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A National Anthem for England at last?

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It would not be a national anthem then only a substitute England song with no real meaning I'm happy to have God save the Queen as both national and English anthem.

I don't think that's fair on the other countries in the UK - why should they have their anthem used to represent England?
As you said the other kingdoms which make up th UK bar NI have there unofficial anthems already. We as English have used God save the Queen for all our sporting/ceremonies and the like and I can never remember any of the other kingdoms moaning about it or making any official complaints. Leave well alone I say

At the 2010 Commonwealth Games, "Jerusalem" was used by the English athletes and the England Cricket team always come out in the morning to "Jerusalem" its not like its never been used, so England do not always use GSTQ at all sporting events, we just got stuck with it when the other countries of the UK opted for something far more inspiring that GSTQ which lets face it is a dirge, pesimsitic and dour, if even Prince Philip thinks "Jerusalem" is better what more can one say.

And don't we always listen to what Phil the Greek says!!!!!!!


What's jerusalem got to do with England.?.

I think you will find the people that actually run the west will feel comfortable with it.


What's jerusalem got to do with England.?.

I think you will find the people that actually run the west will feel comfortable with it.
I am a atheist and English, I want a song to stir me and make me emotional not a church hymn, I love to hear the welsh anthem sung it really stirs the emotions.

It would not be a national anthem then only a substitute England song with no real meaning I'm happy to have God save the Queen as both national and English anthem.

I don't think that's fair on the other countries in the UK - why should they have their anthem used to represent England?

I really do think you have the wrong end of the stick.

Why should the other constituents of the United Kingdom be allowed to use some sepratist nationalistic tune as opposed to THEIR and Englands National Anthem God Save Our Gracious Queen?


It would not be a national anthem then only a substitute England song with no real meaning I'm happy to have God save the Queen as both national and English anthem.

I don't think that's fair on the other countries in the UK - why should they have their anthem used to represent England?

I really do think you have the wrong end of the stick.

Why should the other constituents of the United Kingdom be allowed to use some sepratist nationalistic tune as opposed to THEIR and Englands National Anthem God Save Our Gracious Queen?

They're appearing under their own name, and their own flag. Why shouldn't they use their own anthem too?


Billy Connolly suggested the anthem should be the theme from "The Archers".

And the words should be as follows "Dum dedum de dum de dum, dum dedum de dah dah."

Damn! I was going to say that.

Incidentally, Scotland's shouldn't be "Flower of Scotland", it should be Burns "Is there for honest poverty", or (as it's usually known) "A man's a man, for a' that". It would be pretty cool to be the only country with an international anthem as its national anthem. [And no, I don't accept the Internationale smile.png ]

Jerusalem would be cool, but anything with pauses in it tends to go wrong when crowds sing it.



Why do some people drag their Islamophobia into every topic?

Have you been back to UK recently or been seeing the news for England now read islamland.


I'd say Jerusalem is more of a socialist anthem than a religious one.

Attlee certainly referred to it when justifying the welfare state.

Indeed; Blake today would be called a Socialist, and used religious allegory in many of his writings to comment on social issues.

'Dark Satanic mills' for example.

Jerusalem for me; stirring words by Blake, stirring music by Parry.



Why do some people drag their Islamophobia into every topic?

Have you been back to UK recently or been seeing the news for England now read islamland.

Unlike most of those who comment on the so called 'Islamafication' of the UK; I actually live here!

Do you?


Did for 56 years seen it go down hill steadily try Bradford/Keighley/oldham/Rochdale spot the white man so please don't try to tell me it's not as bad as people say. Pakistani pedophiles rings all over the north west praying on white girls sharia law openly practised in Bradford so please no lectures. I'm just glad I'm out of it it's only going to get worse


As they stand, If they are the only options than it's Jerusalem. Though a re work of the words of land of hope and glory. Could work for me , it worked when vera Lynn did it back in the day, such a rousing tune, feels sort of tailor made for events.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Did for 56 years seen it go down hill steadily try Bradford/Keighley/oldham/Rochdale spot the white man so please don't try to tell me it's not as bad as people say. Pakistani pedophiles rings all over the north west praying on white girls sharia law openly practised in Bradford so please no lectures. I'm just glad I'm out of it it's only going to get worse

So you don't live in the UK. Your ignorance is showing; you obviously get your opinions of life in the UK from sites like Gatestone.

But this is a topic about an English national anthem.

If you want to air your ignorance on life in the UK further, there's a topic in Outside the box where you can do so. I'll be happy to educate you there.


Did for 56 years seen it go down hill steadily try Bradford/Keighley/oldham/Rochdale spot the white man so please don't try to tell me it's not as bad as people say. Pakistani pedophiles rings all over the north west praying on white girls sharia law openly practised in Bradford so please no lectures. I'm just glad I'm out of it it's only going to get worse

So you don't live in the UK. Your ignorance is showing; you obviously get your opinions of life in the UK from sites like Gatestone.

