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US blocks UK Muslim family from boarding plane to Disneyland

Jonathan Fairfield

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US blocks UK Muslim family from boarding plane to Disneyland

GREGORY KATZ, Associated Press

SYLVIA HUI, Associated Press

LONDON (AP) — British Prime Minister David Cameron will look into claims that U.S. officials prevented a British Muslim family of 11 from flying to Disneyland for a planned holiday.

The issue is sensitive because U.S. Republican presidential contender Donald Trump has called for a temporary ban on Muslims visiting the U.S. due to concerns about extremist attacks.

Stella Creasy, a member of the opposition Labour Party, said Wednesday that U.S. officials gave no explanation for refusing to allow her constituents to board a flight from Gatwick Airport on Dec. 15, so she wrote Cameron seeking his intervention. She said there is "growing fear" among British Muslims that aspects of Trump's plans are coming into practice even though they have been widely condemned.

A top Muslim group said cases like this appear to be related to religion and are worrying for British Muslims.

Mohammed Zahid Mahmood said he and his family — two brothers and their nine children — were told nothing except that they were not allowed to travel to the U.S. despite having previously obtained clearance.

"We were the only family that was of Asian, Muslim, sort of appearance, and it seemed a little bit embarrassing that only we were taken out (of the line to board)," he told the BBC.

Cameron's office said Wednesday that he would investigate the matter. He had earlier characterized Trump's policy as "divisive and wrong."

A U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman said the "religion, faith or spiritual beliefs of an international traveler are not determining factors" when deciding if a person can travel to the United States. The spokesman said people can be denied entry for a variety of reasons including health-related issues, prior criminal convictions, security concerns or on miscellaneous grounds.

Ajmal Masroor, a London-based imam and broadcaster, said he received similar treatment when trying to travel to the U.S. for business recently. He told the AP that a U.S. Embassy official prevented him from boarding a Dec. 17 flight and told him his business visa had been revoked. He said he had never had any problem travelling on that visa before.

"I asked him why repeatedly and he said 'You must have done something wrong,' without any explanation," Masroor said.

He said he feared that U.S. officials were singling out Muslims.

"This is absolutely discrimination. It is not acceptable and playing into the hands of the terrorists," Masroor said.

The Muslim Council of Britain also said the last-minute denial of boarding privileges without explanation is distressing for Muslims.

"There is a perception that such decisions are being made due to the faith or political activism of individuals," the council said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-24

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Why all this Trump bashing ? He is not in power (yet) and has no say in this matter. Most of the things he says are things that the great majority agree with, and the sad fact is that whatever enjoyment there was in flying has been largely destroyed by a bunch of animals. For them to have caused this situation and then cry foul citing discrimination is highly ironic. Reap what you sow :)

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Nobody can comment on the rightness or wrongness until the full details are exposed, if ever.

It could be discrimination, or it could be a member of the family was flagged for some real reason.

If the latter, why stop the entire family?


You are on point concerning finding out the reason. In the creeping police state the reason will not be divulged as a matter of security. Welcome to security Trumping freedom. No charges, no trial or justice oversight....

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Why all this Trump bashing ? He is not in power (yet) and has no say in this matter. Most of the things he says are things that the great majority agree with, and the sad fact is that whatever enjoyment there was in flying has been largely destroyed by a bunch of animals. For them to have caused this situation and then cry foul citing discrimination is highly ironic. Reap what you sow :)

For them to have caused this situation? This family? Really? Any citation of fact? Or just more of condemning all Muslims?

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Nobody can comment on the rightness or wrongness until the full details are exposed, if ever.

It could be discrimination, or it could be a member of the family was flagged for some real reason.

If the latter, why stop the entire family?

In general, if one person in a family is refused they are all refused. It's not always the case, but it probably wouldn't be wise to put kids on a plane if the parents' aren't allowed on.

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Obviously, every country has the right to deny a non national entry. However, if they do this, they should at least have the decency to advise why. If they don't, there is no integrity in their decision.

When it comes to issues of someone being on a terror watch list then I do not agree the reasons need to be made public because doing so could jeopardize an investigation or a method of collecting intel.

The US allows 1,000's of Muslims into the country every day so obviously the family was not denied entry due solely to the fact they were Muslim.

I feel bad for the kids who wanted to have fun over here but this is the Post-9/11 World where most acts of terror in Western nations are being committed by Muslims and the incidence of attacks are increasing rapidly.

Better safe than sorry.

