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Van Driver Seen Stabbing At Reporter Surrenders, Gets Fined


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And this is exactly the kind of sanction that perpetuates this type of violent behavior here in the LOS. Obviously assaulting someone with a weapon for honking at you is no big deal, so why not just do some damage the next time? If you don't kill the person, it's probably no big deal too. Amazing Thailand.

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Very confusing picture. The policeman happy because he does not have to do paper work. The man who got a fine instead of a jail term looks pis-ed off and the one who was almost stabbed looks likes he just made a deal with the devil. Thailand is getting worse every day with giving a fine to someone who just tried to stab and kill someone. If it was a farang i wonder what the fine would be?

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I never honk my horn in Thailand. Still alive.

I use my horn every <deleted> day.

With so many zombies in the traffic,i have to,simple as that.

I'm still alive as well ;-)

Me too. Moronic A-holes everywhere on the road. And been driving here 14 years. All my near-death experiences have come from ludicrous driving (not mine i hasten to add) and not from weapon-wielding assassins. A good honk let's them know you know what a gormless p***k they are.

Edited by Isitjustme
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Hmm! A guy pulled a hammer at me today for something similar. There was about five meters or less between my car and the one in front. He cut in (a Jazz) and slammed on his brakes. I almost rear-ended his car, so I changed lanes, rolled down and waved my hand at him. That was it. He flipped and cut in front of me again, sideways this time, brandishing a hammer. I believe he must have been watching too many movies.

I'm getting a dash cam asap.

Dask cams are wonderful.

Do you think a Thai male becomes even more aggitated when he is admonished by a farang or a fellow Thai?

Serious question...


Dashcams... I just fitted one:

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