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UK Benefits Farce.

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I think benefit fraud, on the scale mentioned earlier, is something that along with immigration, whether they be refugees or asylum seekers ( well thats the cover most of them come in by )

Can you back that up with some reliable data?

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It's your daughter - you had a hand in making her what she is, stop blaming people you don't know for your own failings.

Be fair,

OP hasn't specified when the divorce happened.

For all we know he was divorced when she was born, and wasn't allowed to see her until she was 16, and free of the legal control of the evil former wife.

For all we know you made that bit up.

Including the bit denigrating his ex wife.


Baroness Flather House of Lords member is a curse to Muslims,accused of being a bigot by more than a few Muslims. 2011 made FoI

Universal credits rolled out soon enough,that should put a stop to a lot of what they are about. Have copied the OPs opening post,am sending to interested parties,makes you bloody sick

Did go head to head with muslim MP on twitter over this,Kay Burley the Sky news presenter got involved too,fact is he could not defend his majority Muslim constituents ,got banned for questions posed

With Muslims interbreeding with first cousins etc it is a fact that sub normal offspring are being produced to a far larger number than white,so more stay at home mothers,producing more sub normal

Baroness Flather is a poster girl for the EDF!


I think benefit fraud, on the scale mentioned earlier, is something that along with immigration, whether they be refugees or asylum seekers ( well thats the cover most of them come in by )

Can you back that up with some reliable data?

The newspaper pictures and reports on the news show these people all over the continent, they dont look like they are down and out or need our help. Many seem to have smart phones, look fit to work but likely wont, I saw an report from a German town in Bavaria from the BBC only yesterday and the lady who had to try and integrate them said that only 1 in 3 were employable. It is common knowledge that it is a drain on our systems and its going to get worse. The only reason they are coming is that we have a benefits system that they can gain access to, they dont contribute to our society, they dont want to integrate they just want a free life of leisure at the taxpayers expense. That is what I see and I dont think I am alone either.

You make think that the British Newspapers and Media are unreliable, well I think they are being restrained and do not go as far they could but they do IMHO reflect the general mood of the public in the UK and on the continent, the politicians of course do not go along with a lot of this in case they offend certain ethnic groups at the next elections, they try and keep everyone happy and tell a very different story ( or ignore it ) about problems that are growing and getting larger.

The way things are going the Benefits budget could well eclipse the NHS budget in the future.


I think benefit fraud, on the scale mentioned earlier, is something that along with immigration, whether they be refugees or asylum seekers ( well thats the cover most of them come in by ) are the 2 things which annoy the general public the most, the knock effect and the next thing that annoys the public is that the public have to fit in with the new comers rather than the other way round and we are not allowed, even though its supposed to be a free country, to say anything about this situation.

I am sure that if I went for any benefit I would be given the minimum requirement whereas "newcomers" would have the full package opened for them, perhaps I am cynical but you know I dont see why we should be made to feel bad about our past history, with what we have given to the world in the way of inventions and ways of doing things but all I hear is how we went and conquered other countries and stole all their resources. If we take away what we gave and did not go abroad for trade a lot of those destinations would still be in the dark ages, just pick a region, take away the Western influence and ask yourself what have they got and what have they ever invented or brought to the table of the world.

A bit more recognition would not go amiss, dont expect me to make any apologies for our past, we took some and gave some it works both ways, well it did until the pc brigade and the dont offend me club came out of the woodwork.

An asylum seeker gets basic accommodation and £36.95 cash a week pending the outcome of his or her case, not a bad deal!!!


Basic accommodation can mean a 3 star hotel with meals of course

Brittania hotel nr Manchester airport was being used.


The newspaper pictures and reports on the news show these people all over the continent, they dont look like they are down and out or need our help. Many seem to have smart phones, look fit to work but likely wont, I saw an report from a German town in Bavaria from the BBC only yesterday and the lady who had to try and integrate them said that only 1 in 3 were employable. It is common knowledge that it is a drain on our systems and its going to get worse. The only reason they are coming is that we have a benefits system that they can gain access to, they dont contribute to our society, they dont want to integrate they just want a free life of leisure at the taxpayers expense. That is what I see and I dont think I am alone either.

You make think that the British Newspapers and Media are unreliable, well I think they are being restrained and do not go as far they could but they do IMHO reflect the general mood of the public in the UK and on the continent, the politicians of course do not go along with a lot of this in case they offend certain ethnic groups at the next elections, they try and keep everyone happy and tell a very different story ( or ignore it ) about problems that are growing and getting larger.

