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Felangs publicly disrespecting the Thai National anthem

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The market where I eat it is surprising how many thai people dont stand for the national Anthem.

in bus stations and parks i often see locals not standing for the national anthem.

in cinemas i have seen teenagers and also older thais talking and messing about when they play the respect to the king song.

everyone to their own.

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Not her country, not her anthem.

Why should she stand up?

Because She appeared to be obnoxious and arrogant .

If She genuinely has no respect for Thailand, one must question why She bothers coming here

Well I wonder why my wife lives in Australia applied for citizenship is PR for 10 years

and does not give a <deleted> about the Australian national anthem kick her out too?


The market where I eat it is surprising how many thai people dont stand for the national Anthem.

There are some places where no one stands up, and there are other places where everyone stands yup, like in bus stations and certain other public places .

I just do as everyone else does.

If they stand up, I do as well.

If they dont stand up, then neither do I

What's a lemming luke?

Someone who does the same as everyone else ?

In some cases, that is the appropriate way to act

If you are in a situation where everyone is acting in a polite manner , if you also act in a polite manner, that shouldnt warrant and objective remarks, IMO .

If everyone else did something stupid and you also did the same stupid thing for the sole reason that they did it, then that what warrant the "lemming" remark


Not her country, not her anthem.

Why should she stand up?

Because She appeared to be obnoxious and arrogant .

If She genuinely has no respect for Thailand, one must question why She bothers coming here

Well I wonder why my wife lives in Australia applied for citizenship is PR for 10 years

and does not give a <deleted> about the Australian national anthem kick her out too?

You are mixing two things up here .

Cancelling someones citizenship and a person deciding against going on holiday to a Coutry are two very different situations .

Although I would be in favour of the lady in question having her tourist Visa cancelled, on the spot


As a Brit, I wouldn't expect any foreigner to stand up for God Save The Queen.

In fact, there are quite a few nationalities that we Brits have been rather beastly to, that if they did stand up, it could be construed as disrespectful to their own countries.

Should a Burmese person stand up for the Thai national anthem?

I agree with everything you just said but if you are in the UK or Thailand you should stand up or just stay at home

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

In other words, you put political correctness before your own beliefs............way to go.


I wouldn't expect Asians to stand for my national anthem.

Especially if they were almost certainly not able to get any sort of citizenship.

If Thais (or other Westerners) want farangs to stand for the NA, perhaps Thailand should be kind enough to offer a relatively easy process for Thai citizenship.

It's a bit weird demanding that people stand for the NA of a country that doesn't allow you to become a citizen (in any real form)



As a Brit, I wouldn't expect any foreigner to stand up for God Save The Queen.

In fact, there are quite a few nationalities that we Brits have been rather beastly to, that if they did stand up, it could be construed as disrespectful to their own countries.

Should a Burmese person stand up for the Thai national anthem?

I agree with everything you just said but if you are in the UK or Thailand you should stand up or just stay at home

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

In other words, you put political correctness before your own beliefs............way to go.

No I mean if you have such a big problem with that country that you don't want to stand up for the national anthem, then don't go to the country in the first place and insult the locals by not standing up, after all any problem you have with the country is probably not the locals thought

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


The market where I eat it is surprising how many thai people dont stand for the national Anthem.

There are some places where no one stands up, and there are other places where everyone stands yup, like in bus stations and certain other public places .

I just do as everyone else does.

If they stand up, I do as well.

If they dont stand up, then neither do I

What's a lemming luke?

Someone who does the same as everyone else ?

In some cases, that is the appropriate way to act

If you are in a situation where everyone is acting in a polite manner , if you also act in a polite manner, that shouldnt warrant and objective remarks, IMO .

If everyone else did something stupid and you also did the same stupid thing for the sole reason that they did it, then that what warrant the "lemming" remark

Point is, she did not agree with you but you have determined she is just in error. Arrogant.

I think your arrogance here is beyond "stupid" and warrants the lemming call.

By the way, a lemming is blindly doing the same as everyone else. This lady has discerned her actions. Your

"If they stand up, I do as well.

If they dont stand up, then neither do I"

has no discretionary thinking at all.


Not her country, not her anthem.

Why should she stand up?

Because She appeared to be obnoxious and arrogant .

If She genuinely has no respect for Thailand, one must question why She bothers coming here

Well I wonder why my wife lives in Australia applied for citizenship is PR for 10 years

and does not give a <deleted> about the Australian national anthem kick her out too?

You are mixing two things up here .

Cancelling someones citizenship and a person deciding against going on holiday to a Coutry are two very different situations .

