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Angela Merkel outlines the challenges the migrant crisis will bring in 2016

Jonathan Fairfield

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Angela Merkel outlines the challenges the migrant crisis will bring in 2016


Thousands of migrants and refugees have been streaming into the Presevo reception centre in southern Serbia.

There to greet them activists from the Red Cross and volunteers form humanitarian organisations with New Year’s gift packs for the children.

The human tide of refugees heading for Europe has been a story which has dominated the news agenda in 2015.

Germany has been the destination of choice for many arriving by sea while large numbers have arrived from the Balkans.

In her New Year speech Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed the challenges which 2016 will bring.

“There is no question that the influx of so many people will still demand more from us. It will take time, effort and money. Our values, our traditions, our understanding of the law, our language, our rules and regulations all of these things underpin our society and are fundamental requirements for the positive and mutually respectful coexistence of all the people in our country,” she said.

In Greece three ferries arrived in the port of Piraeus on New Year’s Eve from three islands with 3,600 refugees on board.

Local media sources say most were of Afghan origin with the majority being women and young children some of whom it was reported were unaccompanied.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-01

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"There is no question that the influx of so many people will still demand more from us."--

Yes, especially your money, you foolish woman. About 17 billion euros, it appears, for this year alone.

Germany's federal states are planning to spend around 17 billion euros (12.6 billion pounds) on dealing with the refugee crisis in 2016, the newspaper Die Welt said on Tuesday, citing a survey it conducted among their finance ministries. The sum, bigger than the 15.3 billion euros that the central government planned to allocate to its education and research ministry in 2015, is a measure of the strain that the influx is causing across the country as a whole.


Edited by Usernames
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"There is no question that the influx of so many people will still demand more from us."--

Yes, especially your money, you foolish woman. About 17 billion euros, it appears, for this year alone.

Germany's federal states are planning to spend around 17 billion euros (12.6 billion pounds) on dealing with the refugee crisis in 2016, the newspaper Die Welt said on Tuesday, citing a survey it conducted among their finance ministries. The sum, bigger than the 15.3 billion euros that the central government planned to allocate to its education and research ministry in 2015, is a measure of the strain that the influx is causing across the country as a whole.


That is the lemon next to the pie. Wait until 2030, when all extended family members have arrived to claim their "jizya"(tax infidels must pay to their islamic masters) or welfare as Europeans call it. It is probably illegal to show the estimated cost of this, and after a weeks suspension it's not worth it, the info is out there for anyone interested. Their block votes against the divided caucazoid votes will also yield surprising results for the left, females and homosexuals at the same time.

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"There is no question that the influx of so many people will still demand more from us."--

Yes, especially your money, you foolish woman. About 17 billion euros, it appears, for this year alone.

Germany's federal states are planning to spend around 17 billion euros (12.6 billion pounds) on dealing with the refugee crisis in 2016, the newspaper Die Welt said on Tuesday, citing a survey it conducted among their finance ministries. The sum, bigger than the 15.3 billion euros that the central government planned to allocate to its education and research ministry in 2015, is a measure of the strain that the influx is causing across the country as a whole.


That is the lemon next to the pie. Wait until 2030, when all extended family members have arrived to claim their "jizya"(tax infidels must pay to their islamic masters) or welfare as Europeans call it. It is probably illegal to show the estimated cost of this, and after a weeks suspension it's not worth it, the info is out there for anyone interested. Their block votes against the divided caucazoid votes will also yield surprising results for the left, females and homosexuals at the same time.

There will be no "extended family members", if at all, family means spouse and children, that's it.

Liked the European notion in your post, though.

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"There is no question that the influx of so many people will still demand more from us."--

Yes, especially your money, you foolish woman. About 17 billion euros, it appears, for this year alone.

Germany's federal states are planning to spend around 17 billion euros (12.6 billion pounds) on dealing with the refugee crisis in 2016, the newspaper Die Welt said on Tuesday, citing a survey it conducted among their finance ministries. The sum, bigger than the 15.3 billion euros that the central government planned to allocate to its education and research ministry in 2015, is a measure of the strain that the influx is causing across the country as a whole.


