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Obama: Trump exploiting blue-collar fears in campaign


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"Donald Trump is "exploiting" the fears that working-class men in particular have about the economy and stagnant wages Obama's economy and stagnant wages."

As opposed to all the economic and employment joy following 8 years of President Cheney and his puppet George?

Even Bush senior blamed W for letting Cheney and Rumsfeld loose.

George H.W. Bush slams ‘iron-ass’ Cheney, ‘arrogant’ Rumsfeld in new biography. Also faults Bush 43.

“He just became very hard-line and very different from the Dick Cheney I knew and worked with,” Bush reportedly told Meacham, speculating that 9/11 had affected Cheney’s views. “Just iron-ass. His seeming knuckling under to the real hard-charging guys who want to fight about everything, use force to get our way in the Middle East.”

Bush said Cheney, pushed to be more conservative by his wife and daughter, “had his own empire and marched to his own drummer.” Whose fault was this?

Bush 43’s, Bush 41 said.


As far as terrorism in the US is concerned, where are all the calls to get right-wing extremists under control?

Since 9/11, fatalities from attacks by right-wing extremists — a group of almost exclusively white men — has accounted for 254 fatalities. Meanwhile, Islam-inspired attacks accounted for 50 fatalities over the same period. (This data was from June so did not include the recent attacks in Colorado and San Bernardino.)


Edited by Suradit69
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Trump is good at appealing the powerful idiot block. He knows his audience, and he knows they wouldn't know bullshit if someone served it to them in a sandwich. Many of them hang out on TV.

"...idiot...bullshit...hanging out on TV..." Its no wonder Trump has so much support. To wit, the very typical Obama-like commentary invariably following the same tired prescription- pejorative, innuendo, association, and repetition. Basically, drivel that is void of any substance... none at all.

Obama-Trump exploiting blue-collar fears is truly the pot calling the kettle black. Test: Make two columns. List Obama and Trump's various assertions/promises. Then determine truth or false by published consensus. Simply by virtue of the fact Trump is not tested as a politician his truth or not facts are hardly public domain; there is just not as many related to governing. Consider the long list of Obama assertions and promises. There is an overwhelming, bipartisan, objective list of Obama lies. Indeed, its extraordinary even by a politician's standards. Obama's lies are really quite legendary. Impugning the character of third parties (those "hanging out on TV") in an effort to make Obama appear better reveals the failed refuge of the ignorant- deflection, pejorative, association, repetition. Every single time one reads such things they can insert the subtitle "low information voter."

Regarding fear itself Obama is unequaled. No other pol has made fear the bulwark of their stewardship. Fear is to Obama what sleight of hand is to a magician- it enables the act. Fear, like crisis, enables Obama to otherwise rule/pass bills that people would not otherwise support. Search Obama core advisers Rahm Emmanuel/H. Clinton "never let a serious crisis go to waste." These are bedrock radical Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals. Obama is the master of division and fear.

Seven lies in 2 minutes is so shockingly illustrative of this president that even opening his mouth to breath afterwards becomes an act of great arrogance. Nothing can "Trump" this 2 minute journey through Obama's deceit:




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Trump is good at appealing the powerful idiot block. He knows his audience, and he knows they wouldn't know bullshit if someone served it to them in a sandwich. Many of them hang out on TV.

"...idiot...bullshit...hanging out on TV..." Its no wonder Trump has so much support. To wit, the very typical Obama-like commentary invariably following the same tired prescription- pejorative, innuendo, association, and repetition. Basically, drivel that is void of any substance... none at all.

Obama-Trump exploiting blue-collar fears is truly the pot calling the kettle black. Test: Make two columns. List Obama and Trump's various assertions/promises. Then determine truth or false by published consensus. Simply by virtue of the fact Trump is not tested as a politician his truth or not facts are hardly public domain; there is just not as many related to governing. Consider the long list of Obama assertions and promises. There is an overwhelming, bipartisan, objective list of Obama lies. Indeed, its extraordinary even by a politician's standards. Obama's lies are really quite legendary. Impugning the character of third parties (those "hanging out on TV") in an effort to make Obama appear better reveals the failed refuge of the ignorant- deflection, pejorative, association, repetition. Every single time one reads such things they can insert the subtitle "low information voter."

Regarding fear itself Obama is unequaled. No other pol has made fear the bulwark of their stewardship. Fear is to Obama what sleight of hand is to a magician- it enables the act. Fear, like crisis, enables Obama to otherwise rule/pass bills that people would not otherwise support. Search Obama core advisers Rahm Emmanuel/H. Clinton "never let a serious crisis go to waste." These are bedrock radical Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals. Obama is the master of division and fear.

