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UK expats for EU exit

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To all those who are voting or support to remain in the EU.

Please view the attached meme and put yourself in the position of asking the unelected EU commissioners who are the de facto EU government those questions?

If they were truthful an EU Commissioners answers to the 5 questions would be as follows ?

Question 1.

What power do you have?


I have unlimited power.

Question 2.

Where did you get that power from?


I was not democratically elected, I was given this power by being appointed by the EU.

Question 3.

In whose interest do you exercise this power?


The EU interests are above any other individual nation state.

Question 4.

To whom are you accountable?


I am not accountable to anyone.

Question 5.

How can we get rid of you?


You cannot get rid of me.

How can you support this eh...its a step back wards.

So you dreamed up some answers to support your own position on the matter.


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To all those who are voting or support to remain in the EU.

Please view the attached meme and put yourself in the position of asking the unelected EU commissioners who are the de facto EU government those questions?

If they were truthful an EU Commissioners answers to the 5 questions would be as follows ?

Question 1.

What power do you have?


I have unlimited power.

Question 2.

Where did you get that power from?


I was not democratically elected, I was given this power by being appointed by the EU.

Question 3.

In whose interest do you exercise this power?


The EU interests are above any other individual nation state.

Question 4.

To whom are you accountable?


I am not accountable to anyone.

Question 5.

How can we get rid of you?


You cannot get rid of me.

How can you support this eh...its a step back wards.

So you dreamed up some answers to support your own position on the matter.


No i did not dream them up...those are the only truthful answers an EU commissioner could possibly answer because its the truth.

Perhaps you could answer the 5 questions differently but truthfully eh?


To all those who are voting or support to remain in the EU.

Please view the attached meme and put yourself in the position of asking the unelected EU commissioners who are the de facto EU government those questions?

If they were truthful an EU Commissioners answers to the 5 questions would be as follows ?

Question 1.

What power do you have?


I have unlimited power.

Question 2.

Where did you get that power from?


I was not democratically elected, I was given this power by being appointed by the EU.

Question 3.

In whose interest do you exercise this power?


The EU interests are above any other individual nation state.

Question 4.

To whom are you accountable?


I am not accountable to anyone.

Question 5.

How can we get rid of you?


You cannot get rid of me.

How can you support this eh...its a step back wards.

So you dreamed up some answers to support your own position on the matter.


No i did not dream them up...those are the only truthful answers an EU commissioner could possibly answer because its the truth.

Perhaps you could answer the 5 questions differently but truthfully eh?

Not sure about the TRUTH, but my interpretation is:

1. I have unlimited power but only over certain areas determined by treaties ratified by the democratically elected governments of member states.

2. I get my power through treaties ratified by the democratically elected governments of member states.

3. I exercise my power for the *perceived* benefit of the citizens, on behalf of the democratically elected governments of member states.

4. I am accountable to the democratically elected governments of member states.

5. The democratically elected governments of member states could withdraw their commissioner at any time. Additionally, the European Parliament, which is wholly elected, and which approves the appointment of the Commission, can remove the entire Commission at any time with a vote of no confidence.

A different viewpoint or truth?


I would have thought that the latest stunt by Farage and his cronies would be the final nail in the Exit coffin.

Even Gove was ashamed.


I shall be travelling to Edinburgh tomorrow in order, amongst other things, to cast my vote - I shall be voting to remain.

I've lived, worked and studied in the EU, experienced first hand the benefits membership of Europe brings and yes I absolutely accept there are negatives to membership and people who loose out on the EU project, but my sincere view is that it the British mainstream political parties (specifically the Labour party) that have let these people down, not the EU.

The Brexit campaign makes much of Britain's borders being open to uncontrolled immigration from Europe, while on the next hand they tell us a Britain free of the EU could go out into the world and trade, unfettered by EU bureaucracy.

And yet Brexit dismisses the very solid fact that British industry, commerce, people have unfettered access to the EU, can trade, travel, live without restriction throughout the EU.

What on earth prevents Britain, its industry, commerce or people making the best of EU membership while also going out into the rest of the world?

I challenge Brexit supporters to give me a coherent answer to that question, you have until Thursday to get me to change my mind.