The real numbers are much higher and will become incredible high in 2016. Between 60-80 billion euros.

Only the treatment of 30k TBC immis already in Germany costs 6 billion euros.

Pure Madness!

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What ever German values and language Mrs. Markel will install in those refugees, they will always

remain Arabs and Muslims at heart and their loyal forever be with their brethren of the same

faith and origin, making them in essence a fifth column in any country they will settle in and

will never stop to expend their religion and influence on others....

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Germany will be world champion of exports again.

Only this time she will export educated and/or wealthy Germans who don't want to live in gated communities but freedom of speech and safety from crime instead, mainly to the Anglo-Saxon countries.

It will be a slow process over the next 20 years with parents buying additional courses in English and other languages for their offspring and encouraging them to go for medicine/veterinary/engineering courses facilitating emigration at universities, all the time silent on the subject to friends and neighbours so they don't get branded as Nazis. And people will leave silently as well, no big upheaval. The first to go will be the Jews, like they are leaving France and the UK even now.

And, in due course, what a certain Mr. Sarrazin wrote in that books of his, the one you must not admit to having read in Germany, will be proven right. End of story for Germany as one of the world leaders in technology, will take its time, too much money to turn into a hellhole all at once, but in the end Germany will loose competitiveness with the classic immigration states that are placing their bets on competence, not on North-African illiterates of which a third might find a job in some 5-7 years if they're lucky. Or should that be if we are lucky? They are really trying to tell us those people arriving are mostly academics and will rejuvenate our society. The latter will actually hold true, just not the way we want it.

Immigration has never worked with Muslims, at least not in masses. The US might be an exception here, mainly because they don't take just anyone and have no welfare system encouraging useless procreation.

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"There is no question that the influx of so many people will still demand more from us."--

Yes, especially your money, you foolish woman. About 17 billion euros, it appears, for this year alone.

Germany's federal states are planning to spend around 17 billion euros (12.6 billion pounds) on dealing with the refugee crisis in 2016, the newspaper Die Welt said on Tuesday, citing a survey it conducted among their finance ministries. The sum, bigger than the 15.3 billion euros that the central government planned to allocate to its education and research ministry in 2015, is a measure of the strain that the influx is causing across the country as a whole.


Your money? Our money you will mean, but at least not my money, since I removed every single dime I own out of Europe, before the government start to "borrow" it.

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The fact of Syrian refugees is a good thing, you mustn't compare them with the immigrants we got from Pakistan and Bangladesh who were mostly 'tribals'. The idiots who blew up the underground and a bus in London had the benefit of education but it couldn't improve their genes. I am also against Islam because it is a dictatorship and not suited to our country, also it subjugates women and this is its main selling point for men and the reason that the 'tribals' in England are so intent on imposing it on us. They love and honour women above all things as breeders and servants but not as people. There are some very outspoken Muslim women who don't take Islam seriously who can provide a balance to the ignorant black bags we have on our streets.

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Typical picture from Eurodrivel; cute kids spreading light and joy with their smiles. Nothing at all to do with the story.

Why do the liberal media rarely show the reality? That is, the young aggressive single men throwing rocks at border police, or setting fire to refugee centres because they are not comfortable enough, or attacking lorry drivers at Calais while trying to stow away in their lorries, or thowing back food because it's not hallal, or protesting with a banner reading "Open or Die", as happened recently at a border check in the Balkans.

Answer: because 'wave a baby' works best on the useful idiots that control Europe's destiny and the celebrity hand-wringers who can always get a platform to spout their nonsense..

Edited by DoctorB
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I'd like to see a trend whereby Germans (and others) refuse to file taxes until they have a voice in the ruin of their nation as envisioned by their leadership. Do refugees have to file 90 day reports? Just kidding.

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I'd like to see a trend whereby Germans (and others) refuse to file taxes until they have a voice in the ruin of their nation as envisioned by their leadership. Do refugees have to file 90 day reports? Just kidding.

