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British couple found guilty of bomb plot and supporting ISIL


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British couple found guilty of bomb plot and supporting ISIL
By Robert Hackwill


"You're seeing also the development of individual lone wolves, like Mr. Rehman who is self-taught, who decide... that they have a jihadist mission to pursue"

LONDON: -- A husband and wife have been convicted in Britain for planning a terrorist attack.

Mohammed Rehman and Sana Ahmed Khan pledged allegiance to Islamic State, and on twitter Rehman demanded advice from his followers on what were the best targets to bomb, the Westfield shopping centre, or the London Underground.

“He represents a worrying trend in the development of terrorism in this country. On the one hand, you see groups and clusters of individuals who conspire together, often with connections internationally to either al Qaeda or ISIS. On the other hand, you’re seeing also the development of individual lone wolves, like Mr. Rehman who is self-taught, who decide of their own volition that although they are not connected to anyone else, they have a jihadist mission to pursue,” said lawyer Jo Sidhu.

Weapons were found in the couple’s home in Reading, and video of an experimental detonation as Rehman sought to perfect his design in their back garden.

Rehman called himself the “Silent bomber” on social media, and police believe he was planning the attack to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the London bombings in July.

His wife was found guilty of helping him to buy chemicals on e-bay. They were arrested when police believed they were on the point of carrying out their plan.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-30

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The only answer is to deport thin to Syria wit out passports or ID. Then they have no country. And they can't get out.....

They'd be back in Europe in no time and probably receiving benefits.
Not if they had a tracking device sewn to their butts and a predator drone waiting for them to make rendezvous.
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The only answer is to deport thin to Syria wit out passports or ID. Then they have no country. And they can't get out.....

l'd say a lead pellet(.45") right between the eyes would be more fitting gift.

Yup I agree, bullet between the eyes...........next.

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OK, but they are not really British, are they smile.png

l certainly don't regard them as British.

They are ungrateful bludgers that live in a better country than where they or their parents came from & want everything in their new country changed to suit them.

OK The experiment failed.

Expel the lot of them.

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Amazing how every time there is a "bomb plot" or actual bombing by a "Frenchman" or "French" couple...or a "Brit" or a "British" couple...always turns out to be Muslim Sandbox citizens. The superstition of peace! Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...ad infinitum bah.gif

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They do not look like the majority of British people I have met and their names don't sound similar to my British friends.

Maybe things have changed since I've been to Britain 10 years ago.

Like there weren't 2 million Muslims in the UK 10 years ago? There have been a number of Muslims in the UK for over 200 years, we had an empire, you know?

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Amazing how every time there is a "bomb plot" or actual bombing by a "Frenchman" or "French" couple...or a "Brit" or a "British" couple...always turns out to be Muslim Sandbox citizens. The superstition of peace! Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...ad infinitum bah.gif

If it wasn't for the IRA and ETA attacks then you would have a point.

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Hard to believe these are really terrorists

"Mohammed Rehman and Sana Ahmed Khan pledged allegiance to Islamic State, and on twitter Rehman demanded advice from his followers on what were the best targets to bomb, the Westfield shopping centre, or the London Underground."

They sound like a pair of f**kwits to me. Would real terrorists be using twitter to id targets???

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I get what you're saying about these nitwits Pedro, But really, so what if they are not "real terrorists" ? The fact that they are posting their love for ISIL and planning bomb attacks, etc. etc. etc... Isn't that enough to have their butts thrown in prison? I guess it comes down to whether or not you believe there is a war going on or not... If, for example, someone living in England during WW2 was going around voicing love for Hitler and buying up explosives, he or she would be arrested and with due cause, no?

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They will probably do about ten years in a cushy jail with access to korans, imams, halal food and be able to pray five times a day.

You think they will probably be afforded the right to practice religion as stipulated by the Convention on Human Rights? Well, no surprises there!

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