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At least 14 people are reported dead in shooting at disabled centre in Southern California


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You can't deny it's a very unusual incident. Yes, I would say almost definitely terrorism. But the target was very odd. That's where the "mix" part comes in. One theory which I posted right away but decided to withdraw before we know more has now been voiced by others. That the target was chosen because it was so SOFT. They could totally case the joint and apparently they were stupid enough to think they could escape as well.

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- Sayid Farook is NOT a "Muslim" name! It is a name of Arabic Heritage! There are no "Muslim"- names!

- as long as they did not carry out the killing in the name of Allah or Mohammed, it is NOT Muslim- terrorism or Jihad, no matter what their names are, what religion they hold or where they were born! It is terrorism, yes! But not Muslim- terrorism!

- things like these would NOT happen, if not every John, Dick and Harry would have access to guns and it would NOT have ended better, if the whole center would have been stacked with guns!

- the bodies of the last mass- shooting have not yet been burried...but here we go again! 355 so far this year! "...but ...but ...but...an occassional shooting here and there..." When will you redneck gunlovers finally admit, that there is a problem IN THE US?

- and again: they have Arabic names: Muslim- terror! He was a god fearing Christian who said "no more bay- parts"...just a coincidence!

Links are provided for our readers to gain additional information. They are useless if people refuse to read them.

Check out this post... http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/875612-at-least-14-people-are-reported-dead-in-shooting-at-disabled-centre-in-southern-california/page-5#entry10148572

Due to Fair Use, only the first three sentences of a link might be posted. Following are the next four sentences of the above link:

"“I haven’t heard anything,” the elder Syed Farook told the Daily News. “He was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”

“He was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”


That complete rules out, that anything else but him being Muslim, was responsible for what he did?

Even if his name was Allah Mohamed Bin Jihad and the only book he ever read was the Q'ran...that still doesn't make him a Muslim- terrorist!

By the way: the wife of the PP- shooter, said he was very religious!

Care to appologize in the name of all Christians?

You little silver tongued devil. You got me!

Now that you caught me, why don't you show all of us where I ever made the claim that Syed Farook and his lovely bride were Muslim terrorists?

All I did was point out what his father said in an interview.

They may very well not be Muslim terrorists. I don't know...and neither do you.

I generally apologize when I make a mistake. Something you might like to practice from time to time.

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One detail I'm curious about.

Did they kill or shoot any Muslims?

Surely as this was an "inside" job the worker would have known if there were any fellow Muslims in the room.

We've seen a number of terror cases where the Muslims are singled out and spared but of course not always as in the recent Paris attacks.

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One detail I'm curious about.

Did they kill or shoot any Muslims?

Surely as this was an "inside" job the worker would have known if there were any fellow Muslims in the room.

We've seen a number of terror cases where the Muslims are singled out and spared but of course not always as in the recent Paris attacks.

Do not forget if one is the "wrong" type of muslim attack is allowed ! ( Shia v Sunni "wisdom" )

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Some have said this is about guns... Is it? Well, sure, there is an issue that can be considered with regard to guns, access, etc. Is there a connection? CA has the most restrictive gun laws in America and people who were already going to break the law were able to obtain guns. What benefit would be gained by restricting further access to guns by people with no intention of breaking the law? Clearly, tighter gun control here would only act up the legal. This is not about guns as much as it is not an issue about body armor or SUVs. From the start and in the end the issue is about islamic terrorism. The assertion to subordinate this event into a gun debate and folding it up there is ridiculous, and shows a destitute thinking.

The reason that people are particularly incensed and will never fold this tragedy under the cover of another stalking horse, "guns," is because what motivates jihadis to do these particular crimes wage war poses an existential threat against every aspect of liberty and life and civilization. Gun deaths suck, are pointless, horrible, random, unpredictable. Islamic terrorism does have a local and collective point, a blueprint, it is only horrible from the perspective of the victims, it is not random insofar as each act is a means toward an end, each act is invariably the result of target selection and analysis, and it can be predicted. It can be predicted but it is just disagreeable what is required to predict it. There are a very few indicators that can suggest with a very high degree of accuracy where such jihadis will come from. More importantly, is diagnosis by exclusion: there is an overwhelming amount of information suggesting where it will not come from.

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Some have said this is about guns... Is it? Well, sure, there is an issue that can be considered with regard to guns, access, etc. Is there a connection? CA has the most restrictive gun laws in America and people who were already going to break the law were able to obtain guns. What benefit would be gained by restricting further access to guns by people with no intention of breaking the law? Clearly, tighter gun control here would only act up the legal. This is not about guns as much as it is not an issue about body armor or SUVs. From the start and in the end the issue is about islamic terrorism. The assertion to subordinate this event into a gun debate and folding it up there is ridiculous, and shows a destitute thinking.

