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Trump calls for 'complete shutdown' on Muslims entering US


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Trump calls for 'complete shutdown' on Muslims entering US

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called Monday for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States," an idea that prompted one of his rivals to call him "unhinged."

The proposed ban would apply to immigrants and visitors alike, a sweeping prohibition affecting all adherents of Islam who want to come to the U.S. The idea also raised immediate questions about whether it could pass muster under constitutional protections of the free exercise of religion.

Trump's campaign said in a statement such a ban should stand "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

The statement added that Trump's proposal comes in response to a level of hatred among "large segments of the Muslim population" toward Americans.

"Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life," Trump said in the statement.

He added on Twitter: "Just put out a very important policy statement on the extraordinary influx of hatred & danger coming into our country. We must be vigilant!"

Several of Trump's Republican rivals were quick to reject the latest provocation from a candidate who has delivered no shortage of them.

"Donald Trump is unhinged," Jeb Bush said via Twitter. "His 'policy' proposals are not serious."

Carly Fiorina said, "Trump's overreaction is as dangerous as President Obama's under-reaction."

John Kasich slammed Trump's "outrageous divisiveness," while a more measured Ted Cruz, who has always been cautious about upsetting Trump's supporters, said, "Well, that is not my policy."

Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said Trump's proposed ban would apply to "everybody," including Muslims seeking immigration visas as well as tourists seeking to enter the country.

He did not respond to questions about whether it would also include Muslims who are U.S. citizens and travel outside of the country, or how a determination of someone's religion might be made by customs and border officials.

In response to a request for additional detail, Trump said via a campaign spokeswoman: "Because I am so politically correct, I would never be the one to say. You figure it out!"

Trump's proposal comes a day after President Barack Obama spoke to the nation from the Oval Office about the shootings in San Bernardino, California, which Obama said was "an act of terrorism designed to kill innocent people."

The FBI said Monday the Muslim couple who carried out the massacre had been radicalized and had taken target practice at area gun ranges, in one case within days of the attack last week that killed 14 people.

Trump's campaign has been marked by a pattern of inflammatory statements, dating back to his harsh rhetoric about Mexican immigrants.

He has taken a particularly hard line against Muslims in the days since the Paris attacks, advocating enhanced surveillance of mosques due to fears over radicalization.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest accused Trump of playing on people's fears and trying to tap into "a darker side, a darker element" of American society.

From the Democratic presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders said: "Trump and others want us to hate all Muslims. The United States is a great nation when we stand together. We are a weak nation when we allow racism and xenophobia to divide us."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-08

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Trumps grabbing media attention plays on the American public insecurities and more than likely to radicalise some, if he is fair dinkum (for real) were all in trouble, do we need another saber rattling president in the US?

Edited by AlexRRR
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In the US and everywhere, people are finally starting to wake up to the threat that is coming.

Here are the sweet little refugees demanding that Europeans open their borders or die. Just the sort we want in the US, too, according to Obama and company.


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Unfortunately he's a total liar. Today he posted on his twitter.. he has never seen any muslim sports heroes.. yet his website has photos of him with Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Shaquille O'Neil.

He is interested in two things and two things only: making people afraid of it and telling who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections.

Even my father is now wanting to vote for him. I was stunned. I tried reasoning and asked my dad today who was to blame for the 2008 financial crisis.. he didn't remember and said Obama. Then I asked my dad who took care of him during his CABG surgery (I had taken a month off work to be the primary caretaker) and he didn't remember.. he said he did it himself.

I don't want to go so far as to call my dad a senile old man, but the fear is truly working..

Trump will probably become president. Conservatives rejoice!

Edited by JakeSully
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If nothing else works to stop this massacre madness by IS operatives and sympathizers, this, as outlandish

as it sounds, may be a way to go and a good start, as the current US boss obviously busy burying his head

in the sand of the middle east...

Edited by ezzra
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Trumps grabbing media attention plays on the American public insecurities and more than likely to radicalise some, if he is fair dinkum (for real) were all in trouble, do we need another saber rattling president in the US?

And what would those insecurities be?

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Trumps grabbing media attention plays on the American public insecurities and more than likely to radicalise some, if he is fair dinkum (for real) were all in trouble, do we need another saber rattling president in the US?

And what would those insecurities be?

Terrorist attacks on American soil.....

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Trumps grabbing media attention plays on the American public insecurities and more than likely to radicalise some, if he is fair dinkum (for real) were all in trouble, do we need another saber rattling president in the US?