Seven lies in 2 minutes is so shockingly illustrative of this president that even opening his mouth to breath afterwards becomes an act of great arrogance. Nothing can "Trump" this 2 minute journey through Obama's deceit:




They hate the negro in the white house. They hate him, hate him.

Noble prize, got us out of two wars, Obamacare, best economy in the world, strong dollar and well liked and respected by the American people.

Next up HRC, in a landslide.

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And you expect people with more than 2 working brain cells to believe some right wing hate organization's rag Buckley founded (even he would be appalled at the right wing today) young conservatives (read right wing wackos) and freedom outpost (read much more right wing wacko). Politifact is condemned by both the right wing and intelligent people on the progressive side, there are no true conservatives in the mode of President Eisenhower in existence. Politifact does call the Republican party the biggest of all liars and for some reason I find your politifact list rather suspicious. "They hate the negro in the white house. They hate him, hate him." Absolutely 1,000%. While some of our right wing posters claim to not watch faux (not the) news "anymore" the lies and propaganda they believe come from (not) news sourced like that and these right wing racist, misogynist, theocratic lying hate spewing blogs and radio. OK, a little about fear and a couple of not really funny cartoons about the fascist Donald: http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2015/12/18/1461002/-Cartoon-Trumplandia?detail=email. Oops, msn started downloading crap uninvited and unstoppable again and my computer is going haywire as usual. Back later with the rest with any luck.

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I keep reading and hearing about Obama running for president, breaking the protocol and getting elected again against all odds; Im sure it's not just a rumor. He is still popular somehow, I cannot tell for sure of course, perhaps I'm wrong

It's not a question of "protocol", it's the 22nd ammendment to the US Constitution.

I'd be interested to know how you're "sure it isn't just a rumor"?

the 22nd amendment says he can't serve more than 2 terms as president As A Member Of The Democratic Party. He can, however, run as an Independent and serve a 3rd term.

It says absolutely no such thing. What utter nonsense. Get back on those meds!!


Not even an executive order could provide him with a 3rd term.

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It's not a question of "protocol", it's the 22nd ammendment to the US Constitution.

I'd be interested to know how you're "sure it isn't just a rumor"?

the 22nd amendment says he can't serve more than 2 terms as president As A Member Of The Democratic Party. He can, however, run as an Independent and serve a 3rd term.

Not that I'm American or anything, but where in the 22nd Amendment does it say someone can run for a third term under any circumstances?

Chuck where are you when I need you?

Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

Section 2. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission to the states by the Congress.

Been a little busy on some other things tonight.

You are absolutely correct, Chicog.

Party affiliation has no bearing on the 22nd Amendment. Never heard that wild claim before.

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It appears that Mr. Obama wants the citizens of the US to stick their heads in the sand...and wait patiently for someone from ISIS to come along and service them...

Ain't going to happen...

Edited by ggt
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Trump for all his business success has had many bankrupties. This campaign in the end will be yet another Trump bankruptcy. He burns hot. He will FLAME OUT. Do I wish him well? Hell no. I think he's a FASCIST. No thank you.

Of course he's not a fascist. Insofar as extremes of the right and the left arrive at the same political place, the same appearance of State, all one has to do is look to the current executive of fiat - Obama - to discern the face of modern fascism. But I do suspect Trump will burn out. With such inexorable effort to slide the US to the radical left over the past decades I hardly think those invested forces will allow Trump to stop the slide into socialism. You are correct in this regard. I would be stunned if he won. With the same visceral sickness some feel for Trump's possible win that same sickness infects the hearts of many who see in the future, if more of Obama, no chance of ever having a meaningful nation again. I join them.

Business bankruptcies are hardly a stain on the individual. Indeed, restructuring and dissolution are business tools afforded by law to govern such things. They do not reflect the individual unless Chapter 7. Considering the US debt is 19 trillion and unfunded liabilities approach, by some estimates, 100 trillion, its hardly a pejorative to call a business man failed because of previous bankruptcies. Few have so used fear to advantage as Obama & Company have. In fact, Balkanization is the very methodology by which liberals inflict their good upon the whole. Division, alienation, fear, isolation, repetition, ridicule, bribery, subterfuge, ad naseum. Fear? Obama's nose grows daily.

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It appears that Mr. Obama wants the citizens of the US to stick their heads in the sand...and wait patiently for someone from ISIS to come along and service them...

Ain't going to happen...

