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Britain votes to join airstrikes against IS


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Britain votes to join airstrikes against IS

LONDON (AP) — British lawmakers have voted to join the international campaign of airstrikes against the Islamic State militant group in Syria.

The 397-223 vote in the House of Commons means Royal Air Force fighter jets — already operating against IS in neighboring Iraq — could be flying over Syria within days or even hours.

Prime Minister David Cameron said that after the deadly Nov. 13 Paris attacks, claimed by IS, Britain should strike the militants in their heartland and not "sit back and wait for them to attack us."

Opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn opposed what he called a "reckless and half-baked intervention," but dozens of his lawmakers voted with the government to back airstrikes.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-03

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I'm no fan of Cameron's, but in this instance he made the right decision, it was always the case of either we go and wipe out the evil of this sick religeon, or as they have promised they will wipe us out.

No time for pussyfooting, pacifists ,or the PC, brigade and apologists.sadly the Labour Party now falls under the heading of Weak, Leaderless,Ineffectual, directionless.a great party destined to being out of power for the next ten years! which is very sad considering the alternative asset strippers who will not bat an eyelid at leaving the British people broke! and owning nothing in their own country!

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Of course they have. Always following the yanks! bah.gif

Of course! If you don't have any brains of your own, you have to follow someone!! biggrin.png

Now Now Never sure the Usa and the UK need each other!

Yes I would sooner bat on the same side as the yanks than bowl against them.

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Britain's parliament approves airstrikes in Syria


LONDON: -- British lawmakers have voted to launch bombing raids against ISIL extremists in Syria. After more than 10 hours of parliamentary debate, MPs voted by 397 to 223 supporting Prime Minister David Cameron’s case that the country needs to help destroy militants who are plotting against the UK.

The vote comes as as a blow to the leader of Britain’s main opposition Party, Jeremy Corbyn, who was against the airstrikes.

British Tornado bombers could leave an airbase in Cyprus within hours to launch the country’s latest military action in the Middle East.

Britain is already engaged in airstrikes in Iraq but many MPs and members of the public have been wary of entering into another costly military operation.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-03

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Of course they have. Always following the yanks! bah.gif

Of course! If you don't have any brains of your own, you have to follow someone!! biggrin.png

Now Now Never sure the Usa and the UK need each other!

The big picture seems to be the west fighting against a small but evil religious sect in Syria.

I cannot help wondering though just which religious sect is controlling the west.

I wouldn't say controlling. But yes, a significant influence. At least they aren't cutting people's heads off! thumbsup.gif

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Of course they have. Always following the yanks! bah.gif

Perhaps also the 50 other countries in the coalition? And perhaps for a good reason????

Of course. War is a lucrative business. And who sells those 50 partners war equipment? blink.png

It doesn't seem that's the objective of this war. Quite complex. Interesting read here, I never knew about this gas pipeline. Russia seems to be determined to keep their strangle hold on Europe.


As Orenstein explained, “in 2009, Qatar proposed to build a pipeline to send its gas northwest via Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Syria to Turkey… However, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad refused to sign the plan; Russia, which did not want to see its position in European gas markets undermined, put him under intense pressure not to”.

Russia’s Gazprom sells 80 per cent of its gas to Europe. So in 2010, Russia put its weight behind “an alternative Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline that would pump Iranian gas from the same field out via Syrian ports such as Latakia and under the Mediterranean.” The project would allow Moscow “to control gas imports to Europe from Iran, the Caspian Sea region, and Central Asia.”

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397 MP voted yes, and astonishingly, 223 MP voted no, no to bombing IS, no to puting an end to those

barberians murderers exsitance, No to save lives, no to bring back order and stibilty to the region,

no to save women and childern from being treated and sold as salves, no to every fibre in humenity

that creams Yes....

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397 MP voted yes, and astonishingly, 223 MP voted no, no to bombing IS, no to puting an end to those

barberians murderers exsitance, No to save lives, no to bring back order and stibilty to the region,

no to save women and childern from being treated and sold as salves, no to every fibre in humenity

that creams Yes....

Has any government yet to clearly articulate a strategy to comprehensively defeat Daesh and other Sunni groups? Shia militias in Iraq and Syria are also committing extensive war crimes making the whole situation even more complex, practically silence regarding their gruesome activities.

To my knowledge the competing balance of power players have not agreed the pathway to peace in Syria and Iraq. Have not followed the UK debate, but IMO allocating six UK fighter bombers is a political gesture not a strategy, at this stage in reality what difference will they make.

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it is common knowledge by now, one will never defeat this lot by trying to bomb them out of existance, haven't the powers that be learnt anything from history, look at the millions of tonnage of bombs dropped on north vietnam, did it do any good.no, none at all.and the same outcome will happen here.i needs troops on the ground to take them out.

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I don't know that boots on the ground will do it either. It will be considered an infidel force. They will ultimately regroup just as Al Qeada morphed into ISIS and various other terrorist groups have regrouped.

I am not sure what the solution is, but I suspect it will have to ultimately be dealt with locally.

At this point, I think the goal has to be to try to stop funds and reasonably neutralize them so they stop being such a threat to countries outside the region.

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So it looks like the RAF likely will be the first to fly over Syria since Putin installed his battlestar galactica air defence system, the S-400* (also its predecessor S-300). The system's range includes the RAF base in Cyprus.

All the same, reports from Nato are that Putin is prepping his four airfields being used in Syria to receive another 100 to 120 RuAF fighters and bombers. Coming soon are also the Tos-1 multiple rocket firing platform used to level Grozny. What's often been called the heavy artillery.