Although I would be in favour of the lady in question having her tourist Visa cancelled, on the spot

You are having a laugh.

Cancelling a visa because she chooses not to stand up for an anthem !

It is drummed into Thais from the day they are born, in fact, rammed down their throats.

Show me another country where the national anthem is played in public twice every day.

I think you will find, in the not too distant future, that this will become a thing of the past, and people will be able to decide for themselves.


As a Brit, I wouldn't expect any foreigner to stand up for God Save The Queen.

In fact, there are quite a few nationalities that we Brits have been rather beastly to, that if they did stand up, it could be construed as disrespectful to their own countries.

Should a Burmese person stand up for the Thai national anthem?

I agree with everything you just said but if you are in the UK or Thailand you should stand up or just stay at home

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

In other words, you put political correctness before your own beliefs............way to go.

Its a case of being polite and respectful, rather than being PC

Also, he wouldnt be going against any of his beliefs , as far as I can see .


I am just curious What business is it of yours what a complete stranger does?. Why do you think she has to explain herself to a complete stranger such as you?

Can you not see the irony of asking a complete stranger (myself) to explain why he asked a complete stranger to explain herself (and that he had no right to do so )?

You have as much right asking me, as I have of asking her

Big difference you started the topic I responded. You brought it up in this forum I am justified. How do you justify walking up to a complete stranger and asking about their behaviour and also asking why they behave like that.


other places where everyone stands yup, like in bus stations and certain other public places .

I just do as everyone else does.

If they stand up, I do as well.

If they dont stand up, then neither do I

Someone who does the same as everyone else ?

In some cases, that is the appropriate way to act

If you are in a situation where everyone is acting in a polite manner , if you also act in a polite manner, that shouldnt warrant and objective remarks, IMO .

If everyone else did something stupid and you also did the same stupid thing for the sole reason that they did it, then that what warrant the "lemming" remark

Point is, she did not agree with you but you have determined she is just in error. Arrogant.

I think your arrogance here is beyond "stupid" and warrants the lemming call.

By the way the, a lemming is blindly doing the same as everyone else. This lady has discerned her actions. Your

"If they stand up, I do as well.

If they dont stand up, then neither do I"

has no discretionary thinking at all.

I disagree , I stood up to show my respect to a Country of which I am allowed in , she remained seated and for no particular reason .

I do feel that you should be respectful to your host country, for no other reason than its the polite thing to do, if you feel that you should publicly show disrespect to your host nation for no given reason and thats entirely acceptable behavior, then, thats your prerogative and will just have to accept each others different opinion


I am just curious What business is it of yours what a complete stranger does?. Why do you think she has to explain herself to a complete stranger such as you?

Can you not see the irony of asking a complete stranger (myself) to explain why he asked a complete stranger to explain herself (and that he had no right to do so )?

You have as much right asking me, as I have of asking her

Big difference you started the topic I responded. You brought it up in this forum I am justified. How do you justify walking up to a complete stranger and asking about their behaviour and also asking why they behave like that.

She acted the way she did in a public place and I posted this in a public place .

I have as much right to reply to her actions as you do to have a right to reply to my actions .

You could just have ignored this thread and walked on by, as I could have , but we, you and me, both choose not to do so


I wouldn't expect Asians to stand for my national anthem.

Especially if they were almost certainly not able to get any sort of citizenship.

If Thais (or other Westerners) want farangs to stand for the NA, perhaps Thailand should be kind enough to offer a relatively easy process for Thai citizenship.

It's a bit weird demanding that people stand for the NA of a country that doesn't allow you to become a citizen (in any real form)


Funnily enough . the person whom I was with fits into that category .

She did stand up,



I was going to say America. but they only have to pledge allegiance to the flag every morning of their school years. during the period before the Age of Reason, the best time to indoctrinate and condition the masses.


Show me another country where the national anthem is played in public twice every day.

North Korea?

I rest my case.

Thailand plays its National anthem twice a day, so does North Korea .

Are you suggesting that Thailand and North Korea are the same in every sense, just because they both play their National anthem twice a day ?

That hardly covers everything, now does it ?


Show me another country where the national anthem is played in public twice every day.

Theres Mexico . Italy , Canada , Israel and others.

Thgere are numerous other Countries where the National Anthem used to be played on Television at the start and also at the end of the broadcasting day on national TV , but now because many TV stations run 24 hours per day, the practice has ceased


Show me another country where the national anthem is played in public twice every day.

North Korea?

I rest my case.

Thailand plays its National anthem twice a day, so does North Korea .

