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Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton is playing the 'woman's card'


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There is a reason that Hillary is kept out of the limelight as much as possible. Her numbers go down the more people see and, especially, hear her. She is a hectoring shrew. Wait for the campaign. A daily dose of Hillary Clinton will make most of the electorate ill.

Here polled numbers appear to say the opposite.

"Hectoring"?? Do you actually know what this word means? Now Trump ... there's the hectoring master.

Edited by HerbalEd
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Clinton told the Des Moines Register the billionaire had "demonstrated a penchant for sexism."

An understatement if I ever heard one. He's just a terrible human being who appeals to the racist, xenophobic fears of his poorly educated followers. He's America's embarrassment. All these clowns are an embarrassment.

The lunatic fringe is now the base.

HRC is a terrible human being that just lies and lies and lies. She appeals to the greed of her followers that live on benefits. She's America's embarrassment. All these clowns are an embarrassment.

The lazy and the ignorant are her base.

It's a choice between a bombastic reality show host and a lying incompetent. Which would you rather have?

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"What America needs is a young,charismatic leader who does not care about politics and can really fix what ails America." Take out "young" and how about Bernie Sanders?

Trump is playing the Dick card, one he has been working on for years.

He's not young or charismatic, cares deeply about politics and can't fix America. Why would you even think he's the one?

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Even if she is playing the woman's card, it seems fair enough to me. I'm sure many people (esp. men) will vote against her because she is a woman.

If I could vote in the US, I'd vote against her because she just lies and lies and lies. Also, she is responsible for the ambassador's murder and won't admit it. If Palin was standing, I'd vote for her ( oh, there goes your misogynist argument ) because she's got bigger balls than all of the men standing, other than the Donald.

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Even if she is playing the woman's card, it seems fair enough to me. I'm sure many people (esp. men) will vote against her because she is a woman.

If I could vote in the US, I'd vote against her because she just lies and lies and lies. Also, she is responsible for the ambassador's murder and won't admit it. If Palin was standing, I'd vote for her ( oh, there goes your misogynist argument ) because she's got bigger balls than all of the men standing, other than the Donald.

I suggest you watch a few Youtube vids of Palin interviews and speeches.

I'm not sure who the bigger dunce is, Palin or Bush, but I am sure that Palin is the bigger hawk, as Bush was led by the nose by Cheney et al.

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They are all playing cards (every one in their hand). Hillary is playing the Queen of Hearts, but Trump is playing the Joker. Sure the Joker can be any card, but Trump has a loony hand--KKK, Skinheads flocking to his cause. I think he has a pair of twos (maybe).

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"What America needs is a young,charismatic leader who does not care about politics and can really fix what ails America." Take out "young" and how about Bernie Sanders?

Trump is playing the Dick card, one he has been working on for years.

He's not young or charismatic, cares deeply about politics and can't fix America. Why would you even think he's the one?

Well, a lot of people like Sanders because he has done three things. One, he voted against the Iraq War, a war based on lies, and even detailed the aftermath becoming ISIL. Fact. Two, he has sponsored more pro-veteran bills than any other member of the Senate (while Dems and Repubs recently voted to reduce veteran's benefits -- which is horrid, given the load of veterans who need help). Fact. Three, he knows a strong working class creates a vibrant economy, not tax shelters and tax cuts for the upper five percent (who simply reinvest the money in the most profitable companies, and those companies who shelter their assets overseas to dodge taxes and and never provide jobs to US citizens while simultaneously protecting their access to the American market, where the biggest dollars are found). Fact three -- and they are out! It's a triple play!!

Trickle down economics, trickle down politics, and trickle down media are coming to an abrupt end. People are becoming more aware, and the message cannot be controlled anymore. The age of speaking vaguely is coming to an end. I admire and consider facts. I despise the weakness of baseless generalities.

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Clinton told the Des Moines Register the billionaire had "demonstrated a penchant for sexism."

An understatement if I ever heard one. He's just a terrible human being who appeals to the racist, xenophobic fears of his poorly educated followers. He's America's embarrassment. All these clowns are an embarrassment.

The lunatic fringe is now the base.

Clearly, to wit... the above post.

