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Brit savagely beaten by Patong tuk-tuk driver

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The usual fair may well be 300 but did they agree or discuss the fair?


Dumb <deleted> tourist beered up things he is superman (proven otherwise) and knows all there is too know about the world.

well he learnt a lesson didn't he! ever do any research - this is not a place to <deleted> with the local sunshine, over 10quid. idiot.

yes this is annouying, yes the tuk tuk was taking the piss. happens all over the world and you pay the price and remember next time to agree a fee.

Ah yes. The inevitable and freakishly lame "it-happens-everywhere" (which it actually does not) defense of the indefensible rank overcharge followed by violent assault. 'Got a tuk-tuk driver in-law do you or what?

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The usual fair may well be 300 but did they agree or discuss the fair?


Dumb <deleted> tourist beered up things he is superman (proven otherwise) and knows all there is too know about the world.

well he learnt a lesson didn't he! ever do any research - this is not a place to <deleted> with the local sunshine, over 10quid. idiot.

yes this is annouying, yes the tuk tuk was taking the piss. happens all over the world and you pay the price and remember next time to agree a fee.

Ah yes. The inevitable and freakishly lame "it-happens-everywhere" (which it actually does not) defense of the indefensible rank overcharge followed by violent assault. 'Got a tuk-tuk driver in-law do you or what?

Well perhaps our learned friend can tell us exactly in which countries this does not happen. Feel free to post as many justifications as you can get on the page. Makes it much easier for the oposite point of view to be promogulated, which is only fair, isn't it?

Another one who can't tell the differnce between stating the obvious and defending something unjustifiable.

English language comprehension skills sadly arwry to continue flogging a dead horse.


^ for starters doesnt happen in the US

One presumes that you are trying to be amusingly pedantic and saying "because there are no Tuk Tuks in the US".


regardless of if the fair was discussed or not, or if the guy was drunk or not, neither is any reason for the TT driver to try and rip the guy off.. and when he would only pay the correct fare, he should have accepted it and not then proceed to beat the guy up.. He should lose his TT driver licence at the very least..

Also this is very negative publicity for Thailand and Patong.. There is so much lately, what with the beach chairs etc etc .. a wonder anyone that reads the news, comes here at all.

But I still love coming here as I don't use Tuk Tuks or beach chairs ,,, hehe.


again prob more to this story/altercation...

bangla to anywhere on nanai is not more than 2K unless via a few circuits of here n there, the guy don't looked too bashed, his arm in a sling, No Tuk Tuk man would beat someone then run off an leave his wheels as he would have to pay the piper and have BiG Ploblem, yes more to this story as usual, who would get a Tuk tuk to nanai when plenty of mobike taxi's about?? so the dude must be a bit dim or plain daft

Next please...

What is it about TV posters that so many want to blame the victim for being assaulted, and it is OK if it didn't put the victim in ICU?

Low intelligence......

Excuse me?

I never apportioned any blame, just said more to this than meets the eye and the victim must have been a bit dim (and one over the nine) seems you guys have done the maths and made assumptions...?


regardless of if the fair was discussed or not, or if the guy was drunk or not, neither is any reason for the TT driver to try and rip the guy off.. and when he would only pay the correct fare, he should have accepted it and not then proceed to beat the guy up.. He should lose his TT driver licence at the very least.. Also this is very negative publicity for Thailand and Patong.. There is so much lately, what with the beach chairs etc etc .. a wonder anyone that reads the news, comes here at all. But I still love coming here as I don't use Tuk Tuks or beach chairs ,,, hehe.

Hope you keep coming back, but if you do please be aware there is no correct fare for TukTuks they are unregulated. Hence the advise given by many here (which can be found in any one of thousands and thousands and thousands of threads on the internet) to negotiate the price first and not argue unless you want to get dobbed. Because regardless of its morality or legality, it a fact of Thai life that Tuk tuk drivers are more prone to violence than love to all men. They are not renowned for playing John Lennon songs.



