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Brit dies in mysterious circumstances in South Pattaya

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He held a British passport that does not make him British. Loads of newly arrived that have been given passports and they can't even speak English or know how to use a toilet.

Having that passport makes them British


He held a British passport that does not make him British. Loads of newly arrived that have been given passports and they can't even speak English or know how to use a toilet.

Having that passport makes them British

Like being baptized makes you a Christian.


He is of British and Iranian decent.

His rather good looking wife is Filipino.

It appears they split up six months. Man gets broken heart - goes on holiday - goes out to get out of it and score some "ice" from the Ladyboy drug dealers and then it all goes wrong - as that stuff can make you rather aggressive.

Case closed whistling.gif



He held a British passport that does not make him British. Loads of newly arrived that have been given passports and they can't even speak English or know how to use a toilet.

Having that passport makes them British

Like being baptized makes you a Christian.

Exactly, good analogy. The Christian officialdom recognizes you as being Christian just like the British officialdom recognizes you as being British.


He held a British passport that does not make him British. Loads of newly arrived that have been given passports and they can't even speak English or know how to use a toilet.

Having that passport makes them British

Like being baptized makes you a Christian.

Exactly, good analogy. The Christian officialdom recognizes you as being Christian just like the British officialdom recognizes you as being British.

t's just that being recognized by Christian officialdom as a Christian doesn't make you one


Why call them "ladyboys". Nothing "lady" about them and remember ALL ladyboys are males. remind them of that everytime

There are a lot of guys in Pattaya who claim to be 100% heterosexual that will argue with you about that and how they are not gay just because they like to have sex with (these) guys since they sorta kinda look like girls...in a nearly dark room...wearing sunglasses.biggrin.png

So their whole argument is that they are not gay just because they like to have butt sex with guys....because the guys happen to dress like women. I have never seen such denial.

Maybe you need to take off your sunglasses. There are ladyboys in Pattaya so good looking you don't know they are ladyboys and better looking than most girls. They are the ones you think are girls and fly under your radar.

My wife has a fascination with ladyboys, but even she can't always tell if they are or not - she has 20/20 vision and doesn't wear sunglasses.smile.png

It seems to be whenever a discussion of LB's come up, insults about looks abound, as though there is no such thing as ugly girls.


Why call them "ladyboys". Nothing "lady" about them and remember ALL ladyboys are males. remind them of that everytime

There are a lot of guys in Pattaya who claim to be 100% heterosexual that will argue with you about that and how they are not gay just because they like to have sex with (these) guys since they sorta kinda look like girls...in a nearly dark room...wearing sunglasses.biggrin.png

So their whole argument is that they are not gay just because they like to have butt sex with guys....because the guys happen to dress like women. I have never seen such denial.

Any guy who knowingly shags a ladyboy, post op or not, must be homosexual.

Anyone who disagrees with this, must be in denial.

At the same time, everyone to their own as long as no one is getting hurt.

Whoa now possum, what if he was bisexual, or just curious?

It certainly appears someone got hurt.


Exactly, good analogy. The Christian officialdom recognizes you as being Christian just like the British officialdom recognizes you as being British.

t's just that being recognized by Christian officialdom as a Christian doesn't make you one

Pretty sure the general rule in Christianity is that only God can do the judging.

In the case of British citizenship, unless one is British by birth, descent, or adoption (and in all cases, one would indeed be British), only the Home Secretary can do the judging.

Are you the Home Secretary?


Gosh!! Take four lady-men, one farang, chrystal meth and an argument over money for sex; what could possibly go wrong there???

I'd say running from the 3rd floor to the 4th floor was wrong direction. If he'd run down one flight of stairs it could have turned out better than up one flight of stairs.


"Brit dies in mysterious circumstances" Really ? I see nothing mysterious about it, i'm just amazed by some of the posts that i'm reading. I've survived by good luck and sometimes good management into my third decade in the land of the vertical smile, and one thing that i know about this place and many neighbouring countries is that when you step onto this particular playing field, it's a bit like stepping onto the Somme without a weapon, you're going to run for a while and it's going to be fun, but eventually you'll catch one as in this individuals case. Stop kidding yourselves this is not Butlins holiday camp, and in the words of Snake Pliskin..... " Bangkok rules" ? = NONE !


Exactly, good analogy. The Christian officialdom recognizes you as being Christian just like the British officialdom recognizes you as being British.

t's just that being recognized by Christian officialdom as a Christian doesn't make you one

Pretty sure the general rule in Christianity is that only God can do the judging.