The way things are going the Benefits budget could well eclipse the NHS budget in the future.

I ask you for reliable data and you present references to photos and reports in newspapers, seemingly not understanding the term 'reliable data' or having any grasp of the concept of 'editorial line'.

References to 'common knowledge' don't help either.

I therefore take it your claim "well thats the cover most of them come in by " is without foundation.

Certainly no foundation you can present.


The newspaper pictures and reports on the news show these people all over the continent, they dont look like they are down and out or need our help. Many seem to have smart phones, look fit to work but likely wont, I saw an report from a German town in Bavaria from the BBC only yesterday and the lady who had to try and integrate them said that only 1 in 3 were employable. It is common knowledge that it is a drain on our systems and its going to get worse. The only reason they are coming is that we have a benefits system that they can gain access to, they dont contribute to our society, they dont want to integrate they just want a free life of leisure at the taxpayers expense. That is what I see and I dont think I am alone either.

You make think that the British Newspapers and Media are unreliable, well I think they are being restrained and do not go as far they could but they do IMHO reflect the general mood of the public in the UK and on the continent, the politicians of course do not go along with a lot of this in case they offend certain ethnic groups at the next elections, they try and keep everyone happy and tell a very different story ( or ignore it ) about problems that are growing and getting larger.

The way things are going the Benefits budget could well eclipse the NHS budget in the future.

I ask you for reliable data and you present references to photos and reports in newspapers, seemingly not understanding the term 'reliable data' or having any grasp of the concept of 'editorial line'.

References to 'common knowledge' don't help either.

I therefore take it your claim "well thats the cover most of them come in by " is without foundation.

Certainly no foundation you can present.

Guesthouse, you seem to be playing the Devils advocate here or you dont believe anything you see or read, some of it is open to debate, its up to you make up your mind up jjst as I expected the response you have just made.

Do I have any think to quote to you which you might accept, well no because I dont go round spending my life makes notes which I might have to present to some people, like yoruself and dont take that the wrong way but i do have a life to live and I am not on here all day.

You can reports in the papers and on the tv and you make your own mind up about any subject you like, I have stated my position which I believe is the majority view, you dont seem to believe that position, that fine we dont make any difference here, but from my continental friends here, they to share my opinion on what is happening all over Europe.

I think we will just have to agree to disagree, you will not convince me otherwise.

"Freedom of Information states most or all of Muslims in the UK are on some form of welfare"

Link please, as IMO it is extremely unlikely that all Muslims are on welfare, there are plenty of Muslim millionaires in the UK.

Baroness Flather 2011 Ill wade through her Muslim statements to find it

Tried to bring it over, fragments. However International Business News November 26 2012 carries news All Muslims on benefit Shes quoting from whatever source

Thanks for that, found the link using Google, http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/baroness-flather-muslims-comments-408400 wai2.gif

"Former Conservative grandee Baroness Flather has sparked outrage by claiming that all Muslims in Britain live on benefits.

The Mail on Sunday claimed that the cross-bench peer endorsed comments reportedly made by the man recently appointed by David Cameron to deliver victory at the 2015 General Election.

Flather said: "I don't condone swearing but Lynton [Crosby] is right to say it is pointless for the Conservaties to chase Muslims. They are all on benefits and all vote Labour."

So she made a statement of personal opinion, which was vigorously rejected by many at-the-time, but reported in the 'Mail On Sunday', not from any genuine factual or definitive source, such as government-statistics about welfare-claimants ? wink.png

Your source was not "freedom of information", as it is normally understood to imply, a government source. It was a political statement, by a politician, who has also in the past been in trouble for other very odd (and incorrect) claims. I wouldn't rely upon it too much.

What is also true is that in the UK, there are many people (children, the elderly, the unemployed & disabled) who are supported by society and the in-work population, in many ways. Welfare-benefits are only one source.

And that this support is regardless of creed or colour or culture of the beneficiaries, but that those welfare-benefits are funded by Muslims among others, who also work and pay into the system. As they should.


Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


One small point,the foreigners you mention are all spongers

Odd that because about 70% of the 2200 staff in the office I work in are foreigners, all earning and paying taxes on salaries of around 3 x the national average.

I would be more than a litte surprised if any are claiming benefits.


Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


Sorry ,where do I collect my benefits and free accommodation here in Thailand ,do I now not have to do a 90 day report. Or put 800,000 ThAi baht into a bank account ? Don't make stupid posts ,

"Freedom of Information states most or all of Muslims in the UK are on some form of welfare"

Link please, as IMO it is extremely unlikely that all Muslims are on welfare, there are plenty of Muslim millionaires in the UK.

