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Iowa poll: Ted Cruz leads Donald Trump


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Iowa poll: Ted Cruz leads Donald Trump
Eric Bradner
By Eric Bradner, CNN

(CNN)Another poll shows Ted Cruz leading Donald Trump in Iowa.

A Fox News survey released Sunday shows the Texas senator with 28% support in the first state to vote in the presidential nominating process -- ahead of Trump, who is in second place with 26% backing.

Iowa Republicans see Trump as most qualified to handle the economy and Cruz as best qualified on national security, the poll shows.

Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/13/politics/ted-cruz-donald-trump-iowa-poll/index.html

-- CNN 2015-12-14

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Have you ever noticed that it appears that Trump's head will explode any minute? He starts speaking, and gets so read in the face, it appears he will either have a heart attack, get a hernia, or explode, like the hot air balloon he really is. Can you imagine how this poll makes him feel? Everything he does or says is based on being in the lead. No other candidate will be in the lead due to merit, as there is little merit in any of the candidates. But, some will take over Trumps lead by default, as he continues to blunder, and reveal who he truly is. Few know who this man truly is, and a lot of his supporters would not want to vote for him, if they knew who he was. Time will reveal more of his ugliness, and more of his monstrosity.

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Like a good horse race...the winner is not declared in the first furlong...

Like them or not...the Republicans are speaking to issues which need to be addressed...the Dems are talking about Republicans...

Lying is apparently an acceptable behavior among Democratics...so why all the finger pointing?

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Cruz is possibly a scarier thought as POTUS than Trump!

I actually thought a little the opposite..

I find myself in this uber crazy world almost happy that Cruz might emerge as the 'reasonable' candidate rather than Trump!

Cruz is a nut job, universally hated by almost everyone in his own party, classmates, former co-workers, but somehow in the weird weird world we now inhabit he almost sounds like a voice of reason!

Just going to click my heels..... what the heck Toto, why aint we back in Kansas?????????

Edited by GinBoy2
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He's a vile little worm.

I believe you have him confused with Obama.

The right is perpetually confused.

Many people find Barack Obama easy to like.

Ted Cruz has a snide Princeton and Harvard Law attitude tucked into black ostrich cowboy boots which may be the cause of his tinny and high pitched whine of a voice.

Voters in Texas who elected Ted Cruz to his current first term in the Senate are completely different from the national electorate. I'm already enjoying Trump saying yesterday Cruz went into the Senate like a "maniac.'

Trump has over several months already left a trail political corpses behind him, from Perry to Walker and Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, Geritol Jeb Bush, and he absolutely hammered Ben 'the knife' Carson. laugh.png

Trump's just warming up for the rest of the Republicans he has to crush. Trump's gonna say next that he at the least is likable while Cruz with his self-righteous nasal whine is not. With much more to follow. thumbsup.gif

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I think I would pick Mussolini over Trump. After all, once he got into office, it would be the same thing anyway. This monster is just waiting for the moment to seize power. He would make a ruthless president. And I am not talking about his treatment of Muslims. I am talking about his treatment of you, as a citizen of the US. His power, and his ruthlessness would know no bounds. And the corruption? He would declare war, just so he could make an extra billion. He lack of good judgment would be rivaled only by Dickless Cheney.

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He's a vile little worm.

I believe you have him confused with Obama.

The right is perpetually confused.

Many people find Barack Obama easy to like.

Ted Cruz has a snide Princeton and Harvard Law attitude tucked into black ostrich cowboy boots which may be the cause of his tinny and high pitched whine of a voice.

Voters in Texas who elected Ted Cruz to his current first term in the Senate are completely different from the national electorate. I'm already enjoying Trump saying yesterday Cruz went into the Senate like a "maniac.'

Trump has over several months already left a trail political corpses behind him, from Perry to Walker and Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, Geritol Jeb Bush, and he absolutely hammered Ben 'the knife' Carson. laugh.png

Trump's just warming up for the rest of the Republicans he has to crush. Trump's gonna say next that he at the least is likable while Cruz with his self-righteous nasal whine is not. With much more to follow. thumbsup.gif

"Many people find Barack Obama easy to like."????? Gee, whats there not to like? Obama is unethical, deceptive, inept, void of leadership skills, and has proved over and over again as being less than truthful. Cruz and even Trump are light years ahead of Obama, as having the attributes necessary to be a world leader. Obama has been masquerading as a world leader with devastating results. Hillary is just as inept and maybe even more dangerous and deceptive than Obama.

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He's a vile little worm.

