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Scuffles in Cologne as rival groups hold demonstrations over immigration


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Rape and oppression of women is not some 'culturall misunderstanding', it comes directly from the Koran and the life of the phrophet Mohamad, these animals will not change.

There is a new law in Germany that make such statements illegal / harassment. They make that to silence the population. You are only allowed to to say what is permitted, e.g. licensed.

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I wonder what line the authorities will take next:

They were but a small number of minor incidents perfectly in keeping with the time of year?

They were provoked by nazis and we're acting in self defence?

It was all a misunderstanding and our fault?

Shut your mouths or you will be the ones locked up for spreading racism/bigotry/misinformation?

Not sure how much you notice about Germany but I can assure you, all points are the reality here in Germany, especially your last two points. If you say something about refugees, even it is merely based on facts, you will find you back in a court, reimbursed with at least a heavy fine if not a probation sentence.

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baboon, on 08 Jan 2016 - 08:27, said:baboon, on 08 Jan 2016 - 08:27, said:
SgtRock, on 08 Jan 2016 - 08:12, said:SgtRock, on 08 Jan 2016 - 08:12, said:


Did not take long for the cultural enrichment to begin.

I wonder what line the authorities will take next:

They were but a small number of minor incidents perfectly in keeping with the time of year?

They were provoked by nazis and acting in self defence?

It was all a misunderstanding and our fault?

Shut your mouths or you will be the ones locked up for spreading racism/bigotry/misinformation?


Authorities and media were accused of a cover-up linked to initial indications that, according to the police, those allegedly responsible for the sex attacks and numerous robberies were of Arab and north African origin.


Deja - Vu anyone ?

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baboon, on 08 Jan 2016 - 08:27, said:baboon, on 08 Jan 2016 - 08:27, said:

SgtRock, on 08 Jan 2016 - 08:12, said:SgtRock, on 08 Jan 2016 - 08:12, said:


Did not take long for the cultural enrichment to begin.

I wonder what line the authorities will take next:

They were but a small number of minor incidents perfectly in keeping with the time of year?

They were provoked by nazis and acting in self defence?

It was all a misunderstanding and our fault?

Shut your mouths or you will be the ones locked up for spreading racism/bigotry/misinformation?


Authorities and media were accused of a cover-up linked to initial indications that, according to the police, those allegedly responsible for the sex attacks and numerous robberies were of Arab and north African origin.


Deja - Vu anyone ?

Read the article: Merkel "Outraged", "Despicable attacks", "Punish them without regard to their origin or background..." Yeah yeah. All p!ss and wind. A handful of arrests and judicial tickings off, maybe a week or two in jail for a couple of them and that will be that until the next 'Shocking' incident...

If there are any European politicians reading this, I just want you to know we are sick to death of the lot of you.

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“The officers on the ground couldn’t gain control of all of the events, attacks and crimes – there were simply too many at the same time for that to be possible,” a high-ranking officer wrote, describing the scene to which police arrived. “On the square outside were several thousand mostly male people of a migrant background who were firing all kinds of fireworks and throwing bottles into the crowd at random.

Evidence has emerged that similar attacks had taken place in a total of eight German cities. After Cologne, Hamburg appears to have been the worst affected. Out of 167 complaints of attacks filed with police - around two thirds of them described as sexual assault including two cases of rape - 100 relate to Cologne, and 53 to Hamburg.


Did not take long for the cultural enrichment to begin.

To me it sounds strange that immigrants that actually arrived yesterday are already so organized that they can launch simultaneous mass attacks at 8 cities spread all over the country.

I have such a feeling that some people, who didn't arrive recently, wanted to provoke and create a situation

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This will be twisted into attacks by all men, not just North African men.

Just watch ...... it'll be used as an excuse to repress white men.

You know why? Because half of them have already the German passport (without adopting/accepting/tolerating its culture and people) and can call themselves German even though they have nothing in common with a German.

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if you read the entire article (on other sites) you would have known that they were Germans of North African descent, the third generation in Germany, the one that grew up with Wurst, Sauerkraut und Bier. They were "imported" to Germany in the seventies during the labour shortage in order to increase the German production and clean their streets. Just like now where Germany with a natality of 1.3 child per women. The Syrian refugees are probably going to be the one changing the diapers of the retired neo-nazis.