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There is no doubt in my mind that Hillary is going to be the next President- no matter who she runs against. The Clinton political machine is truly devastating and backed by big money- a lot more money than Trump has. Bill Clinton is loved by many and can still give a speech to a crowd that sounds as if he was the messiah incarnate. However, I do not support her. I do not believe she is what America needs at this time in its history. the American people are very tired of the political chicanery that exists all through America and they know that there is not much real hope that it is going to change. What America needs is a young,charismatic leader who does not care about politics and can really fix what ails America. People in the middle class and the poor are suffering under the weight of a government that looks after itself; and the 1% of Americans who are wealthy. Bernie Sanders, who is considered a Socialist is the closest there is to what the people need. Elizabeth Warren, US Senator from Massachusetts would make a wonderful candidate. Unfortunately, neither of these 2 have the charisma to sell their program nor do they have the financial backing. You have to use the current system to get in and then destroy the old system. Donald Trump has actually exposed what is wrong in America and that is why he is popular. He talks straight- says what others are afraid to say but he plays upon prejudices and puts the blame for America's descent into third world status on those who have no real voice but offers no real solutions. He forgets to put the real blame where it belongs- on a greedy wealthy class that continues to profit at the expense of the rest of Americans. I could go on but why- nothing is going to change for Americans in the immediate future unless they really come out in force and do something about it.

Last sentences......spot on.

The problem is that he appeals to the indoctrinated cultural ideology and not the reality. Reality has been propagandized into apathy.

Now the Circus is in town....come on down folks !

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"What America needs is a young,charismatic leader who does not care about politics and can really fix what ails America." Take out "young" and how about Bernie Sanders?




That said, a debate featuring the two New Yorkers, Bernie & Trump would be must-see TV. :-)

Edited by mopar71
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Thats her only card she can not really fall back on past achievements now can she.

Former SecState Henry Kissinger on HRClinton as SecState:

"I've known her for many years now, and I respect her intellect," he says of Clinton. "And she ran the State Department in the most effective way that I've ever seen."


They are of the opposite political faiths of course.

But let's not forget that Henry is a mass murderer, and still is too scared to visit most European countries for fear of being arrested and tried in The Hague. He does not travel to any country that is a signatory to the International Criminal Court.

With friends like this, who needs enemies????

They are two controversial people, Kissinger moreso.

Kissinger had a praiseworthy and strong role in crashing the USSR all the while opening China, but he was an abomination during the Vietnam conflict. The two differ significantly on the global ambitions of the CCP Dictators in Beijing.

K however knows the office of SecState and he knows its mission, very well. He never said the two are "friends" and they are not known to be enemies either. K has never used the term "play the woman's card."

Recall that in 1984 when US Rep. Geraldine Ferraro was slected as vp candidate on the (doomed) Mondale ticket the immediate response of the Reagan White House was that Ferraro was "a big bust." Perhaps one can use the term "sexist pigs" in this Republican party language.

SecState Clinton at the 2010 Asean conference announced the US's "Pivot to the Pacific" to rebalance US economics, trade and military activity to the Pacific-Indian Ocean strategic region of the world. Secretary Clinton also gave an interview in which she said the people of China will rise against the CCP to throw it out.

CCP hates her and fears HRClinton more than any American figure whereas CCP consider Henry the K as a good friend. The most prominent US enemies such as Milosovic, Hafez Assad the old dictator and the ayatollahs didn't like Madeline Albright either.

A POTUS Hillary Clinton will likely retain SecDef Ashton Carter, the much experienced Pentagon hawk who took charge of the military in February to hold the fort by returning fire until the next POTUS takes office.

Other women leaders of US allied nations and US strategic partner governments must be quite taken by Donald Trump and his "woman's card" rhetoric.

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Thats her only card she can not really fall back on past achievements now can she.

I dunno, being the subject of an FBI investigation and still being your party's leading candidate is quite an achievement.

Hillary Clinton is not the subject or the target of any FBI investigation. That is a gross error to continue to say at this point.

The Republican party hadn't ever defined itself with as much global attention as it is now drawing. Donald Trump has given high global visibility to what many Americans had already well known. That is, the Republican party is a bunch of far out whackjob and menacing loudmouths. This is true from Donald Trump and his walls and bans to Ted Cruz with his carpetbombing and sand glowing in the dark and so on.

Foreign female heads of state or leaders of allied governments and US partner nations plainly see what an obnoxious and crude bunch of jerks the Republican candidates are, to include the majority of Republican party voters that support these idiots.

