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Merkel wants to 'drastically reduce' refugee arrivals in Germany


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Merkel wants to 'drastically reduce' refugee arrivals in Germany

KARLSRUHE, GERMANY: -- Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Sunday she wanted to "drastically decrease" the number of refugees coming to Germany, signaling a compromise to critics of her open-door policy from within her conservatives on the eve of a party congress.

Merkel has resisted pressure from allies within her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) to put a cap on the number of refugees entering Germany, which is expected to top 1 million this year.

"At the same time we took on board the concerns of the people, who are worried about the future, and this means we want to reduce, we want to drastically decrease the number of people coming to us," Merkel told broadcaster ARD.

Full story: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-europe-migrants-germany-idUSKBN0TW0SB20151213

-- Reuters 2015-12-14

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Well she is bang out of luck. Some idiot invited over a million of them into Germany just this year, mainly young males of military service age. They are entitled to bring their family members also so that 1 million becomes at least 5 million, factor in the explosive breeding like amoebas of the conquering tribe and it rapidly becomes a situation referred to a 'white genocide'. Merkel will ultimately pay a high price for this, hopefully at the hands of a machete wielding welfare migrant.

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Well she is bang out of luck. Some idiot invited over a million of them into Germany just this year, mainly young males of military service age. They are entitled to bring their family members also so that 1 million becomes at least 5 million, factor in the explosive breeding like amoebas of the conquering tribe and it rapidly becomes a situation referred to a 'white genocide'. Merkel will ultimately pay a high price for this, hopefully at the hands of a machete wielding welfare migrant.

Germany is headed for a major racial problem and unfortunately your do gooder leader Merkel is far to stupid to realise it. The dice has been rolled.

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Merkel says she wants to reduce refugee arrivals in Germany


KARLSRUHE: -- Chancellor Angela Merkel says she wants to reduce the number of refugees coming to Germany but is refusing to declare a limit.

Merkel signalled her compromise on immigration to critics of her open-door policy on the eve of a two-day party congress in the southern city of Karlsruhe.. The chancellor, who is under increasing pressure from allies within her Christian Democratic Union, says she is looking for a European solution.

“It is about reducing the number of migrants through European solidarity and by fighting the reasons behind the people fleeing and not through Germany’s one-sided measures. Of course we have to take our own measures but they must always be in line with European actions,” said Merkel.

Her strategy includes working with Turkey to fight traffickers, improving the situation at Syrian refugee camps in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, and strengthening control of the European Union’s outer borders.

Merkel, whose popularity has fallen over her handling of the refugee crisis, said the word “limit” did not feature in the CDU’s main resolution which will be debated at the party congress which begins today (Dec 14)

The number of refugees entering Germany is expected to top 1 million this year. Merkel’s decision to allow Syrian asylum seekers to remain in Germany regardless of which EU country they first entered has caused concern among voters. Her conservative critics want the numbers down before three state elections in March.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-14

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I think she is a bit too late to do that now.

No worry she is not doing anything....just a speech about it.

just wait for the next speech - advising other EU countries their quotas will be increased as Germany can't cope with her open door all welcome policy. So as it didn't work in Germany, let's force it on the EU.

No wonder other member countries are getting fed up with the German leader dictating policy supported by her puppet Juncke.

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Germans are always very sympathetic and almost overly forgiving, probably due to their bad rep after Nazi invasions on the world and the ammount of death they caused as a result of their idiotic voting... These days they seem to be way too placid when anything comes to race and the likes of migrants.

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I thought the problem wasn't refugees. Just economic migrants chancing their arm at getting some cushty benefits while they're on offer.

Kind of hard to blame them after the fact now. As for Merkel. Glad the lightbulb moment came sooner rather than later

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Some facts for the Trumped posters:

1. Nearly the half of the refugees are persued Chistians.

2. Another group of refugees persued are non Sunnits.

3. Many of the Syrian refugees are moderate Muslims with good school and instruction.


Germany accepted already 3 millions of East Germany refugees looking for better econonomic conditions,

In Switzerland and Austria the Hotels were happy too for cheap workers.


I understand Trump. The Europeans immigrants came to America to take the land of the indigenous people

killing them if they resisted. Now he scares the vengeance of people who are not blond with blue eyes and thumb

like him.


Another fact: The USA have a lot of "terrorists". Fanatics of abberrant Christain sects, fighters for the old slave

States, Sociopathic rassist cops, etc.