If there was a ban on muslims before this latest attack then 14 Americans would not be dead. We can already see the results of the open door policy. Maybe something else should be tried. If "moderate" muslims had to pay for these attacks maybe they would put some pressure on their radical freinds.

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I think the biggest problem are the ones that are here. The US can vet those coming in and can watch them carefully, if need be. It's the home-grown ones that are harder to keep an eye on.

A large number of the black population is Muslim and I wonder where he thinks he's going to send them?

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I bet the majority of Americans agree with him

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And why wouldn't they? You want the 99.9% of Americans to lose their freedom in exchange for making the 0.001% muslims happy there. Its a nonsense, if the muslims in the USA find freedom so oppressive they can all bugger of back to where they or their ancestors came from. Or, is that too simple a concept to grasp?

Trump is exactly correct on this one. No muslims = no problem, why over complicate the issue. Further to that, they had their chance to stop the supposed extremists within their midst but chose not to presumably because they they feel they will benefit from the spread of the caliphate. Look at the family of the SB muslim, he still maintains Israel will be destroyed, why that is not hate speech is beyond me, the whole family need deporting today.

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Trumps grabbing media attention plays on the American public insecurities and more than likely to radicalise some, if he is fair dinkum (for real) were all in trouble, do we need another saber rattling president in the US?

If there was a ban on muslims before this latest attack then 14 Americans would not be dead. We can already see the results of the open door policy. Maybe something else should be tried. If "moderate" muslims had to pay for these attacks maybe they would put some pressure on their radical freinds.

certainly, that would be fair, especially if a more "moderate" bigot like your good self would be willing to pay for the actions of the arayan brotherhood and KKK over the years.

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Trumps grabbing media attention plays on the American public insecurities and more than likely to radicalise some, if he is fair dinkum (for real) were all in trouble, do we need another saber rattling president in the US?

If there was a ban on muslims before this latest attack then 14 Americans would not be dead. We can already see the results of the open door policy. Maybe something else should be tried. If "moderate" muslims had to pay for these attacks maybe they would put some pressure on their radical freinds.

certainly, that would be fair, especially if a more "moderate" bigot like your good self would be willing to pay for the actions of the arayan brotherhood and KKK over the years.

More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined. (source)

Islamic terrorists murder more people everyday than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 70 years. (source, source)

More civilians were killed by Muslim hijackers in two hours on September 11th than in the 26 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. (source)

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First off you have to realize that ISIL cannot defeat us militarily. They have neither the manpower or the resources to do so. What they are trying to do is to cause us to defeat ourselves. If they can create a major division between western cultures and the millions of immigrants that have come to the West in the last sixty years or so.........they win. Trump is now creating that division and doing ISIL's work for them. Now he has identified who has caused you not to have the life you dreamed of. All he has to do is convince you to kill them. Donald Trump or Slobodan Milosevic, two demagogues with bad hair and a pissy attitude.

Don't rant on about "terrorist attacks in the US" to me. There have been 355 mass murders in the United States so far this year. Four of them can be associated with Jihadist movements the other three hundred and fifty one are just local "batshit crazy" mass murderers. Let's deal with the three hundred first.

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"Trump's campaign said in a statement such a ban should stand "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

The statement added that Trump's proposal comes in response to a level of hatred among "large segments of the Muslim population" toward Americans."

Did you stop to wonder why hatred exists towards America?

The main worry about Trump's latest controversy is that it HAS to be a deliberate and disingenuous playing to the ignorant masses. I can't credit a man of his success would sincerely believe that his proposal is even slightly viable, let alone legal or moral.

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"Trump's campaign said in a statement such a ban should stand "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

The statement added that Trump's proposal comes in response to a level of hatred among "large segments of the Muslim population" toward Americans."

Did you stop to wonder why hatred exists towards America?

The main worry about Trump's latest controversy is that it HAS to be a deliberate and disingenuous playing to the ignorant masses. I can't credit a man of his success would sincerely believe that his proposal is even slightly viable, let alone legal or moral.

Tell me, after DT expels all muslims from the US, what would be the chances of another muslim atrocity happening on US soil?

Once you have honestly answered the above statement, you should be able to see the impeccable logic at play.

