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Thailand gun death rate TWICE as high as US


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All those gun control laws and....... This.

California has some pretty strict gun laws too.

It ain't the gun that does the killing! No more than it was the knife that did the killing of that guy on Pahonyothin a few weeks ago over the Ipad, or that guy machete that killed that family recently, or the hoe that did the killing on Koh Tao, or the psycho that slit his girlfrinds throat on walking street, or the baseball bat that beat that biker to death recently in Pattaya, or........

Two people with guns are more likely to kill each other than two people without, don`t you think?

Now, let Iran and the rest of the world have their nukes, cause only people are dangerous... passifier.gif

Using your logic and your example: Two Superpowers with Nuclear weapons are more likely to use them.

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All those gun control laws and....... This.

California has some pretty strict gun laws too.

It ain't the gun that does the killing! No more than it was the knife that did the killing of that guy on Pahonyothin a few weeks ago over the Ipad, or that guy machete that killed that family recently, or the hoe that did the killing on Koh Tao, or the psycho that slit his girlfrinds throat on walking street, or the baseball bat that beat that biker to death recently in Pattaya, or........

True but a major part of it relates to access to guns: Australia used to have mass shootings ( in Melbourne Queen St , postal, Hoddle Street, a psycho, in Sydney, lunatic bikies, InTasmania/Port Arthur, a psycho).. Not one mass shooting since the gun buyback and a dramatic decline in gun murders and suicides.

Death by guns has probably dropped but I highly doubt that the murder rate went down because of that. You may also find the house robberies are up also.

But I think you are really stretching the truth to claim the suicide rate dropped because of gun control. That is like saying that if all the buildings in Pattaya were not taller than 10 feet there would be no suicides there. These type of figures are only deceptive figures. Perhaps they didn't commit suicide as much by Hand Guns. Instead they used Sleeping Pills. Big Deal!

Mass Shootings? Perhaps! But then we have nothing to compare it with as if everyone in the crowd was carrying a Hand Gun, and knew how to use it, I highly doubt 3 guys with Hand Guns could threaten a crowd of 100, and get them to just stand there while getting shot. If they to had Hand Guns to. Reminds me of the 2 guys who went to rob a Bar Owner with Hand Guns and it turned out to be a Police Man's Bar, and soon found themselves with 30 Guns pointed at them.

But Gun Control does not stop a Suicide Bombers! Or like in Thailand a Bomb hooked up to the Mobile Phone. The biggest Mass Murder of this Century was not caused by Hand Guns. It was caused by 10 or 12 guys and 2 airplanes that crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City and claimed around 4,000 Lives. The Oklahoma City Bombing wasn't a nice one either.

The Biggest Preventable Killer in the United States isn't Hand Guns. In fact smoking cigarettes kills 10 times more people than Firearms Deaths (Murder, Suicide, Accidents, and Unknown). Alcohol is almost 3 times more than Firearms. Traffic Accidents take more lives than guns to. You don't worry that when you are on the Highway some Drunk Driver will hit you, but let it be known that someone can own a Gun and boy, look out.

I don't understand all this paranoia about owning a Hand Gun. Is it the belief that only Bad Guys own Guns? If you owned a gun would you go out and shoot a bunch of people for no reason? I owned one all my life and I know I never did that. Never knew any of my friends who did that either, or shoot there Wife when having a Heated Argument.

I go along with what that Texas Cop said once."The way to stop a Bad Guy with a Gun is a Good Guy with a Gun".


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Why are is there never any hysteria over these weapons that kill people all the time?



Line 'em up portray them as the Evil Killing Machines that they are.

I guess guns go "BANG" though, which makes them more scary.

Congratulations on the dumbest question so far. When was the last time you read about someone killing 16 people in a crowd with a machete?



Ban knives and machetes too is all I'm saying. Let's ostracize them the same as guns. What's wrong with that?

What's wrong with that? Well, you also need to add airplanes to your list as they killed 4,000 People in New York City. Cell Phones, which can trigger a bomb. Copper Wire,which can triggered by the Cell Phone. Fertilizer and Diesel Fuel, which can be used in making a home Made Bomb. Back Packs, which can be used to carry a Bomb in Public Places.

But lets start with Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Cars, as they kill far more people than Guns do anyway.

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After a little time on Google, I have come to the conclusion that I would be VERY wary of these figures as Thailand does not release these sort of stats - they are left off a lot of the lists. This would indicate that there is no reliable system for sorting out these kind of stats and th margin for error or misinterpretation could be very big.

