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Recommendations on Where to Avoid


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I can't believe this is a real post, especially a first one at that. You are an American. Your country has more shootings than most. what do you do there stay at home. if your post is real then I pity you.

The Blonde hair blue eyes was just not called for.

Perhaps some serious research, with verifiable data, to back up claims of ":more" gun violence per population and then repost the findings. It may surprise you. the USA has an approximate population of 330 Million. That should present a challenge for someone to do some actual research in lieu of emotional and questionable statements.

Once the firearms research is finished, then try edged weapons deaths and assaults in countries with strict anti-firearms laws.Then move on to traffic related assaults and deaths.

There are plenty of opportunities to criticize, as well as many opportunities to check assumed statistics.

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I could mention a few places to avoid purely because they're charmless, commercialised dumps. But I can't think of anywhere you should avoid on grounds of safety. Relax and enjoy your holiday.

As per' bang on the money.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Anywhere near the buildings or places of gathering for people from the countries involve in fight against ISIS. Anywhere many Farang can be seen. Crowded places like Koasanroad in Bangkok and Walking street in Pattaya. Myself will avoid all crowded places. Hope it never happen here or anywhere else in the world.

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Avoid inner Bangkok such as Central World department store. Dinning in Bangkok should be fine, especially restaurants tucked away in streets. Terrorist are not going to bomb a small restaurant, they will try to target areas such as department stores or busy intersections such as areas around Paragon and Central World for maximum casualty. Another place to avoid is Asiatique. Like you said KSR is another obvious place to stay away from if you are scared.

Take taxi cabs, uber, or grabtaxi as precaution. Try to not walk in busy intersections.

I actually think hotels along the river are safer than ones located on sukhumvit road.

Like another poster said, local nightclubs are pretty safe. They do a pat down whenever you enter.

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John 25 and his wife probably thought the comments here were representative of what they'd encounter in Thailand and decided to go to Manila instead.

I'm guessing he mentioned that they have blond hair and blue eyes to indicate that they wouldn't blend in very well with the general population, not to brag.

One post here indicates someone did a search, found info on Thaivisa and signed up to ask a question. "Troll" wasn't the first thing to pop into my mind.

There was a memo leaked recently listing Kho San road in Bkk and Pattaya walking street as possible targets. I would add big malls like Siam Paragon and Terminal 21 might be places to avoid to reduce your chances of ending up near exploding backpacks of shrapnel.

I think Wat Pho, the Royal residence and other temples would be safe but to say shrines and temples wouldn't be safe seems to discount the largest terrorist attack in recent Thai history at the Erwan shrine.

Mr&Mrs 25, enjoy your holiday.

The rest of the cynics, I think you need to turn off your computers and go outside and play. Too much internet is making you cynical.

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Just bow down to them and stay away, alternatively give them the finger and carry on as normal

yes I agree with kannot , never , ever , ever put those golden locks in harms way , I also think tinted contacts would be wise , so many " blue peeper " thief's running around Thailand ready to snatch them away from you and the miss's . but not worry , just act as arrogant as you write and you will be ok ..............

Edited by mikiea
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I would suggest that you avoid BKK & the South - too modern or hot.

The North & NE is the "real" Thailand.

That's like telling a visitor to the UK to avoid London and spend their time on a farm in Cumbria. Don't be silly.

Lot of action with them Cumbrian farm gals, big Bonnie lasses.

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