Yes Tuk tuks in Phuket are regulated by the government. There are set fees in place. Whether they pay attention to those regulations well, same as with every other regulation or law in thailand they dont.


The usual fair may well be 300 but did they agree or discuss the fair?

If the driver did not mention his fee; then, he is as guilty as a passenger who does not mention it.

So you are saying that the only reason the driver is guilty of anything is if he did not mention his fee? How does this equate to beating a passenger with a dangerous instrument in response to a civil dispute over a few baht?? Please explain why it is ok for a tuk tuk driver to beat a passenger in a dispute?

Problem with Thailand is the country condones this violence. Just look at TV dramas. People wielding machetes, pipes, any number of different kinds of items and beating people when they disagree. Its on TV everyday....TIT

No, I was responding to koning that not only the passenger should discuss the fare, but the driver should also ensure there is no misunderstanding. Neither of us mentioned the bludgeoning.

Please explain how you jumped to that conclusion.


Yes Tuk tuks in Phuket are regulated by the government. There are set fees in place. Whether they pay attention to those regulations well, same as with every other regulation or law in thailand they dont.

Ok I bite, whip up the poor beast again;

regulated by who and how displayed?

(Please don't just say government).

I must admit I have never had to take a TT in Phuket as I always drive there, but I don't recall hearing anything about this. I am sure there are no fixed prices in Bangkok, none in Pattaya and none in the upper and left & right boonies (maybe in Chang Mai?) But the General might have sneaked something in recently. 555

There are supposed to be fixed prices for motorbike taxies in Bangkok at least, but I would never get on one without checking the price first. I can just imagine going up to one and asking to check his/her speedo and then checking it again when I got off and then trying to make him/her stick to the exact rate....which I can't remember anyway. I wouldn't need the Bill to remind me to wear a helmet.

Nb how far outside Phuket do the fixed prices apply? Do they only apply within the peninsular/pseudo Island.

Actually when I do have to take a motorbike taxi I usually give them a good tip (don't smoke) so I dont have problems. Same with meter taxis; but Tuk Tuks are always gouging so dont get much/any tip.


Yes Tuk tuks in Phuket are regulated by the government. There are set fees in place. Whether they pay attention to those regulations well, same as with every other regulation or law in thailand they dont.

Ok I bite, whip up the poor beast again;

regulated by who and how displayed?

(Please don't just say government).

I must admit I have never had to take a TT in Phuket as I always drive there, but I don't recall hearing anything about this. I am sure there are no fixed prices in Bangkok, none in Pattaya and none in the upper and left & right boonies (maybe in Chang Mai?) But the General might have sneaked something in recently. 555

There are supposed to be fixed prices for motorbike taxies in Bangkok at least, but I would never get on one without checking the price first. I can just imagine going up to one and asking to check his/her speedo and then checking it again when I got off and then trying to make him/her stick to the exact rate....which I can't remember anyway. I wouldn't need the Bill to remind me to wear a helmet.

Pleanty of attempts by officials to regulate Tuk Tuks. They just go off and block the roads and police station. Anarchy rules and money (corruption) wins every time ... Governor never looses face ... and just takes the envelopes ...


Of course there can still be disagreements after a price has been negotiated first. Happens all the time when the driver ups the price on reaching the destination.

I agree.

The tuk-tuk drivers try to take advantage of drunken tourists, whilst also using a small language barrier, to change the price at the destination, and then use aggression to ensure submission and a quick payment.


Yes Tuk tuks in Phuket are regulated by the government. There are set fees in place. Whether they pay attention to those regulations well, same as with every other regulation or law in thailand they dont.

Still waiting for the information on these regulations!


Ask the doctor or better yet go to JC mall in Patong, go to the front where the TTs hang t, they have cards with the prices

My doctor says that from this explanation we can assume that the fabled "Government regulated prices for Tuk Tuk's in Phuket" are like so much else quoted as gospel on TV; mildly entertaining but having no factual basis when subject to examination.


