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Sweden - Denmark: Passport free travel is over


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Whatever happened to that Swedish humanitarian spirit of taking half the Middle East into their country and giving everyone a home and a government check, and allowing Sharia law to supersede Swedish law?

Hey, I want to migrate to Sweden too!!!

"Sorry, you're a male with European ancestry and were raised Catholic. You need not apply."

But, but, but, I have skills. I'm a professional ski instructor.

"Sorry, only non-skiers can apply."


Edited by connda
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Starting to come to their senses...Oslo is not Mecca. Unfortunately, so much damage hs been done to these societies by foolish immigration policies that it's probably too little too late.

Goes to show the effect of liberal socialism. They have no one to blame but themselves. The Swedes have the progressive liberal society that they strived for. They made their bed, now they can sleep in it, blood-sucking bedbugs and all. No sympathy here. Interesting social experiment. Let's see how that works out over the next decade or so.

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OK, I'll be the first to say it..if Sweden & Denmark suspend passport-free travel then the terrorists have already won!

You are the first and only person, who would say it. Showing photo id, is common sense. It does not mean they have to show their passport.

They can show a drivers lic. or any other photo id ! Their borders were soft, to drug dealers, slave labor, and terrorists.

There is an object lesson from Sweden and the EU to the rest of the world. Now, for Pete sake, somebody tell that to Obama before it's too late! The southern border is as porous as a sieve.

Edited by connda
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This is just confirming what most people already knew that their previous policy was lunacy. Didn't take much brainpower to forecast the result, streets paved with gold and free housing to boot.

So giving 160.000 Syrian refugees the opportunity to start a new life, is by you considered lunacy??

My son lives in a small Swedish town, (6000 people), that town alone has taken 1800 refugees and most people think it is a good thing. Suddenly there are people in the shops, all the previous empty houses are now occupied and new restaurants are opening. And the average age has gone below 65....................coffee1.gif

A little factual information: The passport free travel for Nordic citizens dates way before the EU, all the way back to 1952, where the Nordic countries agreed on it.

Sad to see it go !!

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This is just confirming what most people already knew that their previous policy was lunacy. Didn't take much brainpower to forecast the result, streets paved with gold and free housing to boot.

So giving 160.000 Syrian refugees the opportunity to start a new life, is by you considered lunacy??

My son lives in a small Swedish town, (6000 people), that town alone has taken 1800 refugees and most people think it is a good thing. Suddenly there are people in the shops, all the previous empty houses are now occupied and new restaurants are opening. And the average age has gone below 65....................coffee1.gif

A little factual information: The passport free travel for Nordic citizens dates way before the EU, all the way back to 1952, where the Nordic countries agreed on it.

Sad to see it go !!

Yes, they are Syrian, not Caucasian. Their culture is entirely alien to Sweden and they will not assimilate.

Wait till they call the faithful to dawn prayer on loudspeakers, the women wear burqas in town, there are no go areas for infidels, they want to live by sharia and they start murdering their daughters for having an infidel boyfriend, THEN tell me it was a "good idea".

The problem is that none of the people that think it is a "good idea" have ever lived in an Islamic country and don't have a clue what is in store.

If Sweden really wants more people to go shopping there are millions of culturally similar people in the world that would go live there, and there's always the Phillipinos- millions of them want to go live in the west, and none of them want to change your society.

BTW where are they getting the money to go shopping, they can't possibly have jobs yet?

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This is just confirming what most people already knew that their previous policy was lunacy. Didn't take much brainpower to forecast the result, streets paved with gold and free housing to boot.

So giving 160.000 Syrian refugees the opportunity to start a new life, is by you considered lunacy??

My son lives in a small Swedish town, (6000 people), that town alone has taken 1800 refugees and most people think it is a good thing. Suddenly there are people in the shops, all the previous empty houses are now occupied and new restaurants are opening. And the average age has gone below 65....................coffee1.gif

A little factual information: The passport free travel for Nordic citizens dates way before the EU, all the way back to 1952, where the Nordic countries agreed on it.

Sad to see it go !!

Yes, they are Syrian, not Caucasian. Their culture is entirely alien to Sweden and they will not assimilate.

Wait till they call the faithful to dawn prayer on loudspeakers, the women wear burqas in town, there are no go areas for infidels, they want to live by sharia and they start murdering their daughters for having an infidel boyfriend, THEN tell me it was a "good idea".

The problem is that none of the people that think it is a "good idea" have ever lived in an Islamic country and don't have a clue what is in store.

If Sweden really wants more people to go shopping there are millions of culturally similar people in the world that would go live there, and there's always the Phillipinos- millions of them want to go live in the west, and none of them want to change your society.

BTW where are they getting the money to go shopping, they can't possibly have jobs yet?

>.Yes, they are Syrian, not Caucasian. Their culture is entirely alien to Sweden and they will not assimilate.<, Quote

You are not Asian and still you live in Thailand, and are probably not very assimilated ?

If you have cared to look at the pics from the refugee streams into Europe, you would have noticed, that most of the women are not wearing hijab. Many of the are well educated middle class and and not religious fanatics. To move such a large number of people anywhere, will always create problems (now and in the future), but the problems doesn't become bigger because they are not Caucasians. They will hopefully contribute with their culture and knowledge to their new home country.

