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Gonorrhea & Bar Girl : Fact File


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And with your luck, 4 babies would be calling you daddy ........

Nah...cant happen......snip snip 30 years ago......but thats my secret weapon when the "accident" claims are made.

You would be safe then, as far as getting a girl pregnant is concerned. Mind you, a good friend of mine got his wife pregnant soon after he was snipped.

Not good, because on medical advice that the spermicide they administer during the procedure might have adversely affected the sperm, they aborted the baby, which caused a lot of relationship problems afterwards.

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Come on people..., don't be to hard on the OP. Because thanks to the OP we know now what a bargirl is.

When I first came to Thailand, I had never even knew what a bargirl was, I just imagined the saloon girls you see in the cowboy movies was probably

much the same thing, maybe it is, is that where the idea came from?

In the movies, these saloon girls would sit beside the cowboys to encourage them to drink and also to buy them drinks, they must all be steaming at

the end of their shifts, I don't imagine there were non alcoholic lady drinks, or barfines then.

No there was motel like rooms upstairs where you could take any number of ladies.

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Come on people..., don't be to hard on the OP. Because thanks to the OP we know now what a bargirl is.

When I first came to Thailand, I had never even knew what a bargirl was, I just imagined the saloon girls you see in the cowboy movies was probably

much the same thing, maybe it is, is that where the idea came from?

In the movies, these saloon girls would sit beside the cowboys to encourage them to drink and also to buy them drinks, they must all be steaming at

the end of their shifts, I don't imagine there were non alcoholic lady drinks, or barfines then.

No there was motel like rooms upstairs where you could take any number of ladies.

For Free??

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What is the point of this post? Just looks like a Troll to generate traffic.

Don't think that there are too many teenagers on here that need SexEd classes.

I think many of the Posts on this thread demonstrate the opposite. I include myself in those who would like to know more about the risks of sex, trouble is even with the powers of the Internet is so difficult to get to the real truth on this subject.

Personal i think it has been one of the more enlightening threads whatever the original intention of the OP.

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More info on syphilis, from USGov: "How can I reduce my risk of getting syphilis?

The only way to avoid STDs is to not have vaginal, anal, or oral sex.

If you are sexually active, you can do the following things to lower your chances of getting syphilis:

  • Being in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and has negative STD test results;
  • Using latex condoms the right way every time you have sex. Condoms prevent transmission of syphilis by preventing contact with a sore. Sometimes sores occur in areas not covered by a condom. Contact with these sores can still transmit syphilis."

So i suppose one ought to carefully inspect the bar-girl or boy prior to sex activity and scan for sores.

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RAW Score = number of partners you need to 'meet' before you would be likely to catch it.

(Note: not infected partners, just random girls)

So, a 5 minute walk down "walking street" would cover the 180 girls, so probably 99% chance then....biggrin.png

Two visits down that street and you would be doomed!

However I am not sure where they got that figure....in THailand

with bar girls or with village girs.

statistics here show that village girls have greater percentages than bar girls because of the lack of prevention.

AAnyway a moot point...you may or may not be able to completely cure the clap,

HIV will stay with you the rest of your life as will herpes.

If it is not on it is not on

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More info on syphilis, from USGov: "How can I reduce my risk of getting syphilis?

The only way to avoid STDs is to not have vaginal, anal, or oral sex.

If you are sexually active, you can do the following things to lower your chances of getting syphilis:

  • Being in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and has negative STD test results;
  • Using latex condoms the right way every time you have sex. Condoms prevent transmission of syphilis by preventing contact with a sore. Sometimes sores occur in areas not covered by a condom. Contact with these sores can still transmit syphilis."
So i suppose one ought to carefully inspect the bar-girl or boy prior to sex activity and scan for sores.

Clearly the US government don't know much about syphilis,

You catch it by coming into contact with bacteria from the open sores .... which can be anywhere on the body.

So the correct advice, re syphilis, would be not to make physical contact with any other human being.

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It may have to be pointed out that the sexually transmitted diseases are not exclusive to bar girls nor do women contract the sexual infections more so than any man who is very sexually active and does not wear any protection during sex with an infected person while that means , if anything, just as many men transfer the sexual infections as women and as a matter of fact, it is men that transmit sexual diseases more so than women....statiscally.

It also has to be pointed out that women commonly have what is known as a natural yeast infection of the vagina that is technically known as an over growth of the common bacteria found in humans known as Candida Albicans.

This particular bacteria is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease per say but it can be transmitted sexually from the women to a man while women commonly can and will have natural yeast infections throughout their lifetime regardless of sexual activities or not.