Because the EU arranges all the trading arrangements for the the EU and they have not signed many as yet and the ones they have have taken years to complete so whilst we might like to have arrangements with China and India we are not allowed to do it on our own, we have to wait until the EU is ready, how frustrating is that!

Travel is great, we traveled to the continent before we joined its just a bit easier these days. As far as the single market is concerned is it that great? We buy more than we sell, we sell more outside than we do inside, we would still want to trade with the EU of course and they with us but if the terms are not good we dont sign simple.

The EU is protectionist it supports industries that in a normal market place would fail, its full of lobbyists from large global organizations who pay to have regulations and directives delivered which suit them and destroy smaller companies, get rid of the competition, they are quick to roll out tariffs, quotas and new regulations to companies that they dont want to support in favour of their multi national backers.

I think we need not say to much about the un democratic way it is built and behaves other than it is an democratic dictatorship which has failed to sign off its accounts for 20 years, why would you trust an organization that cant manage its own money?

There are indeed risks to remain or go, no one knows what the future holds, it comes down in the end to a gut feeling of what you think is right, Guest House takes his view and I respect that view, we as individuals are all different and see things in different ways, I take a different view that we would be better to leave and regain our prestige once more in the world. Whilst being in the EU we have lost our identity and our influence, we have no influence in the EU, we are one of 28, we dont have any say in what laws which come our way we just have to obey them, 122000 since we joined the EEC in 1975 and there are more coming after next Thursday with high energy appliances, I am not trusted to judge for myself what I choose to buy. Remember the light bulbs issue, now halogen bulbs are to be banned in the future and we must all buy LEDs, my freedoms are being eroded and I dont like it, wont mention the cost to the public, look it up.

We differ Guest House, but I do not harbour any ill will, I am sure there will be many issues in the future that we will agree on.


Odds are heavily now in favour of remain.

That is great news for us all.

Sterling is already recovering.

Good for all our pensions.

Well done Nigel. You did a great job with that stupid poster stunt.


Odds are heavily now in favour of remain.

That is great news for us all.

Sterling is already recovering.

Good for all our pensions.

Well done Nigel. You did a great job with that stupid poster stunt.

It is indeed good news, but I don't think it's over yet.


The bookies as you say are not daft, they rarely loose money, they could still win and so could the Brexit. One rich punter puts a shed load on staying in is worth more than say 100/200 or 500 ordinary punters who vote for out. When you get to the polling station those 100/200 or 500 win. Things may always be what they seem.


I must say I do like the latest news on a new trading alliance if the UK leaves the EU. The suggestion by some Swedes that they could follow and join a UK-Nordic trading group much like what the EEC was when we joined and as Holland are now also veering towards a new Referendum, I must say I like this idea, we do have much more in common with the Scandanavians and Dutch culturally could be a match made in heaven.

I would still take my holidays in Spain and France, I enjoy their culture, food and drink whilst I am there, I enjoy their company and ways, but they are not my ways and I dont want to forced to compromise.


Despite what Cameron has said to the contrary, it seems to me if the vote is to "Leave", Cameron then needs to resign as do the likes of the Chancellor and other 'Remain' ministers.

Anyone else agree?

Cameron,, along with caretaker Labour leader ,Chancer Corburn will make political gain ,

from the recent , and tragic murder of a stay IN activist, Labour MP.

Wait for the speel , heroine comes to mind , and a monument soon to be erected ,

for saving our rite, Honourable PM. Cameron from being toast .

Politics is a dirty buisness .

My sincere condolences to you family . RIP JO .


The bookies as you say are not daft, they rarely loose money, they could still win and so could the Brexit. One rich punter puts a shed load on staying in is worth more than say 100/200 or 500 ordinary punters who vote for out. When you get to the polling station those 100/200 or 500 win. Things may always be what they seem.

While you risk your money at the Bookies, the real money men are making far more certain profits on the stock market.

Fortunes have been made out of the very predicable market turmoil created by the referendum.

Somebody has not had their eye on the bean.


Well not long to go now so what do you need to know with a 6 hour difference between here and there.