SecDef Ashton Carter is currently travelling throughout the ME to put everyone on the same page.

Don't dismiss Ash Carter's mild speaking manner either. Carter is a hawk. He's formally served with or formally advised 11 secretaries of defense, so he is aware of the strengths and weaknesses of their policies, approaches, personalities.

SecDef Carter is meeting with Nato and US Coalition partners in the ME relative to Syria and against Russia. Carter's travels included Afghanistan where the other day six US service members were killed by a suicide bomber on a motorbike. And where the Taliban and Daesh are heating things up again.

Carter prevailed on Prez Obama to send the US Navy and USAF to the South China Sea. The new year will bring new US military strategies and approaches to Syria and the ME, Daesh et al. We can also expect Ashton Carter will continue as SecDef under the next POTUS which is bad news to the bad guyz.

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The only fear this retired blue-collar worker has is the Democratic Party.

Doesn't anyone see the irony of Hilllary's remark?

The Democrats used to be the Party for Blue-Collar workers but now the Democrats cater to the unemployed and those on social welfare...offering free healthcare, free college educations, subsidized housing--the less you work the more you get.

I used to vote Democrat as often as Republican over the past 50+ years. I voted for Clinton. But I will never vote Democrat again after this Administration. They are no friend of the working class anymore.

President Obama is speaking to the vast and broad political center-middle of the USA.

The vast political center of the US is qualitatively different from the pronounced characteristics falsely assigned to it using the fantasy figure of 47% as some kind of alleged base.
The 47% number was fabricated by Mitt Romney at a 2012 wealthy donor fundraiser event in the course of his losing campaign.
The vast political center-middle of the US exists qualitatively and quantitatively well above and beyond a grabbed out of the air 47% strawman enemy.
You can't get 47% of Americans to agree to offer a handout any more than you could get 47% of Americans to agree to accept a handout.
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Obama thinks Trump is exploiting the fears of blue collar workers? I wonder what he thought of Biden exploiting the fears of black voters in 2012?

VP Biden Says Republicans Are 'Going to Put Y'all Back in Chains'


Edited by mopar71
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If the Republicans had their way, black, brown oh hell anybody not white would be in chains. Try checking what the voter suppression and gerrymandering is all about. It sure isn't about letting minorities (who are smart enough to mostly vote Democratic) have a voice in their lives. While that may not be physical chains, it is chains. The Republicans can't win without cheating because they represent a right wing crack pot batshit crazy minority of the US. And now, much to the delight of the right wing wacko posters here I will take a vacation from their bullshit. Nong Khai for a little fishing and R&R. Have fun and rant on with your bullshit.

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It never ceases to amaze me (and I don't mean in a bad way; just honest amazement) how so many of us look at the same facts, incidents, etc., and reach such very different conclusions. For all those I so often disagree with here, you teach me a lot. Really. I don't mean that flippantly. I don't understand why we filter events and meaning the way we do, but somewhere in this observation is a powerful lesson. I wish those that govern us would try to find the formula for working with this observation.

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It's ironic Obama talks of exploiting voters' fears when that was what he did during the 2012 election. Remember the "War on Women"? and "War on minorities" and "war on gay people". Vote Democrat otherwise those evil Republicans will take away all your rights.

If the Republicans had their way, black, brown oh hell anybody not white would be in chains. Try checking what the voter suppression and gerrymandering is all about. It sure isn't about letting minorities (who are smart enough to mostly vote Democratic) have a voice in their lives. While that may not be physical chains, it is chains. The Republicans can't win without cheating because they represent a right wing crack pot batshit crazy minority of the US. And now, much to the delight of the right wing wacko posters here I will take a vacation from their bullshit. Nong Khai for a little fishing and R&R. Have fun and rant on with your bullshit.

"minorities (who are smart enough to mostly vote Democratic) "..

The evidence suggests otherwise, at least with regards to blacks. Among leading black Republicans there is a top brain surgeon (Carson), CEO (Cain), University provost (Rice), high ranking military officers (West, Powell), Supreme Court Justice (Thomas). By contrast, top black Democrats are self-proclaimed reverends from the streets (Jackson, Sharpton).

Voter suppression: requiring a photo ID to vote is only suppression in the mind of the American Democrat.

Gerrymandering: It certainly looks messed up, but minorities benefit as well by collecting them into districts that ensure minorities are elected. That explains how Dem Congressman Hank "Guam will capsize" Johnson of Georgia got elected.

don't believe me, this black dude spells it out very well...

PJTV: ZoNation: Liberals and Democrats Are Racist, Not Republicans!