How would a prezident Trump deal with foreign women leaders and allies, among whom include::

President Park Geun-hye of South Korea.

Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany

Prime Minister Baeta Szydlo of Poland

Prime Minister Ema Solberg of Norway

Yulia Tymoshenko, former PM of Ukraine recently released from political prison under the new anti-Moscow government.

Helle Thoorning-Schmidt, prime minister of Denmark until June and a continuing political leader.

Prime Minister Laimdola Straujuna of Latvia which is under direct threat of Putin.

Tsai Ing-wen, currently favored to become president of Taiwan in the January election.

This is a partial list. The list of female leaders of countries gets long. Women leaders of US allied and partner countries are many. They are professional and respected and they know former SecState Clinton. They have never met Donald Trump....and one can suspect they don't ever want to meet Donald Trump.

How do these prominent and respected women leaders of the present and of the immediate past who remain active deal with a POTUS who is a dick head.

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If The Hill is playing the 'woman's card', The Don should play a Trump card. whistling.gif

Trump assaults and belittles women regardless of political party or views and regardless of whether he knows them.

In September, following a GOP debate, National Review editor and Fox News contributor Rich Lowry said that Carly Fiorina had schlonged Trump in the debate (actually he said that Fiorina "cut his balls off," but the message is the same). This shocked Trump's tender sensitivities and he demanded an apology and called for Lowry to be taken off the air and fined by the FCC. That's just more evidence that he can dish it out, but crybaby Trump simply can't take it.


Trump is in fact exposing his rear flank, so to speak. After all, Trump is a serial adulterer. He is on his third marriage and the public record of his cheating ways is well documented. Trump has broken two marriage vows (so far) while flaunting his flings in the faces of his then-wives. HR Clinton, of course, has done none of that.

Donald Trump is in fact the character who has stated his carnal lust for his own daughter, Ivanka. This is a typically grotesque revelation that the crude Donald Trump has made repeatedly and publicly. Shamelessly. Proudly.

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Another smart play by Trump. He is talking to an audience that hates and fears the change around them: immigrants, legalization of pot, black president, job shortage etc. Certainly woman's rights and the growing assertiveness of women is just one more of these "threats" to their place in the fantasy world they live in. Trump, or who ever is running his campaign, is a consummate marketer and knows how to hit all the right buttons with the audience. I hate what the man stands for but I can't help admire the genius of his campaign in getting results with the targe audience. The only thing Bill Clnton did wrong (apart from being stupid enough to both get caught and then to lie about it) in my opinion was to overturn the regulations that had contained the financial industry ... which ultimately led to the global meltdown. Guess he had to pay back those that funded his campaign.

It's all all so corrupt and contrived ... why even get yourself worked up about it? The same families and corporations will be running the show after the election next year. They will keep America on its present, profitable for them, course.

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How would a prezident Trump deal with foreign women leaders and allies, among whom include::

President Park Geun-hye of South Korea.

Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany

Prime Minister Baeta Szydlo of Poland

Prime Minister Ema Solberg of Norway

Yulia Tymoshenko, former PM of Ukraine recently released from political prison under the new anti-Moscow government.

Helle Thoorning-Schmidt, prime minister of Denmark until June and a continuing political leader.

Prime Minister Laimdola Straujuna of Latvia which is under direct threat of Putin.

Tsai Ing-wen, currently favored to become president of Taiwan in the January election.

Trump has phenomenal people skills. It is impossible to achieve what he has especially in NYC without those skills. His shtick that we see when he's hosting a show or even running for POTUS shows the strength, not the weakness of those skills. While others presume his doom when he acts, he rises in the polls with the people.

He knows exactly which buttons to push.

He hasn't survived but rather has thrived in the tough biz environment of NYC. He couldn't have done that without a network of bankers and other investors and even officials at city hall. He may have the best Rolodex of anyone in the country.

He doesn't appear to have a long list of haters and detractors in the biz world who are rising up against him in his campaign. He doesn't appear to have made a lot of enemies in NYC even though he's been climbing over the pack for decades.

Just keep underestimating him my friend because that's exactly what he's counting on you to do.

Oh, and about your list of people? He'll get along just fine with them unless he doesn't want to. He's been dealing successfully with the rich, powerful, and famous for decades.


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Thats her only card she can not really fall back on past achievements now can she.

