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Guy with big age gaps with their gf how big is your age difference?


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True love has no age barrier. Wide age gap difference between spouses doesn't mean financial gain. We shouldn't jump to conclusion easily. Who are we to judge other people?

Being older doesn't mean the person may go off first. There are so many younger age people nowadays who died early.

I don't think it is anything to do with young folk dying early. There may be the odd case, but there is no getting away from it.

If you are 70 and the wife is 30, and you really believe that she genuinely loves you, then you are more than stupid.

So what's the maximum age gap for genuine love?

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True love has no age barrier. Wide age gap difference between spouses doesn't mean financial gain. We shouldn't jump to conclusion easily. Who are we to judge other people?

Being older doesn't mean the person may go off first. There are so many younger age people nowadays who died early.

I don't think it is anything to do with young folk dying early. There may be the odd case, but there is no getting away from it.

If you are 70 and the wife is 30, and you really believe that she genuinely loves you, then you are more than stupid.

So what's the maximum age gap for genuine love?

How can you measure or quantify genuine love ?

Loving someone is not the same as being "in love" with someone either.

Why does everything have to be justified or explained, why analyse it, just leave people alone to do what they choose to do.

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True love has no age barrier. Wide age gap difference between spouses doesn't mean financial gain. We shouldn't jump to conclusion easily. Who are we to judge other people?

Being older doesn't mean the person may go off first. There are so many younger age people nowadays who died early.

I don't think it is anything to do with young folk dying early. There may be the odd case, but there is no getting away from it.

If you are 70 and the wife is 30, and you really believe that she genuinely loves you, then you are more than stupid.

So what's the maximum age gap for genuine love?
How can you measure or quantify genuine love ?

Loving someone is not the same as being "in love" with someone either.

Why does everything have to be justified or explained, why analyse it, just leave people alone to do what they choose to do.

Except, the op mentioned he (ironically) finds women his own age disgusting.

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I don't know where I picked up the following utterly useless and indefensible "formula", but here it is, for your amusement and condemnation.

The ideal age difference for a (hetero?) couple... the lady should be half the man's age, plus seven years. In our case, this is nearly the situation. I am 70, she is 44. Thai ladies age really well. She keeps up her appearance, and is very fitness conscious. I am proud to be seen with her, and since she is of mature age, we don't get as many noticeable "dirty looks" from visiting farang ladies.

OK, light up the Flame Torch.

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In my experience, the most vocal advocates/defenders of dating/marrying/breeding women half or a third of their age are typically the ones with the biggest, most profound hang ups about it

You can see them at the malls scanning passers-by eager to glower angrily at anyone who looks at them and their farm fresh produce just that little bit too long . . . "Best-defense-is-a-good-offense"-type thing

Always amusing biggrin.png

Anyway, as long as they accept their far younger partner will almost ALWAYS have mercenary motivations behind their involvement, I don't suppose there's any real harm in it

Unless, of course, they can't put up with being judged and ridiculed by locals and other foreigners or they begin to delude themselves the "love" they're paying for is real

If they CAN . . . all power to them

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In my experience, the most vocal advocates/defenders of dating/marrying/breeding women half or a third of their age are typically the ones with the biggest, most profound hang ups about it

You can see them at the malls scanning passers-by eager to glower angrily at anyone who looks at them and their farm fresh produce just that little bit too long . . . "Best-defense-is-a-good-offense"-type thing

Always amusing biggrin.png

Anyway, as long as they accept their far younger partner will almost ALWAYS have mercenary motivations behind their involvement, I don't suppose there's any real harm in it

Unless, of course, they can't put up with being judged and ridiculed by locals and other foreigners or they begin to delude themselves the "love" they're paying for is real

If they CAN . . . all power to them

Any chance of singing a different refrain? Got the feeling I've heard this tired old song a hundred times.

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It seems the only ones that are deluded about old guys thinking that the young women are in love with them are the ones that keeps telling them that they're deluded.

Not necessarily. I think

that JLCrab guy has a

young, rented girlfriend

who, he says, insists

that she loves him.

He believes her even

though he's like 70

Someone suggested he

should shut off the flow

of cash for a couple of

months to be sure.


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It seems the only ones that are deluded about old guys thinking that the young women are in love with them are the ones that keeps telling them that they're deluded.

Not necessarily. I think

that JLCrab guy has a

young, rented girlfriend

who, he says, insists

that she loves him.

He believes her even

though he's like 70

Someone suggested he

should shut off the flow

of cash for a couple of

months to be sure.


Well JL Crab has a lot to answer for because none of the old guys I know are under any delusions about their attractiveness (other than financial) to young women, and really, they just don't give a damn what anyone else thinks.

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My wife is 14 years younger!!

..sounds great until I tell you that I am sixty. I cannot handle younger women, as they come with teenage kids and such. Worse yet, are the with babies/toddlers. Been there and done that. Nothing much in common with a girl under 30. I can tell you (since I live here year round), is that most younger girls still like to play, when the old cat goes home after wintering in Thailand.