Now....there you are wrong. Google really isn't that hard to use.

The tuk-tuks were supposed to display these prices on their tuk-tuks by order of the transport office, but, they ignored the order.

Do you live in Phuket? Obviously not as you wouldn't have to ask if you did.





Now....there you are wrong. Google really isn't that hard to use.

The tuk-tuks were supposed to display these prices on their tuk-tuks by order of the transport office, but, they ignored the order.

Do you live in Phuket? Obviously not as you wouldn't have to ask if you did.

Well there you go, it wasn't all that hard to post at least some information was it?

If you had bothered to keep up with the thread (it’s not that hard to do and only polite if you are going to post insults) you would have deduced that clearly I don't live in Phuket (thank god) and simply asked for a clarification to confirm these were government prices, which they are not really are they?

They seem (repeat seem) to be at the best local authority prices. One says “Local Taxi Rate” and one says that this is a maximum price for 4 persons, whilst another says there will be a surcharge for extra persons; which even for a Thai Government is somewhat contradictory.

This still has not answered my question as to how far in Phuket these prices extend as they don’t (as far as I can see) tell you the price if you want to go somewhere not listed, unlike properly government regulated motorcycle taxies that charge by the klic.

So I return to my question, please tell me which government department set these rates and how far do they extend in and around Phuket which is a pretty big area, as you would know if you live there.

NB I and many others already mentioned using the internet to check out transportation in a different country, but previously you seemed to think this was an unreasonable burden on poor tourists. Ah contrair.

Boy you do have a terrible attitude problem don’t you. All I required was a civil answer from the poster, but you just had to leap in with both feet. Amazing, living in Phuket all the time must be very stressful, go to sunny Pataya for a nice holiday.


The local government (notice that word government again) set the prices as a minimum.

You have now been told all there is to know.

The local Government set the prices.

The local government ordered that the tuk-tuks display these prices.

The tuk-tuk drivers ignored the order.

Check out one of the photos that has one set of prices yet says Taxis and Tuk-tuks. That's because it's the same price.

Bad attitude? Possibly if you consider not suffering fools gladly as a bad attitude.


The local government (notice that word government again) set the prices as a minimum.

You have now been told all there is to know.

The local Government set the prices.

The local government ordered that the tuk-tuks display these prices.

The tuk-tuk drivers ignored the order.

Check out one of the photos that has one set of prices yet says Taxis and Tuk-tuks. That's because it's the same price.

Bad attitude? Possibly if you consider not suffering fools gladly as a bad attitude.

"All there is to know" - well if thats the limit of your knowledge you must have a hell of a time with the mirror in the morning.

But to bring this back to the thread in question, contrary to what has been implied, clearly these prices are not the subject of central government legislation and at the end of the day it is the individual driver who will set the price. (I am assuming by taxies you don't mean metered taxies). Thus a passenger who fails to negotiate the price in advance (as recommended by many posters and to reiterate, thousands and thousands of internet threads) is likely to experience a problem that the police will not solve for them by charging a driver with overcharging; and as we know a problem of this nature in Thailand is almost inevitably going to lead to disputes and violence if the passenger has a bad attitude. Not right, but still a fact.

The additional fact that the local authorities/police continue to let them get away with by putting up price boards that only apply in limited areas of Phuket ( and even then talk about maximum not minimum prices) and then letting the drivers ignore them, thus confusing tourists, it is a clear indication of the inherent corruption in this area and one more good reason not to live in Phuket.

I saw the tail end of a newsflash that showed a demi god riding in a TukTuk last night. Maybe he will do something useful for once and clamp down on them.


I took a walk the other day from one end of Patong beach to the other. Here's what I saw;

- Approx 98 jets skis with about 15 parked on the beach.

- motorbikes driving on the beach walkways, with motorbikes parked in the no parking zones.

