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Petition to ban Trump from UK passes 300K, could be debated in Parliament

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It is funny to see how so many people who are obviously not American citizens and cannot vote in the United States get so hot and bothered about an American election. Argentina just had a change in administration and there are two comments on that thread. When the Germans vote, hardly anyone pays any attention. Even the Australian electioneering only gets one or two threads and never goes much past five pages. Not nearly as many threads either on the UK election as just on Donald Trump by himself. Deep down, so many people who desperately want to be an American but are stuck with their fate, I guess.

Although this thread and subject isnt about the USA elections .

This thread is about a petition to ban a person from entering the U.K.

A petition about what an American candidate for the US president said about American immigration law in the US.

" petition to ban a person from entering the U.K" could it be any clearer?

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Clearly the UK Government knows who lives where in the UK.. Clearly there are ways to determine which signatures are the fake.

Sadly Mr Tee.

The above statement is wrong. The UK Government cannot tell you how many people are in the UK, let alone where they live.

They have a rough idea of about 64 Million from an out of date 2011 Census.

well we have this thing called the Electoral Register.. people who register to vote are stored on the Electoral Register.. If someone claims to live at SW1H 0BG, and their name is Dixon of Dock Green, the name they submitted will not be on the Electoral Register, therefore their submission will not count.

I hope this clears it up for you sunshine.


And , there are those dumb enough to sign just to show it may be possible to commit fraud. well played you just gave it more traction.. That's a bit like jeering when you favourite team comes on the pitch, just because you can..--

It's not "dumb" to reveal fraud. It is a sign of desperation, however, to try and obscure the fact that apparently you can sign this petition from anywhere in the world, including the terror hotspots. I do know in the US that many congressmen's websites prevent you from even submitting them a request unless you're verified to be a constituent. The so-called petition is the sort of thing grimy little anarchist backpackers get all excited about before the spend the rest of the day sleeping off last night's drunk.

You wilfully missed the point that "There is an algorithm for validating all submitted; you often see around 20% are discarded as fraudulent. "

Clearly the UK Government knows who lives where in the UK.. Clearly there are ways to determine which signatures are the fake.

Clearly a petition is somewhat like a "cheer" when your team comes on the pitch.

Clearly you are offended that 100,000s of UK citizens find your Man abhorrent, and not conducive to the good of our nation..

Your man wants to ban Muslims, we want to ban Trump..

Nothing you can say here will change that - thanks for playing

If it's so "clear" how they know the fakes, explain it.

Who'd have guessed but theUK government keeps data about its citizens

The electoral register.

Updated every year at least.. if your name isn't down you're not coming in.

Each submission has an IP address..

Each email has an header showing where came from..

Now that is not to say it 100%, but it is a petition, like a cheer for your favourite team!

Get a grip its not rocket science.

Magical algorithms. Hamsters going over voter rolls. IPs, which miraculously prove citizenship and voter eligibility. Super spies trying to determine if someone posting to the petition is on vacation in Samoa or not. Sure . . . they're doing all that. No, the original point made above is valid. This is a masturbatory Left wing rant in the form of a petition.


Your man wants to ban Muslims, we want to ban Trump..

So, you actually agree with Donalds philosophy of banning people whom you disagree with .

The only thing that you differ on is the person(s) whom you dislike


If it's so "clear" how they know the fakes, explain it.

Who'd have guessed but theUK government keeps data about its citizens

The electoral register.

Updated every year at least.. if your name isn't down you're not coming in.

Each submission has an IP address..

Each email has an header showing where came from..

Now that is not to say it 100%, but it is a petition, like a cheer for your favourite team!

Get a grip its not rocket science.

Magical algorithms. Hamsters going over voter rolls. IPs, which miraculously prove citizenship and voter eligibility. Super spies trying to determine if someone posting to the petition is on vacation in Samoa or not. Sure . . . they're doing all that. No, the original point made above is valid. This is a masturbatory Left wing rant in the form of a petition.

I understand that things you do not understand may appear like magic

Was it Clarke that said "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. "

Once again for the synaptically challenged

"we have this thing called the Electoral Register.. people who register to vote are stored on the Electoral Register.. If someone claims to live at SW1H 0BG, and their name is Dixon of Dock Green, the name they submitted will not be on the Electoral Register, therefore their submission will not count.

I hope this clears it up for you sunshine."

It is actually rather simple.