I believe you have him confused with Obama.

The right is perpetually confused.

Many people find Barack Obama easy to like.

Ted Cruz has a snide Princeton and Harvard Law attitude tucked into black ostrich cowboy boots which may be the cause of his tinny and high pitched whine of a voice.

Voters in Texas who elected Ted Cruz to his current first term in the Senate are completely different from the national electorate. I'm already enjoying Trump saying yesterday Cruz went into the Senate like a "maniac.'

Trump has over several months already left a trail political corpses behind him, from Perry to Walker and Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, Geritol Jeb Bush, and he absolutely hammered Ben 'the knife' Carson. laugh.png

Trump's just warming up for the rest of the Republicans he has to crush. Trump's gonna say next that he at the least is likable while Cruz with his self-righteous nasal whine is not. With much more to follow. thumbsup.gif

Out of that list of smoking corpses, I didn't mind listening to Rand Paul speak. During one Republican spectacle on the boob tube, the faux moderators seemed to use him a few times as the Voice of Reason from way down at the end, after a flurry of nonsense from the others.

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America is rapidly sliding into a third world country. Total lack of leadership. Even Ghadaffi could have beaten any of the imbeciles hoping for presidency.

There's an old saying in elections and politics that you can't beat somebody with nobody. Need at least two names on the ballot and Gaddafi is dead. thumbsup.gif

One notices the post was made at 11:23 so eight minutes needs to be added to its travel time from the moon to here on earth and to TVF. Or maybe the eight minutes are included. cheesy.gif

No mind.

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He's a vile little worm.

I believe you have him confused with Obama.

The right is perpetually confused.

Many people find Barack Obama easy to like.

Ted Cruz has a snide Princeton and Harvard Law attitude tucked into black ostrich cowboy boots which may be the cause of his tinny and high pitched whine of a voice.

Voters in Texas who elected Ted Cruz to his current first term in the Senate are completely different from the national electorate. I'm already enjoying Trump saying yesterday Cruz went into the Senate like a "maniac.'

Trump has over several months already left a trail political corpses behind him, from Perry to Walker and Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, Geritol Jeb Bush, and he absolutely hammered Ben 'the knife' Carson. laugh.png

Trump's just warming up for the rest of the Republicans he has to crush. Trump's gonna say next that he at the least is likable while Cruz with his self-righteous nasal whine is not. With much more to follow. thumbsup.gif

"Many people find Barack Obama easy to like."????? Gee, whats there not to like? Obama is unethical, deceptive, inept, void of leadership skills, and has proved over and over again as being less than truthful. Cruz and even Trump are light years ahead of Obama, as having the attributes necessary to be a world leader. Obama has been masquerading as a world leader with devastating results. Hillary is just as inept and maybe even more dangerous and deceptive than Obama.

It's been unmistakable for 12 months now the right whinge has the seven-year itch.

Going on eight.

Maybe right whiners won't be so severe on HR Clinton because after considering all else she's white.

The right is going to have to suck up Trump or Cruz getting trounced and booted in the November general if either gets the R party nomination next summer. Either one of 'em will need more than evangelical prayers. If it's Rubio then Trump and Cruz can campaign with Marco among Hispanic voters. laugh.png

And Ben 'the knife' Carson can campaign for the ticket among black voters.

After seven years of Barack Obama the rightwhinge nutosphere has become a circular firing squad with Trump and Cruz shouting the commands. clap2.gif

Edited by Publicus for spacing.

Edited by Publicus
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Just a reminder that we have another clown show tonight at 20:30 Eastern Time (preceded by a mini-Junior Clown show at 18:00 Eastern Time).

I'll let you work out what that is in your own timezone.

The next Republican presidential debate is Tuesday at 8:30 pm Eastern. It will take place in Las Vegas and be aired on CNN. An earlier undercard debate, with candidates who aren't polling as well, will begin at 6 pm Eastern. A free live stream will be available to all at CNN.com.

This debate (the fifth for the GOP) will feature nine candidates on the primetime stage. Just five of those nine managed to qualify by topping 3.5 percent in an average of national polls — Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, and Jeb Bush. However, CNN also took polling averages in Iowa and New Hampshire into account, so Chris Christie, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, and Rand Paul also made the cut (though CNN had to bend its rules a bit to get Paul in).

Four other candidates — Mike Huckabee, Lindsey Graham, Rick Santorum, and George Pataki — will be relegated to the earlier undercard debate. The other GOP candidate still running, Jim Gilmore, failed to qualify.

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