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Happy campers: 99% of Thais 'satisfied' with govt, says govt poll


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Do not know how many non-Thai posted in this forum but I would like those who questions about the poll, please exit our country ASAP, we, Thai, do not want you. I am sick of reading of those who can not grow old/retire in their own country and need to flee to our beautiful country (for whatever reason) and think that they are superior and criticize our way of thinking/governing. Not a perfect world you know.

If you have a fair mind, just take a look at what the past government did to our country and you will understand why the majority of Thai totally support the current government. Mind you that in every society there are people who love you and hates you. So be fair and you are welcome to contribute to our country's plan to move away from the rotten old way of doing business and governing the country.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

If you really are Thai i must congratulate you on your command of the English language. Moaning and criticism are signs of democracy, it should be useful to any government to gauge the mood of the people but of course farang, despite injecting a huge amount of cash into the Thai society, don't count as people and certainly not as citizens. In the village where i live it would be hard to find one person who supports this government and this isn't a red shirt village.

In Europe we have had our own experiences with military rule, not just the Nazis in Germany but also Spain, Portugal and Greece, i wont even mention the Eastern countries under the yoke of communism, it doesn't turn out well,the military everywhere are incapable of governing a country wisely. Thai's aren't used to democracy, they have never really experienced it, the corruption which dances merrily in all levels of Thai society, especially in the ruling classes,the judiciary and the armed forces, wont let it bloom. Hope lies with the young students who, due to modern forms of communication, know what is going on and have the intelligence and courage to question the right of the powerful to rip them off and destroy the country on a daily basis.

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Yes indeed not only perfect timing but would legitimise and validate the claims of such high esteem among Thais. The notion that a "few men" perpetually in power without the say of the people is that the majority cannot fairly decide which is utter and complete humbug.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The poll by the National Statistical Office, past of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, found that 99.3 percent of people surveyed were satisfied with the government's overall performance while 98.9 percent were confident in its abilities to solve the country's problems.

I think I need to run that by the villagers in my village here in Northern Thailand. rolleyes.gif

I wouldn't say everyone here thinks the Government is perfect, but most people where I am are happy to see things happening without blatant corruption and deaths on the streets by the Reds. This is in the NE...Surin province.

We could be neighbours but do pray tell, when did the corruption stop?

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As longer I stay here I feel like Thailand is not just becoming a military but a Communism state.

Its sad really how one person can bring the country back to start from Zero.

The Embassies must have a good time sending all those cables back to their capitals that Thailand is becoming a Banana Republic.

The China model is the preferred system for all Asian countries. Western Democracy does NOT work in developing countries. And now Western economies are faltering they are starting to feel that pinch as well...

I'm guessing you mean aside from Indonesia, India, South Korea, large parts of South America, and the basket case economies that most of Europe was at the end of WW2.

Sadly, just reciting poorly thought out cliches sadly does not make them facts.

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The one thing the little guy did not take into account, when fabricating this poll, was the fact that 99% of the people never agree on anything. So, the only countries who have enjoyed a 99% favorability rating have been the Chinese under Pig Mao, and the N. Koreans under Fat Kim. Even under Vlad the Impaler the numbers were not this high, though they were far, far higher than reality. I think there is a good likelihood he used the same agency that did polling for Mao, and does polling for Kim and Putin. The likelihood of the numbers reported in that silliest of polls being correct, is about the same as the percentage chance every one of us will win the lotto today. His lever of foolishness is degenerating to the point where he does not even consider these things anymore. I believe he has consumed way too much of his own kool aid.

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OMG I have not had a good laugh in a long time

Not even a pure democracy like the United States gets a 99% approval rating And on top of that it is a GOVERNMENT POLL

If you believe this then I have some very very nice beach front property for sale in Florida

Which Thais did they survey. When, who under what circumstances, after a Happy Meal from McDonalds.

I wonder if Thais really believe this stuff

I am so sorrily disappointed in this governement enacted Poll because I know its not reality

Pure democracy Unites States - ha ha ha ha ROFLcheesy.gif

Ever wondered why Obama's approval rates are in the low forties at the most?

Well...that means, 60% (at least) don't agree with US- government policies and are not afraid to say so.

That is a tiny bit better and way more democratic than Thailand, wouldn't you say?

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And yet so many are ready to believe the figure of 97% of scientists who believe in man made global warming coffee1.gif

You see no difference there?

Between 97% of SCIENTISTS, basing their opinion on scientific findings and a military government, that makes up polls as they go along and threat everyone, who does not agree with them?


Well...if this was sarcasm: I apologize to you! Well done!

If it wasn't: does daddy know, you are using his computer?

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And yet so many are ready to believe the figure of 97% of scientists who believe in man made global warming coffee1.gif

You see no difference there?

Between 97% of SCIENTISTS, basing their opinion on scientific findings and a military government, that makes up polls as they go along and threat everyone, who does not agree with them?


Well...if this was sarcasm: I apologize to you! Well done!

If it wasn't: does daddy know, you are using his computer?

I don't think we should get into this here, but suggest you do a little research.

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And yet so many are ready to believe the figure of 97% of scientists who believe in man made global warming coffee1.gif

You see no difference there?

Between 97% of SCIENTISTS, basing their opinion on scientific findings and a military government, that makes up polls as they go along and threat everyone, who does not agree with them?


Well...if this was sarcasm: I apologize to you! Well done!

If it wasn't: does daddy know, you are using his computer?

One of the better replies I've seen on TV Well Done

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It's like the old famous Cat food advert that states "9 out of 10 cats preferred it". Really, did they ask the cats!

But didn't you know that cats ask for Meow Mix by name?

:) That would be easy if the cat food name was mieow which a cat could pronounce but it was "whiskers" :)

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