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Thai farmers protest against bill on GMO farming

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Farmers protest against bill on GMO farming

Visarut Sankham
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- OPPONENTS to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) turned up in full force at key sites in 47 provinces yesterday to demand that Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-ocha suspend the Biological Safety Bill until it is properly amended.

In Bangkok alone, more than 500 people gathered at Government House to submit a petition to the premier via Government Spokesman Maj-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd.

The protesters hailed from more than 100 organisations, including Bio-diversity Sustainable Agricul-ture Food Sovereignty Action Thailand (BioThai), Greenpeace Southeast Asia and the Foundation for Consumers.

"We demand that the PM refrain from forwarding the Biological Safety Bill to the National Legislative Assembly until it is improved," BioThai director Witoon Liencham-roon said.

He added that a panel should be set up to amend the bill, and at least half of the panel's members must represent entrepreneurs and farmers who could be affected by GMOs. Witoon said the bill should embrace a preventive approach by taking into account possible economic and social impacts on all stakeholders.

He said the bill's amendment should also include liability and redress concepts mentioned in the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Supple-mentary Protocol, as well as pay attention to the opinions of the National Economic and Social Development Board and the Commerce Ministry.

Witoon said his group and other like-minded organisations had come forward because the bill, which recently won the Cabinet's nod, ran against Thailand's agriculture-development strategy and goal of sustainable and secure economic development.

"The bill fails to rein in GMO impacts on the country's food security," he said.

Taweesak Pulam, Syngenta seed company's crop business manager, also voiced concern that GMO plants might affect exports to Europe and the US. He also said he was worried that multinational firms could monopolise local agriculture industries, and ordinary farming could become 2.5 times as expensive.

Direk Kongngern, head of the Northern Farmers Federation, said yesterday that most of the group's members grew maize in the North, and expressed concern on two points, namely prevention of contamination when growing GMO plants for commercial purposes and the safety of people's daily food supply.

He also voiced concerns about big companies taking advantage of small farmers by monopolising the industry. For instance, local farmers in Chiang Mai's Phrao district are being sued because a company is alleging that their maize farms pollinated the company's GMO maize. "If the bill passes, farmers will be taken advantage of," Direk said.

Sansern, meanwhile, accepted the petition from protesters and assured them that the government would handle the issue carefully. He said the bill was being reviewed by the State Council.

Apart from the rally at Government House, anti-GMO groups and their supporters also gathered at their respective provincial halls to declare their concerns about GMOs and the bill, while submitting petitions to relevant provincial authorities.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Farmers-protest-against-bill-on-GMO-farming-30274615.html

-- The Nation 2015-12-10

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Let's put on our tin hats... not take vaccines because they cause autism... and avoid gmos... because that is possible 555... they should take off there clothes made from gmo cotton. ..not take insulin or other lifesaving drugs made from gmos... gmos will make farming 2.5x more expensive? Farming with gmos is cheaper per yield... not to mention resistant to pests.. drought...etc... and can be fortified with vitamins. Check out golden rice, vitamin a, and poor children in developing countries going blind.. then there are the gmos made to battle disease vectors such as modified mosquitos resistant to malaria... mankind has been modifying organisms through selective breeding and induced mutagenesis for quite some time.... check out some pictures of what maize looked lije.... nothing like our corn of today.... in an overcrowded world with limited resources we need to maximize yield... and reduce famine in the developing world through drought and disease resistant crops....


Let's put on our tin hats... not take vaccines because they cause autism... and avoid gmos... because that is possible 555... they should take off there clothes made from gmo cotton. ..not take insulin or other lifesaving drugs made from gmos... gmos will make farming 2.5x more expensive? Farming with gmos is cheaper per yield... not to mention resistant to pests.. drought...etc... and can be fortified with vitamins. Check out golden rice, vitamin a, and poor children in developing countries going blind.. then there are the gmos made to battle disease vectors such as modified mosquitos resistant to malaria... mankind has been modifying organisms through selective breeding and induced mutagenesis for quite some time.... check out some pictures of what maize looked lije.... nothing like our corn of today.... in an overcrowded world with limited resources we need to maximize yield... and reduce famine in the developing world through drought and disease resistant crops....

