists. The most imported question is however who is buying the ISIS oil. Here it gets interesting, the Turkish PM's son buys the oil and then it gets sold to oil traders (most US based). The profit on this oil is massive as ISIS gets 50% of the normal price, which means the PM's son and the traders share 50% of the price plus their normal margin. This oil then becomes part of the normal oil trade, much like the blood diamonds in the past. In case you are denying that the US knows about this I include some links for you.

<Conspiracy theory link removed>


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During the embargo after the Gulf War, oil was smuggled out primarily through Turkey and Iran. The embargo covered only tankers actually crossing the border. Oil was smuggled in relatively small quantities by individuals with oversized petrol trucks. It is difficult to control, since these are individuals. It's not a lot different than a car driving across the border and filling up before it comes back. It's difficult to control.

Bombing many of the convoys is going to cause massive civilian casualties. Those in the trucks are usually ordinary citizens doing a dodgy business.

The control point of the oil is at the oil depots. I believe the Russians bombed some of those. Some convoys have been destroyed by the coalition after giving them fair warning to get away from the area.

I don't think there is actually an embargo of oil from Iraq. I am not sure about Syria. So, buying/selling oil may not break a law directly, but funding ISIS is, but that tends to be a money trail.

I had posted some time ago that the only way of stopping the trade would be to take out the oil depots, the wells, refineries or other infrastructure. Interestingly enough, I received mostly negative comments for suggesting such a thing and for advocating extreme environmental damage. I was not (and am not) advocating doing it, but if you wish to stop the flow of oil, that is about the only way of doing it.

Erdogan's son may be involved and he and his father may be benefiting and indirectly the Turkish gov't may profit, but I question whether the nation itself is allowing this trade to go on.

Russia, right now, has greater latitude in public opinion to do things that the coalition cannot do without losing a lot of support. France, after the Paris attacks, also will be allowed greater latitude in the court of public opinion.

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During the embargo after the Gulf War, oil was smuggled out primarily through Turkey and Iran. The embargo covered only tankers actually crossing the border. Oil was smuggled in relatively small quantities by individuals with oversized petrol trucks. It is difficult to control, since these are individuals. It's not a lot different than a car driving across the border and filling up before it comes back. It's difficult to control.

Bombing many of the convoys is going to cause massive civilian casualties. Those in the trucks are usually ordinary citizens doing a dodgy business.

The control point of the oil is at the oil depots. I believe the Russians bombed some of those. Some convoys have been destroyed by the coalition after giving them fair warning to get away from the area.

I don't think there is actually an embargo of oil from Iraq. I am not sure about Syria. So, buying/selling oil may not break a law directly, but funding ISIS is, but that tends to be a money trail.

I had posted some time ago that the only way of stopping the trade would be to take out the oil depots, the wells, refineries or other infrastructure. Interestingly enough, I received mostly negative comments for suggesting such a thing and for advocating extreme environmental damage. I was not (and am not) advocating doing it, but if you wish to stop the flow of oil, that is about the only way of doing it.

Erdogan's son may be involved and he and his father may be benefiting and indirectly the Turkish gov't may profit, but I question whether the nation itself is allowing this trade to go on.

Russia, right now, has greater latitude in public opinion to do things that the coalition cannot do without losing a lot of support. France, after the Paris attacks, also will be allowed greater latitude in the court of public opinion.

There is a UN mandate sponsored by Russia and was approved by UNSC which makes it illegal to trade in Syrian oil from IS. I think it is #2199 from February of this year...the Russians are now trying to update it and make it easier to enforce...with the hidden objective of having sanctions applied to Turkey and Erdogan's son who is reportedly, heavily involved. Putin is after Erdogan now in a big way.

It will be interesting to see how the US vote on this...a veto/abstension would look bad. France will be unlikely to oppose it because of political pressures inside France won't veto it...which leaves the UK to veto it as US's proxy? It might be interesting to keep an eye on this.