Edited by lungmi
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Well she is bang out of luck. Some idiot invited over a million of them into Germany just this year, mainly young males of military service age. They are entitled to bring their family members also so that 1 million becomes at least 5 million, factor in the explosive breeding like amoebas of the conquering tribe and it rapidly becomes a situation referred to a 'white genocide'. Merkel will ultimately pay a high price for this, hopefully at the hands of a machete wielding welfare migrant.

you're wrong

not Merkel will pay - the people will

she will be safe

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Some facts for the Trumped posters:

1. Nearly the half of the refugees are persued Chistians.

2. Another group of refugees persued are non Sunnits.

3. Many of the Syrian refugees are moderate Muslims with good school and instruction.


Germany accepted already 3 millions of East Germany refugees looking for better econonomic conditions,

In Switzerland and Austria the Hotels were happy too for cheap workers.


I understand Trump. The Europeans immigrants came to America to take the land of the indigenous people

killing them if they resisted. Now he scares the vengeance of people who are not blond with blue eyes and thumb

like him.


Another fact: The USA have a lot of "terrorists". Fanatics of abberrant Christain sects, fighters for the old slave

States, Sociopathic rassist cops, etc.

This post is so full of "facts" that it could sway the opinions of many people. I was unaware of nearly all of what you posted. Thank you for giving me another perspective.

Can you direct me to more information on:

"nearly half of the refugees are Christians"

"Non sunnis" make up I presume a significant population

How/who told us about "moderate muslims" among the population?

And the terrorists in the USA. Terrorist is a specific legal definition. Also guide us on that please.

Since the vast majority of people coming into Europe are not even from Syria this information would be very helpful.

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Some facts for the Trumped posters:

1. Nearly the half of the refugees are persued Chistians.

2. Another group of refugees persued are non Sunnits.

3. Many of the Syrian refugees are moderate Muslims with good school and instruction.


Germany accepted already 3 millions of East Germany refugees looking for better econonomic conditions,

In Switzerland and Austria the Hotels were happy too for cheap workers.


I understand Trump. The Europeans immigrants came to America to take the land of the indigenous people

killing them if they resisted. Now he scares the vengeance of people who are not blond with blue eyes and thumb

like him.


Another fact: The USA have a lot of "terrorists". Fanatics of abberrant Christain sects, fighters for the old slave

States, Sociopathic rassist cops, etc.

Nice try,but unfortunately not many facts here.

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I think she is a bit too late to do that now.

No worry she is not doing anything....just a speech about it.

just wait for the next speech - advising other EU countries their quotas will be increased as Germany can't cope with her open door all welcome policy. So as it didn't work in Germany, let's force it on the EU.

No wonder other member countries are getting fed up with the German leader dictating policy supported by her puppet Juncke.

When one considers Merkel's own comments a few years earlier her invitation and really, facilitation, of millions is pretty much treasonous. After all, Merkel was quite clear... brutually clear that this would not work.

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Some facts for the Trumped posters:

1. Nearly the half of the refugees are persued Chistians.

2. Another group of refugees persued are non Sunnits.

3. Many of the Syrian refugees are moderate Muslims with good school and instruction.


Germany accepted already 3 millions of East Germany refugees looking for better econonomic conditions,

In Switzerland and Austria the Hotels were happy too for cheap workers.


I understand Trump. The Europeans immigrants came to America to take the land of the indigenous people

killing them if they resisted. Now he scares the vengeance of people who are not blond with blue eyes and thumb

like him.


Another fact: The USA have a lot of "terrorists". Fanatics of abberrant Christain sects, fighters for the old slave

States, Sociopathic rassist cops, etc.

It is a dangerous game to play with your people when you absolutely cannot say ALL!

I just do not see East Germans (still Germans) are the same in the least. It was a reunion..

Three centuries later and a population of 320 million people presents a slightly different scenario.

The USA perhaps doesn't want to accept any more who are from other countries if they struggle with a currently internal problem.

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In her speech she claimed she prevented a great humanitarian crisis !

No she didn't, she just made it even bigger and generously shared with her neighbours.

One of Time magazines reasons for giving her front page ' Influential Person of the Year ' title is that she's the ' leader ' of Europe !

Little wonder some countries want out.

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Germany to ‘noticeably reduce’ migrant influx, says Merkel


"We want to and we will noticeably reduce the number of refugees because it's in everyone's interest."

KARLSRUHE: -- The German chancellor has promised to “noticeably reduce” the number of migrants entering Germany.

Angela Merkel was speaking at the congress for her Christian Democrats party in response to concerns from within her party about an influx this year alone of one million refugees.

“The spirit with which we need to tackle the refugee crisis: we have achieved so much, we will continue to make this work.. also because the essence of the Christian Democrats is to show how we deal with difficult situations,” Merkel said.

Despite being widely praised for her bold response to the crisis, Merkel faces growing opposition to her open-door policy,

“We want to and we will noticeably reduce the number of refugees because it’s in everyone’s interest,” added Merkel.

Her use of the phrase “noticeably reduce” is from a party resolution which was hastily reworked on the eve of the conference to avert an open rebellion over her refugee policy.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-15

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