Are you not saddened by the horrible lives muslims in the US are living, the freedom must be so repressive, women can drive and vote, they can even show their faces in public!! it must cause such suffering to those poor people. BTW, we shouldn't even been having this discussion had common sense been used decades ago when the importation of people who's aim in life is destroying democracy began - I have always maintained it would only end in tears, and to the chorus of fools calling me a bigot and racist, well I was right all along. The multicultural experiment was a complete failure - some would argue well at least we tried, but it was a disaster now time to fix the problems the lefts stupidity has saddled us with.

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The statement added that Trump's proposal comes in response to a level of hatred among "large segments of the Muslim population" toward Americans."

Did you stop to wonder why hatred exists towards America?

Yes, most objective folks do wonder why the hatred after we've given their countries literally trillions of dollars in humanitarian aid...wink.png

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This is exactly what AQ wanted post 9/11 and didn't quite achieve. With IS picking up the torch and Trump igniting it the wish of radical Islam may come to fruition. Trump is becoming the best recruitment tool extremists could hope for.

sent from my left foot

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"Trump's campaign said in a statement such a ban should stand "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

The statement added that Trump's proposal comes in response to a level of hatred among "large segments of the Muslim population" toward Americans."

Did you stop to wonder why hatred exists towards America?

The main worry about Trump's latest controversy is that it HAS to be a deliberate and disingenuous playing to the ignorant masses. I can't credit a man of his success would sincerely believe that his proposal is even slightly viable, let alone legal or moral.

what does hate for America have to do with Islam ?

What about the muslim terror attacks in India and the Sudan and Algeria and Pakistan and Israel and Russia and Chechnya and the Philippines and Indonesia and Nigeria and England and Thailand and Spain and Egypt and Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Morocco and Yemen and France and Uzbekistan and Gaza and Tunisia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Mauritania and Kenya and Eritrea and Syria and Somalia and Kuwait and Ethiopia and Jordan and United Arab Emirates and Tanzania and Belgium and Denmark and East Timor and Qatar and Maryland and Tajikistan and the Netherlands and Afghanistan and Chad and Canada and China and Nepal and the Maldives and Argentina and Mali and Angola and the Ukraine and Uganda and Germany and Lebanon and Iran and Kazakhstan and Sweden and Azerbaijan and Iraq and Scotland and Macedonia and Bulgaria and Cameroon and Djibouti and Australia and...

...and pretty much wherever Islam is taken seriously ?

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"Trump's campaign said in a statement such a ban should stand "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

The statement added that Trump's proposal comes in response to a level of hatred among "large segments of the Muslim population" toward Americans."

Did you stop to wonder why hatred exists towards America?

The main worry about Trump's latest controversy is that it HAS to be a deliberate and disingenuous playing to the ignorant masses. I can't credit a man of his success would sincerely believe that his proposal is even slightly viable, let alone legal or moral.

Tell me, after DT expels all muslims from the US, what would be the chances of another muslim atrocity happening on US soil?

Once you have honestly answered the above statement, you should be able to see the impeccable logic at play.

Are you not saddened by the horrible lives muslims in the US are living, the freedom must be so repressive, women can drive and vote, they can even show their faces in public!! it must cause such suffering to those poor people. BTW, we shouldn't even been having this discussion had common sense been used decades ago when the importation of people who's aim in life is destroying democracy began - I have always maintained it would only end in tears, and to the chorus of fools calling me a bigot and racist, well I was right all along. The multicultural experiment was a complete failure - some would argue well at least we tried, but it was a disaster now time to fix the problems the lefts stupidity has saddled us with.

WRONG multicultural has worked very well in Australia, its only now become a problem everywhere because of political meddling by western powers in places they shouldn't be in.

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Firstly it appears that there are quite a few Americans who think this is a good idea.

Secondly they demonstrate how incredible stupid both the idea and they are by actually going public in their support without realising how stupid this makes them look in th eyes of the rest of the world

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This is exactly what AQ wanted post 9/11 and didn't quite achieve. With IS picking up the torch and Trump igniting it the wish of radical Islam may come to fruition. Trump is becoming the best recruitment tool extremists could hope for.

sent from my left foot

Your conclusion is based on an entirely false premise though.

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This is exactly what AQ wanted post 9/11 and didn't quite achieve. With IS picking up the torch and Trump igniting it the wish of radical Islam may come to fruition. Trump is becoming the best recruitment tool extremists could hope for.

sent from my left foot

You claim AQ wanted all muslims kicked out of the US. No. They didn't and they don't. They want their brand of islam to conquer the US. Quite a difference!! Trumps statement is a kick to the jimmys for conquering muslims, and that it has so upset the ISIS appeasers is a bonus.

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