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Little Christmas cheer on Europe’s borders

Jonathan Fairfield

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Little Christmas cheer on Europe’s borders

by Robert Hackwill


No seasonal cheer for the refugees and migrants from Africa who continue to be washed up on Europe’s shores, despite the bad weather and warnings Europe is full, unless you come from a war zone.

Italian coastguards rescued another 300 men and 59 women on Christmas Day, mostly from Nigeria, Ivory Coast and Senegal. Most are likely to be refused entry to the EU.

In Calais Christian refugees have been holding makeshift religious services, but conditions in “the jungle” shanty town are awful and getting worse.

Its population is now estimated at around 4,500, and social services are at full stretch to ensure even basic sanitation does not collapse.

Several hundred migrants tried to storm the Channel tunnel on Friday afternoon. Since June at least 18 have died on the tracks or in the tunnel trying to get to Britain.

And in the Spanish enclave of Cueta in Morocco the security fence has been breached with at least 180 migrants making it onto Spanish soil. At least two people died when another 200 people tried to swim into the enclave around the barrier.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-26

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If the French government had any balls they's have dealt with the shanty town near Calais years ago.

Process all the people their. Any genuine refugees can be treated accordingly. Criminals who entered France illegally and are trying to illegally migrate to Britain should be treated as what they are - illegal immigrants who have broken the law(s) and intend to break more.

But France has no balls. Too many PC, liberals not to mention all those EU bureaucrats and clowns all doing everything they can to screw Europe for their own agenda.

Come on France, man up and pretend you're still a major power worthy of that UN security council place.

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If the French government had any balls they's have dealt with the shanty town near Calais years ago.

Process all the people their. Any genuine refugees can be treated accordingly. Criminals who entered France illegally and are trying to illegally migrate to Britain should be treated as what they are - illegal immigrants who have broken the law(s) and intend to break more.

But France has no balls. Too many PC, liberals not to mention all those EU bureaucrats and clowns all doing everything they can to screw Europe for their own agenda.

Come on France, man up and pretend you're still a major power worthy of that UN security council place.

Although you talk blx about the situation in Thailand, I agree with you 100% here.

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If the French government had any balls they's have dealt with the shanty town near Calais years ago.

Process all the people their. Any genuine refugees can be treated accordingly. Criminals who entered France illegally and are trying to illegally migrate to Britain should be treated as what they are - illegal immigrants who have broken the law(s) and intend to break more.

But France has no balls. Too many PC, liberals not to mention all those EU bureaucrats and clowns all doing everything they can to screw Europe for their own agenda.

Come on France, man up and pretend you're still a major power worthy of that UN security council place.

Since 2012 France has deported 40 Imams for preaching hate. France has more illegal migrants held in detention (roughly 30k) for deportation proceeding, as far as I know more held in detention than other EU countries. The challenge for the French, as it is for other EU countries is for the home countries to accept deportees as has been reported, for example, with the Iranian and Pakistani governments. As a matter of interest the Oz government did have success with Iran & Sri Lanka, but god only knows what comprises were required.

Edited by simple1
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The risks are too great to allow most of these people into Europe, many of whom are not genuine refugees but have bullied their way to the front of the queue. They are infiltrated by extremists and economic migrants.Hell, I wouldn't mind a nice life in Jersey or Monaco at taxpayers or the country's expense!!!

If help is to be given from the world it should be in the form of and to allow and establish safe refugee camps on the borders of their own countries and ensure safety, troops, sanitation, food etc.

Thus, when the conflicts end they can return to rebuild their own countries just like all countries in Europe had to do after the wars.

Europe is not there for them to come and bring THEIR brand of religion, bigotry, corruption, intolerance and backward mentality from the middle ages and ' tap into a system of social welfare and healthcare ' in countries they despise. Europe is struggling to look after itself. Let the world assist in establishing safe camps in their countries of origin. This is a global problem not only a European one.

It is a reflection on the spine of a nation and its people to show what can be accomplished by its people. You only need to look at Germany and Japan.

The do gooders in Europe are doing none of us any favours or our future generations.

They are kicking the can down the road till such time as they won't be here to see and witness the misery that will follow.

Have they not learnt from carving up countries and moving borders and people without the permission of the people of the host country that it does not work and leads to conflict and resentment???

As the old saying goes, ' Don't buy or give them fish, give them the tools and wherewithal to catch fish by themselves '

This is why Europe is being torn apart and will not work as each member country has very distinct ideas and views on migrants, hence we are seeing walls and fences being erected in many member states and the freedom of movement being restricted. So, it should be, we live in terrorist times and now more than ever is the time to be vigilant with regards to each country and its borders!!!

We forego our freedoms at airports and such and accept whatever rules are imposed to keep ourselves safe, but then to allow migrants a ' free rein ' is surely a nonsense.

Edited by Scouse123
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What pissed me off is that after a lifetime of paying into the country my pension is frozen because I live here ,yet they can jump of the back of a lorry in Dover and get everything given to them

Edited by i claudius
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Europe has largely negative population growth, over paid Euro bureaucrats probably see immigration as the solution, just not in their neighbourhoods of course.

Best get used to the idea of increasing Islamification as they breed quite proliferatively. There again the Euros after being pussy whipped for so long might enjoy the new paradigm of men being in complete control. Perhaps not so much the alcohol side of Sharia.

In the future can visit Europe not to see the castles and churches, but all the nice new fancy mosques.

Read about a Swedish girl raped by an immigrant but didn't want to press charges as worried he'd be sent back. Figure that one out.

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