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Clinton: US needs '360-degree' anti-terror strategy


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Clinton: US needs '360-degree' anti-terror strategy
KEN THOMAS, Associated Press

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that the American people "cannot give into fear" in the aftermath of attacks in Paris and California, laying out a multi-pronged strategy to protect the homeland and prevent domestic terrorist attacks.

Clinton assailed her Republican rivals shortly before their latest presidential debate, telling an audience at the University of Minnesota that another ground war reminiscent of conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan would play into the hands of the Islamic State group and fail to keep the U.S. safe.

"Shallow slogans don't add up to a strategy," Clinton said.

"Promising to carpet bomb until the desert glows doesn't make you sound strong, it makes you sound like you are in over your head," she added, referencing recent comments by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a leading Republican presidential candidate. "Bluster and bigotry are not credentials for becoming commander in chief."

Clinton sought to assure Americans that she would protect the homeland and prevent homegrown terrorists from sprouting following deadly attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, incidents that have thrust terrorism to the forefront of the presidential campaign. Much of her critique was aimed at Republican front-runner Donald Trump, whose call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States has sparked debate around the globe.

Her strategy includes proactive steps for curbing Islamic State recruitment in the U.S., especially online, and for stopping potential jihadists from training overseas. She also urged that the U.S. take steps to stop foreign fighters from entering the country, discover and disrupt plots before they can be carried out, work more closely with law enforcement agencies and empower Muslim-American communities.

"This is a 360-degree strategy to keep America safe," Clinton said. She also reiterated her support for new restrictions on guns, saying it was "time to restore the ban on assault weapons," a law first passed by her husband, former President Bill Clinton, which expired during the Bush administration.

She also emphasized a need for vigilance, stressing that the country needs to be prepared for more terror plots. Hours before her speech, officials in Los Angeles closed all schools after an emailed threat regarding a large-scale attack with guns and bombs — a threat some law enforcement officials deemed a hoax.

As President Barack Obama's former secretary of state, Clinton holds direct ties to the White House's national security policies and has largely endorsed the president's approach to dismantling the Islamic State group. Like Obama, Clinton has said she would not send American ground troops to the Middle East, saying it would provide a recruiting tool for IS.

But Republicans view Obama's handling of foreign policy and terrorism as a weakness and have tried to link Clinton to the president's record, arguing that his policies in the Middle East allowed terrorist groups to flourish since the drawdown of troops in Iraq.

"Clinton is still linking terrorism to gun control, still standing by failed government bureaucracy, and still echoing President Obama's tired rhetoric," said Jeff Bechdel, a spokesman for the Republican-leaning America Rising PAC. "This speech today was more focused on partisan politics than the existential threat we face from ISIS."

In Minneapolis, Clinton said Silicon Valley technology companies should redouble their efforts to identify the messages of violent extremists used to recruit followers. She said the U.S. and its allies around the globe needed to commit to better sharing of information about suspected terrorists and take steps to revoke the passports and visas of those who join the IS.

Clinton pointed to local efforts in Minneapolis-St. Paul to combat terror recruiting, particularly among its Somali population, the largest in the United States, and met with Muslim community leaders before her speech.

Authorities have said about a dozen Minnesota residents have traveled to Syria to join jihadist groups since late 2013, and several more have tried. Just last week, a ninth Minnesota man was arrested on a charge of conspiring to provide material support to the Islamic State group.

Somalis in Minnesota have tried to stop the recruiting with strong anti-terror messages and programs aimed at creating opportunities.

Makram El-Amin, an imam at a Minneapolis mosque, was among the Muslim and Somali community leaders who met privately with Clinton beforehand. He said that his community is seeking a partner, and stressed their concern about being categorized as anti-American because of the actions of a few.

"We know that those who are promoting anti-Muslim sentiment, they have a leader, they have a face," El-Amin said. "ISIS, these extremists, these terrorists, they have a face. They have a champion. What we are looking for in this upcoming an election is a champion."