In the case of British citizenship, unless one is British by birth, descent, or adoption (and in all cases, one would indeed be British), only the Home Secretary can do the judging.

Are you the Home Secretary?

It's strange how any swinging appendage can turn up in my homeland (Britain) the country that my family and many others hung their backsides out in every punch up for generations and call themselves British after half an hour. Sorry, it takes a bit more than that, i rather like the German take on this one, three generations and speak the language, then you can call yourself a national. I've been in the LOS now nearly thirty years, do you think i'll ever get Thai nationality ? NO sir ! Not as long as my sphincter points south..........


Because the guy's name was not a traditional British name doesn't mean he wasn't British. Your bigotry is best kept in your narrow minds

Why is a so called bigot, or so called racist, not allowed to speak his mind?

By the way, RIP to the Brit....

Why should they not have the same platform as any other? President Trump can say what he thinks, which i am in agreement with. Political correctness was an invention to basically stop free speach. Why is it that the PCers can say what they think, but someone with the opposite view has to be muted....


Some disrespectful posts have been removed, please remember someone has died here

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I'm Portuguese, resident of USA,living here 25 years but I'm still a Lisbon born atheist no matter what a bit of paper says.

That may be so, but if you're a U.S. citizen, I can assure you the vast majority of Americans would consider you an American. The U.S. is different that way.


I'm Portuguese, resident of USA,living here 25 years but I'm still a Lisbon born atheist no matter what a bit of paper says.

That may be so, but if you're a U.S. citizen, I can assure you the vast majority of Americans would consider you an American. The U.S. is different that way.

is that because the IRS refused to give up their claim on him has one of their possessions?giggle.gif


They should be rounded up and put in a camp and taught productive skills, perhaps sewing, weaving and the like. They get no support in the community and inevitably end up in sex work. There are a few exceptions but rare. The vast majority are just a menace, unpleasant, threatening, self-destructive, delusional and creepy. Not to mention murderous.


I'm Portuguese, resident of USA,living here 25 years but I'm still a Lisbon born atheist no matter what a bit of paper says.

That may be so, but if you're a U.S. citizen, I can assure you the vast majority of Americans would consider you an American. The U.S. is different that way.
. America is a World within this World , so who can say.

Hello to all you people who judge without having a clue and are quick to jump the gun with your all seeing knowledge.

Firstly to all those people who judge a person on there last name and presume its related to there nationality and therefore they are judged in a certain manor, clearly is the reason why the world is so messed up. (That is possibly a fight he has lived with in his life in Britain)

Because we Britain are so much welcoming, in regards to this; why does it matter where he was from and raised? Are we all not human beings? Maybe he found a place where he thought one was not judged and he could be free of people who alienate others because of there lack of empathy, maybe not?

Maybe he was going through a bad patch in life like we all go through and all have...(Wrong place, wrong time) This person hasn't killed anyone he hasn't committed a crime, so what if drugs where involved? People are known to experiment in drugs to experience and find themselves, its just another walk of life. (Thailand is a drug mule)

Why should one not be able to go somewhere and be free?

As to whether he jumped, fell or pushed, does it really matter? A human's life was lost over what? (Maybe he feared for his life and needed to escape)

The facts?

South Pattaya is renowned for Ladyboys attacking and chasing people who turn down there advances

If anything, more countries should do more to promote this place as been dangerous and to stay away from it, once tourism dies the whole place will die on its ass and we won't have to see any more ' suicides'

and what does it take for this to happen?

A campaign against South Pattaya


I thought all deaths in Pattaya were mysterious.

The police freezer is full to the brim with cold cases.

I thought he was waving to someone over the balcony, had a heart attack and fell. Mysterious? Not at all!!!!! Natural causes or unidentified causes like like people who die in police custody in other less civilized countries.


Quite alot of posting here fascinated with the LBs but none of the anger often seen when a farang is jumped by several taxi drivers.

A farang was very likely killed by between 2-3 Thai males over services rendered...no different from an unpaid taxi fare.

In this instance, the farang was not just beat up by a group of men but was actually killed.

As for the accusations he was doing drugs simply because drugs were found on the premises is unfair unless supported by a toxicology report.

Apparently, because his name does not sound British, no one really cares whether justice was served or not.


Off topic baiting post removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

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