In other words a nun or a virgin can have a yeast infection of the vagina rsnging from a mild or common case up to full blown cases the require medical attention.

If a man dips his wick into a virgin having a yeast infection then there is a good chance that man will contract the infection in the form of a UTI ( urinary tract infection ) which, when diagnosed, will be classified as a sexually transmitted infection because it comes from a sexual based source.

If the infection sustains itself and or further grows in strength, then, when the man has unprotected sex with a women then she has a very good chance of contracting the sexual infection.....and around and around it goes and usually classified as a sexual infection amongst the wide range of sexually transmitted diseases when finally diagnosed and treated accordingly.

Any women or man that is poking and stoking with a lot of multiple partners can contract an infection from an infected partner while men are commonly carriers of a number of bacterial urinary tract infections ( UTI ) that they can and will spread around to many women before they realize that they have an infection of their urinary tract and then have it dealt with accordingly.

Until they do realize or recognize they have an infection of some sort they may have passed on the infection to a number of other people who will or may have transferred the infection to all the more people by way of their own sexual activities.

Basically most sexually transmitted diseases are similar to a common cold or flu and can easily be transmitted while many people are infected but they do not know yet they are infected as the various forms of sexually transmitted infections are commonly mild cases and do not result in any noticeable symptoms enough that the infected person would seek medical attention to find out they have a sexual infection....but from who???......especially if you are bonking with a lot of other people....who are bonking with a lot of other people.

Meantime the other sexually active person commonly will not know who infected them if they are also sexually active with multiple partners while they may carry a mild sexual infection for months on end before it finally grows to the level that they would seek medical attention...but how many people did they have sex with and how many of those people went on to develop a higher degree of infection before they also realized something is wrong...or.... it could have been the last partner that had a strong infection and then you can develop an infection must faster.. in 24 hours or so....while some people do not develop an infection after having sexual intercourse with that same known source.

It was only up to a short 100 to 150 years ago that millions of people throughout history died from sexually transmitted diseases while the overwhelming majority of them where not prostitutes or bat girls or anything of the sort....rather just victims of sexual activity and the associated bacterial infections that have been around for about 10,000 years or more.

Animals also get sexual infections while it is common amongst street dogs that are humping one another all the time and transfer the infections around ......and around and around it goes.


Edited by gemguy
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Many bargirls here in CM must have been in the profession 25 years or more, still looking good. Why aren't they dead ?

Because they have medicines that can address the problems associated with the sexually transmitted diseases

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What is the point of this post? Just looks like a Troll to generate traffic.

Don't think that there are too many teenagers on here that need SexEd classes.

I think many of the Posts on this thread demonstrate the opposite. I include myself in those who would like to know more about the risks of sex, trouble is even with the powers of the Internet is so difficult to get to the real truth on this subject.

Personal i think it has been one of the more enlightening threads whatever the original intention of the OP.

Agreed. And hopefully it will poke a few holes in whatever myths johns tell themselves about STD risk when they choose to sleep with a hooker. Definitely got me thinking twice aboutever doing it. STDs can be one of those things you grow to think only happen to other people. Until you get one, and then you tell yourself how normal it is.

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To the OP wake up and smell the roses if you shag hookers you get VD , eventually

And in most cases it was a gift for them from some tourist. What goes around literally comes around.

Couldn't have come from the Thai bf though. Bc "Thai people would never do this".

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It may have to be pointed out that the sexually transmitted diseases are not exclusive to bar girls nor do women contract the sexual infections more so than any man who is very sexually active and does not wear any protection during sex with an infected person while that means , if anything, just as many men transfer the sexual infections as women and as a matter of fact, it is men that transmit sexual diseases more so than women....statiscally.

It also has to be pointed out that women commonly have what is known as a natural yeast infection of the vagina that is technically known as an over growth of the common bacteria found in humans known as Candida Albicans.

This particular bacteria is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease per say but it can be transmitted sexually from the women to a man while women commonly can and will have natural yeast infections throughout their lifetime regardless of sexual activities or not.

In other words a nun or a virgin can have a yeast infection of the vagina rsnging from a mild or common case up to full blown cases the require medical attention.

If a man dips his wick into a virgin having a yeast infection then there is a good chance that man will contract the infection in the form of a UTI ( urinary tract infection ) which, when diagnosed, will be classified as a sexually transmitted infection because it comes from a sexual based source.

If the infection sustains itself and or further grows in strength, then, when the man has unprotected sex with a women then she has a very good chance of contracting the sexual infection.....and around and around it goes and usually classified as a sexual infection amongst the wide range of sexually transmitted diseases when finally diagnosed and treated accordingly.