Polls close at 10pm UK time which is 0400 for us.

First results expected at 0630 for us.

Significant number of results by 1000 for us.

Last results should be in by 1300 for us.


Guess House , please advise , are we in , or out ... my broker awaits , your reply , coffee1.gif


It might be of interest of you to know that although it is generally known how much the UK sends to Brussels, well you know its £350m a week, then they send us some back but tell us how we must spend it, but thats not all.

Are you aware that a percentage of VAT collected in the UK is also sent to Brussels? Currently this amounts to £2.2m per annum, on average £78 more per capita than any other member, they are going to miss a fair bit of cash should be decide to leave tomorrow, no wonder the penny has dropped at this late stage, not worry though wages, expenses and perks will not be affected by the EU civil service and its officials. Did you know they have their own shops where they can buy at preferential rates in the EU buildings, the like of you and I cannot shop there, they are only for EU servants. They are treated well for taxes as well starting at just 8%.

Each MEP has a Mercedes at his disposal, we are paying for all theses little perks and if you look further you will find more.

Every month the Parliament packs up in Brussels and moves to Strasbourg for 4 days on its own special TGV. The cost of running the building in Strasbourg is £50m per year, are you happy to be paying for that.

When MEP are no longer MEPS they get £8000 per year for 3 years as a transition allowance, do our MPs?

They are overly generous with themselves I say no more, its your choice, Ode to Joy or Last Night of the Proms?


Today I here that all members of the EU in 2020 will have to adopt the common currency, the Euro, they will have no choice, unless they choose to hold another referendum.


It might be of interest of you to know that although it is generally known how much the UK sends to Brussels, well you know its £350m a week, then they send us some back but tell us how we must spend it, but thats not all.

Are you aware that a percentage of VAT collected in the UK is also sent to Brussels? Currently this amounts to £2.2m per annum, on average £78 more per capita than any other member, they are going to miss a fair bit of cash should be decide to leave tomorrow, no wonder the penny has dropped at this late stage, not worry though wages, expenses and perks will not be affected by the EU civil service and its officials. Did you know they have their own shops where they can buy at preferential rates in the EU buildings, the like of you and I cannot shop there, they are only for EU servants. They are treated well for taxes as well starting at just 8%.

Each MEP has a Mercedes at his disposal, we are paying for all theses little perks and if you look further you will find more.

Every month the Parliament packs up in Brussels and moves to Strasbourg for 4 days on its own special TGV. The cost of running the building in Strasbourg is £50m per year, are you happy to be paying for that.

When MEP are no longer MEPS they get £8000 per year for 3 years as a transition allowance, do our MPs?

They are overly generous with themselves I say no more, its your choice, Ode to Joy or Last Night of the Proms?

Our MPs get lots more

Resettlement Grant

The Resettlement Grant is the name given to the MPs' severance pay package. It may be claimed to help former MPs with the costs of adjusting to life outside parliament. It is payable to any Member who ceases to be an MP at a General Election. The amount is based on age and length of service, and varies between 50% and 100% of the annual salary payable to a Member of Parliament at the time of the Dissolution.[11]

Annual salary is 74k minimum, meaning at least 37k. The first 30k of the grant is tax free.

Of course plenty of them also shift to the house of lords, where they can receive 300 quid a day for the remainder of their lives for doing very little. On top of their 4x average final salary pension, once they reach age.

They also get the subsidised shops as per MEPs - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/8988751/Subsidy-for-MPs-bars-and-restaurants-rises-to-5.8m.html


The only real question is, do you want to be controlled by unelected faceless bureaucrats in Brussels who now have control over you or a sovereign parliament that can be changed

The only real question is, do you want to be controlled by unelected faceless bureaucrats inThe only real question is The only real question is, do you want to be controlled by unelected faceless bureaucrats in

The only real question is, do you want to be controlled by unelected faceless bureaucrats in Brussels who now have control over Britain or a sovereign Parliament that can be changed? The only real question is, do you want to be controlled by unelected faceless bureaucrats inh


I really hope we stay - yes I believe the economic forecasts that say Britain will be worse off it we leave. I also believe the Norwegian PM when she says 'Britain won't like it' outside the EU.