I do pity some of these young girls having to bed with old men... None of these girls look pround, when I see them walking around with a relic.

Now, I do realize a select few old geezers have a young girl that actually likes them old....and that they may have grown to love them.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Apparently there are some unfulfilled chapters of your puberty years, and adolescence that require closure. Westerner (seniors) who fail to mature (grow-up) from within the realm of their own indigenous cultures, have little more than a self-deluded chance, in believing they'll get closure with some girl, who's young enough to be their own granddaughter. And, this fact especially holds true with a girl who functions on a totally different level of "consciousness". Then there's the "baby-teenaged Thai girl", who's raised from within a totally different cultural, educational-level and language base, than your own. Get real, man!

As a westerner, the only substantial, quality lifestyle that you will ever enjoy in Asia, is the lifestyle that you brought with you, and then spend your hard-earned & saved money, for the privilege of maintaining it, in the LoS. Capiche?coffee1.gif

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some people need a reality check.

many younger Thai women prefer older guys & why wouldn't they.

have a look at what is on offer in the younger brigade - simpletons who after a few days of playing with their phones have nothing intelligent to say.

Thai ladies are not stupid - contrary to what many losers on here say ( as they failed with women at home & they fail here too ) - females' internal clocks are ticking LOUDLY.

If they hang with young & poor cheap-charlie losers it's for very little time. I have many older friends living happily with young Thai women as I do too and am I'm very content.

After all the young cheap-charlie's are here for a little while & then it's back to their career of flipping burgers.

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some people need a reality check.

many younger Thai women prefer older guys & why wouldn't they.

have a look at what is on offer in the younger brigade - simpletons who after a few days of playing with their phones have nothing intelligent to say.

Thai ladies are not stupid - contrary to what many losers on here say ( as they failed with women at home & they fail here too ) - females' internal clocks are ticking LOUDLY.

If they hang with young & poor cheap-charlie losers it's for very little time. I have many older friends living happily with young Thai women as I do too and am I'm very content.

After all the young cheap-charlie's are here for a little while & then it's back to their career of flipping burgers.

Yeah cos all the younger fellas are skint and all pensioners are minted.

Right, got it


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some people need a reality check.

many younger Thai women prefer older guys & why wouldn't they.

have a look at what is on offer in the younger brigade - simpletons who after a few days of playing with their phones have nothing intelligent to say.

Thai ladies are not stupid - contrary to what many losers on here say ( as they failed with women at home & they fail here too ) - females' internal clocks are ticking LOUDLY.

If they hang with young & poor cheap-charlie losers it's for very little time. I have many older friends living happily with young Thai women as I do too and am I'm very content.

After all the young cheap-charlie's are here for a little while & then it's back to their career of flipping burgers.

Yeah cos all the younger fellas are skint and all pensioners are minted.

Right, got it


Contrary to your biased opinion, it might surprise you to learn that there are a lot of pensioners who are living here, very, very comfortably, thanks to astute investments and big superannuation policies. While the younger guys are here for their 3 week annual holiday, spending their meagre savings from the job of packing shelves at the local supermarket, I can understand the resentment and jealousy coming from the younger guys as they head back to their dead-end jobs.

Bon voyage boys!

Edited by giddyup
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No woman dreams of marrying a man 30 years, or more, older than herself, unless money is involved.

They prefer Thai men, preferably around their own age, who they can communicate with. That is why a lot of them are involved with the younger Thais behind the sugar daddy's back.

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Exceptions might occur if you were a somebody rather than an elderly wannabe who washed up here after having failed with women in the west.

Drug dealers and murderers are also attractive to many women.

So we all have at least two options left.

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Exceptions might occur if you were a somebody rather than an elderly wannabe who washed up here after having failed with women in the west.

Drug dealers and murderers are also attractive to many women.

So we all have at least two options left.

Ha! But that is true.

I was actually thinking of 63 year-old football managers who steer their teams to the top of the Premiere League and get voted Coach of the Year.

Aging movie stars are also very attractive. I reckon Clint could still get almost anyone. And so could Harrison.

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I was actually thinking of 63 year-old football managers who steer their teams to the top of the Premiere League and get voted Coach of the Year.

Aging movie stars are also very attractive. I reckon Clint could still get almost anyone. And so could Harrison.

Too much effort, drugs is easier. Edited by MaeJoMTB
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some people need a reality check.

many younger Thai women prefer older guys & why wouldn't they.

have a look at what is on offer in the younger brigade - simpletons who after a few days of playing with their phones have nothing intelligent to say.

Thai ladies are not stupid - contrary to what many losers on here say ( as they failed with women at home & they fail here too ) - females' internal clocks are ticking LOUDLY.

If they hang with young & poor cheap-charlie losers it's for very little time. I have many older friends living happily with young Thai women as I do too and am I'm very content.

After all the young cheap-charlie's are here for a little while & then it's back to their career of flipping burgers.

"some people need a reality check"???? whistling.gif . Do yourself a favor, sir! See the OP topic "Farang_Rules_Of_The_Road" wai.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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