Associated Press writers Brian Bakst, Amy Forliti and Lisa Lerer contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-16

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Please stop using the deaths of 14 people at the hands of the Obama administration's incompetent and politically correct immigration and border control policies to renew your call for abrogating the Second Amendment rights of Americans!

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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'360-degree' ??

Then you are right back where you are now.

If you bothered to read the statement in context, as reported in the article, rather than rush to bash Clinton, you would have seen that she used the term "360-degree" to describe a multi-faceted or all encompassing anti-terror strategy...hence the 360 degree reference to describe something that's complete like a circle, without any gaps in it. She didn't say the Obama strategy needed a 360-degree change, which is the joke you feebly tried to make.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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'360-degree' ??

Then you are right back where you are now.

If you bothered to read the statement in context, as reported in the article, rather than rush to bash Clinton, you would have seen that she used the term "360-degree" to describe a multi-faceted or all encompassing anti-terror strategy...hence the 360 degree reference to describe something that's complete like a circle, without any gaps in it. She didn't say the Obama strategy needed a 360-degree change, which is the joke you feebly tried to make.

360 degrees is in a single plane and applies only to Flatland. We live in a three-dimensional space/time continuum (allegedly).

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'360-degree' ??

Then you are right back where you are now.

If you bothered to read the statement in context, as reported in the article, rather than rush to bash Clinton, you would have seen that she used the term "360-degree" to describe a multi-faceted or all encompassing anti-terror strategy...hence the 360 degree reference to describe something that's complete like a circle, without any gaps in it. She didn't say the Obama strategy needed a 360-degree change, which is the joke you feebly tried to make.

360 degrees is in a single plane and applies only to Flatland. We live in a three-dimensional space/time continuum (allegedly).

I don't think the cosmologists have definitively established if space is ultimately open or closed, i.e., or flat or curved (infinite or finite).

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'360-degree' ??

Then you are right back where you are now.

If you bothered to read the statement in context, as reported in the article, rather than rush to bash Clinton, you would have seen that she used the term "360-degree" to describe a multi-faceted or all encompassing anti-terror strategy...hence the 360 degree reference to describe something that's complete like a circle, without any gaps in it. She didn't say the Obama strategy needed a 360-degree change, which is the joke you feebly tried to make.

"rush to bash Clinton" was good enough for me . Can't stand the woman & her policies.

Maybe Benghazi was a preview of her 360 degree circle strategy.

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It's interesting to see Hillary Clinton suggest she will reverse Obama's "anti-terror strategy 360 degrees." Hillary fully supported Obama's nebulas anti-terror strategy before running for president.

Talk about terror, the mere thought of Hillary as a world leader should be enough to scare the bejesus out of any normal person of sound mind (this leaves many of her supporters out).

Unless you just arrived on earth from another planet, you should already know Hillary has left a trail of scandals, that should have left her a recipient of correctional services, and not a presidential candidate.

Here is a list of ten scandals her supporters may have forgotten about; Chinagate; Travelgate; Whitewater; Vince Foster Jr. Mystery; Cattle-Futures Miracle; Lootergate; Drug Dealer Donor Scandal; Ponzi Scheme and Political Favour Scandal; and Benghazi.

If all this isn't enough, Hillary has just stooped to a new low, and is now calling Benghazi family members liars.

This woman is inept, dishonest, lacking moral fiber, and woefully lacking leadership skills and is representing the Democratic party as a presidential candidate. You just can't make stuff like this up.

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It's interesting to see Hillary Clinton suggest she will reverse Obama's "anti-terror strategy 360 degrees." Hillary fully supported Obama's nebulas anti-terror strategy before running for president.

Talk about terror, the mere thought of Hillary as a world leader should be enough to scare the bejesus out of any normal person of sound mind (this leaves many of her supporters out).

Unless you just arrived on earth from another planet, you should already know Hillary has left a trail of scandals, that should have left her a recipient of correctional services, and not a presidential candidate.

