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Fridge door seal/gasket replacement

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I have a large Whirlpool fridge (not a usual beast in these areas, about 10 y.o.), and the door magnetic seal seems to become old and tired.

After applying hair dryier and petroleum jelly tricks (which helped just a bit), I still think it's better to replace the seal with a new one. One option would be to order it from US or UK. I was wondering, is there any way to get a compatible same-sized seal from local hardware stores or fridge repair shops? Anyone's got a positive experience to share? What would be the largest local service provider?



Are you sure it is not a door issue? We had 10 and 15cf models about a decade ago and there were serious door mounting alignment problems.


Had the same problem, sent an email to Panasonic, they replied with the name and address of a local guy, went to see him, was a normal house in a project about 2 km away, he did not have in stock [2 bedrooms full of parts] as was a large 21 Q fridge, but he got the seal pack within 4 days


First check the door hinges and the alignment of door. Hinges have cams to allow door closing easier,those cams wear out over time. Also people hang onto door when looking for something interesting causing the door hinge to move out of position. Replace gasket when it is ripped or bunched up in one corner. To replace gasket remove door and place on a flat surface,making sure handle is free. Put gasket into warm water and then concentrate on the corners of door. Don't remove screws holding gasket,just loosen them enough to fit gasket. When gasket is completely installed torque down screws as you would for a tire. Top to bottom side to side. Always make sure to clean face of fridge and gasket. Spilled anything means it will be sticky and will rip gasket over time. If you need more helpPM me


Wishing you the best of luck in getting anything out of Whirlpool. Had an issue with a lower door hinge gone bad. Their fix - buy a new refrigerator even though mine was but 5 yo at the time.

Resorted to getting the Whirlpool USA people getting on to the Hong Kong reps who in turn got after the Thai. Only took him 2.5 months to finally get the parts to me.

Most of these are made by Sanyo so if you can match the parts you might have a better chance.


First check the door hinges and the alignment of door. Hinges have cams to allow door closing easier,those cams wear out over time. Also people hang onto door when looking for something interesting causing the door hinge to move out of position. Replace gasket when it is ripped or bunched up in one corner. To replace gasket remove door and place on a flat surface,making sure handle is free. Put gasket into warm water and then concentrate on the corners of door. Don't remove screws holding gasket,just loosen them enough to fit gasket. When gasket is completely installed torque down screws as you would for a tire. Top to bottom side to side. Always make sure to clean face of fridge and gasket. Spilled anything means it will be sticky and will rip gasket over time. If you need more helpPM me

Thanks for your advice! I checked the cam, it's still in perfect order, and doors are aligned properly (it's a side-by-side configuration). The only visual symptom I have (apart from slightly warm inner temperature, like 6-7º C on the top shelf after night, and 10º+ C during daytime usage), is "sweat" between the doors, and this sweat forms only on particular area (starts ~20cm from the top and is 50-60cm long, i.e. not whole length of the door). I put a bright torch inside the fridge, to make sure no light escapes when door is shut (in my opinion, it'd mean that seal is fine), and after mending the seal with hair dryer, no light escapes, but sweat is still there... Freezer works perfectly, only fridge side has problems.


Sorry I forgot to mention a simple trick. Close the door with a bill stuck feel if there's any resistance when pulling bill out, do this around the whole door ,flashlight won't work!. See if you can find air passage from freezer to fresh food side and look for ice blockage. Also make sure the fan in freezer is working as intended,spinning freely. You will probably need to hold down a button to activate fan when door is open


Thanks.. this trick never worked for me however, even with a properly working seal on a separate fridge: I cannot just feel any resistnance when pulling a note..

A quickfix idea — what if I take the seal off, put it into hot water to soften it up and then put it back, but upside down? Will it help to re-establish proper function?

p.s. called the number from Thai Whirlpool service website, noone picks up the phone, will try again on Monday .

Sorry I forgot to mention a simple trick. Close the door with a bill stuck feel if there's any resistance when pulling bill out, do this around the whole door ,flashlight won't work!. See if you can find air passage from freezer to fresh food side and look for ice blockage. Also make sure the fan in freezer is working as intended,spinning freely. You will probably need to hold down a button to activate fan when door is open


I never did that,but I made money selling the part so.you can try it may work. I find it ha d to believe the bill trick never worked for you. If you can pull bill out with no resistance the door is not sealing properly. If the bill pulls out on the opening side top or bottom you may be able to tweak door with your foot pullin or pushing the door. Sears sells all whirlpool parts, maybe you can have them ship to you. I wouldn't use a seal unless it was made for the particular machine.


^^^^ Agree.. the bill trick should have offered resistance. You do not have a good seal.

And those temps esp at the top were too high. Air is getting and condensation or "sweat" coming out is pure evidence of this. You seem to know this.. I had the same problem but just bought a new one last week . I did replace the seals and that cost 120 dollars but it was the door alignment in the end and could not be walloped. Limp I know but like the new one!!


I had the same problem with an older Whirlpool fridge/freezer, and it took months to resolve.

Ultimately did so after Whirlpool USA and Singapore got into the act and lit a fire under the distributor in Bangkok (Life Orient Ltd), who had never responded to my requests.

I now have email addresses for the right folks in Bangkok, and would be happy to send them to you if you like. PM me if you want them.


Thanks guys,

I've got a response from http://www.whirlpool.co.th (wifey called 02 589 5115, all in Thai), they have desired gaskets in stock, so I'll do that after holidays.

As for the door alignment, my seems to be fine, at least nothing like shown on youtube, and I can't tweak it with my foot either.. I guess, gasket just hardened too much after 2 years of storage. Thanks for all your help!


Good news for you!

When they installed mine, they spent quite a bit of time working on the alignment of the doors, so I suspect that if you have problems in that area, they will take care of it as well.


okay, found the culprit — top air diffuser's insert was in wrong position (i.e. the grill was shut). I opened the diffuser with a toothpick, and fridge cooled down to 4º within couple of hours (before it won't cool below 6-7º even overnight). "gasket sweat" is still there, and I'll replace the gasket eventually, but it's just a little bother, not a true cause.

Now, before I dive into diffuser repair (new one costs $120+, but seems DIY repair can be done within couple hours, as per https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Repairing+Side-by-side+Refrigerator+Diffuser/16423), how to test if this grill/insert works properly? Is there a button I should press to force fridge to shut it or it reacts to temperature or..?

Thanks heaps, you all've been very helpful!



Saga continues, it seems that insert in the diffuser is functional, shuts itself properly, but gets frozen hence can't move (open) after a while... so it's either the door seal lets too much humid air in, or some other part is faulty that won't stop frost from forming...


okay, disassembled the damper, here's damage:


Apparently, these things break all the time, so i'm not inclined to get a $150 replacement that'll break again, but rather fix it for good. Does anyone know a local cutter who can make a copper or aluminium copy of this insert? Cheers.


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