But this is a topic about an English national anthem.

If you want to air your ignorance on life in the UK further, there's a topic in Outside the box where you can do so.

Deleted my response not worth it


Did for 56 years seen it go down hill steadily try Bradford/Keighley/oldham/Rochdale spot the white man so please don't try to tell me it's not as bad as people say. Pakistani pedophiles rings all over the north west praying on white girls sharia law openly practised in Bradford so please no lectures. I'm just glad I'm out of it it's only going to get worse

So you don't live in the UK. Your ignorance is showing; you obviously get your opinions of life in the UK from sites like Gatestone.

But this is a topic about an English national anthem.

If you want to air your ignorance on life in the UK further, there's a topic in Outside the box where you can do so. I'll be happy to educate you there.

I watch the news, and read the newspapers daily.

I have 6 siblings still living there, as well as numerous friends, all of whom would move away tomorrow, if they could afford it.

So they, and the media, are wrong with their perception of the way the country is going ?



Why do some people drag their Islamophobia into every topic?

Have you been back to UK recently or been seeing the news for England now read islamland.

Yes, I have. It's still mostly full of English people, some of whom read dreadful newspapers that they've allowed to whip them up into a gullible islamaphobic froth.


So yeah, let's have Jerusalem. It's a great tune, magnificent lyrics, and the fact that it's partly about a guy from the middle east coming to the UK should wind up the bigots nicely.


' You'll never walk alone '

Already popular on the terraces of England which would save a lot of learning......politically and culturally neutral and probably sounds just as good in Urdu and Polish.


Jerusalem? no never never

Its a religious song that most people that are stirred by it at sporting events, are probably atheists anyway.

Get Sir Paul McCartney to write something new

World has had enough religion lets not have another song about it

Great idea mate, am sure that dyed haired tossa McCartney could come up with another gem like the Frog Song!


' You'll never walk alone '

Already popular on the terraces of England which would save a lot of learning......politically and culturally neutral and probably sounds just as good in Urdu and Polish.

And written by Americans. Can't we have an English tune at least?


As they stand, If they are the only options than it's Jerusalem. Though a re work of the words of land of hope and glory. Could work for me , it worked when Vera Lynn did it back in the day, such a rousing tune, feels sort of tailor made for events.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

As she is close to her 100th birthday (March 2017) a re-wording of one of her hits should at least be considered.

Another option could be to extract suitable text from shakespear & ask someone like George Martin or Andrew Lloyd Webber to have a go at it.


Gentlemen and Ladies, whilst I have some sympathy about the current make up of the English population compared to what it was in the last century, this topic is about what should be our new National Anthem for England, which so far seems to be heading in the Jerusalem direction, a hymm (?) which speaks of changing the dour landscape into a better place to live, where the countryside is green, but the work is hard and the workplaces dull, to strive for a better life is the right thing to do, especially in your homeland, in those days when it was written where would people have gone for a better life, the USA was really all that might have been on offer but not easy to get to, the Atlantic is not the MED is it.


I've been thinking - no, not a rare event - and you were ruled by a Scot (James I) before you went Germanic with George, so "A man's a man" would do you for an English anthem.

The first, fourth and fifth verses should do it. smile.png Nationalism's pants. Why not have a national anthem that makes that obvious?


Is there for honest Poverty
That hings his head, an' a' that;
The coward slave-we pass him by,
We dare be poor for a' that!
For a' that, an' a' that.
Our toils obscure an' a' that,
The rank is but the guinea's stamp,
The Man's the gowd for a' that.
What though on hamely fare we dine,
Wear hoddin grey, an' a that;
Gie fools their silks, and knaves their wine;
A Man's a Man for a' that:
For a' that, and a' that,
Their tinsel show, an' a' that;
The honest man, tho' e'er sae poor,
Is king o' men for a' that.
Ye see yon birkie, ca'd a lord,
Wha struts, an' stares, an' a' that;
Tho' hundreds worship at his word,
He's but a coof for a' that:
For a' that, an' a' that,
His ribband, star, an' a' that:
The man o' independent mind
He looks an' laughs at a' that.
A prince can mak a belted knight,
A marquis, duke, an' a' that;
But an honest man's abon his might,
Gude faith, he maunna fa' that!
For a' that, an' a' that,
Their dignities an' a' that;
The pith o' sense, an' pride o' worth,
Are higher rank than a' that.
Then let us pray that come it may,
(As come it will for a' that,)
That Sense and Worth, o'er a' the earth,
Shall bear the gree, an' a' that.
For a' that, an' a' that,
It's coming yet for a' that,
That Man to Man, the world o'er,
Shall brothers be for a' that.
They actually had the queen sit through it, including the line about a "birkie ca'd a lord".

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