No magic required.

hahahhaa clap2.gif


Welcome to Englanistan.

How many anglo-saxons are left on that crowded little island?

Most whities seem to be emigrating.

Islam is the second largest religion with results from the United Kingdom Census 2011 giving the UK Muslim population in 2011 as ~2,706,066, ~4.5% of the total population. The vast majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom live in England: 2,660,116 (5.02% of the population). 76,737 Muslims live in Scotland (1.45%), 45,950 in Wales (1.50%), and 3,832 in Northern Ireland (0.21%)



Welcome to Englanistan.

How many anglo-saxons are left on that crowded little island?

Most whities seem to be emigrating.

Islam is the second largest religion with results from the United Kingdom Census 2011 giving the UK Muslim population in 2011 as ~2,706,066, ~4.5% of the total population. The vast majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom live in England: 2,660,116 (5.02% of the population). 76,737 Muslims live in Scotland (1.45%), 45,950 in Wales (1.50%), and 3,832 in Northern Ireland (0.21%)



Bigots are dumb, throw facts at them!

MrTee, on 11 Dec 2015 - 10:02, said:MrTee, on 11 Dec 2015 - 10:02, said:
SgtRock, on 11 Dec 2015 - 09:50, said:SgtRock, on 11 Dec 2015 - 09:50, said:

Clearly the UK Government knows who lives where in the UK.. Clearly there are ways to determine which signatures are the fake.

Sadly Mr Tee.

The above statement is wrong. The UK Government cannot tell you how many people are in the UK, let alone where they live.

They have a rough idea of about 64 Million from an out of date 2011 Census.

well we have this thing called the Electoral Register.. people who register to vote are stored on the Electoral Register.. If someone claims to live at SW1H 0BG, and their name is Dixon of Dock Green, the name they submitted will not be on the Electoral Register, therefore their submission will not count.

I hope this clears it up for you sunshine.

Mr Tee.

Are you British ? There is something about your writing that makes me doubt if you are.

If you are British, the lack of knowledge that you display is shocking.

As I have pointed out.

1. The best guestimate the UK Government has to the size of the population and where the might live is the outdated 2011 National Census. It is a legal requirement to complete this Census. It can be taken as given, that only legal people with nothing to hide will actually complete and return this.

2. The Electoral Register. There is no legal requirement to complete and join the electoral register. You only need to do so if you wish to vote. Again, it is highly doubtful that people of dubious character and / or illegal in the UK will register to vote. This is the reason that so many young people do not vote. They cannot be @rsed to join the Electoral Register.

When you are in a hole, it is best to stop to stop digging.

MrTee, on 11 Dec 2015 - 10:02, said:MrTee, on 11 Dec 2015 - 10:02, said:
SgtRock, on 11 Dec 2015 - 09:50, said:SgtRock, on 11 Dec 2015 - 09:50, said:

Clearly the UK Government knows who lives where in the UK.. Clearly there are ways to determine which signatures are the fake.

Sadly Mr Tee.

The above statement is wrong. The UK Government cannot tell you how many people are in the UK, let alone where they live.

They have a rough idea of about 64 Million from an out of date 2011 Census.

well we have this thing called the Electoral Register.. people who register to vote are stored on the Electoral Register.. If someone claims to live at SW1H 0BG, and their name is Dixon of Dock Green, the name they submitted will not be on the Electoral Register, therefore their submission will not count.

I hope this clears it up for you sunshine.

Mr Tee.

Are you British ? There is something about your writing that makes me doubt if you are.

If you are British, the lack of knowledge that you display is shocking.

As I have pointed out.

1. The best guestimate the UK Government has to the size of the population and where the might live is the outdated 2011 National Census. It is a legal requirement to complete this Census. It can be taken as given, that only legal people with nothing to hide will actually complete and return this.

2. The Electoral Register. There is no legal requirement to complete and join the electoral register. You only need to do so if you wish to vote. Again, it is highly doubtful that people of dubious character and / or illegal in the UK will register to vote. This is the reason that so many young people do not vote. They cannot be @rsed to join the Electoral Register.

When you are in a hole, it is best to stop to stop digging.


Your ad hominem is a bit weak fella.

1.The population count of the UK is irrelevant to a petition, illegals in the UK are irrelevant to a petition

2. then their submission wont count

Only those names that appear in the Electoral Register wlll count.

If you dig around on teh interwbz there is a PDF published by the HOC where they describe this.. go and read it and come back and tell me about my knowledge.