To compare the situation in the Philippines with todays Syria is just plain stupidity !!

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This is just confirming what most people already knew that their previous policy was lunacy. Didn't take much brainpower to forecast the result, streets paved with gold and free housing to boot.

So giving 160.000 Syrian refugees the opportunity to start a new life, is by you considered lunacy??

My son lives in a small Swedish town, (6000 people), that town alone has taken 1800 refugees and most people think it is a good thing. Suddenly there are people in the shops, all the previous empty houses are now occupied and new restaurants are opening. And the average age has gone below 65....................coffee1.gif

A little factual information: The passport free travel for Nordic citizens dates way before the EU, all the way back to 1952, where the Nordic countries agreed on it.

Sad to see it go !!

Yes, they are Syrian, not Caucasian. Their culture is entirely alien to Sweden and they will not assimilate.

Wait till they call the faithful to dawn prayer on loudspeakers, the women wear burqas in town, there are no go areas for infidels, they want to live by sharia and they start murdering their daughters for having an infidel boyfriend, THEN tell me it was a "good idea".

The problem is that none of the people that think it is a "good idea" have ever lived in an Islamic country and don't have a clue what is in store.

If Sweden really wants more people to go shopping there are millions of culturally similar people in the world that would go live there, and there's always the Phillipinos- millions of them want to go live in the west, and none of them want to change your society.

BTW where are they getting the money to go shopping, they can't possibly have jobs yet?

>.Yes, they are Syrian, not Caucasian. Their culture is entirely alien to Sweden and they will not assimilate.<, Quote

You are not Asian and still you live in Thailand, and are probably not very assimilated ?

If you have cared to look at the pics from the refugee streams into Europe, you would have noticed, that most of the women are not wearing hijab. Many of the are well educated middle class and and not religious fanatics. To move such a large number of people anywhere, will always create problems (now and in the future), but the problems doesn't become bigger because they are not Caucasians. They will hopefully contribute with their culture and knowledge to their new home country.

To compare the situation in the Philippines with todays Syria is just plain stupidity !!

Syrians mostly are Caucasian. he just did not want to write what he really meant 'muslims'.

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This is just confirming what most people already knew that their previous policy was lunacy. Didn't take much brainpower to forecast the result, streets paved with gold and free housing to boot.

So giving 160.000 Syrian refugees the opportunity to start a new life, is by you considered lunacy??

My son lives in a small Swedish town, (6000 people), that town alone has taken 1800 refugees and most people think it is a good thing. Suddenly there are people in the shops, all the previous empty houses are now occupied and new restaurants are opening. And the average age has gone below 65....................coffee1.gif

A little factual information: The passport free travel for Nordic citizens dates way before the EU, all the way back to 1952, where the Nordic countries agreed on it.

Sad to see it go !!

Yes, they are Syrian, not Caucasian. Their culture is entirely alien to Sweden and they will not assimilate.

Wait till they call the faithful to dawn prayer on loudspeakers, the women wear burqas in town, there are no go areas for infidels, they want to live by sharia and they start murdering their daughters for having an infidel boyfriend, THEN tell me it was a "good idea".

The problem is that none of the people that think it is a "good idea" have ever lived in an Islamic country and don't have a clue what is in store.

If Sweden really wants more people to go shopping there are millions of culturally similar people in the world that would go live there, and there's always the Phillipinos- millions of them want to go live in the west, and none of them want to change your society.

BTW where are they getting the money to go shopping, they can't possibly have jobs yet?

>.Yes, they are Syrian, not Caucasian. Their culture is entirely alien to Sweden and they will not assimilate.<, Quote

You are not Asian and still you live in Thailand, and are probably not very assimilated ?

If you have cared to look at the pics from the refugee streams into Europe, you would have noticed, that most of the women are not wearing hijab. Many of the are well educated middle class and and not religious fanatics. To move such a large number of people anywhere, will always create problems (now and in the future), but the problems doesn't become bigger because they are not Caucasians. They will hopefully contribute with their culture and knowledge to their new home country.

To compare the situation in the Philippines with todays Syria is just plain stupidity !!

No, I'm not Asian and I like living in Thailand, but I don't want to change it to my culture, like the Islamists want to change other cultures to theirs.

From what you say you have not lived in an Islamic country, so you have no idea of what is coming. I have and I do- you won't like it when it does.

You were the one saying you want more young people to buy stuff in your shops, and I'm telling you that you can bring Phillipinos in to do that without bringing an alien culture that regards you as an infidel.

They will hopefully contribute with their culture and knowledge to their new home country.

and what would that be- that if a Muslim converts to Christianity he should be killed, that it is right to stone to death adulterers, and that daughters should be killed if they have an infidel boyfriend?

I really pity Sweden, taken the viper to it's breast thinking it's harmless.

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Can a Thai national with a Schengen visa for Denmark still travel to Sweden?

A random passport check was always possible before; it's just that now the probability has gone up to 100%. Nobody has said anything to imply that Schengen visas will not be valid as before.