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Nobody can comment on the rightness or wrongness until the full details are exposed, if ever.

It could be discrimination, or it could be a member of the family was flagged for some real reason.

If the latter, why stop the entire family?


You are on point concerning finding out the reason. In the creeping police state the reason will not be divulged as a matter of security. Welcome to security Trumping freedom. No charges, no trial or justice oversight....

That is correct. No charges ergo no trial.

They were simply denied entry.

Happens everyday in every International Airport in the World.

They were not American citizens, they have no right to enter simply because they bought tickets to Disneyland.


Edited by ClutchClark
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Nobody can comment on the rightness or wrongness until the full details are exposed, if ever.

It could be discrimination, or it could be a member of the family was flagged for some real reason.

If the latter, why stop the entire family?

In general, if one person in a family is refused they are all refused. It's not always the case, but it probably wouldn't be wise to put kids on a plane if the parents' aren't allowed on.

I understand that, it's quite obvious. But there were 4 adults. It implies (IF someone was flagged) that ALL the adults were flagged.

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People should do a little bit of research.

1 of the 2 adults:

1. Had to step down as a prospective UK MP.

2. He was imprisoned in Tel Aviv for 10 days.

3. His previous travels.

4. His '' Alleged '' support of Al Qaeda.

IMO the US called this one absolutely correct.

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Nobody can comment on the rightness or wrongness until the full details are exposed, if ever.

It could be discrimination, or it could be a member of the family was flagged for some real reason.

If the latter, why stop the entire family?


You are on point concerning finding out the reason. In the creeping police state the reason will not be divulged as a matter of security. Welcome to security Trumping freedom. No charges, no trial or justice oversight....

That is correct. No charges ergo no trial.

They were simply denied entry.

Happens everyday in every International Airport in the World.

They were not American citizens, they have no right to enter simply because they bought tickets to Disneyland.


I think everyone understands that there is no automatic right of entry. Duh.

The point is the secrecy as to why they were denied entry. If there is a reason, what is it? Why would the reason for denial be a secret?

Until we know why, the fact is how the OP portrays the situation, ie there does not seem to be a valid reason but it could have something to do with the "Muslimness" of the family.

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Nobody can comment on the rightness or wrongness until the full details are exposed, if ever.

It could be discrimination, or it could be a member of the family was flagged for some real reason.

If the latter, why stop the entire family?


You are on point concerning finding out the reason. In the creeping police state the reason will not be divulged as a matter of security. Welcome to security Trumping freedom. No charges, no trial or justice oversight....

That is correct. No charges ergo no trial.

They were simply denied entry.

Happens everyday in every International Airport in the World.

They were not American citizens, they have no right to enter simply because they bought tickets to Disneyland.


I think everyone understands that there is no automatic right of entry. Duh.

The point is the secrecy as to why they were denied entry. If there is a reason, what is it? Why would the reason for denial be a secret?

Until we know why, the fact is how the OP portrays the situation, ie there does not seem to be a valid reason but it could have something to do with the "Muslimness" of the family.

Excuse me but the Muslimness of the family?

Do you have any idea how many Muslims come to the US every single day?

Your suggestion is completely disproved.

And, no, when it comes to risk of terror then nobody owes any foreigner an explanation of why a decision was made to deny them entry.

Traveler "A" was denied entry because his bank account has been flagged as providing monetary support to a Mosque which an on-going investigation says funnels money to IS. The investigation is ongoing. The money trail is still fresh. The traces on telephone calls is still active.

Providing Traveler "A" with the reason for their denied entry would tip said individual off that he and several co-conspirators are under observation.

You don't see how this would be problematic for the investigation?


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It's none of Cameron's or anybody else's business who the United States denies entry to.

It would be if Disney were using the US Government to enable it to dishonour tickets.

However, there may actually be a reason for the exclusion. Mohammed Zahir Mahmood was apparently once refused entry to Israel. One wonders, however, why he was nevertheless given clearance to enter the US.

It's also possible that these people are being confused with other people, in the manner implemented for 'no fly' bans.

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Nobody can comment on the rightness or wrongness until the full details are exposed, if ever.

It could be discrimination, or it could be a member of the family was flagged for some real reason.

If the latter, why stop the entire family?


You are on point concerning finding out the reason. In the creeping police state the reason will not be divulged as a matter of security. Welcome to security Trumping freedom. No charges, no trial or justice oversight....

That is correct. No charges ergo no trial.

