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Unusual shooting attack sets off panic in Israeli heartland


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Unusual shooting attack sets off panic in Israeli heartland

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — For all its years of strife, Israel has rarely seen anything quite like this: an armed, wanted Arab killer on the loose, spreading fear across the land.

Even the most stoic are keeping their children home from school following the deadly daytime shooting at a popular bar on a busy Tel Aviv street that has become among the most unsettling attacks in a three-month wave of violence.

Israelis are used to quickly resuming their daily routines following attacks because assailants are typically captured or killed. But the frantic search for this gunman, whose attack on Friday afternoon was caught on security cameras, has sent jitters across this seaside city.

The unusual escape of the accused gunman, Nashat Milhem, an Arab from northern Israel who is considered to be armed and dangerous, is one of many elements of a case that has left Israelis on edge.

"Everything about this is characterized by uncertainty," said Yossi Melman, a prominent security analyst, adding that the level of planning and sophistication were closer in style to those of Islamic State attackers in Brussels, Paris and California.

"I'm not familiar with an event like this, with an unclear nature that has lasted this long," he said.

The shooting on Tel Aviv's busy Dizengoff Street, which killed two Israeli men and wounded six other people, was recorded on security cameras at a health food store next door.

In the footage, a man with short dark hair, glasses and a black bag over his shoulder is seen scooping up nuts from the shop's bulk food section, putting them in a plastic bag, then emptying them back. He then walks to the store entrance, places his backpack on a shopping cart and takes a gun out of it before stepping outside and opening fire into the bar. He then runs away.

Police say that after tossing his cellphone, Milhem hailed a cab that took him to northern Tel Aviv, where he killed the driver and escaped in the taxi before abandoning it and going off the grid.

Authorities got their first lead when Milhem's father, Mohammed, recognized his son from the closed circuit footage aired on TV. Milhem apparently obtained the licensed semi-automatic weapon he used by stealing it from his father, a security guard. The father condemned the killing and called on his son to turn himself in. Residents of their Arab town, Arara, also quickly denounced the attack.

The brazen shooting comes amid more than three months of almost daily Palestinian attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers. On the Israeli side, 21 people have died, mostly in stabbings and car-ramming attacks. At least 130 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire, 90 of them identified by Israel as assailants.

Israel has accused Palestinian leaders and social media sites of inciting the violence. Palestinians say the attacks are the result of frustration over five decades of Israeli military occupation.

Whereas most attackers have been Palestinians from the West Bank or east Jerusalem, Milhem is one of just a handful of Arab citizens of Israel accused of such violence. And, he comes from a family that was well integrated into Israeli society.

Police say they found a Quran in his bag, hinting at Islamic inspiration, though family members say he was emotionally unstable and traumatized after a cousin was shot dead in a 2006 police arrest raid. At the time, police said they were searching for weapons and claimed the shooting was in self-defense.

Milhem served time in an Israeli prison after being convicted of attacking a soldier and trying to steal his weapon. But he was also described by residents of the upscale Tel Aviv neighborhood where he worked as a grocery store delivery man as being so trusted that customers gave him their house keys to make deliveries when they were out.

"I knew him like the back of my hand. He ate and drank and worked with us," a local Israeli vegetable salesman who was not identified told Channel 10 TV. "He was a normal guy. ... People really liked him. And I liked him too."

The suspect's picture is plastered across newspapers and television screens, and police say they are on "heightened alert," with stepped-up security in Tel Aviv, as they conduct their investigation.

With the search stretching into its fourth day, Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai implored residents to return to their routines. But the city remained subdued Monday, and attendance at many schools was sparse.

Oren Helman, a resident of Tel Aviv's upscale Ramat Aviv neighborhood, where the search has focused, said he sent his two young daughters to school, but there were few other parents dropping children off. The few who came to school were not allowed to play outside in the playground.

"The parents who send their kids to school are worried. Those who don't are scared," he said.

Helman said the heightened security in the neighborhood helped put him at ease, and he didn't want to cave in to violence or cause panic with his children. But he said there were heated discussions among parents on social media over whether their children were safe. Repeated rumors that the gunman has been seen also added to the unease, he said.

Assaf Zamir, a deputy mayor of Tel Aviv, said some neighborhoods reported only 50 percent school attendance but he expected the numbers to rise.

"From our experience as days go by, the numbers will fill up and everyone will come back to school," he said. "We have always bounced back."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-05

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His own father turned this evil Islamic terrorist in. Bravo! If there were more Palestinians like that, they would have had their own peaceful country long ago.

He (the shooter) was not Palestinian but Israeli (of Arab origin)..................coffee1.gif

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His own father turned this evil Islamic terrorist in. Bravo! If there were more Palestinians like that, they would have had their own peaceful country long ago.

He (the shooter) was not Palestinian but Israeli (of Arab origin)..................coffee1.gif

You're splitting hairs here, you know very well what the op meant, this is a rare incident

whereby a culprit is not a Palestinian, while all the other 99% are....

