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Trump: Clinton, Obama 'created ISIS'


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You go Trump, drive that clown bus straight over the cliff full speed ahead and take as many wacko, crackpot, right wingnut, homophobic, misogynist, racist, xenophobic, neofascist Republicans with you as possible. Let's see, I think that about covers the entire Republican Party. Dwight Eisenhower is rolling over in his grave at what the Republicans have become.

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To be fair, I don't think Trump is, in effect, saying the Obama and Clinton set about creating ISIS and funding ISIS. My inference is that he is saying that the policies of these two allowed ISIS to expand and spread its influence. Sorry but it is difficult to blame Bush for this one. Sure there are connections between all these radical groups but let's face the fact that for the last 7 years the Obama policies regarding Assad in Syria and the fighting taking place there have been almost nonexistent allowing radical groups to grow and spread throughout the area. I don't even think Obama wants to deal with the problems there and hopes just to ride out his Presidency and leave it to the next President. Obama has been mostly wishy washy on foreign policy his entire time as President.

Please don't let facts stand in the way of pushing some story to fit your ideology. I believe you can be challenged on both of your key points.

"The group that calls itself the Islamic State can trace its lineage to the aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003". http://www.cfr.org/iraq/islamic-state/p14811 This is from the Council on Foreign Relations. Hardly an ideological ally of the Left. We do remember who pushed for, directed and essentially stuffed up the invasion of Iraq in 2003 don't we?

Obama being wishy washy? Why? Because he doesn't advocate invading every country in the world? Who avoids armed conflict. Who has withdrawn troops from existing conflicts. This is not wishy washy. It is policy. Policy that he announced and implemented. This is called Leadership. A summary of his policies on these matters can be seen here. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/obama-foreign-policy-broken-promises_5633e41fe4b0c66bae5c8d22

The Right tries to push a narrative that Obama is a lack lustre President. He kept America from a potential quagmire in Libya. He kept American from an actual quagmire in Syria. He has not launched any attack on Iran. He is consistent with his policies as he is consistent with his Leadership. GW broke the World. His legacy of death, destruction and terror will be with us for generations. Obama's foreign policies have kept the world from disintegrating further. History will be kind to Obama and will continue to vilify GW.

Please don't let facts stand in the way of pushing some story to fit your ideology.

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To be fair, I don't think Trump is, in effect, saying the Obama and Clinton set about creating ISIS and funding ISIS. My inference is that he is saying that the policies of these two allowed ISIS to expand and spread its influence. Sorry but it is difficult to blame Bush for this one. Sure there are connections between all these radical groups but let's face the fact that for the last 7 years the Obama policies regarding Assad in Syria and the fighting taking place there have been almost nonexistent allowing radical groups to grow and spread throughout the area. I don't even think Obama wants to deal with the problems there and hopes just to ride out his Presidency and leave it to the next President. Obama has been mostly wishy washy on foreign policy his entire time as President.

Please don't let facts stand in the way of pushing some story to fit your ideology. I believe you can be challenged on both of your key points.

"The group that calls itself the Islamic State can trace its lineage to the aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003". http://www.cfr.org/iraq/islamic-state/p14811 This is from the Council on Foreign Relations. Hardly an ideological ally of the Left. We do remember who pushed for, directed and essentially stuffed up the invasion of Iraq in 2003 don't we?

Obama being wishy washy? Why? Because he doesn't advocate invading every country in the world? Who avoids armed conflict. Who has withdrawn troops from existing conflicts. This is not wishy washy. It is policy. Policy that he announced and implemented. This is called Leadership. A summary of his policies on these matters can be seen here. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/obama-foreign-policy-broken-promises_5633e41fe4b0c66bae5c8d22

The Right tries to push a narrative that Obama is a lack lustre President. He kept America from a potential quagmire in Libya. He kept American from an actual quagmire in Syria. He has not launched any attack on Iran. He is consistent with his policies as he is consistent with his Leadership. GW broke the World. His legacy of death, destruction and terror will be with us for generations. Obama's foreign policies have kept the world from disintegrating further. History will be kind to Obama and will continue to vilify GW.

Please don't let facts stand in the way of pushing some story to fit your ideology.

If you don't provide anything in rebuttal or to support your observation, then you are merely a smart mouth. Everyone knows smart mouths. Nobody really likes them. They might be mildly amusing for a moment but ultimately make themselves irrelevant and a waste of space. A Trump fanboy? A definite waste of space. But keep on amusing us during this election cycle.

