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Mixed reactions to Time's choice for 'Person of the Year'


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Mixed reactions to Time's choice for 'Person of the Year'


"She is disaster of the year for Greece"

PARIS: -- There has been mixed reaction in Europe to the news that Angela Merkel has been named Time Magazine’s person of the year.

The magazine says the German Chancellor has been chosen because of the leadership she showed in the way she reacted to various European crises in 2015.

“She has steered Europe through serial debt crises. But this year, most prominently for us, she led the way on Europe’s policy towards refugees and migrants from Syria and other troubled parts of the world and has set an example of moral leadership that we wanted to spotlight” said Time’s Deputy Managing Editor, Radhika Jones.

Why did Merkel get the award?

Time Magazine says the German Chancellor has been chosen because of the way she reacted to various European crises in 2015.

It praised her for her leadership on everything from the migrant and refugee crisis to the severe problems caused by Greek debt.

Time also cited Merkel’s strong response to what it described as “Vladimir Putin’s creeping theft of Ukraine” and, on its cover, called her “Chancellor of the Free World.”


The 61-year-old is only the fourth woman since 1927 to be chosen and the first since opposition leader Corazon C.Aquino of the Philippines in 1986.

She is the first German since Willy Brandt, the West German chancellor named in 1970 for “seeking to bring about a fresh relationship between East and West” during the Cold War.

German-born Albert Einstein was chosen as Person of the Century in 1999.

“Disaster of the Year”

The news has been welcomed by some in Germany. “I think it is super,” said a man outside Leipzig railway station where Angela Merkel was inaugurating a new traing. “It is great how she makes her way in a man’s world and defends her political interests worldwide.”

However, the reaction has been more negative in Greece. “She may be woman of the year for Europe and the world in general, but for us she is disaster of the year. I don’t think she is a person of honour for us” said a woman in Syntagma Square in Athens.

The competition

Time’s seven other finalists for 2015 included Donald Trump, IS Group leader Abu Bakr al’Baghdadi, the Black Lives Matter protest movement and Caitlyn Jenner.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-10

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It doesn't mean they're saying the winner is the greatest or even a good person. It's meant for the most impactful person in the year. Hitler won that. They weren't saying Hitler was good. Of course Merkel is no Hitler but it's defensible that has been a very important figure this year.

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It SHOULD be Trump and I am not a fan

I concur... if there was a person who kicked the PC holly cow in the butt and made people to stop and think,

it is Trump, not exactly presidential material, but definitely a person who gave liberals and democrats

a run for their money, still, one never knows where it will all end, if America has elected a lame

duck for a president, why now Trump?

Edited by ezzra
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It doesn't mean they're saying the winner is the greatest or even a good person. It's meant for the most impactful person in the year. Hitler won that. They weren't saying Hitler was good. Of course Merkel is no Hitler but it's defensible that has been a very important figure this year.

Agreed. Time's person of the year is often a puzzler for me unless I remember that it's the person with the most impact in the world - good or bad. I have to admit I wish they'd have made the award for the person who had the most good impact in the world.

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It doesn't mean they're saying the winner is the greatest or even a good person. It's meant for the most impactful person in the year. Hitler won that. They weren't saying Hitler was good. Of course Merkel is no Hitler but it's defensible that has been a very important figure this year.

It does in this case. At least according to the OP.

“She has steered Europe through serial debt crises. But this year, most prominently for us, she led the way on Europe’s policy towards refugees and migrants from Syria and other troubled parts of the world and has set an example of moral leadership that we wanted to spotlight” said Time’s Deputy Managing Editor, Radhika Jones
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She will be cursed in the future and already is among many. She was a socialist in the East Germany and has never really changed her views. Around 1984 - or thereabouts - the socialist unions and groups decided to make EU their new project. Before that they were very much against it. Putin had very close and accepting relations until few years ago when USA started planting soldiers in Estonia and other Baltic countries and rattling their war machine in front of Russia's face (I am not saying that Putin is a nice person but understand Russia's point of view).

The difference with the socialist project tried in the old USSR compared to EU is that in the Soviet they chose to try Bolshevic through revolution. After that failed they are trying the Menshevic approach meaning that they do the "revolution" through legislature.

Anyone interested comparing the systems might be interested watching this interview. Wladimir Bukowski is a former Soviet dissident and has many valid points to make. The interview is in English.