Actually, the rule should be that they have to shut-up and be good for 90 days or face deportation.

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"There is no question that the influx of so many people will still demand more from us."--

Yes, especially your money, you foolish woman. About 17 billion euros, it appears, for this year alone.

Germany's federal states are planning to spend around 17 billion euros (12.6 billion pounds) on dealing with the refugee crisis in 2016, the newspaper Die Welt said on Tuesday, citing a survey it conducted among their finance ministries. The sum, bigger than the 15.3 billion euros that the central government planned to allocate to its education and research ministry in 2015, is a measure of the strain that the influx is causing across the country as a whole.


That is the lemon next to the pie. Wait until 2030, when all extended family members have arrived to claim their "jizya"(tax infidels must pay to their islamic masters) or welfare as Europeans call it. It is probably illegal to show the estimated cost of this, and after a weeks suspension it's not worth it, the info is out there for anyone interested. Their block votes against the divided caucazoid votes will also yield surprising results for the left, females and homosexuals at the same time.

There will be no "extended family members", if at all, family means spouse and children, that's it.

Liked the European notion in your post, though.

quote from UNHCR "according to the official commentary of the Ad Hoc Committee on Statelessness and Related Problems (E/1618, p. 40) the rights granted to a refugee are extended to members of his family,"

I wish your assertion was true, but sadly it is the case that one single migrant could in theory bring in dozens and dozens of his/her family members with the full entitlement to life on welfare for eternity for all. The 2 million odd economic migrants that arrived in Germany 2015 could swell to be a number around 30 million in just a few years time after family reunification which is an essential part of their "human rights". Nauseating.

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Typical picture from Eurodrivel; cute kids spreading light and joy with their smiles. Nothing at all to do with the story.

Why do the liberal media rarely show the reality? That is, the young aggressive single men throwing rocks at border police, or setting fire to refugee centres because they are not comfortable enough, or attacking lorry drivers at Calais while trying to stow away in their lorries, or thowing back food because it's not hallal, or protesting with a banner reading "Open or Die", as happened recently at a border check in the Balkans.

Answer: because 'wave a baby' works best on the useful idiots that control Europe's destiny and the celebrity hand-wringers who can always get a platform to spout their nonsense..

Yes... 70% of refugees are adult men.

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That is the lemon next to the pie. Wait until 2030, when all extended family members have arrived to claim their "jizya"(tax infidels must pay to their islamic masters) or welfare as Europeans call it. It is probably illegal to show the estimated cost of this, and after a weeks suspension it's not worth it, the info is out there for anyone interested. Their block votes against the divided caucazoid votes will also yield surprising results for the left, females and homosexuals at the same time.

There will be no "extended family members", if at all, family means spouse and children, that's it.

Liked the European notion in your post, though.

quote from UNHCR "according to the official commentary of the Ad Hoc Committee on Statelessness and Related Problems (E/1618, p. 40) the rights granted to a refugee are extended to members of his family,"

I wish your assertion was true, but sadly it is the case that one single migrant could in theory bring in dozens and dozens of his/her family members with the full entitlement to life on welfare for eternity for all. The 2 million odd economic migrants that arrived in Germany 2015 could swell to be a number around 30 million in just a few years time after family reunification which is an essential part of their "human rights". Nauseating.

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In Germany positively vetted refugees are entitled to family reunion with their spouse and unmarried children less than 18 years of age. Family reunion with other family members may be granted, provided that the refugee is able to support him/herself and provide accommodation for the additional family members i.e. no welfare support.

As has been posted a number of times, which you consistently ignore, approx 40% of those entering Germany are identified as economic refugees or originating from 'safe countries'. The Germans have updated their laws to more easily enforce declined applicants removal from their territory.

Don't know where you got your figure of 2 million economic refugees entering Germany in 2015, presumably a figure from your imagination.