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He would still be considered of Palestinian ethnicity.

Ahhh, so you concede it (Palestinian) is an ethnic group.Please remember that.

What's to remember? I've never said otherwise. I said that there has never been an independent Arab country called Palestine and that is a FACT.

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I would suggest that there will be more of this sort of thing. There is a limit to a people's tolerance, and Arab Israeli tolerance of Jewish Israeli injustices will only go so far. Israelis living in fear is only reaping what they sow.

Why dose it sound the that somehow you rejoice when an Israel or jew get killed?

you're not doing a very good job at hiding it either, the way you ' predict ' more of the

same sound like, oh well, they deserve it...

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I would suggest that there will be more of this sort of thing. There is a limit to a people's tolerance, and Arab Israeli tolerance of Jewish Israeli injustices will only go so far. Israelis living in fear is only reaping what they sow.

Why dose it sound the that somehow you rejoice when an Israel or jew get killed?

you're not doing a very good job at hiding it either, the way you ' predict ' more of the

same sound like, oh well, they deserve it...

Bingo! thumbsup.gif The Israel demonization ideology has an obvious agenda of destroying the state of Israel.

Edited by Jingthing
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I would suggest that there will be more of this sort of thing. There is a limit to a people's tolerance, and Arab Israeli tolerance of Jewish Israeli injustices will only go so far. Israelis living in fear is only reaping what they sow.

Why dose it sound the that somehow you rejoice when an Israel or jew get killed?

you're not doing a very good job at hiding it either, the way you ' predict ' more of the

same sound like, oh well, they deserve it...

Bingo! thumbsup.gif The Israel demonization ideology has an obvious agenda of destroying the state of Israel.

100% BS. The favorite Jewish conspiracy theory !!

It is really very simple: Abolish the apartheid ideology, and Israel will a pleasant place to live for both Israelis and Palestinians.

As long as Israel is allowed to act with impunity, there will never be peace.

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I would suggest that there will be more of this sort of thing. There is a limit to a people's tolerance, and Arab Israeli tolerance of Jewish Israeli injustices will only go so far. Israelis living in fear is only reaping what they sow.

Why dose it sound the that somehow you rejoice when an Israel or jew get killed?

you're not doing a very good job at hiding it either, the way you ' predict ' more of the

same sound like, oh well, they deserve it...

Bingo! thumbsup.gif The Israel demonization ideology has an obvious agenda of destroying the state of Israel.

Are you really this paranoid? Do you think that the growing amount of people against the injustice and this includes Jews, have some kind of agenda other than a fair resolution?

The demonisation, if there is any, is from your side.

Jews For Justice For Palestinians http://jfjfp.com

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I would suggest that there will be more of this sort of thing. There is a limit to a people's tolerance, and Arab Israeli tolerance of Jewish Israeli injustices will only go so far. Israelis living in fear is only reaping what they sow.

Why dose it sound the that somehow you rejoice when an Israel or jew get killed?

you're not doing a very good job at hiding it either, the way you ' predict ' more of the

same sound like, oh well, they deserve it...

No, I think it's just your ears hear that because you want to hear that. When people don't want to face the truth, they do invent and believe in fantasy. It's akin to "sour grapes", the Aesop fable.

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I would suggest that there will be more of this sort of thing. There is a limit to a people's tolerance, and Arab Israeli tolerance of Jewish Israeli injustices will only go so far. Israelis living in fear is only reaping what they sow.

Why dose it sound the that somehow you rejoice when an Israel or jew get killed?

you're not doing a very good job at hiding it either, the way you ' predict ' more of the

same sound like, oh well, they deserve it...

Bingo! thumbsup.gif The Israel demonization ideology has an obvious agenda of destroying the state of Israel.

Looking at the dialogue thus far, your post is exceptionally irrational. Where on earth did you draw that silly conclusion from? Destroying the state of Israel??? Please, please (as I (and everyone else) know you read my "ignored" posts) explain how you came to that nonsense conclusion.

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I would suggest that there will be more of this sort of thing. There is a limit to a people's tolerance, and Arab Israeli tolerance of Jewish Israeli injustices will only go so far. Israelis living in fear is only reaping what they sow.

Why dose it sound the that somehow you rejoice when an Israel or jew get killed?

you're not doing a very good job at hiding it either, the way you ' predict ' more of the

same sound like, oh well, they deserve it...

Bingo! thumbsup.gif The Israel demonization ideology has an obvious agenda of destroying the state of Israel.

100% BS. The favorite Jewish conspiracy theory !!

It is really very simple: Abolish the apartheid ideology, and Israel will a pleasant place to live for both Israelis and Palestinians.

As long as Israel is allowed to act with impunity, there will never be peace.

Dude, not talking about criticizing Israeli government policies in a NORMAL way as you would towards any government. Talking about the international movement, including the racist BDS movement, that is OBSESSED with demonizing Israel way out of proportion to the faults of Israel compared to much worse players in the world. Yes, an issue with Jews in general is often quite linked to this. Israel demonization is a more modern form of Judeophobia.

