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EU referendum: David Cameron already planning pro-Europe dossier to keep Britain in the Union


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EU referendum: David Cameron already planning pro-Europe dossier to keep Britain in the Union
By Matthew Holehouse, and Peter Dominiczak

Plans for pamphlet to be sent British households outlining why staying in the European Union is the right decision - despite Prime Minister's ongoing renegotiation with Brussels

LONDON: -- David Cameron is already preparing a pro-European Union dossier that will be sent out to British families ahead of the in-out referendum.

In a move that has infuriated eurosceptics in the Conservative Party, it can be disclosed that Downing Street is already planning to issue a document explaining “why we need to stay in the EU”.

It will lead to accusations that the Prime Minister is pre-judging the result of his ongoing renegotiation with Brussels and comes amid speculation that at least one Cabinet minister will resign in the New Year in order to campaign for Britain to leave the EU.

The dossier is being likened by sources to a pamphlet issued to every British household by Harold Wilson ahead of the 1975 referendum setting out an "independent" government analysis of his renegotiation, alongside the pro- and anti- campaign literature.

Full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/eureferendum/12060814/EU-referendum-David-Cameron-already-planning-pro-Europe-dossier-to-keep-Britain-in-the-Union.html

-- The Telegraph 2015-12-21

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He needs to keep the UK in Europe, because he hasn't got a big enough pair to run Britain on his own. He needs the other big guns to tell him what to do. He goes to other leaders begging, and Merkel and Hollande just swat him aside...who the f wants Merkel to be the Queen of Britain?, seems like she's got the biggest say in everything....she invites a zillion refugees over, then says, "right, you take this many, you can have this many" whats that all about?

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He needs to keep the UK in Europe, because he hasn't got a big enough pair to run Britain on his own. He needs the other big guns to tell him what to do. He goes to other leaders begging, and Merkel and Hollande just swat him aside...who the f wants Merkel to be the Queen of Britain?, seems like she's got the biggest say in everything....she invites a zillion refugees over, then says, "right, you take this many, you can have this many" whats that all about?

Probably a Nobel Prize for Merkel! she doesn't give a toss the Migrants won't be living anywhere near her property !

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The British government would never dare have such a referendum.

I suspect they will but I think Cameron, with the conivence of his EU masters, will play every dirty trick possible to get his own way The UK public were conned into believeing the then Common Market would be good for Britian, which on the face of it, it was. What we were not told was the then known intention to expand the EU to its present state and beyond.

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I wonder how the guy who poohpoohed the whole idea of the government actively campaigning for a stay in vote feels just two or three days after criticising my anslysis. Everyone kniws there are some Euroskeptics but it is a small minority and the Tories bave bug power to get there way. And as for MaeJoMTB whi asserts there is no way there will be a referendum, how about put your money where your mouth is.....the odds on a referendum in this parliament are tiny actually 1-20, with 7-1 or much more available to anyone who says there WON'T be one. The highly conservative British will stay in, and the ruling Conservatives will do their damnedest to ensure that. George Osborn will be presiding over Britain in 2020 with the country still in Europe. It is clear to me, or perhaps I just have 20-20 vision.

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