"When you are in a hole, it is best to stop to stop digging"


So, they wan to ban a person from entering a Country because he suggested that some people should be banned from entering a Country .

No, they want the law to apply to everyone.

So, which law is that? The one that says what you don't like should apply? If you are saying the one about hate speech, he didn't say hate speech. If saying Muslims shouldn't be allowed into a country was hate speech, many posters on here would be in trouble!!!

MrTee, on 11 Dec 2015 - 10:38, said:
SgtRock, on 11 Dec 2015 - 10:20, said:

Mr Tee.

Are you British ? There is something about your writing that makes me doubt if you are.

If you are British, the lack of knowledge that you display is shocking.

As I have pointed out.

1. The best guestimate the UK Government has to the size of the population and where the might live is the outdated 2011 National Census. It is a legal requirement to complete this Census. It can be taken as given, that only legal people with nothing to hide will actually complete and return this.

2. The Electoral Register. There is no legal requirement to complete and join the electoral register. You only need to do so if you wish to vote. Again, it is highly doubtful that people of dubious character and / or illegal in the UK will register to vote. This is the reason that so many young people do not vote. They cannot be @rsed to join the Electoral Register.

When you are in a hole, it is best to stop to stop digging.


Your ad hominem is a bit weak fella.

1.The population count of the UK is irrelevant to a petition, illegals in the UK are irrelevant to a petition

2. then their submission wont count

Only those names that appear in the Electoral Register wlll count.

If you dig around on teh interwbz there is a PDF published by the HOC where they describe this.. go and read it and come back and tell me about my knowledge.

"When you are in a hole, it is best to stop to stop digging"


Stick to the loopy juice or medication, or whatever it is that is your current flavour.

MrTee, on 11 Dec 2015 - 10:02, said:MrTee, on 11 Dec 2015 - 10:02, said:

Sadly Mr Tee.

The above statement is wrong. The UK Government cannot tell you how many people are in the UK, let alone where they live.

They have a rough idea of about 64 Million from an out of date 2011 Census.

well we have this thing called the Electoral Register.. people who register to vote are stored on the Electoral Register.. If someone claims to live at SW1H 0BG, and their name is Dixon of Dock Green, the name they submitted will not be on the Electoral Register, therefore their submission will not count.

I hope this clears it up for you sunshine.

Mr Tee.

Are you British ? There is something about your writing that makes me doubt if you are.

If you are British, the lack of knowledge that you display is shocking.

As I have pointed out.

1. The best guestimate the UK Government has to the size of the population and where the might live is the outdated 2011 National Census. It is a legal requirement to complete this Census. It can be taken as given, that only legal people with nothing to hide will actually complete and return this.

2. The Electoral Register. There is no legal requirement to complete and join the electoral register. You only need to do so if you wish to vote. Again, it is highly doubtful that people of dubious character and / or illegal in the UK will register to vote. This is the reason that so many young people do not vote. They cannot be @rsed to join the Electoral Register.

When you are in a hole, it is best to stop to stop digging.

Yes, he's wrong. The petition has no requirement for anyone signing it to be a registered voter. Tee is grasping at straws now.


It is funny to see how so many people who are obviously not American citizens and cannot vote in the United States get so hot and bothered about an American election. Argentina just had a change in administration and there are two comments on that thread. When the Germans vote, hardly anyone pays any attention. Even the Australian electioneering only gets one or two threads and never goes much past five pages. Not nearly as many threads either on the UK election as just on Donald Trump by himself. Deep down, so many people who desperately want to be an American but are stuck with their fate, I guess.

The US president makes an mpact all over the world. You only have to look at the wars lately to know that. So not just US citizens are affected.

Using your analogy I expect you to no longer post on this thread as it is about the UK and nothing you say matters. Must hurt you to be a US citizen and not be able to determine who is and is not allowed in the UK.


PS. There are plenty of worse people on the planet that I'd like to ban, but where would it end? This is an example of sheeple at their worst, baaaaaaaaaa.

Yes, how about asking every Muslims who wants to enter the U.K. about his views on Womans equality, homosexuality, Jews ,Israelis , Americans , infidels etc etc. and then start a petition to ban him from entering if he has any unpleasant points of view


One flame post has been removed from this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

MrTee, on 11 Dec 2015 - 10:02, said:MrTee, on 11 Dec 2015 - 10:02, said:

Sadly Mr Tee.