So your solution is that everybody that is not named Herbert, Albrecht or Fritz leave the country? Who is going to take care of the aging Müllers? Will they all have to come to Thailand to get a decent care, as it is already happening now?

Really wrong, North African Arabs were never imported to Germany. Those were the Turks.

The rapists were all North African Arab refugees from countries like Algeria, Libya, Tunesia. Even the government controlled German media - normally 100% pro Islam - are saying that those are North African refugees.

Be assured that every uneducated Muslin in Germany will not have a bright future. Because every single job which needs an unskilled worker will be replaced by a robot.

In our future world where every moderate task will be done by robots, I will get my ass cleaned by a robot called Eve instead of a guy named Ahmed.

Perhaps you should check your own history. Africans entered Germany from ex German African colonies prior to WW11. Its been mentioned they were targeted by the Nazis for sterilisation. There are reports currently approx 500k African Germans, some of whom live in Cologne & if reports are to believed were 'aggressively drunk'. Have to wait and see how many of the offenders are represented by asylum seekers.

Imperial Germany had no colonies in North Africa, all its colonies were in sub-saharan Africa. North Africans are Arab/Berber and sub-saharan Africans are Black, pretty easy to tell the difference.

There were a number of Arab ethnics in German colonies. However back to the denial that North Africans were not recruited into Germany.


A recruitment agreement was also signed with Tunisia on 18 October 1965.


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TheCruncher, on 08 Jan 2016 - 09:17, said:
SgtRock, on 08 Jan 2016 - 08:12, said:

“The officers on the ground couldn’t gain control of all of the events, attacks and crimes – there were simply too many at the same time for that to be possible,” a high-ranking officer wrote, describing the scene to which police arrived. “On the square outside were several thousand mostly male people of a migrant background who were firing all kinds of fireworks and throwing bottles into the crowd at random.


Evidence has emerged that similar attacks had taken place in a total of eight German cities. After Cologne, Hamburg appears to have been the worst affected. Out of 167 complaints of attacks filed with police - around two thirds of them described as sexual assault including two cases of rape - 100 relate to Cologne, and 53 to Hamburg.


Did not take long for the cultural enrichment to begin.

To me it sounds strange that immigrants that actually arrived yesterday are already so organized that they can launch simultaneous mass attacks at 8 cities spread all over the country.

I have such a feeling that some people, who didn't arrive recently, wanted to provoke and create a situation

That is because you are only looking with a short term view.

This did not just happen over the last months. It has been well planned for at least a couple of years.

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I wonder what line the authorities will take next:They were but a small number of minor incidents perfectly in keeping with the time of year?

They were provoked by nazis and we're acting in self defence?

It was all a misunderstanding and our fault?

Shut your mouths or you will be the ones locked up for spreading racism/bigotry/misinformation?

Not sure how much you notice about Germany but I can assure you, all points are the reality here in Germany, especially your last two points. If you say something about refugees, even it is merely based on facts, you will find you back in a court, reimbursed with at least a heavy fine if not a probation sentence.

After gun control comes speech control comes thought control.

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The thing is - it's not even the fact that these are refugees, that they are Muslim or that they come from back-assward countries.

They are predominantly male, there's 100's of thousands of them. They are in their prime. They have no income and no chance of finding a sexual partner.

Can you tell me where on planet earth it would be a good idea to bring in 100's of thousands of young men and presume that they will be OK with celibacy? That they won't get frustrated and that the incident of sexual assaults wouldn't increase?

I sometimes think politicians are the dumbest people on the planet.

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The thing is - it's not even the fact that these are refugees, that they are Muslim or that they come from back-assward countries.

They are predominantly male, there's 100's of thousands of them. They are in their prime. They have no income and no chance of finding a sexual partner.

Can you tell me where on planet earth it would be a good idea to bring in 100's of thousands of young men and presume that they will be OK with celibacy? That they won't get frustrated and that the incident of sexual assaults wouldn't increase?

I sometimes think politicians are the dumbest people on the planet.