Baroness Flather 2011 Ill wade through her Muslim statements to find it

Tried to bring it over, fragments. However International Business News November 26 2012 carries news All Muslims on benefit Shes quoting from whatever source

Thanks for that, found the link using Google, http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/baroness-flather-muslims-comments-408400 wai2.gif

"Former Conservative grandee Baroness Flather has sparked outrage by claiming that all Muslims in Britain live on benefits.

The Mail on Sunday claimed that the cross-bench peer endorsed comments reportedly made by the man recently appointed by David Cameron to deliver victory at the 2015 General Election.

Flather said: "I don't condone swearing but Lynton [Crosby] is right to say it is pointless for the Conservaties to chase Muslims. They are all on benefits and all vote Labour."

So she made a statement of personal opinion, which was vigorously rejected by many at-the-time, but reported in the 'Mail On Sunday', not from any genuine factual or definitive source, such as government-statistics about welfare-claimants ? wink.png

Your source was not "freedom of information", as it is normally understood to imply, a government source. It was a political statement, by a politician, who has also in the past been in trouble for other very odd (and incorrect) claims. I wouldn't rely upon it too much.

What is also true is that in the UK, there are many people (children, the elderly, the unemployed & disabled) who are supported by society and the in-work population, in many ways. Welfare-benefits are only one source.

And that this support is regardless of creed or colour or culture of the beneficiaries, but that those welfare-benefits are funded by Muslims among others, who also work and pay into the system.

The woman is barking, described as a bigot doesn't quite describe her fully.


Guesthouse, you seem to be playing the Devils advocate here or you dont believe anything you see or read, some of it is open to debate, its up to you make up your mind up jjst as I expected the response you have just made.

No, I'm calling you out for making an assertion that you can't support with any reeliable data, for floppy thinking and hypocracy.

If you want to debate the matter present some data.

Newspaper reports, photos or what you see on the news has all been subject to editorial control, by example the Daily Mail will present different photos and reports than the Guardian for the very same story.

Hence don't present news reports as the truth.

You made an assertion but can't back it up.

I called you on it.


Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


The difference is: Expats in Thailand pay their way,there is no Benefits in Thailand for Expats!


Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


Sorry ,where do I collect my benefits and free accommodation here in Thailand ,do I now not have to do a 90 day report. Or put 800,000 ThAi baht into a bank account ? Don't make stupid posts ,

Are there no Farangs in Thailand making use of the ฿30 health scheme?


Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


Sorry ,where do I collect my benefits and free accommodation here in Thailand ,do I now not have to do a 90 day report. Or put 800,000 ThAi baht into a bank account ? Don't make stupid posts ,

Is your UK State Pension being increased by 2.5% every year, do you receive the heating allowance and is a free NHS available to you when you "holiday" in the UK?


Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


The difference is: Expats in Thailand pay their way,there is no Benefits in Thailand for Expats!

Provide the evidence that foreigners in the UK do not pay their own way?!

The woman is barking, described as a bigot doesn't quite describe her fully.


One might as well claim that "All elderly over-65 are on welfare", receiving pensions as many (but not all) of them do, or "All children are on welfare", since many mothers do receive Child-Benefits for them, "All unemployed are on benefits", except of course for when they're not entitled to them.

That just describes the welfare-state that has been built-up in the UK, over the past century or so, and one might argue has been too generous or expensive to fund, as the population of over-65s has grown & the working-population has declined.

The Baroness was born in 1934, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shreela_Flather,_Baroness_Flather , she will have seen the original dream of a just-and-fair safety-net grow, into its present entitlement-culture. I can understand that that must have been a difficult experience.

But she should not blame just one segment of society, for what has clearly gone wrong, and she should perhaps distinguish between "many" and "all" in her statements.

I myself also blame the politicians who made the glorious promises of 'Bread and Circuses', and the naive voters who believed them, or the civil-servants who drafted laws which have gone far beyond the original dream.

We're well-off out of the mess, living here ! rolleyes.gif


Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


Sorry ,where do I collect my benefits and free accommodation here in Thailand ,do I now not have to do a 90 day report. Or put 800,000 ThAi baht into a bank account ? Don't make stupid posts ,

Is your UK State Pension being increased by 2.5% every year, do you receive the heating allowance and is a free NHS available to you when you "holiday" in the UK?

I paid in for it for 46 years ,so why shouldn't I? In fact I do not bother ,its not worth the hassle


Are you claiming Christianity wasn't forced on you?