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We knew that already from 15 years back ,Thailand rate of murder is much higher then the US.....Shows what kind of ignorant freaks they are .......I am Stupid ,and i wallow in it with confidence ......They can be violent people .......i guess Buddhism does not help does it !. No you get on the wrong side of a moron and you get murdered .....nice Hey they think they know love better than any other human .........Holy shit

After all these years in Asia including Thailand, I never got attacked from Asian people - except in the Pakistani part of Pashtoonistan where they had a civil war. But these people in Pakistan didn't even know there was a Farang among the people that ducked and covered on a truck full of refugees.

In fact, the only people that attacked me so far were Farangs. And it was Thais that rescued them before I could kill them in self-defense.

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This survey is skewed to make it look bad. So many deaths per so many people. That is the math used here and it is not

accurate. Time for these people to actually put out a survey that tells the truth. If I lived in a place where there were 3 people and one got killed by a gun,

the stats would be that 1/3 of the people were killed by guns. In a place where there was 100 people and one got killed by a gun, the stats are far lower,

so do the math here and notice that this survey is a laugh.

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After a little time on Google, I have come to the conclusion that I would be VERY wary of these figures as Thailand does not release these sort of stats - they are left off a lot of the lists. This would indicate that there is no reliable system for sorting out these kind of stats and th margin for error or misinterpretation could be very big.

Mmmm..........indeed, where would one read reliable facts and truth about Thailand? As always, the first casualty of "war" (declared or not, military or civil) is always the truth. That is not unique to Thailand either.

I think the news media tries, within the covert (or maybe overt?) threats made to them every now and then.

Edited by lvr181
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One can cherry-pick statistics to support any argument.

The principal difference seems to be the access to semi-automatic and automatic weapons in the US. These weapons have only one purpose - killing people. To pretend they are hunting weapons is ridiculous. A good roo shooter in Australia will account for 50 roos in a night's hunting, armed only with a bolt-action rifle. I've been hunting with a rabbit shooter using a single shot 0.22 who head-shot 150 rabbits in one night. He would have regarded any automatics as butchery.

I haven't heard of mass shootings in Thailand. I assume that's because semi and full automatics are restricted to the military.

After the Port Arthur massacre in 1992, the ownership of semi-automatic and automatic was severely restricted. Australia hasn't had a mass shooting since.

Switzerland is frequently cited as an example of high gun ownership without gun crime. What the users of this datum neglect to mention is gun owners in Switzerland have to renew their permits once/month.

The Sandy Hook mass shooting proved to me American gun supporters are insane. The response to the shooting of 20 children was an upsurge in gun sales. If anything was going to bring about a rethink of the Second Amendment, that event was it.

Winston Churchill once said Americans usually get to the right solution, after they have tried all other options. Sadly, in the case of American gun ideology, so far he's wrong.

Automatics are not legal in the US! Who told you they were?

I said "access to semi-automatics and automatics". I did not say automatics were legal. Another red herring.

A semi-automatic such as a Colt AR-15 is capable of firing 10-15 rounds a minute, depending on the speed of trigger pull. The next round automatically seats in the firing chamber.

I'm sure the parents of the children at Sandy Hook would appreciate the fine distinction you are making.

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An online database by Gunpolicy.org, run by the University of Sydney’s School of Public Health, estimates a smaller gun death rate for Thailand.

It says there are around 3.48 deaths per 100,000 people, which is just under that of the States, AFP reported earlier this year.

Working on the figures from USA Thailand has about 12 gunshot deaths per day.
Taking out estimated for police taking down drug dealers and the insurgents down south I worked on a figure much closer to the one above, which is about the same as the USA.
Obviously the originator of the so called statistics is just trying to deflect flak from his native USA to justify the outdated gun laws in that so called civilised society.
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Whew! I have not weighed in on this forum in some time but I see that it is still loaded with Thai-bashing posts by folks who do not know their butts from a hot rock but are anxious to set down absurd speculation as though it is wisdom or fact.rolleyes.gif

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All those gun control laws and....... This.

California has some pretty strict gun laws too.

It ain't the gun that does the killing! No more than it was the knife that did the killing of that guy on Pahonyothin a few weeks ago over the Ipad, or that guy machete that killed that family recently, or the hoe that did the killing on Koh Tao, or the psycho that slit his girlfrinds throat on walking street, or the baseball bat that beat that biker to death recently in Pattaya, or........

True but a major part of it relates to access to guns: Australia used to have mass shootings ( in Melbourne Queen St , postal, Hoddle Street, a psycho, in Sydney, lunatic bikies, InTasmania/Port Arthur, a psycho).. Not one mass shooting since the gun buyback and a dramatic decline in gun murders and suicides.

