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Call me miserable and negative, I don't mind. I hate everything that comes around early.

This is is supposed to be about celebrating the birthday of Jesus. I personally just see it as another money maker for the shops.

Christmas tree...put a giant banknote instead and you're done. It's more honest.

Btw the closest anti-xmas gig takes place down under sad.png

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This will be my first Xmas in the UK for 18 years.

It's cold but other than that it seems a rather nice time and I've had a ball buying gifts, usually I just send money.

I've noticed that the people who put down Xmas, are usually those who want to avoid spending money on gifts for anyone. wink.png

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This will be my first Xmas in the UK for 18 years.

It's cold but other than that it seems a rather nice time and I've had a ball buying gifts, usually I just send money.

I've noticed that the people who put down Xmas, are usually those who want to avoid spending money on gifts for anyone. wink.png

On a more sombre note,at least you will be able to head down to flea pit road to watch the Os lose against Pompey. Edited by stoneyboy
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I like Christmas as a celebration of the Lord Jesus Christ, which it evolved into about the 2nd or 3rd century A.D.

We go carolling at night with our Thai Christian friends, and it always gets a delighted welcome from neighbors--Buddhists, Hindus, animists, or whomever. They usually meet us with a delicious spread of Thai goodies and fruit.

Our family has always had a row of stockings in which we stuff a variety of necessities (toothpaste, small bills, etc. and some niceties (candy, etc.). On Christmas Day we have distributed these to those who are less fortunate (a widow's family, an orphanage, etc.). The best recipient is one to whom we can get the gift to in an anonymous manner. This part has developed into almost a game--trying to sneak a stocking onto a person's porch, for example.

These family traditions have consistently been the best part of the holiday.

It shifts the focus from commercialism and the "gimmees" to something more meaningful, and in the spirit of the First Gift.

As someone said earlier: Christmas is what you make it.

Sorry the OP has gotten such a bum perspective on the holiday--perhaps his exposure has just been limited.

Edited by Fookhaht
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This will be my first Xmas in the UK for 18 years.

It's cold but other than that it seems a rather nice time and I've had a ball buying gifts, usually I just send money.

I've noticed that the people who put down Xmas, are usually those who want to avoid spending money on gifts for anyone. wink.png

On a more sombre note,at least you will be able to head down to flea pit road to watch the Os lose against Pompey.

laugh.png Merry Christmas.............you're probably right sad.png

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I like Christmas as a celebration of the Lord Jesus Christ.

On Christmas Day we have distributed these to those who are less fortunate.

Sorry the OP has gotten such a bum perspective on the holiday--perhaps his exposure has just been limited.

Christian upbringing as well which I liked when I was a kid because of the holidays, Santa, etc.

But growing up I realized that all these are lies and fairy tales and it is only the tradition that keeps this celebration afloat.

Why do we have to be caring only when it is Christmas time? So we become loving while the rest of the year we are less loving?

Is this hypocritical or not?

And I don't mean to ruin the celebration, I just don't wanna be a part of it.

Edited by mpa
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A "Troll" style post and responses to it have been removed.

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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Christmas has become too commercialised and the original "family" and community events and connections are fading with the passage of time in my opinion.

It has for quite some time been just about the kids, but as time is moving forward, even that is diluting into just an annual commercial event, the emphasis is "sales" and commercial promotions.

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This will be my first Xmas in the UK for 18 years.

It's cold but other than that it seems a rather nice time and I've had a ball buying gifts, usually I just send money.

I've noticed that the people who put down Xmas, are usually those who want to avoid spending money on gifts for anyone. wink.png

Thank you for illustrating that Xmas is all about money.

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I like Christmas as a celebration of the Lord Jesus Christ, which it evolved into about the 2nd or 3rd century A.D.

We go carolling at night with our Thai Christian friends, and it always gets a delighted welcome from neighbors--Buddhists, Hindus, animists, or whomever. They usually meet us with a delicious spread of Thai goodies and fruit.