Are you suggesting that Thailand and North Korea are the same in every sense, just because they both play their National anthem twice a day ?

That hardly covers everything, now does it ?

My point is, they have no choice.


Show me another country where the national anthem is played in public twice every day.

Theres Mexico . Italy , Canada , Israel and others.

Thgere are numerous other Countries where the National Anthem used to be played on Television at the start and also at the end of the broadcasting day on national TV , but now because many TV stations run 24 hours per day, the practice has ceased

'Used to' being the operative words.


Show me another country where the national anthem is played in public twice every day.

Theres Mexico . Italy , Canada , Israel and others.

Thgere are numerous other Countries where the National Anthem used to be played on Television at the start and also at the end of the broadcasting day on national TV , but now because many TV stations run 24 hours per day, the practice has ceased

Tangential rubbish. What do you really want Luke?

You have made you views known, are you trying now to proselytize the rest of TV ? People differ but you don't like that.

The thread seems vain and going nowhere.

I rest my case.

Thailand plays its National anthem twice a day, so does North Korea .

Are you suggesting that Thailand and North Korea are the same in every sense, just because they both play their National anthem twice a day ?

That hardly covers everything, now does it ?

My point is, they have no choice.

They do have a choice , people do not stand every time the NA is played in Thailand, infact, its quite rare that they do .

In Chiang mai, the only place that its observed on a daily basis is at the bus station and the only other time is at the night market on a Sunday evening .

Every other occasion, when the NA is played , people just go about their daily business .

And even at the Sunday market and the bus station people are free to carry on with their business without acknowledging the NA , if they choose to do so


Dear OP,

No-one put you in charge of the world. No-one is beholden to you to explain their actions. It doesn't matter how much of a tizzy you work yourself into. If this had been an actual problem for people around her, I'm sure they'd have let her know. That they didn't just shines a light on your own actions. Unasked for, uncalled for and obnoxious is the person who harangues another for minding their own business and that's you.

So let it go, not just now but always. In Thailand, there are many Thais and they are perfectly capable of demarking what they consider respectable behaviour without any input from you at all.


Dear SiemReaper : I could equally use the same logic in regards to your reply to my post

Only if your logic is as faulty as the rest of your personality. You are an obnoxious braggart, boasting about picking on someone in a public place. The lady herself, on the other hand, was minding her own business. If you cannot see the difference, it's time for you to head to the opticians old boy and get a pair of specs.


Dear OP,

No-one put you in charge of the world. No-one is beholden to you to explain their actions. It doesn't matter how much of a tizzy you work yourself into. If this had been an actual problem for people around her, I'm sure they'd have let her know. That they didn't just shines a light on your own actions. Unasked for, uncalled for and obnoxious is the person who harangues another for minding their own business and that's you.

So let it go, not just now but always. In Thailand, there are many Thais and they are perfectly capable of demarking what they consider respectable behaviour without any input from you at all.


Dear SiemReaper : I could equally use the same logic in regards to your reply to my post

Only if your logic is as faulty as the rest of your personality. You are an obnoxious braggart, boasting about picking on someone in a public place. The lady herself, on the other hand, was minding her own business. If you cannot see the difference, it's time for you to head to the opticians old boy and get a pair of specs.

There are just two side of the fence : Those who speak up and tell others when they think that they are doing something wrong and advise them on the correct way and there are those that see someone doing something wrong and say nothing . You need to face up to the fact that me and you are both on the same side of the fence ,

The only people who can take the moral high ground in this instance are the people who read my post, shook their head and thought to themselves "He shouldnt have done that" and refrained from posting their opinion.

Those are the people who can take the moral high ground, not you

I rest my case.

Thailand plays its National anthem twice a day, so does North Korea .

Are you suggesting that Thailand and North Korea are the same in every sense, just because they both play their National anthem twice a day ?

That hardly covers everything, now does it ?

My point is, they have no choice.

They do have a choice , people do not stand every time the NA is played in Thailand, infact, its quite rare that they do .

In Chiang mai, the only place that its observed on a daily basis is at the bus station and the only other time is at the night market on a Sunday evening .

Every other occasion, when the NA is played , people just go about their daily business .

And even at the Sunday market and the bus station people are free to carry on with their business without acknowledging the NA , if they choose to do so

So, with you stating the above, that even in the places it is recognized "people are free to carry on with their business without acknowledging the NA , if they choose to do so",

what exactly is the point of this thread?

Seems the lady in question did exactly this.

Confused.............................blink.png Perhaps I have misread?

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