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Three policemen killed at Pluak Daeng police station in Rayong

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This has shocked his neighbors, one of whom is my girlfriend's mother.

Though I never spoke to him, he was well-liked

and even waved to me a couple of times as he passed me in the street.

Scary stuff.

behind most Thai smiles there is an angry Thai repressed and ready to let it fly out and if you are in the way it can be catastrophic

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So he raped a prisoner from Laos. She complains and an investigation is started. He gets pissed because hey! She is not Thai and goes after his boss for not believing him and starting an investigation into the incident. Most likely it would have all gone away if he just waited. Paranoid of getting caught he did the only thing he could. Blame his boss and seek revenge. These are the people paid to protect us and they can't even protect themselves from each other. When will P realise the whole of RTP needs to change their staff of hmmm 'officers' if you really want to call them that, and find and train new people who really care about others and want to make society a better place instead of using their power to raped and rob and extort and kill others.

This is but one chapter in a never ending circus, if you want to carry a gun and wear tight clothes and get paid then your carreer is waiting for you.

If you managed to save up enough to buy the uniform.

Rip to the victims.

Get out of town Lao girl.


So he was upset at the allegations, after all she was only a Lao woman.

When we look around in this country or our home country what do we see, people from many countries going about there business they may look different and we may not agree with some of the cultural or religious beliefs they carry with them.

What I see are people.

It has become distressingly clear to me that the many Thai people do not see people from elsewhere as people only as cockroaches or pack animals to be used abused and disposed of with no empathy at all.

Racism is every where but this place takes it to another level.


probably a bit OTT 555 but basically Thais are taught they are 'special' and they are extremely xenophobic and proud of that! all nationalism, bigotry and superiority is BS and, in fact, nationalism has killed millions and millions as a few elite try to prove their d**k is bigger than the other one

anyway on this occasion, rare though it may be, that Police Colonel stood up for a basic humanity and he should be honoured for it and his family receive care and compensation and spare a thought for that other officer who may just have, unluckily, been in the office at the wrong time. Good for this cops colleagues for shooting the guy dead.


And this is the same organization that actively goes after average cotizens for "damaging their reputation"... Jesus weapt, how further can its reputation sink I wonder until reform simply can't be overlooked

Reform ain't gonna happen anytime soon, if ever, unfortunately. coffee1.gif

RIP to the murdered and condolence their families and friends. sad.png


"Two policemen were shot dead and a third was fatally shot". Hmmmm....

Two shot dead on the spot. Third died in hospital from fatal gun shot wounds.

Yes, a few more words in the sentence and it would have made more sense.


Another influential bail from above, 500 Baht, and never ever do it again coming, wanna bet???

What a brainless comment.

The Perp did not get bail nor did he pay 500 baht.

However he will definitely not do it again.

He is dead.


I'm pissed off. I've got a gun. I'm going to use it.

How many more guys like him are there? They keep popping up.

The problem is arming people like this in the first place.


The last time Thais raped Laos women the women were immediately deported.....now they arrested the two seafood slaves who spoke to reporters. LOS= Land of Sleaze.

How is it that I meet one hundred Thais who are not in government and every one of them is kind and thoughtful?

Brings a new meaning to calling police pigs.

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