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Dealing with dogs

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small squirt gun with Nam Pik, filter out the peppers after sitting overnight. put liquid into a small hand squirt gun.

Used it successfully many times, either in the face or ass, and they never seem to bother you again.

Basically the same as pepper spray, but in a home delivery system.

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small squirt gun with Nam Pik, filter out the peppers after sitting overnight. put liquid into a small hand squirt gun.

Used it successfully many times, either in the face or ass, and they never seem to bother you again.

Basically the same as pepper spray, but in a home delivery system.

Will often work only with water. Anyway I only have to show the brightly coloured spray bottle and they run off.

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I love a good dog blog but this isn't one. Soi dogs that have no owner is just a small part of a developing country's journey towards first world status. 50 years ago UK allowed dogs to roam causing accidents, disease and pollution. Thailand will eventually get round to dealing with it in a hundred years' time when they've sorted out the crooked cops/politicians issues.

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So did they maul you or not? If all they did was bark and they did not bite I don’t see the problem. I live in a rural village and never have problems with dogs, whether walking my golden or riding my bike. Most dogs run free but have owners in our area and the vets are always quite busy with caring owners and their pets.

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Nothing you can do about it except try and avoid the dogs. Welcome to Thailand.

I used to carry a slingshot into my backpack with a few small stones... does wonders with stray dogs....I am a good shot but the thing is to let them get close and shoot full power. Next time they see me they bark but avoid getting close...

Edited by off road pat
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Nothing you can do about it except try and avoid the dogs. Welcome to Thailand.

When I first started to walk around my neighborhood about 6 years ago. There were many house who had dogs. 95 % were behind fences. But they would bark like crazy. I started to carry a bag of dog treats. As I walked by the homes with barking dogs, I would throw a few treats over the fence. After one week all the dogs stopped barking; about 10-12 houses. Any dog that was out and running around I would do the same thing.

Total cost was about 100 baht, for the dog treats. Now no problems.

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Why do Thais keep dogs?

Most of the owners I know love their dogs and treat them really well - I do know of a few exceptions but they are rare… I would say any time people make a generalization about people they are going to raise the fur on my back...

Thais keep dogs for much if the same reasons that dogs are beloved the world over...

What you seem to be talking about are stray dogs - they can run in packs and can be a bit frightening to encounter on rare occasion. Stray dogs have nothing to do with Thai dog owners…

Just does not make any sense that you bash dog owners and then say that the dogs that bother you have no owner…

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Nothing you can do about it except try and avoid the dogs. Welcome to Thailand.

When I first started to walk around my neighborhood about 6 years ago. There were many house who had dogs. 95 % were behind fences. But they would bark like crazy. I started to carry a bag of dog treats. As I walked by the homes with barking dogs, I would throw a few treats over the fence. After one week all the dogs stopped barking; about 10-12 houses. Any dog that was out and running around I would do the same thing.

Total cost was about 100 baht, for the dog treats. Now no problems.

Great post Bark - pelt them with kindness and you make a friend rather than pelt them with stones and inflict pain… good for you - I have even found some of the strays can be cajoled with a few kind words - now, some see me walking and run over to me wagging their tales looking for a pat on the head...

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using dog treats / food is the way to go. When we moved to a new house last year a dog bit our employee on the back of the leg. The next day I started to feed it and now it runs around our yard and likes everyone and wags its tail. Dogs can be changed if they are fed everyday. They have good memories

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almost mauled,by dogs with no owners on his mooban,havent you got any security?

i almost got bitten once by a bitch on 2legs.

we have 24 hour security, the guards feed the dogs! Mrs got mauled by one last year nasty and 5 hospital visits. They were still feeding the dog who it turned out had bitten 4 other people in the previous 2 weeks.

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Instead of reading the posts of clueless fools, try being nice to the dogs. They're far easier to win over than the scum posting in this thread.

Try being nice to one with rabies and let us know how you get on, or ask them nicely not to bark all day and night, stop crapping all over the place and stop fighting and weeing up your tyres, I'm sure they will respond in the proper manner

Edited by jacky54
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Patting them and giving them treats.... yep sounds good in theory, but so does invading a country to free its people... I'm not sure about the dogs in your area, but the ones I see are disgusting looking creatures. They are scabby diseased looking things, and I have seen several that appear to have been scalped... Maybe from being hit by a car while sleeping on the road, as they are so stupid, and have no idea of getting out of the way. While I don't advocate being cruel to animals, some of these animals should be put down, and the rest should be sterilised, so that the remaining ones will hopefully be looked after, this to me, means housed in a fenced in yard, feed and cleaned. I do find Soi dogs to be a huge negative of Thailand.

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almost mauled,by dogs with no owners on his mooban,havent you got any security?

i almost got bitten once by a bitch on 2legs.

we have 24 hour security, the guards feed the dogs! Mrs got mauled by one last year nasty and 5 hospital visits. They were still feeding the dog who it turned out had bitten 4 other people in the previous 2 weeks.

get rid of them J,the guards i mean,you help to pay their wages.our mooban has only 50houses but we never see any strays come past the security post.

since we got rid of the previous guards.

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using dog treats / food is the way to go. When we moved to a new house last year a dog bit our employee on the back of the leg. The next day I started to feed it and now it runs around our yard and likes everyone and wags its tail. Dogs can be changed if they are fed everyday. They have good memories

..a bit like people!

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Lol ..... I've been using a catapult on them for years. They only have to sight it and they are off

i have one to try and protect the fruit from the squirrels,our boy goes nuts when he see's it,must remember his childhood before he came to us.

he is now 5yrs old,we have had him for 4.so yes they dont forget.

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