Death by guns has probably dropped but I highly doubt that the murder rate went down because of that. You may also find the house robberies are up also.

But I think you are really stretching the truth to claim the suicide rate dropped because of gun control. That is like saying that if all the buildings in Pattaya were not taller than 10 feet there would be no suicides there. These type of figures are only deceptive figures. Perhaps they didn't commit suicide as much by Hand Guns. Instead they used Sleeping Pills. Big Deal!

Mass Shootings? Perhaps! But then we have nothing to compare it with as if everyone in the crowd was carrying a Hand Gun, and knew how to use it, I highly doubt 3 guys with Hand Guns could threaten a crowd of 100, and get them to just stand there while getting shot. If they to had Hand Guns to. Reminds me of the 2 guys who went to rob a Bar Owner with Hand Guns and it turned out to be a Police Man's Bar, and soon found themselves with 30 Guns pointed at them.

But Gun Control does not stop a Suicide Bombers! Or like in Thailand a Bomb hooked up to the Mobile Phone. The biggest Mass Murder of this Century was not caused by Hand Guns. It was caused by 10 or 12 guys and 2 airplanes that crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City and claimed around 4,000 Lives. The Oklahoma City Bombing wasn't a nice one either.

The Biggest Preventable Killer in the United States isn't Hand Guns. In fact smoking cigarettes kills 10 times more people than Firearms Deaths (Murder, Suicide, Accidents, and Unknown). Alcohol is almost 3 times more than Firearms. Traffic Accidents take more lives than guns to. You don't worry that when you are on the Highway some Drunk Driver will hit you, but let it be known that someone can own a Gun and boy, look out.

I don't understand all this paranoia about owning a Hand Gun. Is it the belief that only Bad Guys own Guns? If you owned a gun would you go out and shoot a bunch of people for no reason? I owned one all my life and I know I never did that. Never knew any of my friends who did that either, or shoot there Wife when having a Heated Argument.

I go along with what that Texas Cop said once."The way to stop a Bad Guy with a Gun is a Good Guy with a Gun".


"I go along with what that Texas Cop said once."The way to stop a Bad Guy with a Gun is a Good Guy with a Gun".

Right on - that is what POLICE are paid to do. NOT some armed civilian without proper training, lacking in self and institutional discipline.

Unfortunately, it is the bad guys with guns who do cause most mass shootings including, all too often, the killing of innocent children. But regularly sacrificing the life of children for some unjustifiable gun toting laws in this day and age is a real shame on the USA citizenry and is an anachronism in this modern age. No amount of control will stop terrorists (and neither has a Good Guy with a gun) but stricter controls of ownership and accessibility may reduce shootings by "bad guys"? coffee1.gif

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I just pray i am not close by some have a go hero when there is a situation. There is far more chance of them killing innocent bystanders or themselves than actually harming any threat. 99.99% of them would shit their pants, freeze, faint or the alike before being able to even get their gun out. And in the unlikely event they got their gun out they would probably do more harm than good.

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All those gun control laws and....... This.

California has some pretty strict gun laws too.

It ain't the gun that does the killing! No more than it was the knife that did the killing of that guy on Pahonyothin a few weeks ago over the Ipad, or that guy machete that killed that family recently, or the hoe that did the killing on Koh Tao, or the psycho that slit his girlfrinds throat on walking street, or the baseball bat that beat that biker to death recently in Pattaya, or........

True but a major part of it relates to access to guns: Australia used to have mass shootings ( in Melbourne Queen St , postal, Hoddle Street, a psycho, in Sydney, lunatic bikies, InTasmania/Port Arthur, a psycho).. Not one mass shooting since the gun buyback and a dramatic decline in gun murders and suicides.

I'm not certain Australia is a good example to use in regards to gun deaths. The people who own guns in Australia, are various criminal organisation like the Middle Eastern gangs, street gangs, East and Southeast Asian gangs, and outlaw biker gangs to name a few. All Australia did was disarm their law abiding citizens. This is nothing to be proud of or brag about.

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Obviously the originator of the so called statistics is just trying to deflect flak from his native USA to justify the outdated gun laws in that so called civilised society

NPR is a liberal oriented news site and as such wants serious gun control in the US. Sorry if your provincial outlook and a desperate need to deflect got that totally backwards roeithome.

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Congratulation to Thailand.

They made it again, to be one of the worst. As they are already some of the top position in.....

Most dangerous drivers.

Most unpolite male.

Most drinking alcohol consuption of male.



I do not understand, how this country deserve such nice girls. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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