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Are you saying that ISIS is not selling oil, or not selling it through Turkey or that the Turkey government is not involved ? Don't distract from the issue. The issue is that ISIS is a threat to world peace, they have been able to sell oil into the world market and using those funds to fund their reign of terror. If you look at a map you will see that the ISIS stolen oil can only be exported through Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan or Iraq. Most of the oil fields ISIS control are however in the north of Syria and north west of Iraq and the shortest export route would be through Turkey. My questions to you are (assuming you acknowledge the fact that ISIS is selling oil) to who are they selling their oil, why have the US not targeted these oil tanker convoys and why have the US not followed the money trail like they normally do ? For more than 14 months the US planes have been bombing ISIS without any visible result, yet they have neglected to bomb the money lifeline of ISIS, the oil tankers. These tankers are easy targets yet they have been allowed to generate billions for terrorists. The most imported question is however who is buying the ISIS oil. Here it gets interesting, the Turkish PM's son buys the oil and then it gets sold to oil traders (most US based). The profit on this oil is massive as ISIS gets 50% of the normal price, which means the PM's son and the traders share 50% of the price plus their normal margin. This oil then becomes part of the normal oil trade, much like the blood diamonds in the past. In case you are denying that the US knows about this I include some links for you.

<Conspiracy theory link removed>


Let's not forget Syria is also buying ISIS oil. Everybody is involved. I never said ISIS is not selling oil, just no proof Erdogan is directly involved. Allegations from Russia don't make it a fact. Plus, it's not being sold to the world market. It's being sold to countries around Syria and Iraq, including Iran.

As has been widely reported, the US didn't bomb the oil wells due to environmental considerations AND to make sure Syria can get back on it's feet financially when this is over. I doubt Russia will pay for rebuilding what they've bombed. As for oil trucks, as Scott mentioned, the US didn't bomb them due to civilian casualties.

Interesting that Russia can get away with all this whereas if the US tried, they'd be condemned till the end of time. A bit hypocritical methinks.


ISIS is selling oil to Syria, the very country the militant group is trying to take over.

Apparently, ISIS makes $1.5 million a day by selling oil, making it a strategic priority to take over oil fields and refineries in Syria.


Syria needs oil to fight these wars, and since ISIS controls a significant amount of the oil production infrastructure in the country, they are forced to buy oil from ISIS.

In addition to selling to Syria, ISIS also sells oil to black market traders in the region, who sell the oil to rebel groups or people living in areas that ISIS controls.

A very good article if you have the time to read it. Lays out who's buying ISIS oil quite well:


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whistling.gif As always a half truth.

Turkey buys Oil from Many sources.

Some of it comes from Kurdish areas by the Kurds.

So of those areas have been occupied by ISIS now.

Some Oil comes from Iraqi areas which ISIS may now have occupied.

Some of the Oil may come from Syrian areas which other non ISIS groups now occupy.

The Russians will claim that Oil is from ISIS because they will not recognize the Kurds or other anti-Syrian groups as legitimate ....to them anything that opposes Syria is ISIS

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Russia still needs to answer for shooting down passenger aircraft before they should expect an apology for shooting down their fighter jet.

When did Russia shot down a passenger jet?

If you mean Ukraine.....I think not even the Nazi Government claimed that Russia shot it down. It was either Ukraine military or the Rebels in the East. But never Russia.

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Speaking to dozens of foreign military attaches and hundreds of reporters in Moscow, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said Russia has evidence showing that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family were linked to the IS oil trade.


The defense ministry officials showed the journalists what they said were satellite images depicting thousands of trucks carrying oil from IS-occupied areas in Syria and Iraq into Turkey. They did not, however, provide any evidence to back up the claims of personal involvement of Erdogan and his family in the illegal oil trade.

Either show the evidence, or don't make the accusations. Very unprofessional.

The evidence was presented in Western Media.

The Daily Mirror, Britain's brightest tabloid newspaper.


Russia accuse Turkey's president of buying oil from ISIS and claim this video is proof


That's still just an allegation from Russia with an unsubstantiated video....provided by them! rolleyes.gif

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