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Non Immigrant O marriage multiple entry valid for one year (US)

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I have been getting non immigrant O marriage visas for the past 10 years every year using my US passport mostly in the US using my American passport. I am now 60 years old and my wife is Thai and we have an 8 year old daughter that lives with us in Phuket in a rented house. Because of my job working on ships at sea, I need to go in and out of Thailand on a 3-4 month rotation. The last time I arrived in the US at sea aboard a US flagged ship, I wanted to fly to Mexico to see my daughter and as a result I was unable to get my non O visa in time and had to fly to Phuket without a visa. I was given 28 days to stay in Thailand which was OK for me because I had plane tickets to fly to Paris for a 3 week holiday. I am also a dual citizen of France and the US so I decided for the first time to get a non immigrant O marriage visa from the Thai consulate in Paris using my French passport. I was shocked to find out that I could only get a single entry visa valid for 3 months. Since I have a US flagged sailboat in Phuket that must leave Thailand every 6 months for customs reasons, I must now sail to Langkawi and since I have only a single entry visa, I will have to time my voyage so that I will return to work within 28 days of my check in with boat coming from Malaysia.

I just got news today from a friend in the US that the Thai consulate is no longer issuing multiple entry tourist visas unless he pays $200 US to the Thai consulate in Los Angeles for a 6 months multiple entry tourist visa. What I want to know is if there is change in the non O visa based on marriage from the Thai consulate in Los Angeles. I will never use my French passport for a non O visa now that I found out that multiple entry visas are not being issued by the Thai consulate in Paris any more. They told me that if I want a multiple entry visa, I must have 400K baht in a Thai band for 2 months and apply for this visa with Phuket immigration. I don't want to ever have to go to the Phuket immigration office again as I was extorted money by corrupt officials there when I lost my Thai driver's license and get treated like dirt by the officials that were giving me a hard time and making my life miserable.

Can I still get a multiple entry one year non O visa based on marriage from Savannahkept like I have in the past without financial?

Does anyone know if the American Thai consulates are no longer issuing on year multiple entry visas for Non O marriage?

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You can still get the multiple entry non-o visa in Savannakhet without financial proof. Or you can get one in Penang if you have 100k baht or more in the bank or proof of income.

I have seen no reports of the consulates in the US not issuing a multiple entry non- based upon marriage. Since November 13th tourist visas are only issued as singe entry or the new multiple entry tourist visa. Visas with 2 or 3 entries are no longer issued.

Paris is known to be one of worst locations there is to get visas.

If you get a 30 day visa exempt entry your can extend it for 30 days at an immigration office for a fee of 1900 baht.

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Savannakhet is still the easiest place to get a multiple entry non 'O' based on marriage and without financials.

  • Until you organise a new non 'O', as you are married, there is a 60 day extension of stay available to you.
  • The single entry tourist visa (SETV) will give you a 60 day permit to stay on entry. It can be extended by 30 days on the basis of tourism OR 60 days on the basis of visiting you wife. Both extensions cost the same 1,900 baht.
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