The reason that people are particularly incensed and will never fold this tragedy under the cover of another stalking horse, "guns," is because what motivates jihadis to do these particular crimes wage war poses an existential threat against every aspect of liberty and life and civilization. Gun deaths suck, are pointless, horrible, random, unpredictable. Islamic terrorism does have a local and collective point, a blueprint, it is only horrible from the perspective of the victims, it is not random insofar as each act is a means toward an end, each act is invariably the result of target selection and analysis, and it can be predicted. It can be predicted but it is just disagreeable what is required to predict it. There are a very few indicators that can suggest with a very high degree of accuracy where such jihadis will come from. More importantly, is diagnosis by exclusion: there is an overwhelming amount of information suggesting where it will not come from.

The speed limit for cars is determined for drivers who cannot handle conditions as good as very competent drivers. So the very goid drivers are restricted in speed because of the bad drivers. Those limits sre to protect people from the drivers that are not so good.

Gun laws should be the same. Many responsible gun owners but also many not good, so laws should be enacted to protect people from the nutters.

We still dont know if the guns used were acquired legally.

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You can't deny it's a very unusual incident. Yes, I would say almost definitely terrorism. But the target was very odd. That's where the "mix" part comes in. One theory which I posted right away but decided to withdraw before we know more has now been voiced by others. That the target was chosen because it was so SOFT. They could totally case the joint and apparently they were stupid enough to think they could escape as well.

More news now on CNN even that the man and his wife were just flat out terrorists with connections to Saudi Arabia and links to foreign terrorist suspects. The workplace? Why not? It's still symbolic and the guy obviously had inside info about the party, the when, the where, and most important of all the ease of getting into the location. The workplace was ideal. Talk now, I hear, is that the two jihadis went back home in order to refill their ammo and go on to other targets.

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Some have said this is about guns... Is it? Well, sure, there is an issue that can be considered with regard to guns, access, etc. Is there a connection? CA has the most restrictive gun laws in America and people who were already going to break the law were able to obtain guns. What benefit would be gained by restricting further access to guns by people with no intention of breaking the law? Clearly, tighter gun control here would only act up the legal. This is not about guns as much as it is not an issue about body armor or SUVs. From the start and in the end the issue is about islamic terrorism. The assertion to subordinate this event into a gun debate and folding it up there is ridiculous, and shows a destitute thinking.

The reason that people are particularly incensed and will never fold this tragedy under the cover of another stalking horse, "guns," is because what motivates jihadis to do these particular crimes wage war poses an existential threat against every aspect of liberty and life and civilization. Gun deaths suck, are pointless, horrible, random, unpredictable. Islamic terrorism does have a local and collective point, a blueprint, it is only horrible from the perspective of the victims, it is not random insofar as each act is a means toward an end, each act is invariably the result of target selection and analysis, and it can be predicted. It can be predicted but it is just disagreeable what is required to predict it. There are a very few indicators that can suggest with a very high degree of accuracy where such jihadis will come from. More importantly, is diagnosis by exclusion: there is an overwhelming amount of information suggesting where it will not come from.

The speed limit for cars is determined for drivers who cannot handle conditions as good as very competent drivers. So the very goid drivers are restricted in speed because of the bad drivers. Those limits sre to protect people from the drivers that are not so good.

Gun laws should be the same. Many responsible gun owners but also many not good, so laws should be enacted to protect people from the nutters.

We still dont know if the guns used were acquired legally.

According to CNN the two handguns were acquired legally by the shooter..

The two long guns were acquired by either a straw purchaser or acquaintance of the shooters.

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You can't deny it's a very unusual incident. Yes, I would say almost definitely terrorism. But the target was very odd. That's where the "mix" part comes in. One theory which I posted right away but decided to withdraw before we know more has now been voiced by others. That the target was chosen because it was so SOFT. They could totally case the joint and apparently they were stupid enough to think they could escape as well.

More news now on CNN even that the man and his wife were just flat out terrorists with connections to Saudi Arabia and links to foreign terrorist suspects. The workplace? Why not? It's still symbolic and the guy obviously had inside info about the party, the when, the where, and most important of all the ease of getting into the location. The workplace was ideal. Talk now, I hear, is that the two jihadis went back home in order to refill their ammo and go on to other targets.

I now predict a dramatic rise in mistrust and a hiring backlash against muzzlims in america….great….that'll make more of them go out and buy guns to shoot up people.

Playing very nicely into isis' hands yet again.

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The FBI assistant director said his girlfriend/ spouse came to the US on a k1 fiance visa on a Pakistani passport.

In this case in So Cal, they found 12 pipe bombs in his home and 2000+ 9mm rounds, 2500+ .223 rounds for the AR15. This doesn't look like someone just stocking up to protect their house from a home invasion.

I'm a liberal but even I admit the government might have to do some serious thinking about visas into the US. UK has the same problem with this and they've stopped giving visas and legal status so easily. UK is like love a foreign spouse, go live with them overseas.

The question I really want to know is did he get radicalized when he went overseas to Pakistan/ Saudi Arabia where he met his future wife? And how did he managed to get an arsenal this big without walking into a gun store.

Edited by JakeSully
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It's beginning to walk like a duck and sound like a duck. News keeps coming out.

Draw your own conclusion.