I watched Michael Gove give his performance on BBC TV the other night, saying how Europe is run by an 'elite' who don't care about working people. This is the same Gove (along with Boris) who attended Rupert Murdoch's wedding... Frankly I would rather put my kids' futures in the hands of some Eurocrats than in the hands of those two chancers...

Their is very little economic benefit to staying in the EU, Britain would be better out trading freely with the rest of the world not shackled by a 1950's style customs union.

Here an economics Professor outlines the cost benefits whiles being cross examined by a House of Commons select committee -


Today I here that all members of the EU in 2020 will have to adopt the common currency, the Euro, they will have no choice, unless they choose to hold another referendum.

It has been mentioned by another poster frequently on one of the other Brexit threads with claims that it is confirmed on the ECB website but oddly enough no link or proof has been provided to back it up despite numerous requests so, unless you can substantiate the claim i suggest it stays in the 'made up news for gullible fools' file.


What look like the latest polls taken up to and including 22nd June, are split on who are in the lead and it does make me wonder if the slant is put on the figures depending on has commissioned the poll because everyone wants to be on the winning side when the result is declared.

There is the demographic factor and the committed voter to consider, there is the number of undecided voters who will turn up and make a decision in the booth.

On demographics it is generally thought that most older people, over 60 will vote out, whilst most under 35 will vote to stay in, those being between 35-60 being up for grabs.

Its the older people who are most likely to be out early and committed to vote, as for others, they have to work today maybe and there is no sport on to keep them away, so the distractions maybe a busy day at work and feeling tired or the draw of the Curry Club at Wetherspoons!

there are the people who realize its important to vote but are still not sure which way, even as the enter the polling station, do they think of the personalities, then issues or how it will affect them and their families? We all have our priorities and views that are important to us as individuals

With 46.5m voters eligible we are in for an interesting night and I dont know about you but I will be watching things as they happen, first results are expected in from the 382 counting stations at about 0630 for us I am an outer but I would not bet my house on it predicting something which involves so many individual thinkers is not easy.

Whether it the economy, immigration or sovereignty each with its many alternative roads, the time has now come weigh it all up and decide.

When I was in the UK in the middle of May, I usually leave BBC radio 5 live on overnight at a low level, one night I woke up thinking that the "OUT" side had one by 400,000 votes,you know what its like when you come out of standby trying to work out what time it is what day it is! When the news came on and there was no mention of the result I realized it was a dream! Will it turn out to be the correct result in the end? By this time tomorrow we will all know.

Now let the people decide.


Today I here that all members of the EU in 2020 will have to adopt the common currency, the Euro, they will have no choice, unless they choose to hold another referendum.

It only applies to new members. The UK has already opted out.


Today I here that all members of the EU in 2020 will have to adopt the common currency, the Euro, they will have no choice, unless they choose to hold another referendum.

It only applies to new members. The UK has already opted out.

I stand corrected, Denmark and the UK do have an opt out clause. Long may that be the position if we remain.


Today I here that all members of the EU in 2020 will have to adopt the common currency, the Euro, they will have no choice, unless they choose to hold another referendum.

It only applies to new members. The UK has already opted out.

I stand corrected, Denmark and the UK do have an opt out clause. Long may that be the position if we remain.

Really , the OUT brigade , do not offer a strategic , plan , in the unlikely event of a out vote , it will be totall chaos .

With the In vote Germany and France , will demand that UK ,adopts the Euro currency , within two years.

or else more financial penalties . Two World Wars , for what ?


The count is underway, you can watch it on the BBC page. 16.8m is the winning number required. As at now the leave are at 1357000 and remain at 1220000 with 343 regional counts still to declare. Early days, the number should start to fly in from about 0900.


Nottingham decides to leave which is what I saw when I was in the UK, At just 200 of the 382 declared the leave vote is + 500,000.

Scotland and NI vote for remain and it looks like inner London will vote to remain and the London results are still to come.


Pound down by 4.5 baht in just over an hour, was 52.8 last night now 48.001, where it will end up who knows, Brexit is now well ahead, God only knows what the baht will be worth if Brexit as now expected wins?

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