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To be fair, I don't think Trump is, in effect, saying the Obama and Clinton set about creating ISIS and funding ISIS. My inference is that he is saying that the policies of these two allowed ISIS to expand and spread its influence. Sorry but it is difficult to blame Bush for this one. Sure there are connections between all these radical groups but let's face the fact that for the last 7 years the Obama policies regarding Assad in Syria and the fighting taking place there have been almost nonexistent allowing radical groups to grow and spread throughout the area. I don't even think Obama wants to deal with the problems there and hopes just to ride out his Presidency and leave it to the next President. Obama has been mostly wishy washy on foreign policy his entire time as President.

Please don't let facts stand in the way of pushing some story to fit your ideology. I believe you can be challenged on both of your key points.

"The group that calls itself the Islamic State can trace its lineage to the aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003". http://www.cfr.org/iraq/islamic-state/p14811 This is from the Council on Foreign Relations. Hardly an ideological ally of the Left. We do remember who pushed for, directed and essentially stuffed up the invasion of Iraq in 2003 don't we?

Obama being wishy washy? Why? Because he doesn't advocate invading every country in the world? Who avoids armed conflict. Who has withdrawn troops from existing conflicts. This is not wishy washy. It is policy. Policy that he announced and implemented. This is called Leadership. A summary of his policies on these matters can be seen here. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/obama-foreign-policy-broken-promises_5633e41fe4b0c66bae5c8d22

The Right tries to push a narrative that Obama is a lack lustre President. He kept America from a potential quagmire in Libya. He kept American from an actual quagmire in Syria. He has not launched any attack on Iran. He is consistent with his policies as he is consistent with his Leadership. GW broke the World. His legacy of death, destruction and terror will be with us for generations. Obama's foreign policies have kept the world from disintegrating further. History will be kind to Obama and will continue to vilify GW.

Please don't let facts stand in the way of pushing some story to fit your ideology.

If you don't provide anything in rebuttal or to support your observation, then you are merely a smart mouth. Everyone knows smart mouths. Nobody really likes them. They might be mildly amusing for a moment but ultimately make themselves irrelevant and a waste of space. A Trump fanboy? A definite waste of space. But keep on amusing us during this election cycle.

No, not a Trump "fanboy" like you are an obvious Obama "fanboy" if you think he has a successful foreign policy. There is no need to provide any rebuttal to nonsense such as that.

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in the Netherlands there is a law that says if you form an immediate danger to yourself or others, you are forced to be recorded. Mr. Trump is already a threat to the long term, but do Contiue Mr. Trump and you are a direct danger to others. I also incite you to come to the Netherlands where you will be locked up in a psychiatric hospital.

Huh? Recorded?
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George W Bush and his merry band of mischief makers created ISIS

Gee Chilli, how on earth did George W. Bush create ISIS? Lets give this a little thought. ISIS didn't exist until 2012, so this would make ISIS being formed under Obama's watch. Hey, it looks like Trump was right.

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George W Bush and his merry band of mischief makers created ISIS

Gee Chilli, how on earth did George W. Bush create ISIS? Lets give this a little thought. ISIS didn't exist until 2012, so this would make ISIS being formed under Obama's watch. Hey, it looks like Trump was right.

He whoest take out Saddam Insane createth the islamic state.
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George W Bush and his merry band of mischief makers created ISIS

Gee Chilli, how on earth did George W. Bush create ISIS? Lets give this a little thought. ISIS didn't exist until 2012, so this would make ISIS being formed under Obama's watch. Hey, it looks like Trump was right.

Yeah, "let's give this a little thought".


By the way, you should think (at least) twice before using the phrase "Trump was right" when the topic is in anyway related to foreign policy.

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George W Bush and his merry band of mischief makers created ISIS

Gee Chilli, how on earth did George W. Bush create ISIS? Lets give this a little thought. ISIS didn't exist until 2012, so this would make ISIS being formed under Obama's watch. Hey, it looks like Trump was right.

Wrong! ISIS was formed on Bush's watch. Check your facts.
"The group originated as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in 1999, which pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda and participated in the Iraqi insurgency following the March 2003 invasion of Iraq by Western forces. Joining other Sunni insurgent groups to form the Mujahideen Shura Council, it proclaimed the formation of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in October 2006."
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If you only knew the truth...But I will say this; Reagan, Daddy & Baby Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld...and add UK and Israel to the list.....who all had something to do with ISIS & Taliban...And if you think Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein had anything to do with 9/11, think again!