When I was in infants,

Christian services at start of school every day. Christmas services in church.

Secondary modern, Christian services at assembly every day.

Boys Brigade, Church youth club.

It was forced on me until I was sick of it.


You have no legal rights to even see your grandchildren, let alone decide what they eat.

Christianity wasn't forced on me.

We had Religious studies at school but it was an optional subject, along with woodwork, metalwork, and French.

I did have Muslim, Jewish and Catholic friends who were forced to study and observe their religion though.

Radical religious beliefs cause wars and I don't want to turn this topic into a religious debate.

Lets stick to the topic and benefit fraud.

RE as a curriculum subject is compulsory up to school leaving age. It's not compulsory to do a GCSE in it, but some schools decide that as it is compulsory to study, they will get the pupils to sit a short-course GCSE in in.

Religious education is a compulsory subject throughout primary and secondary school and teachers must provide lessons even if pupils fail to take a GCSE in the subject.

This announcement reflects the initial rationale for the inclusion of religion in the English and Welsh curriculum in the 1944 Education Act. Policy makers felt that Bible-based instruction would better prepare future generations for a more peaceful world after the horrors of two world wars

A quarter of state secondary schools in England are breaking the law by not teaching religious studies to teenagers, a poll has found.

So RE was compulsory when you went to school !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A quarter of state secondary schools in England are breaking the law by not teaching religious studies to teenagers, a poll has found.

That just contradicts your previous statements that RE was a compulsory class!

I went to school throughout the 60's. The RE teacher was part time, taking 4 classes a week from a school of over 700.

Woodwork, metalwork and French were the same, one teacher for each subject.

We had to choose one of the 4 subjects from the curriculum.

Even in the 60's we had a group of ethnic minorities who could refuse to take RE on the basis it was Christianity teachings and they weren't Christians.


Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


Sorry ,where do I collect my benefits and free accommodation here in Thailand ,do I now not have to do a 90 day report. Or put 800,000 ThAi baht into a bank account ? Don't make stupid posts ,

Is your UK State Pension being increased by 2.5% every year, do you receive the heating allowance and is a free NHS available to you when you "holiday" in the UK?

I paid in for it for 46 years ,so why shouldn't I? In fact I do not bother ,its not worth the hassle

You asked in post 76 where do you "collect your benefits" in Thailand, fact is you live in Thailand and still leach off the UK system for your benefits, and you think UK Muslims are bad for claimin benefits whilst they live there, Jeeze!!!.

"Freedom of Information states most or all of Muslims in the UK are on some form of welfare"

Link please, as IMO it is extremely unlikely that all Muslims are on welfare, there are plenty of Muslim millionaires in the UK.

Baroness Flather 2011 Ill wade through her Muslim statements to find it

Tried to bring it over, fragments. However International Business News November 26 2012 carries news All Muslims on benefit Shes quoting from whatever source

Thanks for that, found the link using Google, http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/baroness-flather-muslims-comments-408400 wai2.gif

"Former Conservative grandee Baroness Flather has sparked outrage by claiming that all Muslims in Britain live on benefits.

The Mail on Sunday claimed that the cross-bench peer endorsed comments reportedly made by the man recently appointed by David Cameron to deliver victory at the 2015 General Election.

Flather said: "I don't condone swearing but Lynton [Crosby] is right to say it is pointless for the Conservaties to chase Muslims. They are all on benefits and all vote Labour."

So she made a statement of personal opinion, which was vigorously rejected by many at-the-time, but reported in the 'Mail On Sunday', not from any genuine factual or definitive source, such as government-statistics about welfare-claimants ? wink.png

Your source was not "freedom of information", as it is normally understood to imply, a government source. It was a political statement, by a politician, who has also in the past been in trouble for other very odd (and incorrect) claims. I wouldn't rely upon it too much.

What is also true is that in the UK, there are many people (children, the elderly, the unemployed & disabled) who are supported by society and the in-work population, in many ways. Welfare-benefits are only one source.

And that this support is regardless of creed or colour or culture of the beneficiaries, but that those welfare-benefits are funded by Muslims among others, who also work and pay into the system. As they should.

She would hardly have made this statement without adequate knowledge. 2011 she made request FoI approx. May 11 Daily Mirror reported it front page,now I reference it has disappeared,,reference to it has too,but Ive requested further information from her ,take a week or so


Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


The difference is: Expats in Thailand pay their way,there is no Benefits in Thailand for Expats!

Provide the evidence that foreigners in the UK do not pay their own way?!

Maybe some constructive counterpoint would progress the discussion. ;)

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