More significantly for casualties whether military of civilian, Nato intelligence says Putin is bringing in the Buratino thermobaric warhead. This bomb detonates to create a cloud that transforms into a mass of fire and a crushing overpressure. It's a high tech huge firebomb that explodes down onto you while blasting everything around.

So for better and for worse, Daesh might begin to see something like what old-fashioned all out warfare is by a developed military. War without conscience.

US thus far has spent more than $2bn on its smart bomb and focused air campaign while Putin is going far beyond only a limited air campaign.

Putin just the other day got $2bn cash from Beijing by finally selling the current generation Sukhoi-35 fighter/bomber to the CCP after several years of stalling because Putin didn't want the CCP to have its hands on the technology. This shows Putin's already desperate for bucks while Nato is currently assessing how long his air forces can hold up without breaking down or wearing out. Or both.

Whatever Cameron has budgeted for his campaign in Syria/Iraq, it's not enough. It never is.

*Named by Nato as the SA-21 Growler system.

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Countries in the direct neighbourhood like Saudi Arabia and Iran are funding and equpping Daish whilst Western Nations are lushing up to them. Other countries like Turkey are playing both sides to their own advantage.

In a way it would be best to pull out completely and let them all murder each other until the situation is resolved within themselves. If the Regime's of the Middle East are hell bent on their own destruction and the destruction of their own people's....then so be it. What we in the West should be doing is closing ALL borders to ALL invaders including 'refugees' and dealing very harshly with any terrorist acts committed within our borders...including the death penalty for terrorist crimes of any nature form internal or external sources.

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397 MP voted yes, and astonishingly, 223 MP voted no, no to bombing IS, no to puting an end to those

barberians murderers exsitance, No to save lives, no to bring back order and stibilty to the region,

no to save women and childern from being treated and sold as salves, no to every fibre in humenity

that creams Yes....

No to getting stuck in a quagmire like Iraq.

No to fighting a war that should be fought by countries in the region.

No to giving DAESH exactly what it wants: a war with the west.

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After the successes of bringing peace to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya its makes perfect sense to join another campaign to bomb Syria..
What did Einstein say about repeating the same thing over and over hoping to get different results?

Only stupid folk actually believe that this will in any way damage Daesh. The only outcome will be more recruits for them.

It was only 2 years back that the pig-molesting hamfaced corporate goon-bot was going to parliament to get approval to bomb Assad, now we are bombing Assad's enemies.

While people in the UK are dying waiting for hospitals, and more then 100,000 homeless children, 100,000s relying on foodbanks, we decide to spending £millions bombing Syria. Each mission costs over a £million.

The same folk that whine endlessly about refugees are now egging on the UK government to further bomb these people into the ground. Result more refugees filled with hate for those that destroyed their homes.

We attack the evil Daesh because they are beheading people, yet support the abhorrent Saudis who behead just as many as the Daesh. The doublethink is astounding.

Putin is in Syria at the request of the Syrian government.. we are not, we are now attacking a sovereign nation.

The 70,000 'moderate' terrorists, that only a couple of weeks back were shooting at pilot that were parachuting out of a downed aircraft, will be chomping at the bit to do the same to UK pilots..

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After the successes of bringing peace to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya its makes perfect sense to join another campaign to bomb Syria..

What did Einstein say about repeating the same thing over and over hoping to get different results?

Only stupid folk actually believe that this will in any way damage Daesh. The only outcome will be more recruits for them.

It was only 2 years back that the pig-molesting hamfaced corporate goon-bot was going to parliament to get approval to bomb Assad, now we are bombing Assad's enemies.

While people in the UK are dying waiting for hospitals, and more then 100,000 homeless children, 100,000s relying on foodbanks, we decide to spending £millions bombing Syria. Each mission costs over a £million.

The same folk that whine endlessly about refugees are now egging on the UK government to further bomb these people into the ground. Result more refugees filled with hate for those that destroyed their homes.

We attack the evil Daesh because they are beheading people, yet support the abhorrent Saudis who behead just as many as the Daesh. The doublethink is astounding.

Putin is in Syria at the request of the Syrian government.. we are not, we are now attacking a sovereign nation.

The 70,000 'moderate' terrorists, that only a couple of weeks back were shooting at pilot that were parachuting out of a downed aircraft, will be chomping at the bit to do the same to UK pilots..

Shooting at a pilot who was bombing them. Kinda understand that....

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After the successes of bringing peace to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya its makes perfect sense to join another campaign to bomb Syria..

What did Einstein say about repeating the same thing over and over hoping to get different results?

Only stupid folk actually believe that this will in any way damage Daesh. The only outcome will be more recruits for them.

It was only 2 years back that the pig-molesting hamfaced corporate goon-bot was going to parliament to get approval to bomb Assad, now we are bombing Assad's enemies.

While people in the UK are dying waiting for hospitals, and more then 100,000 homeless children, 100,000s relying on foodbanks, we decide to spending £millions bombing Syria. Each mission costs over a £million.

The same folk that whine endlessly about refugees are now egging on the UK government to further bomb these people into the ground. Result more refugees filled with hate for those that destroyed their homes.

We attack the evil Daesh because they are beheading people, yet support the abhorrent Saudis who behead just as many as the Daesh. The doublethink is astounding.

Putin is in Syria at the request of the Syrian government.. we are not, we are now attacking a sovereign nation.

The 70,000 'moderate' terrorists, that only a couple of weeks back were shooting at pilot that were parachuting out of a downed aircraft, will be chomping at the bit to do the same to UK pilots..

Shooting at a pilot who was bombing them. Kinda understand that....

I'm sure you'll be just as understanding when the Pilot is British..

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