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Rahm announces new measures in Chicago police shakeup


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Rahm announces new measures in Chicago police shakeup
By Robert Hackwill


CHICAGO: -- The increasingly-under-pressure mayor of Chicago Rahm Emmanuel has announced a raft of new measures he hopes will address public concerns about the city’s police force.

They include new equipment, a doubling of tasers, and better training.

“These policies are not the end of the challenge. They are the beginning of the solution that Chicago has faced for decades. We can change the culture, piece by piece, policy by policy, to provide the safety that every resident deserves and to rebuild the trust where it has been lost,” he said.

Not only has Chicago been caught up in the national sharper scrutiny of alleged police murders of unarmed African-Americans with incidents of its own, but it has gun crime problems specific to America’s third-largest city.

Despite some of the strictest gun crime laws in the US, shootings are on the rise. It is of such concern that the city’s guns problem is the subject of Spike Lee’s latest movie, “Chi-raq”.

The Chicago police has long struggled with the reputation that it was a law unto itself, and it has tended to close ranks when threatened with criticism in the past. At times it has appeared at odds with the administration and people it is supposed to serve, but now it is under scrutiny as rarely before.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-31
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"In 2002, Emanuel ran for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives vacated by Rod Blagojevich, who had resigned to run for Governor of Illinois. Emanuel won the first of three terms representing Illinois's 5th congressional district, a seat he held from 2003 to 2009. During his tenure in the House, Emanuel held two Democratic leadership positions, serving as the Chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee from 2005 to 2007 and as the Chair of the House Democratic Caucus from 2007 to 2009. After the 2008 presidential election, President Barack Obama appointed Emanuel to serve as White House Chief of Staff." Courtesy Wikipedia. Please read carefully as some of you know nothing. I don't remember saying Obama hired him as Mayor because I didn't.

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Chicago is the poster child for what nearly 100 years of liberal progressive Democrat rule will get you. A dependent, entitled mentality welfare city where the biggest thug rules the roost. It's everyone for himself.

They aren't going to fix their problems because they are too ingrained. It's a culture of its own. I wouldn't go within 50 miles of the place. Make that 100 miles at night.

July 17, 2015
How Democrats Pillaged Chicago Toward Bankruptcy
By Michael Bargo Jr.
Chicago’s financial situation is the worst of any large municipality in the nation. Moody’s recently downgraded the credit rating of the city’s municipal bonds to junk status, a sure sign to investors that the city can’t be relied upon to meet its financial obligations. The city’s response to this downgrade was to pass, just a month later, another $1.1 billion borrowing program. Chicago has the most serious case of financial denial of any large city. Mayor Emanuel fiddles while Chicago burns.
The pension debt is a legacy debt of its gigantic patronage system, a politically based system of hiring workers for city jobs in order that they, and their families, will support the Democrats who hired them. Today there are almost 40 politically based unions. All support Democrats.
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"In 2002, Emanuel ran for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives vacated by Rod Blagojevich, who had resigned to run for Governor of Illinois. Emanuel won the first of three terms representing Illinois's 5th congressional district, a seat he held from 2003 to 2009. During his tenure in the House, Emanuel held two Democratic leadership positions, serving as the Chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee from 2005 to 2007 and as the Chair of the House Democratic Caucus from 2007 to 2009. After the 2008 presidential election, President Barack Obama appointed Emanuel to serve as White House Chief of Staff." Courtesy Wikipedia. Please read carefully as some of you know nothing. I don't remember saying Obama hired him as Mayor because I didn't.

Well bugger me. Considering the article is ABOUT the Mayor.. We have to be fricking mind readers so YOU can get your bite at Obama.. Maybe start writing complete sentences, if you're capable, then others would understand! Edited by casualbiker
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