Anti-Zionism? Gimme a break. How many "anti-Zionists" are similarly obsessed with ending the over 50 nation states dominated by Muslims. No, their obsession is only about the ONE tiny state with a majority demographic of Jewish people.

As far as apartheid policy. Typical Israel demonization rhetoric crapola. This terrorist is an Israeli citizen. The group favoring real apartheid in that region are indeed the Arabs living in West Bank/ Gaza who support a state with NO JEWS. Very much like the Nazis and not surprising as the greatest founder of their national identity movement, the Grand Mufti in Jerusalem actively supported Hitler's genocide of European Jews while living, you guessed it, in BERLIN.

Paranoia is when they DON'T want to kill you. Much of the Palestinian Arab political movement is about kicking out all the Jews in all of Israel. So defense against that is REALITY BASED, not paranoia based. No, of course not ALL West Bank/Gaza/Diaspora Palestinian Arabs think that way, but a significant enough percentage do which you can easily find out about in opinion surveys, to make it a REAL thing.

In Israel the question of LOYALTY of Arab citizens is a political issue. And why shouldn't it be? It's worth discussing in a free society. They're not expected to be Zionists but they're not expected to shoot up cafes either.

Note -- I only speak for myself.

More about Israel demonization:


Edited by Jingthing
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I am for Isreal what other country is surrounded by people who want to distroy them

Israel MUST have a strong military because if it didn't, Israel wouldn't exist. Multiple Arab/Muslim countries attacked Israel from the very start of Israel. Policy specifics and details are of course always debatable.

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Could someone explain to me please what a "usual" shooting attack is supposed to look like?

This one was more unusual because:

-- in Tel Aviv

-- not in West Bank/Jerusalem

-- Gun not knife or car slam

- Terrorist an Israeli citizen

It's relative to current events related to the so called Knife Intafada.

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I would suggest that there will be more of this sort of thing.

Not likely. MOST Arab Israelis are quite happy to be living in a thriving democracy instead of a backwards Islamic country. MOST Arab Israelis don't want to

upset the apple cart.

This is the thrust of the article notwithstanding SeaStallions attempts otherwise. Really, he needs to offer his arguments to Israeli Arabs, not here nor Israeli Jews. That would be an nts resting interchange I would think..

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I would suggest that there will be more of this sort of thing. There is a limit to a people's tolerance, and Arab Israeli tolerance of Jewish Israeli injustices will only go so far. Israelis living in fear is only reaping what they sow.

Why dose it sound the that somehow you rejoice when an Israel or jew get killed?

you're not doing a very good job at hiding it either, the way you ' predict ' more of the

same sound like, oh well, they deserve it...

No, I think it's just your ears hear that because you want to hear that. When people don't want to face the truth, they do invent and believe in fantasy. It's akin to "sour grapes", the Aesop fable.

The truth not faced here is Israeli Arab condemnation of the murders. Now whose ears want to hear what?? Ehh? Narrow minded, rewriting, and forum usurpation for selfish own interests.

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I would suggest that there will be more of this sort of thing. There is a limit to a people's tolerance, and Arab Israeli tolerance of Jewish Israeli injustices will only go so far. Israelis living in fear is only reaping what they sow.

Why dose it sound the that somehow you rejoice when an Israel or jew get killed?

you're not doing a very good job at hiding it either, the way you ' predict ' more of the

same sound like, oh well, they deserve it...

Bingo! thumbsup.gif The Israel demonization ideology has an obvious agenda of destroying the state of Israel.

100% BS. The favorite Jewish conspiracy theory !!

It is really very simple: Abolish the apartheid ideology, and Israel will a pleasant place to live for both Israelis and Palestinians.

As long as Israel is allowed to act with impunity, there will never be peace.

Of course this theory springs completely out of thin air doesn't it?? What is simple s your willingness to gamble with others lives. You would be a good one to ensure such a peace. Complete fantasy land.... Laughable really...

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I am for Isreal what other country is surrounded by people who want to distroy them

The Zionist State has turned down many offers of a comprehensive peace agreement because it does not fit into its aggressive colonial expansionst policy. Similar to what ISIS is trying to do to establish an ancient Islamic caliphate, so to is the Zionist State trying to re-establish the ancient Jewish Kingdom of Judea and Samaria.

Another interesting parallel between the two is that they were both established by "terrorists;" in Zionism's case by Menachem Begin of The Stern Gang, and with ISIS their current crop of thugs.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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His own father turned this evil Islamic terrorist in. Bravo! If there were more Palestinians like that, they would have had their own peaceful country long ago.

I'm sure he only did it because he thinks if he doesn't the Israelis will demolish his house. However, they probably will anyway. They just love to bulldoze Arab houses.

BTW, the father already has a country- he's an Israeli citizen- did you miss that?

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