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US: gun control shaping up to be an election issue


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US: gun control shaping up to be an election issue


Obama announces executive action on gun control
Republicans and pro-gun campaigners vow to fight it
Legal challenges expected

WASHINGTON: -- Opponents of tighter gun rules in the US have condemned executive action announced by President Obama requiring more gun sellers to get licenses and more gun buyers to undergo background checks.

The move is expected to meet stiff opposition from Republicans and pro-gun campaigners.

The head of the Virginia-based Gun Owners of America, Larry Pratt, says Obama has exceeded his authority.

“We think that the executive orders are an arrogation of power that the President doesn’t have the ability to legislate constitutionally, which is really what these orders are. He is not clarifying a vagueness of the law, he is adding specifics where already the law provides specifics.”

Legal challenges are expected

Republicans maintain gun control legislation has never been popular with US voters.

“The president and, by extension, the Democrats are making a big mistake but I wouldn’t want to try to restrain them too much. Every time the Democrats get involved in pushing gun control politically, it has cost them an arm and a leg and if they want to go to the 2016 elections as the champion of gun control, “be my guest”.”

The crucial question for any legal challenge will be whether the guidance creates new obligations or merely clarifies existing law.

Experts say the more the Obama administration acts as though the guidance has created new legislation, the more legal trouble it might invite.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-06

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"Every time the Democrats get involved in pushing gun control politically, it has cost them an arm and a leg and if they want to go to the 2016 elections as the champion of gun control, “be my guest”.”

He's right. A majority of Americans feel safer with a gun in the house - 63% to only 30% who don't. That number is getting stronger over the years, not weaker. The anti's are losing this battle. LINK

Obama never has to run for reelection again and apparently he doesn't care about other Dems who do.

"Be my guest" aka "Go ahead, make my day".


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"Every time the Democrats get involved in pushing gun control politically, it has cost them an arm and a leg and if they want to go to the 2016 elections as the champion of gun control, “be my guest”.”

He's right. A majority of Americans feel safer with a gun in the house - 63% to only 30% who don't. That number is getting stronger over the years, not weaker. The anti's are losing this battle. LINK

Obama never has to run for reelection again and apparently he doesn't care about other Dems who do.

"Be my guest" aka "Go ahead, make my day".


I always felt safer with a gun, but that is not what the argument is about. You delicately skipped the facts with more facts. You must be terrified of something. 90% of all Americans want stiffer background checks, closed loopholes about gun shows selling without checks, and many want mandatory safety programs (you have to take one in PA to hunt, which I did, and it should be the same should be for gun owners). A one day wait? Oh whine! That's unconstitutional for anything..well except driver's licenses, and dozen other things. Obfuscation, distraction and changing the subject are marks of the clever coward... Boo!

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"Every time the Democrats get involved in pushing gun control politically, it has cost them an arm and a leg and if they want to go to the 2016 elections as the champion of gun control, “be my guest”.”

He's right. A majority of Americans feel safer with a gun in the house - 63% to only 30% who don't. That number is getting stronger over the years, not weaker. The anti's are losing this battle. LINK

Obama never has to run for reelection again and apparently he doesn't care about other Dems who do.

"Be my guest" aka "Go ahead, make my day".


I always felt safer with a gun, but that is not what the argument is about. You delicately skipped the facts with more facts. You must be terrified of something. 90% of all Americans want stiffer background checks, closed loopholes about gun shows selling without checks, and many want mandatory safety programs (you have to take one in PA to hunt, which I did, and it should be the same should be for gun owners). A one day wait? Oh whine! That's unconstitutional for anything..well except driver's licenses, and dozen other things. Obfuscation, distraction and changing the subject are marks of the clever coward... Boo!

Owning a gun is a constitutional right. Driving a car isn't - it's been rules a privilege. Privileges can be regulated and denied and can be mandated to be earned. Rights can not.

But go ahead and make a coward's change of subject to driver's licenses.


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"Every time the Democrats get involved in pushing gun control politically, it has cost them an arm and a leg and if they want to go to the 2016 elections as the champion of gun control, “be my guest”.”

He's right. A majority of Americans feel safer with a gun in the house - 63% to only 30% who don't. That number is getting stronger over the years, not weaker. The anti's are losing this battle. LINK

Obama never has to run for reelection again and apparently he doesn't care about other Dems who do.

"Be my guest" aka "Go ahead, make my day".