Here is a list of ten scandals her supporters may have forgotten about; Chinagate; Travelgate; Whitewater; Vince Foster Jr. Mystery; Cattle-Futures Miracle; Lootergate; Drug Dealer Donor Scandal; Ponzi Scheme and Political Favour Scandal; and Benghazi.

If all this isn't enough, Hillary has just stooped to a new low, and is now calling Benghazi family members liars.

This woman is inept, dishonest, lacking moral fiber, and woefully lacking leadership skills and is representing the Democratic party as a presidential candidate. You just can't make stuff like this up.

And you forgot to mention her latest fiasco...using a personal server to send classified documents while SecState.

I would imagine even her supporters in the main stream media will have to report an indictment.

It hasn't gone away just yet.

She has to dodge that bullet for the next ten months.
The old saying holds very true in her case...If her lips are moving, she's lying.
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It's interesting to see Hillary Clinton suggest she will reverse Obama's "anti-terror strategy 360 degrees." Hillary fully supported Obama's nebulas anti-terror strategy before running for president.

Talk about terror, the mere thought of Hillary as a world leader should be enough to scare the bejesus out of any normal person of sound mind (this leaves many of her supporters out).

Unless you just arrived on earth from another planet, you should already know Hillary has left a trail of scandals, that should have left her a recipient of correctional services, and not a presidential candidate.

Here is a list of ten scandals her supporters may have forgotten about; Chinagate; Travelgate; Whitewater; Vince Foster Jr. Mystery; Cattle-Futures Miracle; Lootergate; Drug Dealer Donor Scandal; Ponzi Scheme and Political Favour Scandal; and Benghazi.

If all this isn't enough, Hillary has just stooped to a new low, and is now calling Benghazi family members liars.

This woman is inept, dishonest, lacking moral fiber, and woefully lacking leadership skills and is representing the Democratic party as a presidential candidate. You just can't make stuff like this up.

"You just can't make stuff like this up.

And yet you just did. If she is the evil, criminal witch you portray her as then isn't it strange she hasn't been brought to justice for this?

I guess it's all a big conspiracy, I know how you good ol' boys just looove those.

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It's interesting to see Hillary Clinton suggest she will reverse Obama's "anti-terror strategy 360 degrees." Hillary fully supported Obama's nebulas anti-terror strategy before running for president.

Talk about terror, the mere thought of Hillary as a world leader should be enough to scare the bejesus out of any normal person of sound mind (this leaves many of her supporters out).

Unless you just arrived on earth from another planet, you should already know Hillary has left a trail of scandals, that should have left her a recipient of correctional services, and not a presidential candidate.

Here is a list of ten scandals her supporters may have forgotten about; Chinagate; Travelgate; Whitewater; Vince Foster Jr. Mystery; Cattle-Futures Miracle; Lootergate; Drug Dealer Donor Scandal; Ponzi Scheme and Political Favour Scandal; and Benghazi.

If all this isn't enough, Hillary has just stooped to a new low, and is now calling Benghazi family members liars.

This woman is inept, dishonest, lacking moral fiber, and woefully lacking leadership skills and is representing the Democratic party as a presidential candidate. You just can't make stuff like this up.

"You just can't make stuff like this up.

And yet you just did. If she is the evil, criminal witch you portray her as then isn't it strange she hasn't been brought to justice for this?

I guess it's all a big conspiracy, I know how you good ol' boys just looove those.

I didn't make any of this up but you already know that. It's mind boggling how Hillary has gone from one scandal to another with impunity. Hillary's supporters are either very naive or share her lack of moral fiber. I'm not a "good ol' boy" nor am I much on conspiracies.

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Did I miss something? What is her plan to defend America? Trump is barking mad but at least he is clear about what he wants to do.

Gun control ... by all means, it's needed but its got next to nothing to do with terrorism. She is using fear mongering to advance an agenda on gun control. This is irresponsible and deceitful.

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