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George W Bush and his merry band of mischief makers created ISIS

Gee Chilli, how on earth did George W. Bush create ISIS? Lets give this a little thought. ISIS didn't exist until 2012, so this would make ISIS being formed under Obama's watch. Hey, it looks like Trump was right.

Wrong! ISIS was formed on Bush's watch. Check your facts.
"The group originated as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in 1999, which pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda and participated in the Iraqi insurgency following the March 2003 invasion of Iraq by Western forces. Joining other Sunni insurgent groups to form the Mujahideen Shura Council, it proclaimed the formation of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in October 2006."

1999 was under Bill Clinton's watch. He was too busy not authorizing strikes against that bin Laden guy who had publicly declared war on the USA..

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George W Bush and his merry band of mischief makers created ISIS

Gee Chilli, how on earth did George W. Bush create ISIS? Lets give this a little thought. ISIS didn't exist until 2012, so this would make ISIS being formed under Obama's watch. Hey, it looks like Trump was right.

Wrong! ISIS was formed on Bush's watch. Check your facts.
"The group originated as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in 1999, which pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda and participated in the Iraqi insurgency following the March 2003 invasion of Iraq by Western forces. Joining other Sunni insurgent groups to form the Mujahideen Shura Council, it proclaimed the formation of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in October 2006."

Apparently, you have a reading comprehension problem. The Obama administration paved the way for the emergence of ISIS by completely withdrawing American troops in 2011. ISIS formed in 2012.

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From a Newsweek article someone posted earlier:


"While some analysts are skeptical of Obama’s ability to stop ISIS in Iraq, they do believe he could have done more to stop the jihadi group in Syria. With the exception of Rand Paul, virtually all of the Republican presidential candidates have torn into Obama for “dithering” about Syrian President Bashar Assad. And several former Obama administration officials agree; they say the U.S. should have backed moderate Syrian rebels at the beginning of the war, when ISIS and other Islamist groups were weak. “The ISIS that we know today is a product of Syria,” says Jeffrey. “And that’s Obama’s fault.”


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George W Bush and his merry band of mischief makers created ISIS

Gee Chilli, how on earth did George W. Bush create ISIS? Lets give this a little thought. ISIS didn't exist until 2012, so this would make ISIS being formed under Obama's watch. Hey, it looks like Trump was right.

Wrong! ISIS was formed on Bush's watch. Check your facts.
"The group originated as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in 1999, which pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda and participated in the Iraqi insurgency following the March 2003 invasion of Iraq by Western forces. Joining other Sunni insurgent groups to form the Mujahideen Shura Council, it proclaimed the formation of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in October 2006."

Apparently, you have a reading comprehension problem. The Obama administration paved the way for the emergence of ISIS by completely withdrawing American troops in 2011. ISIS formed in 2012.

I provided a verifiable source for my facts...and the source of your fabrication is??

Looks like you are as economical with the truth as Trump is.

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George W Bush and his merry band of mischief makers created ISIS

Gee Chilli, how on earth did George W. Bush create ISIS? Lets give this a little thought. ISIS didn't exist until 2012, so this would make ISIS being formed under Obama's watch. Hey, it looks like Trump was right.

Wrong! ISIS was formed on Bush's watch. Check your facts.
"The group originated as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in 1999, which pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda and participated in the Iraqi insurgency following the March 2003 invasion of Iraq by Western forces. Joining other Sunni insurgent groups to form the Mujahideen Shura Council, it proclaimed the formation of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in October 2006."

Apparently, you have a reading comprehension problem. The Obama administration paved the way for the emergence of ISIS by completely withdrawing American troops in 2011. ISIS formed in 2012.

Making up facts does not make them more real.

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I do agree completely. the USA has tryed to rule the world since 1990 and the world becames much worse than earlier. Muslim's terror is the biggest problem now thanks to the USA.

Edited by StasD
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I do agree completely. the USA has tryed to rule the world since 1990 and the world becames much worse than earlier. Muslim's terror is the biggest problem now thanks to the USA.

What about the period before 1990?

It's interesting to note you have just absolved Islamic radicals of guilt for their part in all the terror attacks over the last 25 years.

Edited by chuckd
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I do agree completely. the USA has tryed to rule the world since 1990 and the world becames much worse than earlier. Muslim's terror is the biggest problem now thanks to the USA.

What about the period before 1990?

It's interesting to note you have just absolved Islamic radicals of guilt for their part in all the terror attacks over the last 25 years.

No he didn't

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