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Why would Angie care, she won't be retiring to a no-go Muslim neighbourhood. Silly Euros all agitated about Russia for no reason, their collapse however will come internally, not externally.

Russian supported separatists in the Ukraine caused more than 8,000 deaths in a short period of time and approx one million refugees and your claiming Russia is no threat to European stability? In addition Russian actions in Syria are an impediment to the road map negotiated via the Vienna Process, the consequence will more than likely be yet more refugees from Syria.

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Her actions recently so totally contradict her own position previously that she forfeits any credibility. In fact, she should either be placed in a home or tried with treason. After all, she knew the end product of her 2015 acts would destroy Germany. Merkel noted multiculturalism failed because of integration but instead of addressing integration she moved the middle east to Germany, exacerbating the problem.

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That is the lemon next to the pie. Wait until 2030, when all extended family members have arrived to claim their "jizya"(tax infidels must pay to their islamic masters) or welfare as Europeans call it. It is probably illegal to show the estimated cost of this, and after a weeks suspension it's not worth it, the info is out there for anyone interested. Their block votes against the divided caucazoid votes will also yield surprising results for the left, females and homosexuals at the same time.

There will be no "extended family members", if at all, family means spouse and children, that's it.

Liked the European notion in your post, though.

quote from UNHCR "according to the official commentary of the Ad Hoc Committee on Statelessness and Related Problems (E/1618, p. 40) the rights granted to a refugee are extended to members of his family,"

I wish your assertion was true, but sadly it is the case that one single migrant could in theory bring in dozens and dozens of his/her family members with the full entitlement to life on welfare for eternity for all. The 2 million odd economic migrants that arrived in Germany 2015 could swell to be a number around 30 million in just a few years time after family reunification which is an essential part of their "human rights". Nauseating.

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In Germany positively vetted refugees are entitled to family reunion with their spouse and unmarried children less than 18 years of age. Family reunion with other family members may be granted, provided that the refugee is able to support him/herself and provide accommodation for the additional family members i.e. no welfare support.

As has been posted a number of times, which you consistently ignore, approx 40% of those entering Germany are identified as economic refugees or originating from 'safe countries'. The Germans have updated their laws to more easily enforce declined applicants removal from their territory.

Don't know where you got your figure of 2 million economic refugees entering Germany in 2015, presumably a figure from your imagination.

If a family member has been granted refugee status, on what grounds can the same status be refused to his family? (not talking about special personal cases)

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That is the lemon next to the pie. Wait until 2030, when all extended family members have arrived to claim their "jizya"(tax infidels must pay to their islamic masters) or welfare as Europeans call it. It is probably illegal to show the estimated cost of this, and after a weeks suspension it's not worth it, the info is out there for anyone interested. Their block votes against the divided caucazoid votes will also yield surprising results for the left, females and homosexuals at the same time.

There will be no "extended family members", if at all, family means spouse and children, that's it.

Liked the European notion in your post, though.

quote from UNHCR "according to the official commentary of the Ad Hoc Committee on Statelessness and Related Problems (E/1618, p. 40) the rights granted to a refugee are extended to members of his family,"

I wish your assertion was true, but sadly it is the case that one single migrant could in theory bring in dozens and dozens of his/her family members with the full entitlement to life on welfare for eternity for all. The 2 million odd economic migrants that arrived in Germany 2015 could swell to be a number around 30 million in just a few years time after family reunification which is an essential part of their "human rights". Nauseating.

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In Germany positively vetted refugees are entitled to family reunion with their spouse and unmarried children less than 18 years of age. Family reunion with other family members may be granted, provided that the refugee is able to support him/herself and provide accommodation for the additional family members i.e. no welfare support.

As has been posted a number of times, which you consistently ignore, approx 40% of those entering Germany are identified as economic refugees or originating from 'safe countries'. The Germans have updated their laws to more easily enforce declined applicants removal from their territory.

Don't know where you got your figure of 2 million economic refugees entering Germany in 2015, presumably a figure from your imagination.