The above statement is wrong. The UK Government cannot tell you how many people are in the UK, let alone where they live.

They have a rough idea of about 64 Million from an out of date 2011 Census.

well we have this thing called the Electoral Register.. people who register to vote are stored on the Electoral Register.. If someone claims to live at SW1H 0BG, and their name is Dixon of Dock Green, the name they submitted will not be on the Electoral Register, therefore their submission will not count.

I hope this clears it up for you sunshine.

Mr Tee.

Are you British ? There is something about your writing that makes me doubt if you are.

If you are British, the lack of knowledge that you display is shocking.

As I have pointed out.

1. The best guestimate the UK Government has to the size of the population and where the might live is the outdated 2011 National Census. It is a legal requirement to complete this Census. It can be taken as given, that only legal people with nothing to hide will actually complete and return this.

2. The Electoral Register. There is no legal requirement to complete and join the electoral register. You only need to do so if you wish to vote. Again, it is highly doubtful that people of dubious character and / or illegal in the UK will register to vote. This is the reason that so many young people do not vote. They cannot be @rsed to join the Electoral Register.

When you are in a hole, it is best to stop to stop digging.

Yes, he's wrong. The petition has no requirement for anyone signing it to be a registered voter. Tee is grasping at straws now.

Correct, doesn't explicitly state the need, but must provide your UK post code that I would assume then provides the facility to either cross verify if on the electoral role or on the UK residency register.


Correct, doesn't explicitly state the need, but must provide your UK post code that I would assume then provides the facility to either cross verify if on the electoral role or on the UK residency register.

Do you really think that they will employ someone to cross check all the votes ?

With all the various petitions, there are currently millions of votes, and the petitions count for very little , they are quite unimportant, I dont think anyone will take these petitions seriously enough to actually feel the need to make sure that the votes are legitimate

MrTee, on 11 Dec 2015 - 10:02, said:MrTee, on 11 Dec 2015 - 10:02, said:

well we have this thing called the Electoral Register.. people who register to vote are stored on the Electoral Register.. If someone claims to live at SW1H 0BG, and their name is Dixon of Dock Green, the name they submitted will not be on the Electoral Register, therefore their submission will not count.

I hope this clears it up for you sunshine.

Mr Tee.

Are you British ? There is something about your writing that makes me doubt if you are.

If you are British, the lack of knowledge that you display is shocking.

As I have pointed out.

1. The best guestimate the UK Government has to the size of the population and where the might live is the outdated 2011 National Census. It is a legal requirement to complete this Census. It can be taken as given, that only legal people with nothing to hide will actually complete and return this.

2. The Electoral Register. There is no legal requirement to complete and join the electoral register. You only need to do so if you wish to vote. Again, it is highly doubtful that people of dubious character and / or illegal in the UK will register to vote. This is the reason that so many young people do not vote. They cannot be @rsed to join the Electoral Register.

When you are in a hole, it is best to stop to stop digging.

Yes, he's wrong. The petition has no requirement for anyone signing it to be a registered voter. Tee is grasping at straws now.

Correct, doesn't explicitly state the need, but must provide your UK post code that I would assume then provides the facility to either cross verify if on the electoral role or on the UK residency register.

Well it is in the Government paper, but hey: I already said that.. go find it and refute what I say..

All you get here is abuse..

I took the time to try and explain what I had read. Not straws - It's a government policy..

The paper is on the internet -

The exact mechanism is not published, but it is a known fact that some submissions are rejected. from what I can gather around 20% are normally rejected. the Government paper says matching Post codes, & names to electoral register is a tool that can be used to authenticate submission, it is loosely applied. not my rules, not my site.. there it is!

As I already said its not 100% foolproof, but it is not a vote, it is not an election.. it is no more than adding your name to a petition on the high street.

Those that are making a meal of this clearly have issues.

get this many UK citizens don't want Trump to have a visa to the UK.. not hard is it!


I'm sorry but, wasn't it Scotland who freed the Lockerbie bomber from it's prison so he could go home to a hero's welcome and die in splender? whistling.gif

Are you sure that you have the right thread !!!!!


There is an algorithm for validating all submitted; you often see around 20% are discarded as fraudulent.

I've asked for a details on how they are validated, but obviously they are not keen on publishing that..

Wake up to those calling it "fake, phony, binding,"

It is not an "election", it is not a vote for anything, it is a petition. The words "Grip" and "Get" come to mind..