How would you feel if any kids you have or may have are forceably genetically modified, will that be ok?

Not saying there hasn't been some great breakthroughs in advancing disease control etc. but GMO needs very careful long term testing.

Bear in mind that many diseases are becoming if not already drug resistant, why- due to overuse or used indiscriminately.


Forcibly genetically modified children? Are you referring to vaccines? Eugenics? I am not quite sure what you mean.I doubt you meant eugenics. If vaccines... I don't recommend forced vaccination. .. just that they shouldn't be allowed in public schools as they are a public health risk... as far as gmos a research. . They are studied for long periods of time, some make it, some don't... and one gmo modification has nothing to do with a different gmo product. .. it makes no sense to study them as a "whole"(not saying you implied that but clarifying)..


Forcibly genetically modified children? Are you referring to vaccines? Eugenics? I am not quite sure what you mean.I doubt you meant eugenics. If vaccines... I don't recommend forced vaccination. .. just that they shouldn't be allowed in public schools as they are a public health risk... as far as gmos a research. . They are studied for long periods of time, some make it, some don't... and one gmo modification has nothing to do with a different gmo product. .. it makes no sense to study them as a "whole"(not saying you implied that but clarifying)..

I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek about " genetically modified children" but the argument of not allowing unvaccinated kids at school is flawed and nonsense - if you believe that vaccination works, then what harm can be done to vaccinated kids by unvaccinated kids. Either vaccination works or it doesn't work - or aren't you and the authorities really sure?


GMO's are already outlawed in most Western Countries. If Thailand continues with them, they jeaporize their exports. First of GMO vegetables and secondly of chickens, etc. Who are being fed GMO products. Thailand is a big chicken exporter and it will only take a few demonstrators in Countries like Canada, places like the European Union, etc. to stop imports from Thailand, so the Thai Government better take another look.


Vaccines do work.... and I believe in them. Not allowing those who choose not to vaccinate to go to public schools protects children who can't be vaccinated due to life threatening allergic reactions, being immunocompromised, or have certain medical conditions. Vaccines aren't 100% but when used in populations save lives.... not getting vaccinated is dangerous to the public and reduces herd immunity


Demonstrating their own ignorance. 'look how uninformed we are!'

Man has been modifying organism for 2000 years. Every grain of rice has been modified. Every Thai is a genetic modification! What a shambles.


Forcibly genetically modified children? Are you referring to vaccines? Eugenics? I am not quite sure what you mean.I doubt you meant eugenics. If vaccines... I don't recommend forced vaccination. .. just that they shouldn't be allowed in public schools as they are a public health risk... as far as gmos a research. . They are studied for long periods of time, some make it, some don't... and one gmo modification has nothing to do with a different gmo product. .. it makes no sense to study them as a "whole"(not saying you implied that but clarifying)..

Apart from forcibly giving vaccines they force 'killer' cancer protocols onto kids when natural methods offer REAL cures (even with stage 4 terminal cancers). In fact, it is not that difficult to treat cancer naturally whereas the big 3 of radiology, chemotherapy and surgery cause secondary cancers and the cancer stem cells to spread in the body. Most people with cancer die of the treatment rather than the original tumours when main stream treatments are given!!


Vaccines do work.... and I believe in them. Not allowing those who choose not to vaccinate to go to public schools protects children who can't be vaccinated due to life threatening allergic reactions, being immunocompromised, or have certain medical conditions. Vaccines aren't 100% but when used in populations save lives.... not getting vaccinated is dangerous to the public and reduces herd immunity



Vaccines do work.... and I believe in them. Not allowing those who choose not to vaccinate to go to public schools protects children who can't be vaccinated due to life threatening allergic reactions, being immunocompromised, or have certain medical conditions. Vaccines aren't 100% but when used in populations save lives.... not getting vaccinated is dangerous to the public and reduces herd immunity

No offense sir, but more research is required on your part.


I have the impression most people don't realize that most grains are already GMO. When I was purchasing raw materials for feed it was a real challenge to find GMO free grains. Personally I am in favor of GMO grains, without them the world population would run out of food very soon! It is the same with nuclear energy, some oppose but some realize that this is today the only option to supply enough energy to the world.