Lots of poor new boy toys for middle-aged German fraus and new rough trade for the gays.

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Earlier today the BBC aired an interview with a German broadcaster who added some background to the story.

The police have 16 suspects, all of whom have migrant registration cards for id purposes.

Angie Baby is disgusted that people can't walk German streets in safety and is checking if those involved can be deported !

What nonsense, checking to see if they can be deported ? They are not German citizens so where's the problem other than being PC and humanitarian. blink.png

The female mayor of Cologne has caused a stir by suggesting women were perhaps at fault for putting themselves in wrong situations and that when in a crowd women should keep at arms length from men they don't know ! ! Words fail.

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To me it sounds strange that immigrants that actually arrived yesterday are already so organized that they can launch simultaneous mass attacks at 8 cities spread all over the country.

I have such a feeling that some people, who didn't arrive recently, wanted to provoke and create a situation

That is because you are only looking with a short term view.

This did not just happen over the last months. It has been well planned for at least a couple of years.

You mean those immigrants were planning years ago already, when nobody knew yet that Merkel would invite them, to stage protests in 8 cities simultaneously in Germany?

Ever heard about that other organisation, very well alive and kicking in Germany, called Neo Nazis?

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TheCruncher, on 08 Jan 2016 - 10:28, said:
SgtRock, on 08 Jan 2016 - 09:25, said:
TheCruncher, on 08 Jan 2016 - 09:17, said:

To me it sounds strange that immigrants that actually arrived yesterday are already so organized that they can launch simultaneous mass attacks at 8 cities spread all over the country.

I have such a feeling that some people, who didn't arrive recently, wanted to provoke and create a situation

That is because you are only looking with a short term view.

This did not just happen over the last months. It has been well planned for at least a couple of years.

You mean those immigrants were planning years ago already, when nobody knew yet that Merkel would invite them, to stage protests in 8 cities simultaneously in Germany?

Ever heard about that other organisation, very well alive and kicking in Germany, called Neo Nazis?

Are you saying that it was Neo - Nazi's that carried out these assaults ?

The invasion of Europe has been going on for decades. Mutti Merkel's declaration only speeded up the process. You do not have to take my word for it. It will all become apparent within the next decade.

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Ever heard about that other organisation, very well alive and kicking in Germany, called Neo Nazis?

There is no organization called "Neo Nazis" in Germany. Nazi means "National Socialism" and it's an ideology.

Based on the problems Germany facing with massive Muslim immigration there is an ever growing number of citizens who oppose against this madness. These citizens are also called Nazis or Neo-Nazis.

Of course it's wrong because the term Nazi always attaches to the one who is addressed as Nazi that he is involved in the murder of 6 million Jews.

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Ever heard about that other organisation, very well alive and kicking in Germany, called Neo Nazis?

There is no organization called "Neo Nazis" in Germany. Nazi means "National Socialism" and it's an ideology.

Based on the problems Germany facing with massive Muslim immigration there is an ever growing number of citizens who oppose against this madness. These citizens are also called Nazis or Neo-Nazis.

Of course it's wrong because the term Nazi always attaches to the one who is addressed as Nazi that he is involved in the murder of 6 million Jews.

No Neo Nazs in Germany, same as there is no KKK in the US?

You should do some reading.


Neo-Nazism consists of post-World War II social or political movements seeking to revive the far-right-wing tenets of Nazism.[1][2][3][4] The term neo-Nazism can also refer to the ideology of these movements.[5][6]

Neo-Nazism borrows elements from Nazi doctrine, including ultranationalism, racism, ableism, xenophobia, homophobia, antiziganism, antisemitism, and initiating the Fourth Reich. Holocaust denial is a common feature, as is incorporation of Nazi symbols and admiration of Adolf Hitler.

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The BBC waited five days before even reporting this event, so devastating it is to their leftist multiculturalist mindset. In the end they framed the article to point the finger of blame at the police. Merkel's Nobel prize is surely in the bag now due to this epic clusterf$&k.

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Ever heard about that other organisation, very well alive and kicking in Germany, called Neo Nazis?

There is no organization called "Neo Nazis" in Germany. Nazi means "National Socialism" and it's an ideology.