If a petition gains enough traction it may be listened to - in much the same way as someone collecting names in the high street to "save the whales" , and any such petition is open to fraud!

And , there are those dumb enough to sign just to show it may be possible to commit fraud. well played you just gave it more traction.. That's a bit like jeering when you favourite team comes on the pitch, just because you can..

The final result will now be that the issue will potentially be debated in House of Commons, it will now forever go on record that a large number of people find Donald Trump "not conducive to the public good"..

Whether any more comes of it is a moot point.

The statement has been made, and the world has taken notice!

Some smarter folk in the US are realising that Trump has embarrassed the US, and further lowered the opinion of the US across the world.

Well played to all signatories genuine, and otherwise.

The Parliamentary Committee for Petitions next meets after Christmas.

The count of submitters will pass 500,000 by breakfast time UK

And , there are those dumb enough to sign just to show it may be possible to commit fraud. well played you just gave it more traction.. That's a bit like jeering when you favourite team comes on the pitch, just because you can..--

It's not "dumb" to reveal fraud. It is a sign of desperation, however, to try and obscure the fact that apparently you can sign this petition from anywhere in the world, including the terror hotspots. I do know in the US that many congressmen's websites prevent you from even submitting them a request unless you're verified to be a constituent. The so-called petition is the sort of thing grimy little anarchist backpackers get all excited about before the spend the rest of the day sleeping off last night's drunk.

You wilfully missed the point that "There is an algorithm for validating all submitted; you often see around 20% are discarded as fraudulent. "

Clearly the UK Government knows who lives where in the UK.. Clearly there are ways to determine which signatures are the fake.

Clearly a petition is somewhat like a "cheer" when your team comes on the pitch.

Clearly you are offended that 100,000s of UK citizens find your Man abhorrent, and not conducive to the good of our nation..

Your man wants to ban Muslims, we want to ban Trump..

Nothing you can say here will change that - thanks for playing

This could also apply to your musings about the US.

"Nothing you can say here will change that - thanks for playing"

PS: Please disregard my "like" on your post. It was a mistake.


New petition "dont ban trump " already up and running. Banning a foreign politician for their views? Pathetic

Everybody is entitled to their views... but when they are enticing illegal activities whether it be Terrorism or Discrimination they should be banned.

We ban known islamists who preach hatred against none Muslims Therefore it is only right we ban those who preach hatred against Muslims.

For those who have no right of abode in the UK, entering the UK is a privilege not a right...

Mr Trump is no stranger to the UK, and already disliked by many, particularly north of Hadrian's Wall...

I voted because...

  1. I want to see our politicians condemn his views...
  2. I do not want him using the UK as a soap box to promote his views...
  3. His presence in the UK is only likely to fuel more protests.
  4. I hate the ___ tongue.png
  5. It is winding him up... clap2.gifhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-35060868

More than likely there will be a debate, most politicians will condemn his views, and the decision to allow him in the UK will still rest with the Home Secretary, In time he may be allowed in the UK but conditionally.

One thing for sure he will not get that picture of himself on the door step of Number Ten shaking David's hand. whistling.gif

Over the half million now... 502,986 signatures


New petition "dont ban trump " already up and running. Banning a foreign politician for their views? Pathetic

Everybody is entitled to their views... but when they are enticing illegal activities whether it be Terrorism or Discrimination they should be banned.

We ban known islamists who preach hatred against none Muslims Therefore it is only right we ban those who preach hatred against Muslims.

For those who have no right of abode in the UK, entering the UK is a privilege not a right...

Mr Trump is no stranger to the UK, and already disliked by many, particularly north of Hadrian's Wall...

I voted because...

  1. I want to see our politicians condemn his views...
  2. I do not want him using the UK as a soap box to promote his views...
  3. His presence in the UK is only likely to fuel more protests.
  4. I hate the ___ tongue.png
  5. It is winding him up... clap2.gifhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-35060868

More than likely there will be a debate, most politicians will condemn his views, and the decision to allow him in the UK will still rest with the Home Secretary, In time he may be allowed in the UK but conditionally.

One thing for sure he will not get that picture of himself on the door step of Number Ten shaking David's hand. whistling.gif

Unintended irony mentioning The Wall. Trump. Wall. Get it? clap2.gif .

Sorry, back to the contentious issue about Trump's latest bluster, shaking of fists, petitions, et al.



