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Dealing with dogs

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  • 2 weeks later...

Instead of reading the posts of clueless fools, try being nice to the dogs. They're far easier to win over than the scum posting in this thread.

Try being nice to one with rabies and let us know how you get on, or ask them nicely not to bark all day and night, stop crapping all over the place and stop fighting and weeing up your tyres, I'm sure they will respond in the proper manner

Well if they're weeing up your tyres then I can see you have a real problem. You could try driving around a bit. It won't stop them weeing on your tyres but the dust and general road dirt will mean it doesn't notice so much and will dry it out. If you have easy access to a rural area then driving through ox crap is even better.

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In the main, a lot of ignorant comments here. In my experience, there's no such thing as a bad dog, but a bad owner's totally correct (but maybe it's not as there's bad people who've been treated OK in some special cases).

Thailand's biggest problem is the fact that you can't walk anywhere without the threat of being bitten. It's not in any way accurate to say that they like their dogs, and further, most stray dogs don't care what you're doing as they're in a massive area and don't see it all as theirs as they share it with everyone else and other dogs every day since they're born.

They don't see a dog that bites as a problem, and they do see a dog that pulls food out of their bin, they've ignorantly and selfishly not given them as a problem. This is not a dog problem, it's a sub-peasant problem, where logic and brains or the compassion which stems from this---it would seem---are totally alien to them.

Thousands of people are killed by dogs worldwide every year, many do not have owners to blame. The often repeated mantra that is not bad dogs it's the owners is a nonsense, it's not the owners ripping off kids faces or sinking their teeth into folks necks is it. Stray dogs are a huge problem in Thailand that needs acting on. It will never be a developed country with hundreds of thousands of strays all over the place causing a nuisance.

Stray dogs in general are a problem although I live in a rural area and I've not had any problems but cruelty as is suggested by some here is unnecessary. I don't know if it's still the case but I think the government used to provide neutering and injections to cut pregnancies. I don't know how many used the service and of course it needs to extend to stays as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I live in a rural village in Chiang Mai.... there are often big packs of feral / street dogs running about. Some nights the howling and screaming they make reminds me or some kind of horror movie. I have seen them killing another small dog.. a cat... and even a cow. They used to get into my property and kill my chickens and ducks in the night.. breaking into their pens... until I walled in my garden. Going out to scare them away they would turn on me... and it took a lot to get them out.

The village temple has several large breed dogs.. which every day chase and snap at people passing on the corner... Over the years I have heard and seen numerous people ... including a family with a baby.. come skidding off their motor bikes as the temple dogs come running out at them around the bend.

I have lived in Thailand 8 years.. and I have been bitten only once in all that time... this was not from a pack of dogs.. or a dog acting aggressive...

This dog was silent and actually the first thing I knew about it was when it was latched to my leg and pulled me off my pushbike.

I was so angry I chased the dog and followed it into the owners house.. the owner saw me and hid in the house.... she was having building work done and lots of other people were in the yard watching me. I am afriand I made her loose face.... but she just made me so mad as, when she eventually came out she looked at my leg and said it was not serious and was doing the smiling laughing thing. I think she hated being shown up in front of her lower class workers.

I cycle every day.. so meet lots of dogs... I know the ones that are making noise and barking are not the ones that will bite. Its the sneaky ones that make no noise that are the real danger.. they are hunting you... and they don't want you to know they are there.

I like dogs.. but I don't like the way I see many kept here. My neighbour has several dogs on very short chains in her yard .. they have no food, water and live on rusty metal sheeting... they are kept like that 24 / 7 and every eveing they all bark and howl for hours. I have tried to be nice.. tried to feed the dogs.. said I would take them for a walk.. told her they could run around free in my garden... etc.. but the owner won't accept any help.... I don't understand why she even keeps these dogs.

The best advise when you come across a pack of barking dogs in the street is to just ignore them and keep walking and acting relaxed. Carrying a stick or rock will get them all worked up and ready for a fight.

And no one can carry around a stick or rock or water gun with them every day all the time when they are walking about.

Having one rock to throw is useless... throw it and one dog... the rock is gone... now you have one angry dog and all its friends to deal with and you have no weapon.

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