Officials: San Bernardino shooter apparently radicalized, in touch with terror subjects



San Bernardino Attackers Left Remote Controlled Bomb at Party



Authorities Search Redlands Home Tied To Suspect Syed Farook



San Bernardino Shooting: Suspects Left Baby Daughter With Grandma



San Bernardino shooting suspect traveled to Saudi Arabia, was married, appeared to be living 'American Dream,' co-workers say



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The FBI assistant director said his girlfriend/ spouse came to the US on a k1 fiance visa on a Pakistani passport.

In this case in So Cal, they found 12 pipe bombs in his home and 2000+ 9mm rounds, 2500+ .223 rounds for the AR15. This doesn't look like someone just stocking up to protect their house from a home invasion.

I'm a liberal but even I admit the government might have to do some serious thinking about visas into the US. UK has the same problem with this and they've stopped giving visas and legal status so easily. UK is like love a foreign spouse, go live with them overseas.

The question I really want to know is did he get radicalized when he went overseas to Pakistan/ Saudi Arabia where he met his future wife? And how did he managed to get an arsenal this big without walking into a gun store.

As I said in an earlier post, he legally purchased the two handguns.

He had no criminal record that has been reported and passed the background check performed by the FBI.

A purchaser can't be refused because he might be a Muslilm.

Edited by chuckd
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These radicals are attacking so TRUMP can become president and then there will be a full-scale war against America...

this is not a CONSPIRACY...


everyone who hates America

did this guy get funded by Iran????? the truth will come out...

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OK now.

12 pipe bombs found in the terrorist's home.

100 percent this is terrorism.

It seems clear now there was a bigger Islamist group behind this and a MUCH BIGGER attack planned.

So in a weird way a bullet was dodged here (the victims excepted of course).

Who knows how many of those bombs from their FACTORY are already waiting somewhere else though.

Edited by Jingthing
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It certainly means that there are more people involved ...unless the wife is a professional bomb maker from karachi.

A man who has been working in the area said he noticed a half-dozen Middle Eastern men in the area in recent weeks, but decided not to report anything since he did not wish to racially profile those people.

“We sat around lunch thinking, ‘What were they doing around the neighborhood?'” he said. “We’d see them leave where they’re raiding the apartment.”


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- Sayid Farook is NOT a "Muslim" name! It is a name of Arabic Heritage! There are no "Muslim"- names!

- as long as they did not carry out the killing in the name of Allah or Mohammed, it is NOT Muslim- terrorism or Jihad, no matter what their names are, what religion they hold or where they were born! It is terrorism, yes! But not Muslim- terrorism!

- things like these would NOT happen, if not every John, Dick and Harry would have access to guns and it would NOT have ended better, if the whole center would have been stacked with guns!

- the bodies of the last mass- shooting have not yet been burried...but here we go again! 355 so far this year! "...but ...but ...but...an occassional shooting here and there..." When will you redneck gunlovers finally admit, that there is a problem IN THE US?

- and again: they have Arabic names: Muslim- terror! He was a god fearing Christian who said "no more bay- parts"...just a coincidence!

Links are provided for our readers to gain additional information. They are useless if people refuse to read them.

Check out this post... http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/875612-at-least-14-people-are-reported-dead-in-shooting-at-disabled-centre-in-southern-california/page-5#entry10148572

Due to Fair Use, only the first three sentences of a link might be posted. Following are the next four sentences of the above link:

"“I haven’t heard anything,” the elder Syed Farook told the Daily News. “He was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”

Seem to recall one of your posts that had given you a link and your reply was I don't read that crap.

Yeah, it might have been one of those sites like Alex Jones, Mother Jones, The Young Turks or any of the George Soros sponsored propaganda machines such as Center for American Progress.

I'm sort of strange that way...just don't believe in conspiracy theories and with so little time left for me, I just won't waste my time reading the crap they put out.

How about you?

Got it. People should read the links you provide, but you don't read the links others provide.
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Fact check. The U.S. is not the worst country in the world when it comes to mass/multiple killings/murder. Several European nations are worse. see this link.


A link to farcenews for FACTS..this takes the biscuit.

All I see is faux sincerity and when a show host suggested to O'ielly he was "just goofing off", O'Lielly replied with a smirk.

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Can someone answer me this: how do these people get kevlar- vests and assault riffles?

I mean...you just walk into a Walmart and buy a kevlar- vest?

Because...deer- hunting?

I just don't understand, how it can be so @#$%^&! easy to equip yourself like an US- marine, with body- armor, big guns and what not...

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Here are their names:

  • Shannon Johnson
  • Bennetta Bet-Badal
  • Aurora Godoy
  • Isaac Amanios
  • Daniel (Larry) Kaufman
  • Harry Bowman
  • Yvette Velasco
  • Sierra Clayborn
  • Robert Adams
  • Nicholas Thalasinos
  • Tin Nguyen
  • Juan Espinoza
  • Damian Meins
  • Michael Wetzel


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Plenty of social media posts putting forward "Arabic" names for the suspects.

Nah. The two, man and woman, shot in the SUV had good old fashioned American names. Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, who were reportedly married. The third one is thought to be Syed's brother. So there goes your "Arabic" names theory. Oh, wait... What? coffee1.gif

Actually sound like BBC presenters so...... fine, upstanding British names there.biggrin.png

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