I always felt safer with a gun, but that is not what the argument is about. You delicately skipped the facts with more facts. You must be terrified of something. 90% of all Americans want stiffer background checks, closed loopholes about gun shows selling without checks, and many want mandatory safety programs (you have to take one in PA to hunt, which I did, and it should be the same should be for gun owners). A one day wait? Oh whine! That's unconstitutional for anything..well except driver's licenses, and dozen other things. Obfuscation, distraction and changing the subject are marks of the clever coward... Boo!

Owning a gun is a constitutional right. Driving a car isn't - it's been rules a privilege. Privileges can be regulated and denied and can be mandated to be earned. Rights can not.

But go ahead and make a coward's change of subject to driver's licenses.


It is possible to change the constitution. It's called an amendment.

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The rest of the civilized world rolls it's eyes, shakes it's head and lets out a big collective sigh......

And what "civilized world" would that be...

The German, French, English, Russia, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman Empire that fought a world-wide war killing millions at the start of the last century,

The Japanese Empire that killed millions of Chinese and Koreans during its brutal colonial wars and occupation of those countries,

The German, French, English, Russian, Italian, Japanese empires that fought a world-wide war killing tens of millions again towards the middle of the last century,

The Russian empire that killed tens of millions of its own citizens during the last century,

The Chinese state that killed and caused to die millions of its own citizens during the last century,

The millions that have been killed in war, genocide, and ethnic cleansings in various assorted African states,

The millions that have died in sectarian wars, terrorist acts, and at the hands of assorted despotic regimes,

The tens of thousands who died at the hands of various dictators and generals in Central and South America over the decades,

The thousands killed in the drug wars, including a newly elected mayor, in Mexico in recent years...

I take an armed and "uncivilized" America, where nothing like these events ever occurred, over life in these "civilized" countries any day.

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The rest of the civilized world rolls it's eyes, shakes it's head and lets out a big collective sigh......

I take an armed and "uncivilized" America, where nothing like these events ever occurred, over life in these "civilized" countries any day.

Never happened in the US? Are you sure?

Why don't you ask a few Native Americans?

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"Every time the Democrats get involved in pushing gun control politically, it has cost them an arm and a leg and if they want to go to the 2016 elections as the champion of gun control, “be my guest”.”

He's right. A majority of Americans feel safer with a gun in the house - 63% to only 30% who don't. That number is getting stronger over the years, not weaker. The anti's are losing this battle. LINK

Obama never has to run for reelection again and apparently he doesn't care about other Dems who do.

"Be my guest" aka "Go ahead, make my day".


I always felt safer with a gun, but that is not what the argument is about. You delicately skipped the facts with more facts. You must be terrified of something. 90% of all Americans want stiffer background checks, closed loopholes about gun shows selling without checks, and many want mandatory safety programs (you have to take one in PA to hunt, which I did, and it should be the same should be for gun owners). A one day wait? Oh whine! That's unconstitutional for anything..well except driver's licenses, and dozen other things. Obfuscation, distraction and changing the subject are marks of the clever coward... Boo!

Owning a gun is a constitutional right. Driving a car isn't - it's been rules a privilege. Privileges can be regulated and denied and can be mandated to be earned. Rights can not.

But go ahead and make a coward's change of subject to driver's licenses.


It is possible to change the constitution. It's called an amendment.

Another amendment isn't necessary. When a few of the Wingnut Supreme Court Justices die off the current interpretation of the 2nd amendment WILL change. It doesn't say a citzen has the right to own a gun. That's bullshit.

If you're for owning a gun and being able to buy them with no restrictions...you're a Republican.

The above "facts" as stated by Neversure are, as usual, nonsense.

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Gun control is the same as Carnage on the road ,,,,Take ALL Guns out of the country/Take ALL cars out of the country,,,Same with Forks/Knives/Hammers/Screwdrivers/Broom handles/Lead pencil/Chair/Length of pipes. It's all Politics(CRAP)

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I certainly hope "gun control" will be an issue in this upcoming presidential election. If so, this is when our liberal anti-gun friends will be in for a rude awaking.

Most Americans do not want more restrictions placed on law abiding citizens regarding gun ownership. They would much prefer a strong world leader, and one who has zero tolerance for people who commit crimes with a firearm. Someone who is pro law enforcement, unlike Obama or Hillary.