Any women or man that is poking and stoking with a lot of multiple partners can contract an infection from an infected partner while men are commonly carriers of a number of bacterial urinary tract infections ( UTI ) that they can and will spread around to many women before they realize that they have an infection of their urinary tract and then have it dealt with accordingly.

Until they do realize or recognize they have an infection of some sort they may have passed on the infection to a number of other people who will or may have transferred the infection to all the more people by way of their own sexual activities.

Basically most sexually transmitted diseases are similar to a common cold or flu and can easily be transmitted while many people are infected but they do not know yet they are infected as the various forms of sexually transmitted infections are commonly mild cases and do not result in any noticeable symptoms enough that the infected person would seek medical attention to find out they have a sexual infection....but from who???......especially if you are bonking with a lot of other people....who are bonking with a lot of other people.

Meantime the other sexually active person commonly will not know who infected them if they are also sexually active with multiple partners while they may carry a mild sexual infection for months on end before it finally grows to the level that they would seek medical attention...but how many people did they have sex with and how many of those people went on to develop a higher degree of infection before they also realized something is wrong...or.... it could have been the last partner that had a strong infection and then you can develop an infection must faster.. in 24 hours or so....while some people do not develop an infection after having sexual intercourse with that same known source.

It was only up to a short 100 to 150 years ago that millions of people throughout history died from sexually transmitted diseases while the overwhelming majority of them where not prostitutes or bat girls or anything of the sort....rather just victims of sexual activity and the associated bacterial infections that have been around for about 10,000 years or more.

Animals also get sexual infections while it is common amongst street dogs that are humping one another all the time and transfer the infections around ......and around and around it goes.


Gotten the vague UTI thing from a couple girls that thought they were clean. Do they sometimes go away on their own? Can a man's body fight em off eventually? The symptoms are always similar, but slightly different. There's been times I was sure I had one, but the docs said they couldn't really tell for sure. Gave me a z-pack bc the white blood cells appeared high.

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The female vagina is, by nature, a breeding ground for yeast infections and bacterial growth. Anatomy has dealt the cards. The proximity to the anus sometimes (and improper hygiene when wiping), can bring on all sorts of problems. It is much easier for a man (especially a circumcised man) to soap up and rinse off, whereas the moist, internal tissue of the female can not immediately be cleaned. Warts, califlowers, etc...can grow, unseen.

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My personal fact file for the encounters without protection (which I normally care about).

Unprotected Sex with 2 German girls and 1 American girl. Result: STD confirmed. Doctor's examination obligatory, telling the story standing naked in front of him.

Unprotected Sex with 4 Thai girls (Facebook "dates"). Result: STD confirmed. Treated it self with antibiotics.

In the end, I think protected Sex is something for us between 40-65 age. Before that you are healthy enough and after that you don't care anymore.

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ALL you have to do is take a look around at the men those girls are buckbangin' & you know you don't want to be next in line.....

No matter how cute/smokin' hot she is she's probably openned everything she has for business to men from 100+ different countries and their particular/peculiar tastes/desires/dissorders......From the sheeper's/goater's and more....

You want to eat off that menu?

A little alcohol & few baht and any thoughts of safety go out the window.....

Actually it was her smile.

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What is the point of this post? Just looks like a Troll to generate traffic.

Don't think that there are too many teenagers on here that need SexEd classes.

I think many of the Posts on this thread demonstrate the opposite. I include myself in those who would like to know more about the risks of sex, trouble is even with the powers of the Internet is so difficult to get to the real truth on this subject.

Personal i think it has been one of the more enlightening threads whatever the original intention of the OP.

The original intention of the OP, was a cautionary tale. A little fact file, which believe it or not (who cares really) is 100% truth.

Why would I want to generate traffic ? This is a strange one, its not like I am getting paid, just contributing.

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What is the point of this post? Just looks like a Troll to generate traffic.

Don't think that there are too many teenagers on here that need SexEd classes.

I think many of the Posts on this thread demonstrate the opposite. I include myself in those who would like to know more about the risks of sex, trouble is even with the powers of the Internet is so difficult to get to the real truth on this subject.

Personal i think it has been one of the more enlightening threads whatever the original intention of the OP.

The original intention of the OP, was a cautionary tale. A little fact file, which believe it or not (who cares really) is 100% truth.

Why would I want to generate traffic ? This is a strange one, its not like I am getting paid, just contributing.

And what a contribution you have made, thank you for your words of wisdom.

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