I dunno, being the subject of an FBI investigation and still being your party's leading candidate is quite an achievement.

Hillary Clinton is not the subject or the target of any FBI investigation. That is a gross error to continue to say at this point.

The Republican party hadn't ever defined itself with as much global attention as it is now drawing. Donald Trump has given high global visibility to what many Americans had already well known. That is, the Republican party is a bunch of far out whackjob and menacing loudmouths. This is true from Donald Trump and his walls and bans to Ted Cruz with his carpetbombing and sand glowing in the dark and so on.

Foreign female heads of state or leaders of allied governments and US partner nations plainly see what an obnoxious and crude bunch of jerks the Republican candidates are, to include the majority of Republican party voters that support these idiots.

How would a prezident Trump deal with foreign women leaders and allies, among whom include::

President Park Geun-hye of South Korea.

Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany

Prime Minister Baeta Szydlo of Poland

Prime Minister Ema Solberg of Norway

Yulia Tymoshenko, former PM of Ukraine recently released from political prison under the new anti-Moscow government.

Helle Thoorning-Schmidt, prime minister of Denmark until June and a continuing political leader.

Prime Minister Laimdola Straujuna of Latvia which is under direct threat of Putin.

Tsai Ing-wen, currently favored to become president of Taiwan in the January election.

This is a partial list. The list of female leaders of countries gets long. Women leaders of US allied and partner countries are many. They are professional and respected and they know former SecState Clinton. They have never met Donald Trump....and one can suspect they don't ever want to meet Donald Trump.

How do these prominent and respected women leaders of the present and of the immediate past who remain active deal with a POTUS who is a dick head.

President Park Geun-hye of South Korea. Who ( outside Sth Korea ) cares what she thinks?

Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany Many people would like to destroy her, especially the Germans suffering because of her stupidity over immigrants- perhaps Trump is the man to do that.

Prime Minister Baeta Szydlo of Poland. Who? Who cares ( outside of Poland ) about the PM of Poland?

Prime Minister Ema Solberg of Norway. Who? Never heard of her.

Yulia Tymoshenko, former PM of Ukraine recently released from political prison under the new anti-Moscow government. Former being the relevant word.

Helle Thoorning-Schmidt, prime minister of Denmark until June and a continuing political leader. Who?

Prime Minister Laimdola Straujuna of Latvia which is under direct threat of Putin. Who? Latvia- LOL.

Tsai Ing-wen, currently favored to become president of Taiwan in the January election. Who ( outside Taiwan ) cares?

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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If The Hill is playing the 'woman's card', The Don should play a Trump card. whistling.gif

Trump assaults and belittles women regardless of political party or views and regardless of whether he knows them.

In September, following a GOP debate, National Review editor and Fox News contributor Rich Lowry said that Carly Fiorina had schlonged Trump in the debate (actually he said that Fiorina "cut his balls off," but the message is the same). This shocked Trump's tender sensitivities and he demanded an apology and called for Lowry to be taken off the air and fined by the FCC. That's just more evidence that he can dish it out, but crybaby Trump simply can't take it.


Trump is in fact exposing his rear flank, so to speak. After all, Trump is a serial adulterer. He is on his third marriage and the public record of his cheating ways is well documented. Trump has broken two marriage vows (so far) while flaunting his flings in the faces of his then-wives. HR Clinton, of course, has done none of that.

Donald Trump is in fact the character who has stated his carnal lust for his own daughter, Ivanka. This is a typically grotesque revelation that the crude Donald Trump has made repeatedly and publicly. Shamelessly. Proudly.

Trump is a serial adulterer

Better watch out- you're in danger of blackening the name of the greatest US president of my lifetime - Jack Kennedy. There was a man that gave real meaning to "serial adulterer".

HR Clinton, of course, has done none of that.

Seriously? What man would be desperate enough?

Donald Trump is in fact the character who has stated his carnal lust for his own daughter, Ivanka

He never said that, but you probably just heard what you wanted to hear. You're not one to let the facts get in the way of a put down.

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Thats her only card she can not really fall back on past achievements now can she.

I dunno, being the subject of an FBI investigation and still being your party's leading candidate is quite an achievement.

Hillary Clinton is not the subject or the target of any FBI investigation. That is a gross error to continue to say at this point.