Sevenhills- which part of what I said was wrong... and could you help me find peer reviewed scientific journal articles supportiing that... those are the ones with an abstract introduction materials and methods results and discussion sections... you could be saving me from my next flu shot


Let's put on our tin hats... not take vaccines because they cause autism... and avoid gmos... because that is possible 555... they should take off there clothes made from gmo cotton. ..not take insulin or other lifesaving drugs made from gmos... gmos will make farming 2.5x more expensive? Farming with gmos is cheaper per yield... not to mention resistant to pests.. drought...etc... and can be fortified with vitamins. Check out golden rice, vitamin a, and poor children in developing countries going blind.. then there are the gmos made to battle disease vectors such as modified mosquitos resistant to malaria... mankind has been modifying organisms through selective breeding and induced mutagenesis for quite some time.... check out some pictures of what maize looked lije.... nothing like our corn of today.... in an overcrowded world with limited resources we need to maximize yield... and reduce famine in the developing world through drought and disease resistant crops....

You want to consume them, go ahead. For those of us that actually bother to research the subject properly, as opposed to to regurgitating the bs propaganda, the answer is an unequivocal no.


Rancid... you've researched it properly. ... please help me out. .. I can't find the peer-reviewed scientific journal articles... pkease send me a link... I want to see the studies... you could be saving me


GMO's are already outlawed in most Western Countries. If Thailand continues with them, they jeaporize their exports. First of GMO vegetables and secondly of chickens, etc. Who are being fed GMO products. Thailand is a big chicken exporter and it will only take a few demonstrators in Countries like Canada, places like the European Union, etc. to stop imports from Thailand, so the Thai Government better take another look.

With Canadian milk, egg, poultry other marketing boards I find it hard to believe any Thai

chicken makes its way to Canada. Shrimp and fish yes, chicken I doubt it. That said I am

no fan of Monsanto and the way they use the US government to shove there products

down the throats of the world. coffee1.gif


Vaccines do work.... and I believe in them. Not allowing those who choose not to vaccinate to go to public schools protects children who can't be vaccinated due to life threatening allergic reactions, being immunocompromised, or have certain medical conditions. Vaccines aren't 100% but when used in populations save lives.... not getting vaccinated is dangerous to the public and reduces herd immunity

Not "Peer" reviewed. but relevant.



Sevenhills- which part of what I said was wrong... and could you help me find peer reviewed scientific journal articles supportiing that... those are the ones with an abstract introduction materials and methods results and discussion sections... you could be saving me from my next flu shot

Another article regarding "The Flu Shot" and it's contents. You may enjoy being injected with Mercury, but I don't. Cheers.



Sevenhills- which part of what I said was wrong... and could you help me find peer reviewed scientific journal articles supportiing that... those are the ones with an abstract introduction materials and methods results and discussion sections... you could be saving me from my next flu

Some interesting Info on Vaccinations. But do your own research on GMO's etc and who benefits? Follow the money.



When discussing GMO's it helps to distinguish between the legal and the health implications.

I have no opinion on the health implications.

But on the legal side, if Monsanto (Cargill, et.al) find one of their patented genes in a batch of imported (or home grown) anything, they'll demand a royalty payment. Even if that gene came from accidental or nefarious pollination of a farmer's crop by a gene from another field, they'll demand a royalty, and bankrupt any farmer refusing to pay it. (I have a suspicion that they have hired aircraft to fly around dropping "patented" pollen and seeds on every field in the USA- perhaps the free world, but I'm a known wingnut)

Until patent laws are reformed around the world to protect innocent farmers and exporting nations from their bully tactics, I'd say any country that allows GMO's is risking their ability to export their crops without paying tribute to Big Agra. Which puts their entire agricultural export revenue stream at risk.


Sevenhills im following the money... starting with naturalnews.com.....https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_News this is a conspiracy theory website that uses articles to sell products. The guy who runs it is an AIDS denialistand 9/11 conspiracist. cdc saying a vaccine doesn't work well for a particular year is what they do.... viruses evolve every year and sometimes scientists fall behind. Many vaccines fail.... so they don't make it to market.... but its honestly published in peer reviewed journas for the world to see....this is how drugs development works (or developing anything new).

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