For those who have no right of abode in the UK, entering the UK is a privilege not a right...

Donald has the right to U.K citizenship and thus abode, if he wishes to have it


New petition "dont ban trump " already up and running. Banning a foreign politician for their views? Pathetic

Everybody is entitled to their views... but when they are enticing illegal activities whether it be Terrorism or Discrimination they should be banned.

We ban known islamists who preach hatred against none Muslims Therefore it is only right we ban those who preach hatred against Muslims.

For those who have no right of abode in the UK, entering the UK is a privilege not a right...

Mr Trump is no stranger to the UK, and already disliked by many, particularly north of Hadrian's Wall...

I voted because...

  1. I want to see our politicians condemn his views...
  2. I do not want him using the UK as a soap box to promote his views...
  3. His presence in the UK is only likely to fuel more protests.
  4. I hate the ___ tongue.png
  5. It is winding him up... clap2.gifhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-35060868

More than likely there will be a debate, most politicians will condemn his views, and the decision to allow him in the UK will still rest with the Home Secretary, In time he may be allowed in the UK but conditionally.

One thing for sure he will not get that picture of himself on the door step of Number Ten shaking David's hand. whistling.gif

Over the half million now... 502,986 signatures

I saw yesterday on this or another related thread, that the UK's policy (apparently) has 4 qualifying actions that could result in a visa ban. The first 3 were obviously not applicable. The 4th could be though.

If it did, it would be a downright embarrassement to admit. But here we are, tail wagging the dog as allegedly enlightened ones demonstrate the characteristics assimilated from the perpetually offended religion of peace.


There is an algorithm for validating all submitted; you often see around 20% are discarded as fraudulent.

I've asked for a details on how they are validated, but obviously they are not keen on publishing that..

Wake up to those calling it "fake, phony, binding,"

It is not an "election", it is not a vote for anything, it is a petition. The words "Grip" and "Get" come to mind..

If a petition gains enough traction it may be listened to - in much the same way as someone collecting names in the high street to "save the whales" , and any such petition is open to fraud!

And , there are those dumb enough to sign just to show it may be possible to commit fraud. well played you just gave it more traction.. That's a bit like jeering when you favourite team comes on the pitch, just because you can..

The final result will now be that the issue will potentially be debated in House of Commons, it will now forever go on record that a large number of people find Donald Trump "not conducive to the public good"..

Whether any more comes of it is a moot point.

The statement has been made, and the world has taken notice!

Some smarter folk in the US are realising that Trump has embarrassed the US, and further lowered the opinion of the US across the world.

Well played to all signatories genuine, and otherwise.

The Parliamentary Committee for Petitions next meets after Christmas.

The count of submitters will pass 500,000 by breakfast time UK

And , there are those dumb enough to sign just to show it may be possible to commit fraud. well played you just gave it more traction.. That's a bit like jeering when you favourite team comes on the pitch, just because you can..--

It's not "dumb" to reveal fraud. It is a sign of desperation, however, to try and obscure the fact that apparently you can sign this petition from anywhere in the world, including the terror hotspots. I do know in the US that many congressmen's websites prevent you from even submitting them a request unless you're verified to be a constituent. The so-called petition is the sort of thing grimy little anarchist backpackers get all excited about before the spend the rest of the day sleeping off last night's drunk.

You wilfully missed the point that "There is an algorithm for validating all submitted; you often see around 20% are discarded as fraudulent. "

Clearly the UK Government knows who lives where in the UK.. Clearly there are ways to determine which signatures are the fake.

Clearly a petition is somewhat like a "cheer" when your team comes on the pitch.

Clearly you are offended that 100,000s of UK citizens find your Man abhorrent, and not conducive to the good of our nation..

Your man wants to ban Muslims, we want to ban Trump..

Nothing you can say here will change that - thanks for playing

This could also apply to your musings about the US.

"Nothing you can say here will change that - thanks for playing"

PS: Please disregard my "like" on your post. It was a mistake.

My "musing about the US.".. Sorry Sonny, I've no "musing about the US" This is about the a petition in UK.

You chappies seem to think you can dictate what we petition our Government about.

Let's have it right.. I'm over the moon to see you guys vote for which ever chap you want for POTUS. I fully support democracy in all its forms

I've stated several times, its not my business who you want as your leader.

Good luck..

P.S: regard my "like" as a deliberate act!

no mistake, I liked your post. wai2.gif

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