- tuk tuks parked in no parking zones

- illegal vehicle rental operations using all of the public parking

-- no police presence

- vendors operating at will on the beach

- beer bottles all over the beach.

- large scale rental operations of beach mattress and umbrellas

None of this is allows. All of this was to have been stopped. The military government said all corrupt practices were to end. The fact is that they have expanded and are more entrenched then ever with the jets saki operators given 50% of the beach as their exclusive zones.

I have one conclusion and it's obvious.


I took a walk the other day from one end of Patong beach to the other. Here's what I saw;

- Approx 98 jets skis with about 15 parked on the beach.

- motorbikes driving on the beach walkways, with motorbikes parked in the no parking zones.

- tuk tuks parked in no parking zones

- illegal vehicle rental operations using all of the public parking

-- no police presence

- vendors operating at will on the beach

- beer bottles all over the beach.

- large scale rental operations of beach mattress and umbrellas

None of this is allows. All of this was to have been stopped. The military government said all corrupt practices were to end. The fact is that they have expanded and are more entrenched then ever with the jets saki operators given 50% of the beach as their exclusive zones.

I have one conclusion and it's obvious.

This cannot be happening, so the obvious conclusion is that you were dreaming!


I took a walk the other day from one end of Patong beach to the other. Here's what I saw;

- Approx 98 jets skis with about 15 parked on the beach.

- motorbikes driving on the beach walkways, with motorbikes parked in the no parking zones.

- tuk tuks parked in no parking zones

- illegal vehicle rental operations using all of the public parking

-- no police presence

- vendors operating at will on the beach

- beer bottles all over the beach.

- large scale rental operations of beach mattress and umbrellas

None of this is allows. All of this was to have been stopped. The military government said all corrupt practices were to end. The fact is that they have expanded and are more entrenched then ever with the jets saki operators given 50% of the beach as their exclusive zones.

I have one conclusion and it's obvious.

This cannot be happening, so the obvious conclusion is that you were dreaming!

I guess I must be dreaming as well. I had to drive along the entire Patong beach road today in very slow moving traffic and I was amazed at all the jet skis, beach umbrella operations,looked normal except for the beach recliners - might have been some of then as well.

Entire Patong beach roads were jammed up and very slow moving - never seen the roads so busy.


I took a walk the other day from one end of Patong beach to the other. Here's what I saw;

- Approx 98 jets skis with about 15 parked on the beach.

- motorbikes driving on the beach walkways, with motorbikes parked in the no parking zones.

- tuk tuks parked in no parking zones

- illegal vehicle rental operations using all of the public parking

-- no police presence

- vendors operating at will on the beach

- beer bottles all over the beach.

- large scale rental operations of beach mattress and umbrellas

None of this is allows. All of this was to have been stopped. The military government said all corrupt practices were to end. The fact is that they have expanded and are more entrenched then ever with the jets saki operators given 50% of the beach as their exclusive zones.

I have one conclusion and it's obvious.

This cannot be happening, so the obvious conclusion is that you were dreaming!

I guess I must be dreaming as well. I had to drive along the entire Patong beach road today in very slow moving traffic and I was amazed at all the jet skis, beach umbrella operations,looked normal except for the beach recliners - might have been some of then as well.

Entire Patong beach roads were jammed up and very slow moving - never seen the roads so busy.

Possibly something in the beer in Phuket this week; but more probably you just need an attitude change to clearly see absolutely nothing wrong on the beach as you have been instructed. Expect to be dragged away for some education any time soon.

But from another thread today about a poor girl who fell out of a Phuket Tuk Tuk and died last week, we do have this information:

“There will be no changes to our rules,” said Jaturong Kaewkasi, the chief policy adviser for the Phuket Land Transport Office (PLTO). “Tuk-tuks in Phuket are regulated by the Department of Land Transport. We are not ignoring safety measures in the public transportation sector; we just can't have a knee-jerk reaction and start changing regulations every time there is an accident.”