They were simply denied entry.

Happens everyday in every International Airport in the World.

They were not American citizens, they have no right to enter simply because they bought tickets to Disneyland.


I think everyone understands that there is no automatic right of entry. Duh.

The point is the secrecy as to why they were denied entry. If there is a reason, what is it? Why would the reason for denial be a secret?

Until we know why, the fact is how the OP portrays the situation, ie there does not seem to be a valid reason but it could have something to do with the "Muslimness" of the family.

No country is under any obligation to explain to anyone why they are refusing entry to someone. There is certainly no obligation to tell the general public. For example, if you had a contagious disease or had been exposed to one, would you like for that to be announced to the general public? If so, then it would be up to you to tell the general public, not some embassy or immigration person.

A family group traveling together will be considered as one unit and if one is denied then all will be denied. The same goes for any type of visa matter. If others in the group decide to go and have no restrictions, they are free to do so.

My guess is that someone in the group knows full well why they have been denied entry (actually denied board the plane).

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The right are strangely silent in this one as it would amount to an endorsement of the no fly list. Especially telling all and sundry a few weeks back that the no fly list was a flawed tool.

Cause if they endorse this, it would be an admission that the no fly list would be useful for otherthings, like stopping terrorists being able to by weapons on the U.S.

No doubt they have to be restrained at the leash on this one. It must be like having to try and shut someone up who has Tourette's.

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People should do a little bit of research.

1 of the 2 adults:

1. Had to step down as a prospective UK MP.

2. He was imprisoned in Tel Aviv for 10 days.

3. His previous travels.

4. His '' Alleged '' support of Al Qaeda.

IMO the US called this one absolutely correct.

If true then I think great ! We need to send a clear message that if anyone supports these animals in any way they will not be permitted to participate in life in the free world.
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The right are strangely silent in this one as it would amount to an endorsement of the no fly list. Especially telling all and sundry a few weeks back that the no fly list was a flawed tool.

Cause if they endorse this, it would be an admission that the no fly list would be useful for otherthings, like stopping terrorists being able to by weapons on the U.S.

No doubt they have to be restrained at the leash on this one. It must be like having to try and shut someone up who has Tourette's.

I have been accused of being a rightwinger several times in the past couple of days and I am posting here.

I am also a strong supporter of the no-fly list...does that make me a liberal?

The right was accusing me of being a liberal for much of last year on TVF.

It is astounding how all of you only see 2-dimensional.

Whatever happened to the ability to think for oneself ?

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U.S. officials gave no explanation for refusing to allow her constituents to board a flight from Gatwick Airport on Dec. 15

U.S. Embassy official prevented him from boarding a Dec. 17 flight and told him his business visa had been revoked

Two instances of refusal to enter the US on two different dates, both times being Muslim was quoted as a common factor, and being from the UK. Now, politicians and the Muslim Council of Britain is shouting and crying "Discrimination", whilst pulling at their beards and raking their cheeks with their fingers...

Just one question to you: How many Muslims were let in to the US on those dates?

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klauskunkel, on 24 Dec 2015 - 10:29, said:

U.S. officials gave no explanation for refusing to allow her constituents to board a flight from Gatwick Airport on Dec. 15

U.S. Embassy official prevented him from boarding a Dec. 17 flight and told him his business visa had been revoked

Two instances of refusal to enter the US on two different dates, both times being Muslim was quoted as a common factor, and being from the UK. Now, politicians and the Muslim Council of Britain is shouting and crying "Discrimination", whilst pulling at their beards and raking their cheeks with their fingers...

Just one question to you: How many Muslims were let in to the US on those dates?


You are taking away the reasons for screaming Islamophobe, racist and bigot

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It's none of Cameron's or anybody else's business who the United States denies entry to.

Absolutely, I mean why should Cameron give a damn, about the rights of British citizens abroad ! wink.png

No UK citizen or anyone else in the world has "the right" to enter the US.

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Nobody can comment on the rightness or wrongness until the full details are exposed, if ever.

It could be discrimination, or it could be a member of the family was flagged for some real reason.

If the latter, why stop the entire family?

Maybe they think that they are tarred with the same brush?

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One of the male travelers is on a terrorism watch list and since they bought their tickets as a group they were barred from travel/entry. Good work by the TSA-border control folks. If the state department fhad been as on the ball with Tasfeen and her false marriage visa application, 14 people would be celebrating the holidays tomorrow rather than in the grave.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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