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Envoys not worried about consequences of remarks

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Envoys not worried about consequences of remarks
Nuntida Puangthong
The Nation

BANGKOK -- TWO foreign diplomats who recently created a stir over their comments on Thai politics said Friday they were not concerned about the consequences.

UK Ambassador Mark Kent and United States' Glyn Davies separately played down the controversy that came after their recent remarks criticising certain issues in the Kingdom.

Last month, in a talk at the Foreign Correspondents Club, Davies voiced concern about the "unprecedented" prison terms handed down under the lese majeste law, saying that "no one should be jailed for peacefully expressing their views". He also noted that the number of such cases had risen substantially since the military took power last year.

Kent's tweet on Monday said: "I had hoped the fact that 200 people [being] allowed to demonstrate at the US Embassy might be [a] relaxation on freedom of assembly."

His message - referring to a recent protest held against the US ambassador - came in response to the arrest of student activists, while they made their way to Rajabhakti Park in Hua Hin to protest against alleged irregularities. However, Kent's message was seen as an allegation that the government was applying double standards to different groups.

The envoys' comments spurred widespread debate online - with some people voicing support and others rebuking the diplomats. Somebody even filed a police complaint, seeking an investigation into Davies' comments on the royal defamation law.

Kent declined to elaborate on the issue Friday, saying he was ready to discuss the matter if summoned by the Foreign Ministry.

Davies, meanwhile, also declined to comment on his speech, other than saying he was not concerned, as he has already been busy with improving bilateral ties and cooperation. He went on to say that he has been happy working in Thailand over the past three months and hopes to continue serving here.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Sek Wannamethee said yesterday the envoys' comments indicated that there were some inaccurate perceptions about Thailand's situation.

He said the ministry was trying to explain this to foreign diplomats and international organisations, particularly in relation to what the government is doing to solve the country's problems. He said regular briefings were held to update all sides about the progress the government is making.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Envoys-not-worried-about-consequences-of-remarks-30274724.html

-- The Nation 2015-12-11


Foreign Ministry spokesman Sek Wannamethee said yesterday the envoys' comments indicated that there were some inaccurate perceptions about Thailand's situation.

yeah, not really.

But the current, self-appointed government can't send foreign ambassadors to a week long excursion at a military base, so their options are:

  1. denial, see above quote, and
  2. send out the dogs, ie: the mad monk and other ultra-nationalist extremists

The foreign ministry spokesperson is making up this "excuse" and he certainly knows it.


Of course they would be outraged if rent-a-mobs materialised outside their embassies in London and Washington while the host authorities simply shrugged and looked the other way, then local police began investigating their diplomats just in case they might have broken the law at some point - Any parking violations, perhaps? Double standards is exactly the correct term.


Why should they be worried? They know (even if the twit generals don't) that they have diplomatic immunity.

True, but it Can Be Ensured that their lives are made extremely uncomfortable...

There appear to be many from the khaki clad career boys who have spent so.much time with their collective heads in their bivies that they are no longer able to tune into the everyday frequencies of the real world. They see things that aren't there, don't see things that are there, pick up.messages that haven't been transmitted and fail completely to.understand those that have.



Let's hope so. Extremely uncomfortable. Interfering bar stewards.

And let us hope for reciprocity if that is the case.

Kent really put his foot in it, meeting up with redshirt terrorists out on bail. I don't think the British would be very happy if the Thai ambassador met up with ISIS sympathisers in the UK


Kent really put his foot in it, meeting up with redshirt terrorists out on bail. I don't think the British would be very happy if the Thai ambassador met up with ISIS sympathisers in the UK

It's a stupid comment.Ambassadors meet people of all shades of opinions in their host countries.It's part of their job.

If Ambassadors in Thailand avoided all people who had been accused of criminality they wouldn't meet members of the Junta nor leading members of the last Democrat administration.

As to the Thai ambassador in the UK, - though your comparison is banal,the view of the British Government would be he can meet who he thinks fit.



So Why would they have anything to be worried about, that facts are as they are.

The US ambassador simply called a spade a spade, Some would call it interfering in Thai politics, and then some would call it voicing concerns at the numbers and penalties and selected persons at winch these laws are place on. The UK envoy also has right in his opinion and to voice them as they are not under threat of lengthy gaol terms.


Kent really put his foot in it, meeting up with redshirt terrorists out on bail. I don't think the British would be very happy if the Thai ambassador met up with ISIS sympathisers in the UK

Even you don't believe those are equivalent you naughty man!


Kent really put his foot in it, meeting up with redshirt terrorists out on bail. I don't think the British would be very happy if the Thai ambassador met up with ISIS sympathisers in the UK

Actually no, quite the opposite. He carefully went as far as he could go which clearly infuriated the self anointed power clique in khaki.

And what was tweeted went around and around the local social media sphere to not insubstantial, albeit carefully subdued, local applause.


All of them should be warned of prosecution down the road for Crimes against Humanity for

imprisoning their own citizens in secret closed courts on LM charges All Ambassador's worldwide here

in Thailand should not condone such archaic, outdated laws to be used against people for only wanting

Rights such as Freedom of expression and conscience.

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