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This is just confirming what most people already knew that their previous policy was lunacy. Didn't take much brainpower to forecast the result, streets paved with gold and free housing to boot.

So giving 160.000 Syrian refugees the opportunity to start a new life, is by you considered lunacy??

My son lives in a small Swedish town, (6000 people), that town alone has taken 1800 refugees and most people think it is a good thing. Suddenly there are people in the shops, all the previous empty houses are now occupied and new restaurants are opening. And the average age has gone below 65....................coffee1.gif

A little factual information: The passport free travel for Nordic citizens dates way before the EU, all the way back to 1952, where the Nordic countries agreed on it.

Sad to see it go !!

Yes, they are Syrian, not Caucasian. Their culture is entirely alien to Sweden and they will not assimilate.

Wait till they call the faithful to dawn prayer on loudspeakers, the women wear burqas in town, there are no go areas for infidels, they want to live by sharia and they start murdering their daughters for having an infidel boyfriend, THEN tell me it was a "good idea".

The problem is that none of the people that think it is a "good idea" have ever lived in an Islamic country and don't have a clue what is in store.

If Sweden really wants more people to go shopping there are millions of culturally similar people in the world that would go live there, and there's always the Phillipinos- millions of them want to go live in the west, and none of them want to change your society.

BTW where are they getting the money to go shopping, they can't possibly have jobs yet?

>.Yes, they are Syrian, not Caucasian. Their culture is entirely alien to Sweden and they will not assimilate.<, Quote

You are not Asian and still you live in Thailand, and are probably not very assimilated ?

If you have cared to look at the pics from the refugee streams into Europe, you would have noticed, that most of the women are not wearing hijab. Many of the are well educated middle class and and not religious fanatics. To move such a large number of people anywhere, will always create problems (now and in the future), but the problems doesn't become bigger because they are not Caucasians. They will hopefully contribute with their culture and knowledge to their new home country.

To compare the situation in the Philippines with todays Syria is just plain stupidity !!

these well educated refugees went ape on NYE in every major German city. Fingers in all holes was how one young lady described her terrifying exit from a train station. Slam those borders shut, for poor Denmarks sake. Stuck in the middle of extreme leftist whacko countries.
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This is just confirming what most people already knew that their previous policy was lunacy. Didn't take much brainpower to forecast the result, streets paved with gold and free housing to boot.

So giving 160.000 Syrian refugees the opportunity to start a new life, is by you considered lunacy??

My son lives in a small Swedish town, (6000 people), that town alone has taken 1800 refugees and most people think it is a good thing. Suddenly there are people in the shops, all the previous empty houses are now occupied and new restaurants are opening. And the average age has gone below 65....................coffee1.gif

A little factual information: The passport free travel for Nordic citizens dates way before the EU, all the way back to 1952, where the Nordic countries agreed on it.

Sad to see it go !!

Yes, they are Syrian, not Caucasian. Their culture is entirely alien to Sweden and they will not assimilate.

Wait till they call the faithful to dawn prayer on loudspeakers, the women wear burqas in town, there are no go areas for infidels, they want to live by sharia and they start murdering their daughters for having an infidel boyfriend, THEN tell me it was a "good idea".

The problem is that none of the people that think it is a "good idea" have ever lived in an Islamic country and don't have a clue what is in store.

If Sweden really wants more people to go shopping there are millions of culturally similar people in the world that would go live there, and there's always the Phillipinos- millions of them want to go live in the west, and none of them want to change your society.

BTW where are they getting the money to go shopping, they can't possibly have jobs yet?

>.Yes, they are Syrian, not Caucasian. Their culture is entirely alien to Sweden and they will not assimilate.<, Quote

You are not Asian and still you live in Thailand, and are probably not very assimilated ?

If you have cared to look at the pics from the refugee streams into Europe, you would have noticed, that most of the women are not wearing hijab. Many of the are well educated middle class and and not religious fanatics. To move such a large number of people anywhere, will always create problems (now and in the future), but the problems doesn't become bigger because they are not Caucasians. They will hopefully contribute with their culture and knowledge to their new home country.

To compare the situation in the Philippines with todays Syria is just plain stupidity !!

Unfortunately the earlier statements that syrian migrants and refugees are well educated is wishfull thinking.OECD has han raport saying that 65% of students on secondary education lacks basic skills in math and science mathers.


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This is just confirming what most people already knew that their previous policy was lunacy. Didn't take much brainpower to forecast the result, streets paved with gold and free housing to boot.

So giving 160.000 Syrian refugees the opportunity to start a new life, is by you considered lunacy??

My son lives in a small Swedish town, (6000 people), that town alone has taken 1800 refugees and most people think it is a good thing. Suddenly there are people in the shops, all the previous empty houses are now occupied and new restaurants are opening. And the average age has gone below 65....................coffee1.gif

A little factual information: The passport free travel for Nordic citizens dates way before the EU, all the way back to 1952, where the Nordic countries agreed on it.

Sad to see it go !!

Me too,but in these days it is abandoned for obvious reasons and I hope it will stay that way for years to come.

Edited by Yahooka
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