Our family has always had a row of stockings in which we stuff a variety of necessities (toothpaste, small bills, etc. and some niceties (candy, etc.). On Christmas Day we have distributed these to those who are less fortunate (a widow's family, an orphanage, etc.). The best recipient is one to whom we can get the gift to in an anonymous manner. This part has developed into almost a game--trying to sneak a stocking onto a person's porch, for example.

These family traditions have consistently been the best part of the holiday.

It shifts the focus from commercialism and the "gimmees" to something more meaningful, and in the spirit of the First Gift.

As someone said earlier: Christmas is what you make it.

Sorry the OP has gotten such a bum perspective on the holiday--perhaps his exposure has just been limited.


something more meaningful, and in the spirit of the First Gift.

Please enlighten me: The First Gift??? Never heard that one.

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This will be my first Xmas in the UK for 18 years.

It's cold but other than that it seems a rather nice time and I've had a ball buying gifts, usually I just send money.

I've noticed that the people who put down Xmas, are usually those who want to avoid spending money on gifts for anyone. wink.png

Thank you for illustrating that Xmas is all about money.

What isn't, it's just that some don't mind spending it on people they care for.

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This will be my first Xmas in the UK for 18 years.

It's cold but other than that it seems a rather nice time and I've had a ball buying gifts, usually I just send money.

I've noticed that the people who put down Xmas, are usually those who want to avoid spending money on gifts for anyone. wink.png

Thank you for illustrating that Xmas is all about money.

What isn't, it's just that some don't mind spending it on people they care for.

If people want to show they care about me, they should certainly not show that by spending money.
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This will be my first Xmas in the UK for 18 years.

It's cold but other than that it seems a rather nice time and I've had a ball buying gifts, usually I just send money.

I've noticed that the people who put down Xmas, are usually those who want to avoid spending money on gifts for anyone. wink.png

Thank you for illustrating that Xmas is all about money.

What isn't, it's just that some don't mind spending it on people they care for.

If people want to show they care about me, they should certainly not show that by spending money.
I'll gladly be victimized if anyone insists... ;-)
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My new favorite Christmas song of all time is "White wine in the sun" by the newly famous agnostic musician and comedian Tim Minchin...., do yourself a favor and check it out..., youtube it ?

Im being sarcastic but this is my fav one tongue.png


Edited by mpa
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This will be my first Xmas in the UK for 18 years.

It's cold but other than that it seems a rather nice time and I've had a ball buying gifts, usually I just send money.

I've noticed that the people who put down Xmas, are usually those who want to avoid spending money on gifts for anyone. wink.png

Thank you for illustrating that Xmas is all about money.

What isn't, it's just that some don't mind spending it on people they care for.

If people want to show they care about me, they should certainly not show that by spending money.

Well your off my Christmas card list. laugh.png

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Dress up as druids, cut some mistletoe, sacrifice a Roman, get drunk on mead.

And watch the Bond movie on the telly while scoffing down some Quality Street, After Eights, a selection box and a few glasses of advocaat and lemonade. Sounds like the perfect afternoon!

Edited by mca
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Lo Saturnalia!”. This would have been the seasonal greeting heard all over Europe and the Roman Empire.

For seventeen days from the 17th December the party season was celebrated with decorations, wreathes, banquets and present giving and good will to all men. It sounds awfully familiar!…


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So the Anti Christmas events are taking place in US, UK, AUSTRALIA, how about Asia?sad.png Or even Africa?whistling.gif

There is an interesting art exhibition characterized as Anti-Christmas in Brisbane, Australia.

This is the closest venue I guess.

As for me I would like to be in Seattle or Glasgow:



If I manage to stick here, by this time next year I will be organizing a similar party in Bangkok!

Edited by mpa
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Christmas is great for the money grabbing capitalists, you get people queueing at the ATMs for money to buy overpriced presents etc, all for just one day in the year.

Then you get the idiots with credit cards spending a fortune for that one day, and then paying it back for the rest of the year. Then the cycle starts again.

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