GOP Is Not Racist, Notwithstanding Liberal Lies

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It never ceases to amaze me (and I don't mean in a bad way; just honest amazement) how so many of us look at the same facts, incidents, etc., and reach such very different conclusions. For all those I so often disagree with here, you teach me a lot. Really. I don't mean that flippantly. I don't understand why we filter events and meaning the way we do, but somewhere in this observation is a powerful lesson. I wish those that govern us would try to find the formula for working with this observation.

It's really very simple. Democrats look at man as basically good. Republicans look at man as basically bad.

A man shoots up a movie theatre.

Democrats say the man should have gotten help, that guns are too easy to get and we can do better.

Republicans say the man is an evil sinner, he would have shot up the place no matter what and everyone should be carrying to protect themselves against all the other bad people out there.

Republicans are a fearful lot because they trust no one. Republicans believe only they have the god given strength to overcome the evil in the world.

There is no formula to overcome Republican obstructionism because everything is filtered thru Fox News. Only the conclusions reached by the wingnut media can be considered. Republicans believe there should be no social services, no unemployment benefits or universal healthcare because those in need, don't deserve help. They're basically bad and deserve all the crap they have to deal with. There should be no controls by the government, no consumer protection, nothing. Government should be there for one thing. Armies to kill the enemy, everyone else in the world.

We reach different conclusions because we basically see the world differently. I hope that helps.

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It never ceases to amaze me (and I don't mean in a bad way; just honest amazement) how so many of us look at the same facts, incidents, etc., and reach such very different conclusions. For all those I so often disagree with here, you teach me a lot. Really. I don't mean that flippantly. I don't understand why we filter events and meaning the way we do, but somewhere in this observation is a powerful lesson. I wish those that govern us would try to find the formula for working with this observation.

It's really very simple. Democrats look at man as basically good. Republicans look at man as basically bad.

A man shoots up a movie theatre.

Democrats say the man should have gotten help, that guns are too easy to get and we can do better.

Republicans say the man is an evil sinner, he would have shot up the place no matter what and everyone should be carrying to protect themselves against all the other bad people out there.

Republicans are a fearful lot because they trust no one. Republicans believe only they have the god given strength to overcome the evil in the world.

There is no formula to overcome Republican obstructionism because everything is filtered thru Fox News. Only the conclusions reached by the wingnut media can be considered. Republicans believe there should be no social services, no unemployment benefits or universal healthcare because those in need, don't deserve help. They're basically bad and deserve all the crap they have to deal with. There should be no controls by the government, no consumer protection, nothing. Government should be there for one thing. Armies to kill the enemy, everyone else in the world.

We reach different conclusions because we basically see the world differently. I hope that helps.

You just have to decide what you want America to be- socialist or capitalist. The US was strongest as a capitalist country, but it's a brutal system Obama is trying to make it socialist, but just stuffing it up. Britain is a good system with a bit of both, but the free health system is just too expensive to survive as it is.

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The President is being kind. What he could have said is that Trump is the biggest lying sack of sh*t in history...


i was disappointed to see that you quoted doddering old US News which quoted God-knows-who, and not one of you gave a single example of a lie by Trump.

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I don't believe you or that clown video you posted.

As Bill Maher says, not all republicans are racist, but if you meet a racist, more likely than not, he's a republican.

Trump is milking that.

Next ...

Honestly, I have met plenty of racist Democrats. I remember because of all times I've had to call them out on it only to be sneered at.

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Trump is good at appealing the powerful idiot block. He knows his audience, and he knows they wouldn't know bullshit if someone served it to them in a sandwich. Many of them hang out on TV.

Well yes, sure, and his opponents are the powerful traitors-and-pansies block, right?

As long as we're calling people names, rather than discussing facts.

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What's wrong with playing on people's fears? Every politician does it….sometimes some even offer hope, like Obama in 2008. Trump's constituency is the poorly-educated white male who has lost out heavily and consistently since 1970. His job has been shipped abroad, his employer-provided health benefits are gone, he works for minimum wages driving a forklift storing Chinese made goods in a warehouse. He sees everybody passing him by, even his wife earns more than him, but not enough to avoid the foreclosure on his home that the bank did in 2010. He is part of the 47 million who don't earn enough to pay tax, one of the group that Romney famously killed off by saying that he would not be a president for them.

Britain has UKIP….America being bigger and better, has Trump.

Lots of Black leaders are endorsing Trump.

And I suspect he has more female following than any other candidate.

But you're right, working class people do like him. Just because they've been kicked around -- as you describe so picturesquely -- doesn't mean they have to like it.