Based on the problems Germany facing with massive Muslim immigration there is an ever growing number of citizens who oppose against this madness. These citizens are also called Nazis or Neo-Nazis.

Of course it's wrong because the term Nazi always attaches to the one who is addressed as Nazi that he is involved in the murder of 6 million Jews.

The irony being that scapegoating the Jews has resulted in a legacy of liberal guilt that renders the Germans defenseless when the 'other' is a real existential threat.
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USA has 0.9% Muslims while Germany and France have 5% and 10%. The brighter future lies not in Europe.

American Muslims are probably better educated and a higher employment rate (basing on Arab Americans, who I know do not make up all Muslims). European Muslims came for the freebies.

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I have now removed posts with altered quotes, please see the following rule:

16) You will not make changes to quoted material from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. This cannot be done in such a manner that it alters the context of the original post.

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Ever heard about that other organisation, very well alive and kicking in Germany, called Neo Nazis?

There is no organization called "Neo Nazis" in Germany. Nazi means "National Socialism" and it's an ideology.

Based on the problems Germany facing with massive Muslim immigration there is an ever growing number of citizens who oppose against this madness. These citizens are also called Nazis or Neo-Nazis.

Of course it's wrong because the term Nazi always attaches to the one who is addressed as Nazi that he is involved in the murder of 6 million Jews.

No Neo Nazs in Germany, same as there is no KKK in the US?

You should do some reading.


Neo-Nazism consists of post-World War II social or political movements seeking to revive the far-right-wing tenets of Nazism.[1][2][3][4] The term neo-Nazism can also refer to the ideology of these movements.[5][6]

Neo-Nazism borrows elements from Nazi doctrine, including ultranationalism, racism, ableism, xenophobia, homophobia, antiziganism, antisemitism, and initiating the Fourth Reich. Holocaust denial is a common feature, as is incorporation of Nazi symbols and admiration of Adolf Hitler.

You cannot just compare an organization (KKK) with an ideology (National Socialism). This specific part you still don't get. In Germany there are organizations or random people that use National Socialism as their paradigm but there is just no organization called "Neo Nazis".

Why you don't read up the link you posted, it clearly states that "Neo Nazism" is an ideology. Re-read that and stop bothering me.

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I asked in a similar topic...where were all the German men during these assaults? Were all these women alone on NYE? No boyfriends, husbands, male friends, German guys they didn't know?

Western males in general have become a pathetic emasculated bunch. The generation that fought World War II, on BOTH sides, would have booted out these intruders and then rolled through their countries and pounded them into submission. Then, perhaps, once under control, the vestiges of civilization imposed.

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Merkel should be sued over this, and Schengen abolished right away, so that that kind of scum cannot enter our countries. Merkel invited them in, so the Germans should keep them ! Abołish Schengen now ! No redistribution of illegal immigrants.

people get the politicians they deserve. if you don't like them [their politics] use your VOTE or start an opposing political party/movement which does a little more than complaining anonymously on some expat forum... coffee1.gif

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if you read the entire article (on other sites) you would have known that they were Germans of North African descent, the third generation in Germany, the one that grew up with Wurst, Sauerkraut und Bier. They were "imported" to Germany in the seventies during the labour shortage in order to increase the German production and clean their streets. Just like now where Germany with a natality of 1.3 child per women. The Syrian refugees are probably going to be the one changing the diapers of the retired neo-nazis.
So your solution is that everybody that is not named Herbert, Albrecht or Fritz leave the country? Who is going to take care of the aging Müllers? Will they all have to come to Thailand to get a decent care, as it is already happening now?

Really wrong, North African Arabs were never imported to Germany. Those were the Turks.

The rapists were all North African Arab refugees from countries like Algeria, Libya, Tunesia. Even the government controlled German media - normally 100% pro Islam - are saying that those are North African refugees.

Be assured that every uneducated Muslin in Germany will not have a bright future. Because every single job which needs an unskilled worker will be replaced by a robot.

In our future world where every moderate task will be done by robots, I will get my ass cleaned by a robot called Eve instead of a guy named Ahmed.