The Republican party hadn't ever defined itself with as much global attention as it is now drawing. Donald Trump has given high global visibility to what many Americans had already well known. That is, the Republican party is a bunch of far out whackjob and menacing loudmouths. This is true from Donald Trump and his walls and bans to Ted Cruz with his carpetbombing and sand glowing in the dark and so on.

Foreign female heads of state or leaders of allied governments and US partner nations plainly see what an obnoxious and crude bunch of jerks the Republican candidates are, to include the majority of Republican party voters that support these idiots.

How would a prezident Trump deal with foreign women leaders and allies, among whom include::

President Park Geun-hye of South Korea.

Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany

Prime Minister Baeta Szydlo of Poland

Prime Minister Ema Solberg of Norway

Yulia Tymoshenko, former PM of Ukraine recently released from political prison under the new anti-Moscow government.

Helle Thoorning-Schmidt, prime minister of Denmark until June and a continuing political leader.

Prime Minister Laimdola Straujuna of Latvia which is under direct threat of Putin.

Tsai Ing-wen, currently favored to become president of Taiwan in the January election.

This is a partial list. The list of female leaders of countries gets long. Women leaders of US allied and partner countries are many. They are professional and respected and they know former SecState Clinton. They have never met Donald Trump....and one can suspect they don't ever want to meet Donald Trump.

How do these prominent and respected women leaders of the present and of the immediate past who remain active deal with a POTUS who is a dick head.

President Park Geun-hye of South Korea. Who ( outside Sth Korea ) cares what she thinks?

Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany Many people would like to destroy her, especially the Germans suffering because of her stupidity over immigrants- perhaps Trump is the man to do that.

Prime Minister Baeta Szydlo of Poland. Who? Who cares ( outside of Poland ) about the PM of Poland?

Prime Minister Ema Solberg of Norway. Who? Never heard of her.

Yulia Tymoshenko, former PM of Ukraine recently released from political prison under the new anti-Moscow government. Former being the relevant word.

Helle Thoorning-Schmidt, prime minister of Denmark until June and a continuing political leader. Who?

Prime Minister Laimdola Straujuna of Latvia which is under direct threat of Putin. Who? Latvia- LOL.

Tsai Ing-wen, currently favored to become president of Taiwan in the January election. Who ( outside Taiwan ) cares?

Well it shows your knowledge of the world,or better, the small world you are living in.

Have a nice day.

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How would a prezident Trump deal with foreign women leaders and allies, among whom include::

President Park Geun-hye of South Korea.

Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany

Prime Minister Baeta Szydlo of Poland

Prime Minister Ema Solberg of Norway

Yulia Tymoshenko, former PM of Ukraine recently released from political prison under the new anti-Moscow government.

Helle Thoorning-Schmidt, prime minister of Denmark until June and a continuing political leader.

Prime Minister Laimdola Straujuna of Latvia which is under direct threat of Putin.

Tsai Ing-wen, currently favored to become president of Taiwan in the January election.

Trump has phenomenal people skills. It is impossible to achieve what he has especially in NYC without those skills. His shtick that we see when he's hosting a show or even running for POTUS shows the strength, not the weakness of those skills. While others presume his doom when he acts, he rises in the polls with the people.

He knows exactly which buttons to push.

He hasn't survived but rather has thrived in the tough biz environment of NYC. He couldn't have done that without a network of bankers and other investors and even officials at city hall. He may have the best Rolodex of anyone in the country.

He doesn't appear to have a long list of haters and detractors in the biz world who are rising up against him in his campaign. He doesn't appear to have made a lot of enemies in NYC even though he's been climbing over the pack for decades.

Just keep underestimating him my friend because that's exactly what he's counting on you to do.

Oh, and about your list of people? He'll get along just fine with them unless he doesn't want to. He's been dealing successfully with the rich, powerful, and famous for decades.


Phenomenal people skills? clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Oh my Buddha, "you're fired" does not constitute a "people skill."

Trump has plateaued in the polls. There is no upside for him. He's alienated everyone but the racist, undereducated wingnuts. This is the guy that ran with the birther nonsense long after it was disproven. He appeals to the lemmings that still believe that bullshit. He may be the GOP nominee but as a general election candidate he's DOA.

It's far more likely, he'll lose a few primaries, declare victory, take his ball and go home.

I predict he's out by April 1st. Anyone else want in on the pool?

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How would a prezident Trump deal with foreign women leaders and allies, among whom include::

President Park Geun-hye of South Korea.

Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany

Prime Minister Baeta Szydlo of Poland

Prime Minister Ema Solberg of Norway

Yulia Tymoshenko, former PM of Ukraine recently released from political prison under the new anti-Moscow government.

Helle Thoorning-Schmidt, prime minister of Denmark until June and a continuing political leader.

Prime Minister Laimdola Straujuna of Latvia which is under direct threat of Putin.

Tsai Ing-wen, currently favored to become president of Taiwan in the January election.

Trump has phenomenal people skills. It is impossible to achieve what he has especially in NYC without those skills. His shtick that we see when he's hosting a show or even running for POTUS shows the strength, not the weakness of those skills. While others presume his doom when he acts, he rises in the polls with the people.

He knows exactly which buttons to push.

He hasn't survived but rather has thrived in the tough biz environment of NYC. He couldn't have done that without a network of bankers and other investors and even officials at city hall. He may have the best Rolodex of anyone in the country.

He doesn't appear to have a long list of haters and detractors in the biz world who are rising up against him in his campaign. He doesn't appear to have made a lot of enemies in NYC even though he's been climbing over the pack for decades.

Just keep underestimating him my friend because that's exactly what he's counting on you to do.

Oh, and about your list of people? He'll get along just fine with them unless he doesn't want to. He's been dealing successfully with the rich, powerful, and famous for decades.


Phenomenal people skills? clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Oh my Buddha, "you're fired" does not constitute a "people skill."

Trump has plateaued in the polls. There is no upside for him. He's alienated everyone but the racist, undereducated wingnuts. This is the guy that ran with the birther nonsense long after it was disproven. He appeals to the lemmings that still believe that bullshit. He may be the GOP nominee but as a general election candidate he's DOA.

It's far more likely, he'll lose a few primaries, declare victory, take his ball and go home.

I predict he's out by April 1st. Anyone else want in on the pool?

The political term for his situation is "low ceiling high floor"

You are right his mouth got him thus far, but it has made him unelectable. Hillary's greatest hope is that he get's the nomination. Even I would have to hold my nose and vote for her, assuming ofcourse that she also gets the nomination

Here's hopping that neither of them wins and we have a real choice.

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I was reading the Melbourne Age yesterday. Included was an article by a reporter recalling his visit to Hepburn Springs where he dined at a place serving chowder run by an American expat. Tucker was very good, but he pointed out a map that was hanging on the wall. It was of the states but it featured the North East, starting below Washington and most of the West Coast. The rest was blanked out and labelled Dumbf..kistan. Any comments?

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I was reading the Melbourne Age yesterday. Included was an article by a reporter recalling his visit to Hepburn Springs where he dined at a place serving chowder run by an American expat. Tucker was very good, but he pointed out a map that was hanging on the wall. It was of the states but it featured the North East, starting below Washington and most of the West Coast. The rest was blanked out and labelled Dumbf..kistan. Any comments?

I used to have a similar map, in the east coast it had NY, NJ, Connecticut ,in the west coast it had California, Texas

and in between it had a few mountains and it said Bla Bla Bla laugh.png

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Foreign female heads of state or leaders of allied governments and US partner nations plainly see what an obnoxious and crude bunch of jerks the Republican candidates are, to include the majority of Republican party voters that support these idiots.

How would a prezident Trump deal with foreign women leaders and allies, among whom include::

President Park Geun-hye of South Korea.

Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany

Prime Minister Baeta Szydlo of Poland

Prime Minister Ema Solberg of Norway

Yulia Tymoshenko, former PM of Ukraine recently released from political prison under the new anti-Moscow government.

Helle Thoorning-Schmidt, prime minister of Denmark until June and a continuing political leader.

Prime Minister Laimdola Straujuna of Latvia which is under direct threat of Putin.

Tsai Ing-wen, currently favored to become president of Taiwan in the January election.

This is a partial list. The list of female leaders of countries gets long. Women leaders of US allied and partner countries are many. They are professional and respected and they know former SecState Clinton. They have never met Donald Trump....and one can suspect they don't ever want to meet Donald Trump.

How do these prominent and respected women leaders of the present and of the immediate past who remain active deal with a POTUS who is a dick head.

Concerning Trump's IQ ...... he would like to invite them for a casting show. But he would be afraid to invite Hillary to the show ; because .... of her clearly superior IQ.

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