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Owning a gun is a constitutional right. Driving a car isn't - it's been rules a privilege. Privileges can be regulated and denied and can be mandated to be earned. Rights can not.

But go ahead and make a coward's change of subject to driver's licenses.


It is possible to change the constitution. It's called an amendment.

Another amendment isn't necessary. When a few of the Wingnut Supreme Court Justices die off the current interpretation of the 2nd amendment WILL change. It doesn't say a citzen has the right to own a gun. That's bullshit.

If you're for owning a gun and being able to buy them with no restrictions...you're a Republican.

The above "facts" as stated by Neversure are, as usual, nonsense.

When it comes to "nonsense, I believe you may be confusing your countless hysterical anti-gun rants with what others post.

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The rest of the civilized world rolls it's eyes, shakes it's head and lets out a big collective sigh......

And what "civilized world" would that be...

The German, French, English, Russia, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman Empire that fought a world-wide war killing millions at the start of the last century,

The Japanese Empire that killed millions of Chinese and Koreans during its brutal colonial wars and occupation of those countries,

The German, French, English, Russian, Italian, Japanese empires that fought a world-wide war killing tens of millions again towards the middle of the last century,

The Russian empire that killed tens of millions of its own citizens during the last century,

The Chinese state that killed and caused to die millions of its own citizens during the last century,

The millions that have been killed in war, genocide, and ethnic cleansings in various assorted African states,

The millions that have died in sectarian wars, terrorist acts, and at the hands of assorted despotic regimes,

The tens of thousands who died at the hands of various dictators and generals in Central and South America over the decades,

The thousands killed in the drug wars, including a newly elected mayor, in Mexico in recent years...

I take an armed and "uncivilized" America, where nothing like these events ever occurred, over life in these "civilized" countries any day.

Beg your pardon...the US has authorized the killing of more than 50 million of its own children since the law was pass to give the mother the right to kill her baby or babies...

Even the animal kingdom has more compassion for their children...

US foreign policy has allowed the direct and indirect intervention into foreign sovereign states with the flippant cliche: "in the interest and security of the US"...the real reason the US intervenes is "because they can"...heretofore, there has been no one powerful enough to stop them...several countries are working day and night to level the playing field...and some US cities...

One day...some country will use that same logic when it intervenes in the US..."poetic justice" is the excuse they will use...

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What the hell does aborting a fetus have to do with gun control? The US does not authorize the killing of children. Well unless they are not white, a cop kills them or a drone. Typical right wing tactic of change the subject. The problem I see with what Obama has done is there is no way to enforce it and ok I just don't like it anyway. At the annual SHOT (Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade) show, only open to gun dealers, outfitters, military etc., you could not buy. But, you could certainly order what you wanted for a later date. You don't think the same sort of thing will happen at gun shows? Give me a break. I've bought and sold guns and if I was in the states I would be still doing the same regardless of his executive order. If anybody thinks I would jump through the hoops and pay the fee to obtain a FFL I've a bridge or 2 to sell you. What I didn't sell to my friends I sold over the internet locally when I moved to Thailand. Hey, if I had the money I would have bought an automatic weapons license. I didn't and surely couldn't afford the ammo even if I did reload my own. This is an argument that will never be settled. I am glad to see one provision that spends money for mental health services. Ahem, that right wings idol, Ronnie Reagan, was the one that originally cut mental health funds. Could it be that the wackos running around shooting people might not have been doing so had the Regan regime not done so?

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The rest of the civilized world rolls it's eyes, shakes it's head and lets out a big collective sigh......

The rest of the civilized world weren't born and raised in America. Nor were they brought up in a family who owns, uses, and respects firearms. So personally, I could give a da*m what the rest of the world thinks. I believe I speak for most US gun owners.

As far as repealing the Second Amendment? It would split the country in half and end up as the catalyst for a new civil war. Americans are apathetic and complacent until they're pissed-off, then look out below. The repeal of the Second Amendment would not be the will of the people. It would be the tyranny of career politicians. The Second Amendment is a "Third Rail Issue". Any politician who's got half a brain isn't going down that path because unless they're from a liberal progress state, it will end their career. They know it; we know it.

FYI. I'm not a Republican. I'm a political atheist. I support whoever I feel will best represent my interests.

And ever notice that the liberal progressive wingnuts can't post anything of substance; they can only attack individuals who post pro-gun arguments. There are examples in this thread. Micheal Savage has it right: Liberalism is a mental disease.

Edited by connda
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