Perhaps you should check your own history. Africans entered Germany from ex German African colonies prior to WW11. Its been mentioned they were targeted by the Nazis for sterilisation. There are reports currently approx 500k African Germans, some of whom live in Cologne & if reports are to believed were 'aggressively drunk'. Have to wait and see how many of the offenders are represented by asylum seekers.

Imperial Germany had no colonies in North Africa, all its colonies were in sub-saharan Africa. North Africans are Arab/Berber and sub-saharan Africans are Black, pretty easy to tell the difference.

There were a number of Arab ethnics in German colonies. However back to the denial that North Africans were not recruited into Germany.


A recruitment agreement was also signed with Tunisia on 18 October 1965.


Population by background is 80% German, 4.7% Turkish, 0.7% African
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You cannot just compare an organization (KKK) with an ideology (National Socialism). This specific part you still don't get. In Germany there are organizations or random people that use National Socialism as their paradigm but there is just no organization called "Neo Nazis".

KKK was a religious Protestant (anti-Catholic) organization, formed by the Orange Men when they moved from Ireland to the USA.

So completely comparable.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Ever heard about that other organisation, very well alive and kicking in Germany, called Neo Nazis?

There is no organization called "Neo Nazis" in Germany. Nazi means "National Socialism" and it's an ideology.

Based on the problems Germany facing with massive Muslim immigration there is an ever growing number of citizens who oppose against this madness. These citizens are also called Nazis or Neo-Nazis.

Of course it's wrong because the term Nazi always attaches to the one who is addressed as Nazi that he is involved in the murder of 6 million Jews.

No Neo Nazs in Germany, same as there is no KKK in the US?

You should do some reading.


Neo-Nazism consists of post-World War II social or political movements seeking to revive the far-right-wing tenets of Nazism.[1][2][3][4] The term neo-Nazism can also refer to the ideology of these movements.[5][6]

Neo-Nazism borrows elements from Nazi doctrine, including ultranationalism, racism, ableism, xenophobia, homophobia, antiziganism, antisemitism, and initiating the Fourth Reich. Holocaust denial is a common feature, as is incorporation of Nazi symbols and admiration of Adolf Hitler.

You cannot just compare an organization (KKK) with an ideology (National Socialism). This specific part you still don't get. In Germany there are organizations or random people that use National Socialism as their paradigm but there is just no organization called "Neo Nazis".

Why you don't read up the link you posted, it clearly states that "Neo Nazism" is an ideology. Re-read that and stop bothering me.

So sorry to bother you, but below is a LIST of the known Neo Nazi ORGANISATIONS in Germany and other parts of the world


List of neo-Nazi organizations


Heil Hipster: The Young Neo-Nazis Trying to Put a Stylish Face on Hate

Edited by TheCruncher
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There is no organization called "Neo Nazis" in Germany. Nazi means "National Socialism" and it's an ideology.

Based on the problems Germany facing with massive Muslim immigration there is an ever growing number of citizens who oppose against this madness. These citizens are also called Nazis or Neo-Nazis.

Of course it's wrong because the term Nazi always attaches to the one who is addressed as Nazi that he is involved in the murder of 6 million Jews.

No Neo Nazs in Germany, same as there is no KKK in the US?

You should do some reading.


Neo-Nazism consists of post-World War II social or political movements seeking to revive the far-right-wing tenets of Nazism.[1][2][3][4] The term neo-Nazism can also refer to the ideology of these movements.[5][6]

Neo-Nazism borrows elements from Nazi doctrine, including ultranationalism, racism, ableism, xenophobia, homophobia, antiziganism, antisemitism, and initiating the Fourth Reich. Holocaust denial is a common feature, as is incorporation of Nazi symbols and admiration of Adolf Hitler.

You cannot just compare an organization (KKK) with an ideology (National Socialism). This specific part you still don't get. In Germany there are organizations or random people that use National Socialism as their paradigm but there is just no organization called "Neo Nazis".

Why you don't read up the link you posted, it clearly states that "Neo Nazism" is an ideology. Re-read that and stop bothering me.

So sorry to bother you, but below is a LIST of the known Neo Nazi ORGANISATIONS in Germany and other parts of the world


List of neo-Nazi organizationsGermany

You should have added Merkelism to your list.

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