If a family member has been granted refugee status, on what grounds can the same status be refused to his family? (not talking about special personal cases)

It cannot and it will not be refused. But the definition of "family" is: spouse and children (under 18).
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"There is no question that the influx of so many people will still demand more from us."--

Yes, especially your money, you foolish woman. About 17 billion euros, it appears, for this year alone.

Germany's federal states are planning to spend around 17 billion euros (12.6 billion pounds) on dealing with the refugee crisis in 2016, the newspaper Die Welt said on Tuesday, citing a survey it conducted among their finance ministries. The sum, bigger than the 15.3 billion euros that the central government planned to allocate to its education and research ministry in 2015, is a measure of the strain that the influx is causing across the country as a whole.


Merkel is not spending her "money"she is spending "the peoples money"which in turn will hasten the demise of the EU !

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Actually, refugee status is usually conferred on everyone in a particular household. Thus, you can have more than just parents and children. It may include grandparents as well as others. The trick is to actually show that they were all apart of the same household. It's not uncommon for people to try to 'sneak' a cousin or two and the occasional aunt.

If you can provide evidence that it was one household, then they are all allowed resettlement.

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Actually, refugee status is usually conferred on everyone in a particular household. Thus, you can have more than just parents and children. It may include grandparents as well as others. The trick is to actually show that they were all apart of the same household. It's not uncommon for people to try to 'sneak' a cousin or two and the occasional aunt.

If you can provide evidence that it was one household, then they are all allowed resettlement.

ka-ching !!

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Actually, refugee status is usually conferred on everyone in a particular household. Thus, you can have more than just parents and children. It may include grandparents as well as others. The trick is to actually show that they were all apart of the same household. It's not uncommon for people to try to 'sneak' a cousin or two and the occasional aunt.

If you can provide evidence that it was one household, then they are all allowed resettlement.

Just about everyone on this forum talks to the economic cost of permitting family reunion as one of their core objection, though the reality is 100% based upon anti-Muslim sentiment (visceral hatred of Muslims in general). As stated above & below is the criteria published by the German government; I understand the same policy also applies to some other countries.

Provided that the refugee is able to support him/herself and provide accommodation for the additional family members i.e. no welfare support.

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The refugee status is conferred on the household. The bringing of other relatives is done as immigrants and there admission to a country is usually done in accordance with the laws and regulations related to immigration in general.

Most countries have quotas and categories. Potential immigrants may have to wait for years to be reunited with other family members. For example, people that arrived as refugees from Vietnam and then sponsored adult siblings, it took between 12 - 15 years for the interview. They arrived as immigrants, not refugees and they were not eligible for gov't services. The family had to show adequate income to support them and was required by law to do so.

Some European countries have similar regulations, although the European countries tend to be a lot more generous with benefits than the US for those who are not refugees.

I don't know how Germany is setting the numbers, but usually when there is an increase in the number of refugees, there is a decrease in a number of immigrants who are allowed entry to the country.

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Actually, refugee status is usually conferred on everyone in a particular household. Thus, you can have more than just parents and children. It may include grandparents as well as others. The trick is to actually show that they were all apart of the same household. It's not uncommon for people to try to 'sneak' a cousin or two and the occasional aunt.

If you can provide evidence that it was one household, then they are all allowed resettlement.

Just about everyone on this forum talks to the economic cost of permitting family reunion as one of their core objection, though the reality is 100% based upon anti-Muslim sentiment (visceral hatred of Muslims in general). As stated above & below is the criteria published by the German government; I understand the same policy also applies to some other countries.

Provided that the refugee is able to support him/herself and provide accommodation for the additional family members i.e. no welfare support.

The Refugees/Economic Migrants in question walked into somebody elses Country and made demands,which were met against the majority of the German peoples wishes,and now you expect them to support themselves, and not claim financial handouts in the first instance,Oh dear Simple one! Mrs Merkel will be proud of you,if no one else will !

But worse than that another Eu disaster in the making ! much worse than the Greece Default,and the other Bankrupts! sucking the Union dry.

Edited by MAJIC
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