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Best way to post online family videos for grandparents (not computer savvy) to see

Bredbury Blue

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I regularly email photos of my kids to my mum and dad (their grandparents) to see.

My folks are in their 80’s. My dad got a computer a few years back, went on a free computer course for the elderly, where he learnt how to send and receive emails and how to use the internet (he uses the computer daily) but anything beyond that it’s too much for him.

I’d like to find a way of posting family videos online somewhere so the grandparents (not computer savvy) can see those as well without the hassle of attaching large video formats to emails.

So i need something I could easily set up for them and then they’d just need to go to on the internet to watch to videos i upload. If something is needed to be set-up on my dad’s computer i could get a nephew to go do it.

Any suggestions?

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Maybe use dropbox? Easy to set up on their machine and you can then share a folder on your machine with their account to which you can add videos.

From your parents perspective they will just see new videos appear in a folder on their computer now and again, which is about as simple as it gets. You'd also get a lot of videos within the terms of the free plan.

My parents set up a basic Facebook account for this purpose, but they do struggle with basic tasks in it. Workable though, they only really care about seeing new pictures.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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What else than an upload to youtube could I suggest?

Needs a Google account to be created and little exercise.

If you don't want that the whole world can watch, you can make it private/not searchable.

Then just send the link to the video via email.

How big and how long are your files typically?

(what format/resolution)

Edited by KhunBENQ
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Maybe use dropbox? Easy to set up on their machine and you can then share a folder on your machine with their account to which you can add videos.

^^ +1

To the OP

A dropbox account set up on both computers would allow you to fluidly 'share' documents between the two of you. Anything placed in the folders will be sync'd on both computers and in the 'cloud'.

Otherwise, just set up a dropbox account only for yourself, place the items you want to share in the public or private folder and email them a link. The items will be copied to the 'cloud' space where it will be quickly accessed when the link is clicked. I use this option for posting images here on ThaiVisa.

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I am suggesting you stick with Google services and particular for this application YouTube and Google Photos. Some great thing about Google services: they are free, they are platform agnostic (they work with Apple, Android in mobile, and Windows and Mac on Computer...even better if you have a Chromebook) they can be accessed with 1 log in and their services cover pretty much anything you need.

  • Use YouTube (sharing preferences are available for public, private or with for whom you want to share. There are really no upload limits. You can upload from mobile or computer.
  • Another suggestion is the new Google Photos. It provides unlimited uploads for photos and you can create shareable albums that other members of your family can contribute to. There are a ton of features for that. Again it can work with any platform

All of Google services are safe, secure and free

PM me if you need more help about this.

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FLICR could also be used.

You can load pics and vids and allow access to Family only. You control who is listed a Family. Those who want to watch somply log in to Flicr (a yahoo service). You could even set-up their accounts for them and just give them the details once sorted.

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