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I keep reading and hearing about Obama running for president, breaking the protocol and getting elected again against all odds; Im sure it's not just a rumor. He is still popular somehow, I cannot tell for sure of course, perhaps I'm wrong

It's not a question of "protocol", it's the 22nd ammendment to the US Constitution.

I'd be interested to know how you're "sure it isn't just a rumor"?

the 22nd amendment says he can't serve more than 2 terms as president As A Member Of The Democratic Party. He can, however, run as an Independent and serve a 3rd term.

No, the Constitution does not mention political parties.

I heard the same rumors, but never saw any credible source. Most rumors have some truth to them, but not all. And nowadays some are deliberate disinformation.

There could well have been some cancel-the-election plan bubbling around some Pentagon-affiliated think tank over the last few years, but if so, then like in the case of (actual) threats of martial law in 2008/9, cooler heads seem to have prevailed.

Obama is a cool player, he doesn't want martial law, massacres in Nevada, or war with Russia. He just wants to finish his term, so he can collect the big paycheck, like Clinton.

In a way, I guess, he and I are against the same things!

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Atleast when GOP cozies up to Corporate Interests they create jobs in America. And as much as I hated to see the Export Ban on Crude lifted, it is another example of job creation.

My there are some whoppers coming out today.

Selling US resources (when they are not that valuable) for the benefit of Big Oil is "job creation"?

Giving American manufacturing jobs to the Chinese, Mexicans and Indians is "job creation"?

My word it must be a happy christmas in GOPLand.


Hey Sexy, what jobs has Obama created?

I am not a fan of the GOP but I have become even less a fan of the Democrats. I guess you missed my point in your frenzy to label someone who has a different opinion from you a Conservative FOX loving Republican blah-blah-blah.

As for selling US resources "when they are not that valuable", I give you enough credit to fully realize those resources are not going to be at bargain basement discount for very long. Big Oil won't let that happen.

I used to enjoy your posts a couple years back but all you do anymore is try to antagonize and bait. You have most certsinly lost your sharp intellect. Quite sad really.

If you want to know what jobs Obama has created; I'd recommend the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

Also, US oil is more valuable in Asia than the US, that's why they paid the GOP to add that item. It's a shame Obama signed it but he had to get the rest done.

I live here. My family lives here. My friends and their families live here. I don't need to rely on a website to tell me what the job prospects are or what the wages and benefits are of those newly created jobs.

The fact is America has not recovered from 2008 and there are more prople who have dropped out of the job market than ever before and there are more people on ObamaCare than ever before because they are in poverty and do not work or work for McDonald & WalMart wages which are not enough to live on even at 40 hour weeks.

You just keep on telling me about my own country Chicog like you actually know something about it ;-)

And ofcourse crude sells for more overseas and ofcourse that is why Big Oil pulled their puppet strings on their GOP puppets to get it passed. And ofcourse it is a bad thing for America in the long run to lift the Ban. Heck, 15 years ago Big Oil advertised the reason to drill was for America's Energy Independence. Now that they have the oil they lift the ban and all that is forgotten by the American people.

But the fact is it will create jobs. It will also drive up domestic prices which will be seen by higher inflation. It will also wreak havic on this insane Bio-Fuels Industry we have in the US which was also brought to you by Agri-Business pulling the puppet strings on their Democratic puppets.

If you weren't so sexy I think I might wuit reading your posts....but your picture hooks me in every time.

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If the Republicans had their way, black, brown oh hell anybody not white would be in chains. Try checking what the voter suppression and gerrymandering is all about. It sure isn't about letting minorities (who are smart enough to mostly vote Democratic) have a voice in their lives. While that may not be physical chains, it is chains. The Republicans can't win without cheating because they represent a right wing crack pot batshit crazy minority of the US. And now, much to the delight of the right wing wacko posters here I will take a vacation from their bullshit. Nong Khai for a little fishing and R&R. Have fun and rant on with your bullshit.

Whoever calls the most names wins, right?

Okay then you win.

One small correction though: Republican gerrymandering, where it exists, seeks to create more "safe" Republican seats, in majority White districts. This also tends to create more safe seats for Black candidates.

Republican gerrymandering, where it is, thus undermines traditional Democrat strategy of using Blacks as a voting block to elect White and Jewish Democrats.in districts with a slight White majority.

Oy, the wailing and gnashing of liberal teeth!

When Republican gerrymandering is successful, more White Republicans will be elected, and more Black Democrats will be elected, each representing more nearly an actual constituency.

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