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She will be cursed in the future and already is among many. She was a socialist in the East Germany and has never really changed her views. Around 1984 - or thereabouts - the socialist unions and groups decided to make EU their new project. Before that they were very much against it. Putin had very close and accepting relations until few years ago when USA started planting soldiers in Estonia and other Baltic countries and rattling their war machine in front of Russia's face (I am not saying that Putin is a nice person but understand Russia's point of view).

The difference with the socialist project tried in the old USSR compared to EU is that in the Soviet they chose to try Bolshevic through revolution. After that failed they are trying the Menshevic approach meaning that they do the "revolution" through legislature.

Anyone interested comparing the systems might be interested watching this interview. Wladimir Bukowski is a former Soviet dissident and has many valid points to make. The interview is in English.

I see...you got your "knowledge" from youtube. Well, keep it for yourself. It's not worth even to mention....All B.S.

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It SHOULD be Trump and I am not a fan

Ha, ha, ha good joke. A monkey for president, a lunatic ruling the world.....

There is already a monkey in the White House doing his monkeyshines on the constitution.

are you referring to his skin colour or his brain?

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Time needs to look at themselves ,what a win for the PC idiots, So if you ruin a continent you get this award , i thought Obama might be in with a shot

1st choice was Madam merkel

2nd choice was the ISIS leader

3rd Choice was Donald Trump , or was that Duck.

Time is taking the Peees.

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Mutti, don't worry about the million that came this year, worry about the 5-7 million

you will have coming the next two years. After throwing Hungary under the bus

because they built fences. They are now the country doing the best at holding back the

hoard. After Austria and Germany compared the Hungarian government to Nazis I

am surprised the Hungarians did not provide express bus service through the

Hungarian countryside directly to the Austrian border. That would have been my

response and I would continue until Mutti and the Austrian prime minister prostrated

themselves in front of me and begged me for help. Or until they built there own fences

so I could not get the migrants through. As for sharing the migrant burden. Surely

if you think they have the right to come, they should have the right to settle where

they wish. whistling.gif

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Unfortunately there are Moral obligations in life of doing what is right and what is wrong, and then there are sensible ones...

Let me see where Merkel was when Africa was starving because Africa still is starving, why she doesnt go and help over there too and save the World...

Something tells me she isnt all about Moral Politically correctness..

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Time needs to look at themselves ,what a win for the PC idiots, So if you ruin a continent you get this award , i thought Obama might be in with a shot

Wow the competition was really stiff this year Catlin Jenner or ISIS were the opposition. She is bankrupting Europe and the taxpayers will soon make their feelings known.

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1st choice was Angela Merkel

2nd choice was the ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi

3rd Choice was Donald Trump

The best leaders who have the most impact on the world

Well now ... that says it all doesn't it?

The word is surely screwed-up.

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It SHOULD be Trump and I am not a fan

I concur... if there was a person who kicked the PC holly cow in the butt and made people to stop and think,

it is Trump, not exactly presidential material, but definitely a person who gave liberals and democrats

a run for their money, still, one never knows where it will all end, if America has elected a lame

duck for a president, why now Trump?

Holly cows! It must be Christmas!

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It SHOULD be Trump and I am not a fan

Trump is the leader of what...the flat earth society?

He is no influential as nothing he has done has influenced anything, it hasnt resulted in anything. He has done nothing and is of no consequence.

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I see...you got your "knowledge" from youtube. Well, keep it for yourself. It's not worth even to mention....All B.S.

I might point out that the persons interview, where his point happens to be very much same as mine, is not the only interview where he has appeared. If you would look into the matter a bit more, you might find out that he has quite a history that speaks for him regarding knowing the Soviet system and socialism.

I, myself, have visited USSR during the days when that system was still "functioning". So, I speak also from my personal views.

Since you brought up the subject (that had nothing to do with my OPINION) about reputable sources, so you consider EVERYTHING in Youtube as not worthy of even looking at? Music performances, news stories, documentaries...all no good since they are uploaded to Youtube? Oh boy, what kind of a world you live in...

I also like to say that when someone comes up with a point, it shows bad taste to say its not worthy because who he is or what source the opinion or analysis comes from. If you have something to say about the matter itself to challenge someone's point of view, please do so.

Otherwise no respect from me.

Edited by onni4me
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