So at least we know who to blame now for the appalling safety record and presumably the local pricing (that does not work).

Know you know a little pertinent something, but of course it will be of absolutely no use whatsoever.

It is still "buyer beware" - sounds better in Latin, but alas even a dead language (very appropriate here) is not to be countenanced on TV.


regardless of if the fair was discussed or not, or if the guy was drunk or not, neither is any reason for the TT driver to try and rip the guy off.. and when he would only pay the correct fare, he should have accepted it and not then proceed to beat the guy up.. He should lose his TT driver licence at the very least.. Also this is very negative publicity for Thailand and Patong.. There is so much lately, what with the beach chairs etc etc .. a wonder anyone that reads the news, comes here at all. But I still love coming here as I don't use Tuk Tuks or beach chairs ,,, hehe.

Hope you keep coming back, but if you do please be aware there is no correct fare for TukTuks they are unregulated. Hence the advise given by many here (which can be found in any one of thousands and thousands and thousands of threads on the internet) to negotiate the price first and not argue unless you want to get dobbed. Because regardless of its morality or legality, it a fact of Thai life that Tuk tuk drivers are more prone to violence than love to all men. They are not renowned for playing John Lennon songs.


Wrong, they are regulated across Thailand.

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Wrong, they are regulated across Thailand.

Have you ever been to Phuket ?? Phuket Tuk Tuk mafia rule and reject any regulation ...

But there is regulations. Just not enforced.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Wrong, they are regulated across Thailand.

Have you ever been to Phuket ?? Phuket Tuk Tuk mafia rule and reject any regulation ...

But there is regulations. Just not enforced.

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That's the whole problem right there !! If the regulations 'were' enforced, then all these rip offs, beatings and negative publicity would stop !!!

Throw the TT driver in jail for a year or lose his TT licence for 2 years and others would think twice before doing the same ..... or would they? do they think ?


Wrong, they are regulated across Thailand.

Have you ever been to Phuket ?? Phuket Tuk Tuk mafia rule and reject any regulation ...
But there is regulations. Just not enforced.

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That's the whole problem right there !! If the regulations 'were' enforced, then all these rip offs, beatings and negative publicity would stop !!!

Throw the TT driver in jail for a year or lose his TT licence for 2 years and others would think twice before doing the same ..... or would they? do they think ?

My post was a correction to an earlier incorrect post.

Of course your correct, but the Mafia in Phuket have developed an art form of ripping off farangs, which flows to the top of the island. I don't see that changing, apart from window dressing at best.

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regardless of if the fair was discussed or not, or if the guy was drunk or not, neither is any reason for the TT driver to try and rip the guy off.. and when he would only pay the correct fare, he should have accepted it and not then proceed to beat the guy up.. He should lose his TT driver licence at the very least.. Also this is very negative publicity for Thailand and Patong.. There is so much lately, what with the beach chairs etc etc .. a wonder anyone that reads the news, comes here at all. But I still love coming here as I don't use Tuk Tuks or beach chairs ,,, hehe.

Hope you keep coming back, but if you do please be aware there is no correct fare for TukTuks they are unregulated. Hence the advise given by many here (which can be found in any one of thousands and thousands and thousands of threads on the internet) to negotiate the price first and not argue unless you want to get dobbed. Because regardless of its morality or legality, it a fact of Thai life that Tuk tuk drivers are more prone to violence than love to all men. They are not renowned for playing John Lennon songs.


Wrong, they are regulated across Thailand.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Please keep up with the thread. We know how they are regulated in Phuket ( by the Phuket Department of Land Transport) if you say they are regulated everywhere in Thailand (which I am very sceptical about) please post the details. eg which gov. dept.where the prices are displayed, etc.

We also know that the drivers ignore the supposedly regulated prices in Phuket and I would bet that even sticking a couple in jail for life would have zip effect on the rest.

They are death traps that need banning in the current form.

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